Evil Insect God

Chapter 1422: Devilish Backlash

The moment when he touched the magic sword, the magic sword was already closely connected with Wu Sheyun, which made Huo Hai more sure that Wu Sheyun was indeed a man cultivating magic power, but because it had been hidden, no one knew it.

Demon cultivator has never been able to do much, even if the demon master in the heavenly spirit realm is a huge force, in Huo Hai’s view, only those who can’t stick to their original heart will be affected by demon energy. Attracting, and then becoming a demon spiritist, as long as you have a firm heart, it is impossible to choose to cultivate demon energy, which hurts others and yourself.

Wu Sheyun drew the long knife out with force. At this time, the spirit formation of the long knife was lost, and a huge change suddenly took place. With Huo Hai's ability, it is not possible for these people to hide a spirit formation below. .

When the magic knife was pulled out, the liquefied magic energy in the pool suddenly changed dramatically. The "boom" was accompanied by a huge explosion, and the magic energy rolled out and swept everything around in an instant.

The only person present was Wu Sheyun, because he was a demon master and also had a magic knife, so he was not attacked by the devil energy. The other people, only one spiritual deity, was intact, and the rest, because The distance is too close, and the moment the devilish energy erupts, it has already eroded all people, and finally turned into a cloud of black smoke, leaving only some items from the life.

"No, it's not ghost energy, it's devil energy, it's left by the demon spiritist." Lingzun's eyes widened, and he finally knew why the breath here felt so strange along the way. Although devil energy and ghost energy are similar, But the essence is still different.

Ghost qi originates from the soul. It is formed by the fusion of soul and death qi. Although it has an impact on people's xinxing, it does not control people, but the devil qi is different. It is corroded by the qi, not only the xinxing will be affected. The huge influence will even be controlled by it.

Just when this person wanted to pull the black shot cloud out, Huo Hai, who was watching from a distance, gave a cold snort, moved his hands, and quickly made a few handprints. He wanted to control the spiritual formation from a distance, with Huo Hai's ability. It had to rely on the power of the mudra, the devil energy in the pool had only exploded by a layer before, and the last of these was reserved for this spiritual master.

The huge magic energy was injected into the black shooting cloud and the magic knife almost instantly, and then under the action of the spirit formation, the black shooting cloud cut out with a single knife, completely out of his own control, and the spirits who came to the rescue, no matter what. I didn't expect Wu Sheyun to attack him.

However, the difference between the two in cultivation is very different, and he would not think that Wu Sheyun could hurt him, but the next moment, this person finally regretted it. The dark long knife came with a terrifying devilish energy, and the power came out. Unexpectedly powerful.

This is not Wu Sheyun’s power, but Huo Hai’s condensed demon energy, plus the combined power of the surrounding huge spiritual formations. It is not at all something that only the three heavenly spirits can resist. There is a layer of instinct on the surface of the body. Defense, it's just a pity. At this time, the magic knife was tempered by a lot of magic energy, and after getting the master, it had changed from an embryonic state to a superior weapon.

With a soft "click", the defensive barrier shattered on the spot, and the pitch-black magic knife slashed past with a strong magical sword aura. The next moment the two crossed each other, and the only spirit was cut into two. half.

Even the inner world was shattered with this knife. Under the erosion of the devilish energy, the remaining soul was quickly contaminated, and finally dissipated in front of Wu Sheyun. At this time, Wu Sheyun was finally relieved. , If this guy's soul ran away, he would really worry that today's things would leak out, and the spiritual master would be so troublesome.

"What a strong power, is this the real power of the magician." Wu Sheyun looked at the magic knife in his hand, his eyes were full of madness and excitement, but at this moment, the magic energy that had just been blessed was exhausted and had already begun. Slowly dissipated.

Feeling the weakening of his own strength, Wu Sheyun has a feeling of weakness, and at the same time, the feeling of unwillingness is used in his heart, "Damn, I will, I will truly master this power." Wu Sheyun's eyes are full of irritation. .

At this moment, Wu Sheyun was completely enchanted, both from the heart and spiritual power. Huo Hai was very satisfied with this scene, and did not follow Wu Sheyun to leave here, but watched him leave, but when Wu Sheyun left After that, Huo Hai frowned again, "The devilish energy is not in harmony. This seems not conducive to the integration of the magic knife."

Huo Hai just discovered through blessing the devil energy that although the devil energy of the magic knife is stronger than the devil energy cultivated by Wu Sheyun itself, but Wu Sheyun has already condensed enough crystal nuclei at this time, and it is difficult to be corroded by the magic knife.

Even if it is slowly integrated and controlled by the magic sword in the future, it will still not be able to exert its full power, and it will still leave hidden dangers. It may be out of the control of the magic sword. This is not appropriate. It seems that we must find a way to get his crystal core It can be completely shattered and reunited, but Huo Hai himself can't do this kind of thing, so he still has to think of other methods.

"Forget it, expose it. No matter whether this kid is dead or alive, it is a huge blow to the Wu Family." Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately began to act, his figure flashed, and he was quickly found. Wu Sheyun.

Wu Sheyun at this time, after all, still has a certain sense of reason. Enchanting does not become a machine, but he can still think. He knows to hide the magic knife, and he also knows to hide his own devilish energy with ghost energy. .

Soon, Wu Sheyun returned to his team, but at this time, there were not many people left outside, and the strength was not very high. There was no change in Wu Sheyun at all, "Master, why You are back alone."

Hearing this, Wu Sheyun coldly snorted: "That ruin is a scam, there is no treasure in it, this is a trap, a trap aimed at me, **** bastard, you will frame me if you die, poor Xiao The guard has died in order to help me withstand the trap. If I know who that person is, I will definitely not let him go."

Xiao Huwei is a master of spirits who has always protected Wu Sheyun. A spirit is nothing to the ghost medicine gate, but it is not a trivial matter to die in such a place.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked. It was originally a small ruin exploration. Who would have thought that Guard Xiao had also died. What they didn’t know was that Wu Sheyun had completely sorted out the scene before leaving. After a while, even the bodies of other people were burned to ashes, and Wu Sheyun brought back all the ashes.

"Don't worry, I will let my father avenge this revenge. I have brought their ashes back. I will return them to their family members when I return." Wu Sheyun lowered his head, eyes full of disdain and madness.

The scene has been completely destroyed by myself, and there is no possibility to find any evidence in the future. This time everyone who followed me into the ruins has died, except for myself.

The ghost medicine gate does have a special method to send the images before death to the sect. Huo Hai has known this for a long time, how can he be defenseless? The spirit formation designed by Huo Hai has blocked these The strength of the spirit array is very strong, and the dead person's own strength has not exceeded this limit, and there is no expert blessing.

From Huo Hai's point of view, except for Wu Sheyun's ability to penetrate his spiritual array after his death, no one else can do it. Wu Sheyun, who knows this thing better, naturally noticed this.

"The young master really understands the righteousness. I think if they know well, they will be grateful to the young master. However, our current strength is insufficient and we are prone to danger. The subordinates think we should go back first."

Others also hurriedly said, this time they encountered too many accidents, if they continue to come the last time, they don't know if they can survive or protect Wu Sheyun from happening.

Wu Sheyun nodded with a gloomy face: "Okay, we will go back now." Wu Sheyun didn't say much. Others thought it was because there were too many people who died this time, so Wu Sheyun's face was not good. After all After so many people died, there is still a Spirit Venerable. I still don't know how to be punished after returning. The Spirit Venerable is not a Chinese cabbage.

No one knows. At this time, what Wu Sheyun is thinking about is how to conceal this time when he goes back, and also, the matter of slowly improving the magic power in the future, can not be casually known, otherwise, I am afraid that things will be very troublesome.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wu Sheyun wants to find ways to get the best magic skills among the sects. Although he is practicing well now, the quality of his magic energy cannot be compared with that of the magic sword. It is only one of the sects. It's just a middle-level magic skill.

There is even a source of magic energy for practicing magic power. Wu Sheyun has already figured it out. You cannot rely solely on this kind of slaughter as the source of magic energy. The slaughter brings more murderous energy and blood energy. On the contrary, there is not enough magic energy. Wu Sheyun What Yun thinks in his mind is completely different from what other people think, but no one can know.

Seeing Wu Sheyun leaving, Huo Hai did not continue chasing. In Huo Hai’s view, although Wu Sheyun is a chess piece, it is not very important, but with the help of Wu Sheyun, he can just verify his magic knife. .

This magic knife is the first celestial artifact embryo refined by Huo Hai, and it is also refined by his own special method of bloodblade deduction. Although there is no problem in theory, it is practically feasible. I don't know, so there can be no mistakes. For this reason, Huo Haining would not hesitate to let this chess piece be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he quickly appeared in a nearby big city. This big city happened to be a city that Wu Sheyun was going to pass through. It would definitely not cause any trouble if he did something here.

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