Evil Insect God

Chapter 1421: Please enter the urn

After a day and a night, a group of people finally dug down. Not all of it was soil, but there were a lot of stones. At the end, you could dig down so quickly even with a master of Lingdi.

"Master, master, we dug it up." A spirit emperor rushed up breathlessly and said to Wu Sheyun.

Seeing this person's appearance, Wu Sheyun frowned: "When you dig it up, take things out, why don't you go." For this less sensible guy, Wu Sheyun has a kind of disgust in his heart. It's a servant.

The visitor said with a cautious look: "Master, we have dug, but the stone below is protected by the spirit formation, we can't dig it." Upon hearing this, Wu Sheyun not only did not get annoyed, but instead felt a burst of anger in his heart. Happily, the protection of a powerful spiritual circle proves that this treasure is indeed nothing ordinary. The stronger the defense, the higher the value of the treasure.

"Go, let's go and take a look." Wu Sheyun, who had been waiting next to him, quickly got up and walked towards the big pit in front. At this time, under a huge pit, several passages have appeared on the outer wall, but they just couldn't dig. open.

The Lingzun next to him waved his hand and shot out a powerful spiritual force, but when the spiritual power fell on these stones, the stone suddenly emitted a burst of light. After that, the spiritual power emitted by this person was completely consumed, and there was nothing left. under.

"Hmph, a trivial Heavenly Spiritual Venerable also wants to break the spirit formation I set up. It is really whimsical." Not far away, Huo Hai, who saw this scene, was full of sneers. This spirit formation was carefully made by Huo Hai. Although only the star line was used and nothing else was used, the strength was definitely not simple before the star line was destroyed by the power of heaven and earth.

At least it takes a master of the Sixth Layer of the Spiritual Venerable to attack it with full force before it can be broken. The three-layer Spiritual Venerable in front of you, absolutely don't think about it. If it is not the relationship between time and materials, Huo Hai's spiritual formation can definitely block the nine layers. Any attack below the sky.

But this is not the case in the eyes of others, especially those who have just started their hands. At this time, their eyes are full of horror, and their own attacks fell on it, without even splashing any ripples.

Thinking of this, the person immediately said: "Master, this ruin is probably not simple. My attack was easily blocked. This ruin may have been left by the spirits above the Ninth Heaven, or even by the Spiritual Sage."

Hearing the words "Lingsheng", Wu Sheyun's eyes suddenly lit up. No matter what is inside, even if it is useless to him, but after taking it back, he can also exchange many useful things from the sect. At this time, Wu Sheyun couldn't help feeling even more excited in his heart, "Quickly, find the exit of this ruin."

Since the ruined passage can be found here, there must be an exit. The people present are not idiots. The direction and trajectory of the passage below are generally just to look around.

It didn’t take long for someone to discover the cliff next to it. At the beginning, no one cared about the cliff. They thought that the exit was unlikely to be here, but later, they couldn’t find it anywhere else. Someone finally looked at it. Here.

"Master, Master, we found it, here." Finally, a relatively lucky spiritual emperor, floating beside the cliff, found this very secret hole, if it weren't for their deliberate search, plus his luck, most people would still I really couldn't find this place. Hearing this, Wu Sheyun immediately accelerated and came to the entrance of the cave.

When other people heard the words, they gathered in this place one after another. No one entered casually. The Array Spirit Master who had the most research on the Spirit Array in the team stepped forward and carefully looked at the cut marks around it.

"If my judgment is not wrong, this place should be a destroyed hole, not man-made, but because time has passed. Perhaps, the power of the spiritual formation in front of us has weakened a lot."

The power of the spiritual formation is weakened, that is to say that the power of the spiritual formation was stronger at the beginning, so what is in it? The things left by the masters will not completely die out in a short period of tens of thousands of years. Even if the sky-level masters want to stay Things that can exist permanently are not too difficult to do. At this time, Wu Sheyun is even more excited.

"Very good, very good, this time you find something, you all have a credit. Now, let me enter the ruins." Although he said that, Wu Sheyun didn't mean to enter at all. Others also know how this is. Going on.

As the young master of the Wu family, how can you put yourself in a dangerous situation? The few people who reacted quickly have already defended their whole body and quickly entered the passage. Seeing this scene, Wu Sheyun nodded with satisfaction , Really some good subordinates, it seems that in the future, if there is a chance, we should train these people.

After more than half of the people entered, Wu Sheyun walked into it with another Spiritual Venerable. The passage was very spacious, but the interior was intricately made by Huo Hai. Walking along the way, he quickly saw the first treasure. .

Immediately someone cautiously stepped forward, took out the dagger, and then sent it to Wu Sheyun, "It's so dense, maybe this place was left by our ghost medicine masters before." With the vague aura above, the master Lingzun thought about it and said, this person is also the core master of the ghost medicine sect, and he is also cultivating ghost energy.

"Really, it turned out to be like this." Wu Sheyun said indifferently, but his heart was full of disdain, because in this gloomy breath, Wu Sheyun felt a very subtle and pure magical energy.

This devil energy made the devil energy in his own body about to move around, and there was a faint feeling that he was going to improve. Unfortunately, this is not a pill, just an ordinary dagger, "Hmph, I said earlier, ghost energy is also devil energy. It seems that it is correct now." Wu Sheyun's thoughts flashed silently in his heart, and he put his things away calmly.

"Very good, I found the treasure to be useful, and I will reward it all after I go back." Wu Sheyun's words made everyone excited. This dagger is not a good thing, but because it is the first time I found it, it is a good one. Omen.

But before everyone was excited, a scream of screams came out in front of them. Everyone rushed forward and found two masters of the Spirit Sovereign, who had been pierced by unknown aura at this time, and there was a strong scream on the wound. The dark atmosphere.

"Everyone, be careful. There are many organs in the ruins. Don't be careless." After saying this, the only spirit venerable in the team got closer to Wu Sheyun, worried that he would not have time to rescue him in the event of an accident.

But at this time, Wu Sheyun was not worried at all, because he discovered that this place was simply prepared for himself. All traps contained hidden demonic energy inside, which others could not find, but he could see at a glance. When he came out, Huo Hai made this deliberately, but Wu Sheyun thought that he was lucky, but he remained calm on the road.

Some people are constantly exploring the surroundings, and some people are constantly dying under these traps. "This kid is really cold-blooded. It's so suitable to be a magician." Seeing Wu Sheyun's style, Huo Hai shook his head and sighed.

On the way, everyone also discovered a very strange phenomenon, that is, all traps are in inconspicuous places, and all the places where treasures are placed, there are no traps. It seems that these things, as long as they can pass The trap area can be easily obtained. These things are exactly the same as rewards.

The group of people slowly walked into the depths, spending a whole day, this time the people brought here under Huo Hai’s trap had already died nearly half. At this time, none of the remaining people dared to be careless. .

Even those who responded quickly, lacked arms and legs at this time, and had to wait to go back and repair them slowly.

Unknowingly, these people have reached the deepest point, where Huo Hai last left the magic knife. At this time, even Huo Hai was excited, using the spirit formation to carefully observe the internal situation.

Before someone stepped forward to pull out the long knife, Wu Sheyun suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I like this knife better. Let me do it. I don't want anyone to use what I want." At this point, everyone stopped immediately, and the young master said, what else can they do? Anyway, this is just an ordinary stone room.

I have already experienced several large stone chambers along the way. Although the things inside are not too good, they are not too bad.

"Master, it's better to be more careful, let them take it." Looking at this knife and the black pool below, I don't know why, the only Spirit Venerable present always feels something is wrong, this knife seems a little weird.

"What are you afraid of? There will be traps next to any treasure on the road." Wu Sheyun said, and walked over indifferently. It was actually very simple, because Wu Sheyun felt that there was a strong magic on the knife. Qi was just suppressed, the magician was originally an unpopular profession, and naturally needed to be hidden.

The most important thing is that Wu Sheyun saw a few words that only she could see. No matter who it was, the first one to get the long knife was the owner of the long knife. In that case, how could Wu Sheyun give up.

Judging from the situation contained in the devilish energy, this knife is the most precious in the entire ruins, and faintly, Wu Sheyun can feel the attraction of this knife to herself, it seems that this knife helps herself. It will be very much the same.

Ignoring the others, Wu Sheyun walked to the side of the pool, stretched out his hand, and held the long knife. At this moment, the long knife suddenly felt closely connected to him. It seemed that this was the weapon he should use. , This is a part of one's own body.

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