Evil Insect God

Chapter 1410: return

After destroying the optical network, Huo Hai did not intend to talk to these people. After all, these people originally came to make trouble for him. If he wants to kill himself, Huo Hai can get rid of whoever he is. .

Besides, Huo Hai also has his own considerations. After all, these people are from Wanyaomen. Wanyaomen is a first-rate sect. There is a spiritual saint in the sect. If you really offend Wanyaomen to death, then you can It's dangerous.

If you spend too much time with these people, the contradiction will definitely become bigger and bigger, and it is easy to lead to the master of the sect. Huo Hai’s plan is simple, that is to kill all the people here at once, so that they can’t pass it on. News, only in this way can it be guaranteed that they will not be discovered. Anyway, the Wanyaomen still don't know who he is.

"Hehe, if you don't do it, then I will do it." Huo Hai sneered, and his figure instantly rushed in front of the five-layer master, and the long sword in his hand had already issued a powerful sword aura in an instant.

In the face of this five-layered master, Huo Hai did not worry at all. When Huo Hai’s power burst out, the masters of Wanyaomen finally felt the breath of Huo Hai, "Huh, but the only four-layered heaven, I also want to Escape from our hands."

Each level of the spirits is very different. Even if it is a pill, it is basically not too weak. The fourth heaven will definitely be suppressed against the fifth heaven, and even be killed on the spot. This has long been common sense, but These people seem to have neglected, but there are usually some different examples, but they did not expect that this example will appear in front of them.

The Wanyaomen leader stretched out a hand, with a blazing flame in his hand, and the flame was rushing towards Huo Hai’s sword aura. If it were an ordinary person, the sword aura would have been completely destroyed in the face of this flame. Melted away.

It's a pity that Huo Hai is different. Under the surprised gaze of the team leader, Huo Hai's long sword quickly pierced into the flames, and easily pierced the flame with a single sword. The defensive battle spirit art was instinctively deployed and blocked Huo Hai's sword. Before the air.

With a muffled "bang", the leader of the sword air flew out. Although this sword energy had penetrated the defensive barrier, its power was greatly reduced. After accurately hitting the opponent's inner world, it only wounded the inner world. , The distance from the serious injury was a long distance, the people around, watching Huo Hai's movements, suddenly stunned.

"Damn, I actually dared to hurt the senior, everyone went up together and killed him." The people around suddenly became angry, and at the same time, facing Huo Hai there was a kind of fear. The master of the four heavens could beat the master of the five heavens with one move. Wounded, this is simply incredible.

Facing these people rushing over like wolves and tigers, Huo Hai's eyes were full of contempt. Just now he didn't make an attack with full force, but he had already tested it out. The strength of this pill spiritist is really worse than other spiritists. Far.

The most important thing is the fighting consciousness. Huo Hai can imagine that these high-ranking elixirs usually spend most of their time making alchemy. When fighting, they either face people who are not as strong as them and directly use their spiritual power to crush them, or Seeing someone who is stronger than yourself, go ask other people to help, after all, are you alchemists?

Almost every alchemist master has his own network, which is laid out with pill. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the alchemist is not strong, but it is very difficult to deal with. However, there are still many people facing the pill. The teacher will also do it directly.

The fighting consciousness of these guys in front of them is really bad. Huo Hai has no interest in bullying these people. He pointed his long sword in the air and Huo Hai sneered: "If you want to play quantity, this young master will accompany you to play, and the stars move. "

Following Huo Hai’s words, countless stars in the inner world glowed brightly. After Huo Hai broke through to the spirit, it seemed to be the first time he used all his strength to use the star movement. With the fluctuation of the inner world’s spiritual power, the corresponding stars in the sky The light that was also emitted, this light spread rapidly, and the surrounding stars burst into bright brilliance.

Of course, this kind of astronomical phenomenon can only be seen in the nearby area. Huo Hai has not been able to influence the entire starry sky with his own strength. With the release of Huo Hai's spiritual power, the stars in the sky are drawn and quickly condensed.

This power instantly merged with Huo Hai's spiritual power. Huo Hai was not a wizard, but the magical ability of the wizard was not bad. Under the strong spiritual force, clusters of starlight fell from the sky like a star.

"Oh my God, what is this? No, let's run." After resisting the impact of a star, a spirit statue was instantly beaten and rolled. The impact of this star is really terrifying.

The weakest second generation ancestor faced such an attack. With just one blow, he vomited blood and was seriously injured. The second attack immediately followed, fell on him in the desperate eyes of this person, and the whole person was on the spot. Being blown up, at this moment, Huo Hai’s Star Gu had already dispatched one, tearing apart the other's inner space, and the contents inside had been transferred by Huo Hai.

Huo Hai didn't want these things to be wasted like this, a piece of stars kept falling, and everyone felt uncomfortable. Soon, the surrounding spirits who were attacked by the starlight died one after another.

If there is inner space, Huo Hai lets Star Gu break it open, while those without inner space also have a good space ring. Most of the spirits present have inner space. It seems that the Wanyaomen is indeed rich. Other sect forces did not have so many world spirit stones for them to use. After a while, there was only one team leader who was still struggling to support.

Of course, there was another person next to him who did not move and was not attacked. This person was not betrayed, but was completely controlled by Fluttershy. Huo Hai sneered, his figure flashed by, and once again he issued a sword to save the medicine. The leader of the door killed.

"I want to run, it's too late." Seeing the people in the formation quickly escaping, Huo Hai didn't even think about chasing after him, because from the very beginning, Huo Hai had already released the Star Gu and laid ambush around him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a scream to sound around, "Let's talk about it, how did you find me?"

The controlled person looked dull: "We have released a unique pill energy on you. The secret method of the sect can easily find you, but this pill energy can only last for three days. After three days, the pill energy will dissipate. Empty." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Although he didn't know what this so-called pill energy was, it should have something to do with pill medicine.

In three days, it can be cleaned up soon. As long as the Wanyaomen can't find themselves, they can't lock the target on themselves. Although these people come to trouble themselves, they also die from other accidents. possible.

"You are all dead, will Wanyaomen find out that I did it?" Huo Hai asked the second question without even thinking about it.

"No, it is a special secret method that can transmit the image and breath of the spiritual master before he died, and we don't have this kind of secret method." After hearing this, Huo Hai understood a little.

After all, it is an alchemy sect. Usually there are many friends but few enemies. Generally, there is no need to worry about being attacked and killed by others. You know, for these alchemy masters, it is more beneficial to make friends than to kill and rob.

Huo Hai continued to inquire, and soon learned that this time these guys actually acted alone secretly, other people didn't know, this is also the reason they want to monopolize this credit, the leader is the fivefold Heavenly Spiritual Venerable, they all think that they have already given the alchemist face a lot by working together.

So even if they were found dead, no one knew where they went for a while. With this period of time, Huo Hai was enough to escape the pursuit of Wanyaomen. Wanyaomen was not something he could deal with.

"Now tell me, the overall strength of your sect." Huo Hai thought for a while and asked the last question.

Following this person’s words, Huo Hai slowly understood that the Wanyao Sect was indeed the same as the outside world thought, with only one spiritual saint, but it seems that the sect has any special secret methods that can be worthy of a spiritual saint. These first-class sects are indeed not simple, their backgrounds are profound, but there are many masters of Lingzun under the spiritual sage, and they are after all an alchemy sect.

Apart from other things, even if there are no less than five masters of the spirits who have reached the twelfth heaven, there are no less than five Wanyaomen. In a mere Wanyaomen, there are at least a few thousand of them. This number, It really shocked Huo Hai.

"It's no wonder that the Eight Sect Alliance can only stay in a corner, shrouded in the border area. I originally thought that the Sky Star Sect where the twelve spirits gathered was already very strong, but now I know that they are really nothing." Huo Hai's eyes widened. , His eyes were full of incredible, a small Wanyao Sect had so many spiritual masters, not to mention other sects.

Although a large part of these spirits are the primary heavenly spirits who have not comprehended the light of the soul, they are also spirits anyway. Huo Hai shook his head. Huo Hai can't imagine the large sects that have been passed down for a long time. .

Heaven-level masters have unlimited lifespan. They have accumulated since the ancient times. No one knows how many heaven-level masters are in it. His current strength and cultivation level are really unable to compete with the opponent, so it seems that he has to improve himself.

After explaining all this, Huo Hai killed it at will, and tidied up the things. Huo Hai did not use the star fire, but asked Xiao Jin to use poison fire to burn these people's bodies clean, even if someone found something wrong. , Most would think that these people were dead in the hands of the poison master, Huo Hai quickly cleaned up the surroundings, and then disappeared.

Huo Hai’s destination is the Eastern Region. This time when he goes back, he will completely resolve the last things left by the Eight Sect Alliance. One Dead Soul faction has already been destroyed, so next, the other six sects will be destroyed. Up.

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