Evil Insect God

Chapter 1409: Another attack

The so-called fruit of the silver tree clan is a silvery white ball, which does not even look like a fruit. Huo Hai does not know how this thing was made.

Huo Hai would not understand some things that were made by the unique ability of the race. There is no way to learn these. The silver light tree clan also cultivates natural aura, but this natural aura seems to be a bit different, otherwise it will not show The silver-white brilliance came, but it was a pity that the silver bell didn't seem to cultivate it home.

Otherwise, Yinling’s fighting method is definitely not only the use of hair attack. This silver light feels in Huo Hai, and the vitality contained in it is very strong. Whether it is used for healing or fighting, the effect should not be too bad. .

However, this is not his own business. Huo Hai is too lazy to care about so much. After understanding how this fruit should be used, Huo Hai put it in the inner space, with the ability of a special product of the honor level, even if it is placed in the inner space. The news was also received in the space. Seeing Huo Hai's collection of good things, Yinling finally felt relieved.

"If this is the case, then I will go back and prepare first, and say goodbye." Yinling said goodbye, turned and left here. At this time, Yinling still has a lot of preparations to do. Unlike Huo Hai, she can stand alone against Yin Lei Zun.

If Silver Thunder Venerable finds herself directly next time, unprepared Yin Ling is really easy to succeed. Once Silver Thunder Venerable is successful, then Yin Lei Venerable's cultivation speed will be very fast afterwards, and she can't deal with it at all. .

Spirit beasts are like this, because they are too similar to each other, there are always some special secrets that can make the spirit beasts swallow the origin of the same clan, if not for their good relationship, I am afraid the spirit beast clan would have been destroyed long ago.

The scum of Silver Lei Zun who does not care about the safety of his own race has not never appeared, but there are not many real masters. Plant-shaped races are usually not bad in strength. This seems to be a law between heaven and earth. , The more difficult it is to transform the creature that is difficult to promote, the stronger the cultivation base is usually after the breakthrough. Huo Hai is used to it.

After solving the problem of Yin Lei Zun, nothing will happen next. His own cultivation level is now good. It's time to clear the tail. Huo Hai feels that as his cultivation level improves, the contract power in his body will no longer Just about to move.

Originally intended to disperse this contract directly, it seems that it may not be so easy. This contract power actually has a limit. Once one's strength exceeds a warning line, the contract power will directly explode.

This contract can explode before one can achieve the ability to dispel oneself. The masters of the Sky Star Sect really spare no effort. Fortunately, this scroll was made at first, and the contract force is so powerful. Otherwise, he hasn’t. To complete the contract, I am afraid that I have died under this contract, and now I can't continue to delay.

Huo Hai flew all the way outside, and he was about to leave the surrounding area of ​​Wanjie Mountain, but at this moment, a huge purple optical network suddenly appeared in the sky. The optical network had just appeared, and it was directed towards Huo Hai.

Huo Hai almost instinctively issued a sword aura and pierced the light net with a sword. Unfortunately, the light net seemed to be stronger than he had imagined. With this casual blow, he didn't cut it open, just let the light net It's dimmed a lot.

In the next moment, the optical net had already enveloped Huo Hai, and bursts of brilliance were emitted around it, and beams of light were linked to the surface of the optical net. Then, the entire optical net was strengthened a lot under the radiance.

A dozen figures suddenly appeared in front of Huo Hai, "Boy, hand over Ziyun Pill's prescription, we can spare your life."

Hearing this, Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "That's how it is, I know that this world is always respected by the strong, and when will you be able to make sense? It turns out that you are the people of Wanyaomen. Ah." The people around immediately stared at the guy who had just spoken with angry eyes. If this guy weren't busy expressing himself, how could they be recognized so easily.

The face of the person who had just spoken also became unsightly: "Hand over all of your things and join our Wanyaomen. We can spare you." This guy used to be a second generation ancestor, and now he still has no brains.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "I didn't dare to be sure just now, now I can finally be sure, it turns out that you are really from the Wan Yaomen." Now, the eyes of the people around him became even more angry when they looked at him.

At this time, being so stared at by so many people, the face of the black-clothed man who was speaking also looked ugly, "Damn, you are so much nonsense, quickly agree, otherwise this young master will be rude." Huo Hai shook his head. , I really don't know how this guy broke through the Lingzun, could it be that he was piled up with medicine pills, it was really shameful to the Lingzun.

There are more than a dozen spirits who came here on the spot. The weakest one is the one who just spoke. It is just a pseudo-spirit, and the cultivation level is only in the second heaven. The others are of different levels, the strongest. There is only the fifth heaven of the spirits.

I just fought with Yin Lei Zun, but in fact, Huo Hai's consumption was not very large. He flew this way, and the consumption just now recovered more than half. At this time, Huo Hai's combat effectiveness was hardly damaged.

Speaking of which, the Wanyaomen has been very cautious. It has dispatched so many people to deal with it, and also used the spirit formation. If Huo Hai is really just an elixir, I am afraid it is really not the opponent of these people. Unfortunately, Wanyao The door didn't know until now, what exactly is the true identity of Huo Hai, the alchemy master, otherwise they wouldn't be so hasty.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "I don't know how you found me, I don't seem to reveal my identity."

Huo Hai already had some guesses, but he still had to confirm, "Haha, you idiot, don't you know that Lao Renxuan is a member of our Wanyaomen, but there is no way to track it in Wanjieshan, but it will be different after coming out. ."

What else did the second generation ancestor just want to say, at this time other people finally couldn't listen, "Shut up, hum, go back and clean up you." No matter what the status is, everyone's status will be the same after reaching the spirits. Equality, everything depends on strength. Without strength, the power behind it is often useless.

The second generation ancestor's face changed, he closed his mouth quickly, and offended these people, even if his father showed up, it would be useless. Then, this person stared at Huo Hai fiercely. It was all this kid, otherwise, how could he be so big? ugly.

Huo Hai also understood to some extent. It was indeed made by Lao Renxuan. Lao Renxuan looked very gentle, but he was able to keep the Wanyao sect in contact with him. Sure enough, there was something extraordinary about him. Huo Hai didn't know he was. When was it recruited?

This Wanyaomen is not much different from ordinary sects. If you want something, naturally you have to use your strength to **** it. When Huo Hai first cooperated with Wanyaomen, it was okay. By selling Ziyundan, he could always let Wanyaomen profited.

But now it’s different. Huo Hai is about to leave, and he doesn’t know where he will go in the future. Once Huo Hai, the alchemy master, cooperates with other sects, the Wanyao Sect will be affected. Who doesn’t know Huo Hai’s refining The effect of Ziyundan is very good, the side effects are small, and the most important thing is that it is refined quickly and the price of the medicinal materials is not high.

Such a good thing is better in your own hands than in the hands of others. There are so many elixirs in the Wanyao Sect, and they even occupy the main body of the entire sect. No pill can be refined. .

Now that he understands what these people are going to do, Huo Hai does not intend to be polite with these people, "Hehe, I really picked it up, there are still a lot of things to do, I won’t join the Wanyaomen, let’s talk about the pill. , I have a bad memory recently, and I have forgotten it." Huo Hai's words suddenly changed the faces of the people around him.

"Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine, we have some ways to deal with you, as long as you are caught back, the various criminal laws are not just for us." Although this can also get the news that you want, it is very troublesome.

If you can let Huo Hai speak out, this would be the best, but the next scene shocked everyone. Huo Hai suddenly ejected dozens of sword auras, and the stars' sword auras were extremely condensed and exuded. The silver-white light, every sword aura is very powerful, and it can leave marks on the surface of the glossy web, making the light dim.

So many sword qi exploded at the same time, Huo Hai was like a hedgehog. The next moment, the light of the light net reached its limit, and suddenly it dimmed, and the entire light net collapsed directly into a large fragment.

This spirit formation is not bad. If it is used to capture ordinary spirit masters, even the spirits of the fifth and sixth heavens may have been able to control it for a long time. It is a pity that they encountered Huo Hai this time, and the attack was extremely terrifying. Of a person.

Huo Hai didn't even bother to study the spirit formation, breaking the light net by breaking the formation, but directly used the most violent means. The light net was shattered, and the low-level disciples of the Wanyaomen who arranged and maintained the spirit formation were the first to bear the brunt and were directly beaten back. The power eroded and died. A few of the stronger ones, although they saved their lives, did not look very good.

"How could it be that our spirit array was actually broken." The second generation ancestor just now opened his eyes wide and his voice was sharp, like a drake. How could he not find that this guy's voice had this effect when completely let go.

"Why, don't you want to catch it? Now I will give you a chance." Hearing this, the people around suddenly felt very troublesome. Huo Hai's attack power really exceeded their expectations. Is this still an alchemy master? , If it had not been determined that this was Huo Hai, they would even think that they had caught the wrong person this time.

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