Evil Insect God

Chapter 1403: Auction 2

With Huo Hai's eyesight, he couldn't see anything special about this scroll. Except for the special spirit array used on the scroll, the materials were very common, and it seemed that whatever he did was useless.

Seeing this, Huo Hai quickly flipped through the list in his hand. There were too many items on the list. Huo Hai did not look carefully, but Huo Hai knew that most of the top goods were concentrated in the first venue, so The people who came to the first venue were also the strongest or the most financially powerful among all the people present, and some people came to see it from time to time.

"Message scroll, what is this, it records some important news." Huo Hai felt a little strange.

Lao Renxuan came over immediately: "Brother Huo, what this news scroll records is indeed some kind of very precious news, and given the scale of this auction, these news are definitely confirmed, so don't worry about false news."

After a pause, Lao Renxuan also said a little excitedly: "This kind of special news, generally, before the auction is opened, no one will know the specific news. It will only appear during the auction. Whether you can meet it depends entirely on your own luck. Many people actually come here specifically for these special news."

Huo Hai nodded secretly. This is the first time that Huo Hai has seen this auction method, but in any case, the fact that it can continue to exist for so many years shows that the news definitely has their value.

The white-haired woman said loudly: "This auction item really came out of my expectation. It's a piece of news. Everyone has seen it. What is recorded here is the news of the broken empty stone." When this was said, the audience was quiet. Down.

"Everyone knows that the hollow stone can divide the space and is used to make the best treasure in the secret room. The outer space is about to be opened. Taking this opportunity, the hollow stone can also be used to create a passage to the outside world."

Hearing this, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly changed, and he asked carefully: "What is this broken air stone, it can really open the passage to the outside world." Huo Hai's tone did not change, as if he didn't care about it at all. same.

Lao Renxuan didn't care much, and said with a look of disdain: "Of course it can, but what's the use? If there is only a space, it is not strong enough to hold it, there is no strength, and it is useless to make it. "Lao Renxuan told Huo Hai all about the Duan Kong Stone with a disdainful tone. Speaking of which, the Duan Kong Stone was really special.

The broken space stone can be said to be a variant of the world spirit stone. After a special mutation, the world spirit stone will become a broken space stone, which is specially used to partition space. However, this partition is not very powerful.

High-level Lingsheng masters can still break this partition as long as they take action, so strength is more important. However, the hollow stone has a very special function, that is, to cooperate with other materials and add some spiritual formations to take advantage of the border. When the barrier weakens, a permanent channel is forcibly created to connect with the outside world.

However, this kind of ability is really not valued by the people in the heavenly spirit realm. For them, there is no good thing in the outside world, and there is no strong spiritual power. Even the laws of heaven and earth are so cryptic. Ruined.

Even if there were some passages in the past, I am afraid that no one would want to go there. Only those from the outside would want to open the passage and send people who were outside. After all, there is no passage, and few people can pass through the outer barrier.

Moreover, the outer barrier is not so easy to pass. It is very dangerous. Huo Hai has long known this point. Even if he was himself, didn’t he use up to 10% of his spiritual power at the beginning? Generally, there is no special method for the First Heaven Spiritual Venerable. , I really couldn't pass, I'm afraid I would have died in the passage halfway, but this broken stone is really tasteless.

"Everyone knows that once our news is received, it will be sealed. Even the person who provided the news and the relevant personnel will make a contract and will never be able to pass the news, so everyone can rest assured to bid."

Not everyone knows that this sentence just dispels the worries in the hearts of others, but this broken stone is indeed very tasteless. Although the price is only one spirit, the scene is quiet, and the white-haired women are all I'm a little anxious, if things pass by myself, it will have a big impact on me.

The white-haired woman hated it in her heart. Why did this thing fall into the No. 1 auction venue? Shouldn't it be sent to other places? Could it be that someone was framing herself, and the white-haired woman was a little angry.

For a long time, seeing no one bid, Huo Hai smiled slightly, but still held up the sign, and then said in an impatient and hoarse voice: "I have a spirit, hurry up and proceed to the next auction."

When everyone heard this voice, they also knew that Huo Hai was not using his own voice, but this is also the case. Buy things you don’t like directly to avoid wasting time. Seeing Huo Hai’s bid, others did not bother , As for Lao Renxuan, he didn't even care. He knew that Huo Hai was considered a rich man and didn't care about this spirit.

Soon, the things were delivered to the top of the stand where Huo Hai was. Huo Hai took the things away. After delivering the spirits, he continued to watch. The things below were still not good things.

Huo Hai looked through the list in his hand and found that there seemed to be nothing he needed in the auction items below, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly saw something: "The secret method of blood energy tempering, there is actually such a thing. , Conference Hall on the 12th? The auction hasn't started yet." Huo Hai's eyes lit up and finally found what he needed.

Speaking of it, this thing is also a kind of chicken ribs, otherwise it will not be sent to the 12th meeting place, but anyway, this secret method of blood energy tempering is a holy secret method, but this thing is not for human use. of.

To be precise, this thing is for the beast. In the above record, this secret method of blood energy tempering actually came from the hands of the spirit god. In ancient times, the spirit **** studied the beast, and finally created this according to the physique of the beast. Kind of secret method.

If this kind of secret method is cultivated by the beast, it will greatly increase the strength of its body. It will be no problem all the way to the realm of spiritual sage. There is no need for source spirit stones and source spirit treasures, as long as they continue to fight and kill and absorb huge blood energy It's enough, but the fierce beast either has no thoughts, or the thoughtful ones will basically not be tamed.

Therefore, this thing is basically a kind of chicken ribs. Everyone knows that even a tamed fierce beast, once its own cultivation level is raised to a high level, it is likely to betray, and fierce beasts and wild beasts are different.

Before there was no thought, the tamed fierce beast was very loyal and could die for his master, but once he had his own thought, it was different. Once he cultivated far beyond his master, the fierce beast would think that the person was not qualified. Become one's own master and leave later, this secret method really makes people feel useless.

Even if it is a spirit beast, there is only a little reference value in the hand, and it is of no practical use. The record here will not deceive people, so everything is written very clearly, and it is not a secret.

This method of body tempering has been heard by many powerful people. Speaking of it, this thing was a sensation at first, and now many people use it as a negative teaching material. Fortunately, the people who created this secret method were early He was already dead, otherwise he didn't know if he would be **** to death, even if he was a spirit god, he might die.

Seeing this, Huo Hai thought of Gu beast for the first time, because Gu beast is controlled by special means, and it is absolutely controlled. The stronger the strength, the stronger the control, and there is no possibility of rebellion.

Especially the special witch formation that cooperates with Huo Haixin's research, and its own soul imprint, it is even more impossible to betray, the strength of the sky cloud elephant surpassed himself by so much, and it can be seen without any change.

If he had used this secret method for his Gu beast, Huo Hai would be very excited when he thought of this. After studying it carefully, he might be able to cultivate a powerful Gu beast, but this blood is accompanied by killing. Moreover, his own murderous Flood Dragon also needs a lot of vitality. It seems that this kind of thing needs to be considered long-term.

"I went out and saw a good thing. I will come back later." Huo Hai spoke to Lao Renxuan next to him, then turned and left the venue. There were no boxes or seats.

All the people who come here to participate in the auction are standing on a stone platform. Of course, some people like to sit down and no one says anything, just for the convenience of walking in different venues, there is nothing else.

Soon, Huo Hai came to the destination, looking at the list in his hand, trying to find something that suits him, waited a while, and finally waited for what he wanted. Although this secret method of blood energy tempering is advanced, it is still It is really famous, or notorious, no one wants to spend the price of two spirits to buy it.

Huo Hai only raised the sign once, and this thing came into Huo Hai’s hands as a matter of course. Huo Hai took it away with satisfaction, and didn’t care about the eyes of the people around him. He quickly squeezed into the crowd. After a while, he looked for it. There are no more people.

Huo Hai didn't return to the first venue either. He didn't want to be recognized. In the entire venue, there was basically nothing that he needed. Huo Hai just wanted to wait until the end, and the auction would settle with him. First The day’s auction was over in a few moments, and the next auction will have to wait until the next day, which will last a full month.

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