Evil Insect God

Chapter 1420: Send it home

Huo Hai finished all the preparations, but less than two months had passed. Now when he returned to the place before, he found that Wu Sheyun was still active in this area. It seemed that he had determined that it was very safe here.

Because every time he did it was very secretive, and there was a ghost medicine gate responsible for cleaning up the traces, so after every slaughter, Wu Sheyun did not reveal his identity. At most, some people thought that there were robbers here. These came to search. Once encountered, Wu Sheyun's identity would be not simple.

Even before the usual trip, there were a large number of experts around who searched the surrounding area completely in advance. Under normal circumstances, no one would be able to find the slightest trace of abnormality here.

After these days of massacre, Wu Sheyun's own cultivation base has risen, and now it has basically reached the peak of the spiritual emperor realm. It is only to condense more crystal nuclei, so it has been suppressed without breakthrough.

With the help of demonic energy and the huge power of the heavens and spirits, it is not difficult to condense to a thousand crystal nuclei. As long as the disciples of these top sects receive key training, almost everyone can condense more than one. More than 1,000 or 500 crystal nuclei have laid a solid foundation for their future, which is completely incomparable in the surrounding areas.

Huo Hai didn't know how to reconsolidate the crystal nucleus. In short, it seemed that there was no way to turn back after these roads were passed, unless, after reaching the realm of the spiritual sovereign, he would use his soul to seize the house and completely destroy his inner world.

"Are you still slaughtering? This is just right for me to do it." Huo Hai watched Wu Sheyun rushing towards a small village with a group of people, Huo Hai did not intend to show up, just with the ones controlled by Xiaodie. People sneak into it secretly.

Under the cover of Huo Hai’s power, the spiritual master next to Wu Sheyun was completely unaware of Huo Hai’s arrival. A step ahead of these people, Huo Hai entered the small village, and then threw the fifth-level spiritual emperor on the ground. After landing, the fifth-level spirit emperor did not hesitate to dig a hole in the ground, and then he hid himself in it.

At this time, Huo Hai had already moved away from this place, Xiaodie followed Huo Hai, still controlling this person from a long distance.

Not long after, a group of people ran here, "Haha, I found another target, rushed to kill them." Wu Sheyun seemed to be completely crazy, thinking of the next massacre, his eyes became red.

The people around sighed silently. The Ghost Medicine Gate can indeed rely on killing to quickly increase its ghost energy, but it is not a good thing to slaughter people in the surrounding area of ​​its own sect like this. Forget it, the young master some time ago The stimulus was too great, so that's why. Wait for a while and let the manager enlighten you.

It was impossible to hear the Wu Sheyun at this time. A group of people quickly rushed towards the small village. There were not many people in the small village, and there were only hundreds of people at most. There was no expert, and it was easy to kill it.

At this time, they were just surrounded, not letting the people here escape, nothing more. Soon, the small village fell into the siege. At this time, the people in the village didn't know that they were imminent.

It has always been very safe here, otherwise there would be no such small villages. You should know that under normal circumstances, some places close to the wild, without strong protection, can't survive at all, Wu Sheyun hands Holding a big knife, riding on a domesticated fierce beast, he quickly rushed towards the small village with extraordinary momentum.

But when he approached the small village, a nearby piece of land suddenly exploded, "You scumbag, let me die." A figure suddenly rushed out, and the breath of the fifth-level spirit emperor realm burst out in an instant.

Feeling this terrifying breath, Wu Sheyun's eyes widened. Under this pressure, Wu Sheyun could not move at all. Under the pressure of such a huge breath, Wu Sheyun finally felt the fear of death. .

But the spirit emperor is the spirit emperor, and cannot be compared with the spirit deity. Although at the beginning, under Huo Hai’s cover, the spirit deity didn’t find anyone ambushing around at all. Now, as soon as he moved his hands, the guardian spirit deity immediately discovered this place. No, in fact, Huo Hai deliberately let this person be exposed in advance, otherwise if he gets closer, I'm afraid Wu Sheyun is already dead.

"Asshole, dare to attack Young Master Wu Family. It's really looking for death." The Lingzun in the distance reacted immediately, and then waved his hand, a black gas formed a ghost head in the air, and the ghost head flashed away and directly hit the preparation. Attacking the enemy.

The incoming person was hit and flew to the ground without any resistance. Under the erosion of the ghost energy, his body strength was rapidly consumed, and his vitality was constantly weakening. However, this person still seemed to struggle to get up.

Wu Sheyun finally came back to his senses, and a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes: "Asshole, you dare to attack this young master, you are really looking for death." Even so, Wu Sheyun did not dare to step forward and kick a few times because he was worried. The opponent counterattacked.

While struggling, the incoming person said with difficulty: "I, I am not reconciled, if, if..." Before finishing speaking, the incoming person has already closed his eyes and lost all the sound, even the original spiritual power. Ablated completely.

"If it is, if it is, is there any means for this person to fail." Wu Sheyun noticed the last words of the assassin in front of him, but such a person usually puts good things on him, of course, it may also be the other person. I regretted doing it myself a bit earlier, anyway, I should find out the things first.

Wu Sheyun pushed away a group of people who were protecting himself, and came to the assassin. This person had no inner space, only a space ring. Wu Sheyun took the space ring off and quietly observed it.

"It's actually a magic repair, but it's a pity that Ling Jue is not as good as my own." After scanning the inside, Wu Sheyun was a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything. You know, the ghost medicine collection of magic repair secrets is very rich. of.

It’s just that the ghost medicine gate has sealed up these things for a long time, and most people don’t even want to see it. If it weren’t for the similarities between these magic cultivation secrets and ghost cultivation secrets, these magic cultivation secrets can be used for reference. I'm afraid that the ghost medicine gate has cleared these things out long ago, and the ghost medicine gate is also very hateful and annoying for demons.

At this moment, Wu Sheyun suddenly found a treasure map, "The black sword is born, the king is coming, so big, and so on, wait, is that what that guy is talking about? If there is this, my cultivation level will not be good. Can it be improved quickly."

There was a wave of disdain flashing in Wu Sheyun's heart: "Hmph, the people in the sect are all dead brains. The demonic energy is so easy to cultivate, and the power is so powerful. Why spend so much time practicing ghost energy? What a bunch of idiots. ."

Wu Sheyun's enchantment was getting deeper and deeper at this time. In addition to demonic cultivation, a few people would think that demonic energy is a good thing. Unfortunately, once caught in it, they are like those gamblers who can't help themselves, anyway. , This thing must be found, "Come and see, do you know where this treasure picture is."

Hearing Wu Sheyun's words, the people next to him immediately surrounded him. You must know that these people are all direct descendants handed over to him by his father, and they will never hurt him. Therefore, Wu Sheyun is very relieved of these people. .

After watching for a while, an old man whispered: "It seems, it seems to be our generation, but this map should be tens of thousands of years ago, and many terrains have changed." This person has a deeper understanding of maps.

"Since this is the case, then let's find things out." Wu Sheyun directly gave the order, and the people around looked around, but didn't pay attention to so many. As long as his young master didn't continue to slaughter indiscriminately, it would be fine. People who are in fact are very easy to be enchanted. After all, they are all negative forces. In fact, everyone is very worried.

As for those small villages, they were completely destroyed by the aftermath when they just launched the attack. At this time, there was no living person left, no cultivation base, and even one's own life could not be guaranteed on the Heavenly Spirit Continent.

Now that the goal was determined, the team quickly set off. Under repeated comparisons by the old man, coupled with various special secret methods of the Ghost Medicine Gate, the group finally determined their position three days later, and a week later, they came to the treasure. location.

"Isn't this just a clearing? Why is there nothing? Isn't it a secret realm." Seeing the clearing in front of him, Wu Sheyun was a little annoyed, and almost tore off the map. The others next to him were already preparing at this time Get up, all the people present are skilled, but not everyone is waste.

"Master Qi, there is no secret realm around." There is no secret realm, what is going on, could it be that the treasure has been destroyed.

At this moment, the old man just now looked at the ball-shaped spar in his hand and said: "Master, don't worry, I just discovered a very cryptic wave. This wave seems to come from underground space."

Very cryptic, this was also deliberately made by Huo Hai. If it were so easy to find, I am afraid that the ruins would have been dug up. Thinking of this, Wu Sheyun immediately said loudly: "Very well, since it is underground, then Just dig it out for me." Wu Sheyun gave an order, and immediately there were many Spirit Sovereign masters digging around.

It's just digging, which makes these masters feel a little overkill, but I have to say that the speed of digging pits by the Spirit Emperor is much better than those coolies. In just a few minutes, a big hole came out.

This is because this is the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the hardness of the ground is higher than other areas, otherwise it will be faster.

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