Evil Insect God

Chapter 1423: Spread rumors

Time passed day by day, without the strength of the realm of Spiritual Venerable, even if the distance was not very far, Wu Sheyun would not be able to return to the Ghost Medicine Gate in one or two days. After a few days, Wu Sheyun finally Passed through this city.

Huo Hai still didn’t do anything, but continued to wait. In his free time, Huo Hai could also slowly study the spirit formations, or other war spirit art of his own. Not to mention the other, it was Huo Hai’s nine-fold starlight. They have already condensed a full seven layers, and the seven layers added together, the defensive power of the same level of spirits, not much can compare with Huo Hai.

A few more days passed, counting the time, this Wu Sheyun should have returned to the ghost medicine door, now, it is a good opportunity for hands-on, Huo Hai wandered around and finally chose a restaurant with a lot of people.

This is not an ordinary restaurant, after all, after reaching a certain height, the average person does not need to eat often. This restaurant is specially built for experts, and there are some very precious items inside.

For these masters, eating is no longer a necessary thing, but a kind of enjoyment. Only the most delicious and precious things can enter the eyes of these people. Huo Hai came to a free position and casually. I ordered some food and drink, but didn't look around, just glanced mentally, and the corners of his mouth quickly twitched.

"Yes, it's not bad. There are only three spiritual emperors. The others are spiritual emperors. Although there are no spiritual masters, these people seem to have different identities. They should not be caught so easily. It is great. "

Huo Hai felt the cultivation of these people, and at the same time observed the characteristics of these people, inferring the identities of these people, they can reach the spirit emperor at a young age, but it is not something that ordinary forces can cultivate. Of course, none of the top forces can be cultivated. .

People with truly top-level strengths cannot reach the Spirit Emperor at such a young age, not because their abilities are not enough, but because they pay more attention to the foundation, so it takes longer to lay the foundation, but since they want to spread rumors, then these people are The best thing is, if you really find people from the top powers, it will not be very suitable.

As he ate, Huo Hai whispered: "Oh, how could this happen, the dignified ghost medicine gate, is it impossible to become a magic repair sect?" Huo Hai's words were not loud, but immediately Attracted everyone around.

"This Xiongtai, what do you mean by your words, if you don't say it clearly, I'm afraid Guiyaomen will not let you go." A young man said while his eyes were full of threats. Huo Hai didn't feel at all about this. strange.

In the eastern region, the ghost medicine gate is the absolute boss. There are also many sects who sigh on their noses. They have a good relationship with the ghost medicine gate. If you encounter someone who speaks badly about the ghost medicine gate, you can directly destroy it. Looking at the people around him, he was already ready to move about his favor, as if he was about to act on Huo Hai.

Huo Hai said unhurriedly: "Haha, looking at you, it seems that you don't know anything. You know the black shot clouds passing by the other day." When everyone heard the words, they immediately nodded to express their understanding. The eldest master of the Wu family.

The children of these big families know very well about the ghost medicine sect, especially the important members of the big families and groups within the family, and even some of the children who are more valued. These are the key points they understand.

As the most valued child of the Wu family, Wu Sheyun, of course everyone is not unfamiliar, not to mention that this person has been active in this area recently. It is impossible to not know Wu Sheyun. Seeing the reactions of other people, Huo Hai Very satisfied.

"Very well, you know Wu Sheyun, but you don’t know some things. Some people have tested it with a special magic weapon. It is said that Wu Sheyun has a very heavy devilish energy. Needless to say, you also know that Wu Sheyun He must have practiced magic skills, the demon master, the young master of the Wu family, who knows what the ghost medicine gate looks like now." Huo Hai exaggerated loudly.

The expressions of the people around changed: "The kid is talking nonsense. Ghost medicine cultivates ghost qi. Naturally, it is very similar to devil qi, but the two powers are not the same at all. I think 80% of the person's equipment has a problem."

Huo Hai didn't care: "How could it be possible that the devilish energy and the ghost energy feel similar, but in fact the difference is very big. Besides, this time the Wu family team went out and only a few came back. They are all killed."

Huo Hai was telling the truth, but in this tone, it sounded like he was spreading rumors, but in any case, Huo Hai’s words are well-founded, although the reasons are very inadequate and there is no clear evidence, but they spread rumors. That's it. If the statement is too clear, it will easily cause a lot of inconvenience. Unclear is the best.

The people around had already faintly surrounded Huo Hai at this time: "Damn, this guy is definitely not a good thing, I think he is the real magician, catch him, this matter must be given to the ghost medicine gate. An explanation."

The young man just said loudly, and then commanded the others, faintly surrounding Huo Hai.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, the door was pushed open, and a group of soldiers walked in. A middle-aged man in the crowd said proudly: "Haha, I just notified the city defense army. Where to run."

When the people around heard this, they all expressed their admiration. This guy is so fond of the ghost medicine door. The leading soldier looked around and said loudly: "Who is spreading rumors here? We received a report. Speak ill of the ghost medicine gate here, now let's walk with us. "It's very easy to see Huo Hai surrounded by it.

Seeing this scene, Huo Hai was very satisfied. Do you want to spread rumors? It's best to make things big, "Oh my God, someone arrested people randomly, and the ghost medicine gate is really going to become a holy place for demonic cultivation, oh my god, We can't live anymore."

Huo Hai yelled, then jumped downstairs. With Huo Hai's cultivation base, these people couldn't stop them at all. Huo Hai yelled loudly while running, and most people in the city could hear him at this time.

Seeing Huo Hai like this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed: "Damn it, grab him quickly and don't let him make trouble." Huo Hai is going around like this, not to mention what the ghost medicine gate would think, at least their city, one The hat of unfavorable work is definitely not going to go away. If the trouble is too big, none of the family forces in the entire city will end well.

It is a pity that there is only one Spiritual Venerable in the entire city. At this moment, the Spiritual Venerable is in retreat, and he doesn't know what's going on outside. Huo Hai yelled loudly as he ran, and soon said all his previous words.

At the same time, a lot of things have been added, ambiguous and far-fetched, some say, and none say, true and false, and they are quickly mixed up. This kind of news that makes people unclear about the truth is always the easiest Something to discuss.

Wandering around the whole city at the fastest speed, Huo Hai did not spend a few minutes in the whole process. At this time, everyone in the whole city heard the news, and even some wanted to enter the city and had already left. The people in the city also heard the news. Upon hearing this, all people couldn't believe it first.

However, Huo Hai didn't care about that much, anyway, after wandering around for a while, Huo Hai had already fled before the opponent reacted to start the defense formation. Just after leaving the city, Huo Hai's speed instantly increased to the extreme.

When the only Spirit Venerable in the city came out to look for someone, he could no longer find it. Unfortunately, everyone in the city had already heard the news, and the discussion had already begun, and the rumors were everywhere, and it was impossible to suppress it.

At this time, even if the city is closed, it is useless. Not to mention that some of the young men in the city have powerful forces behind them. It is not the city owner who dared to provoke casually. Even those who have left the city quickly spread the rumors. After days, rumors gradually appeared in other surrounding cities and human settlements.

Of course, Huo Hai couldn't be idle, but he was a bit more low-key than before, still constantly entering some places where humans gathered, constantly spreading rumors, and even to strengthen his persuasiveness, but also to give himself a sigh of relief.

Huo Hai also passed on the news that Wu Sheyun slaughtered the town. Although it was still true and false, there was some evidence in it. Besides, although Huo Hai used a speculative tone in this matter, many people We all know that Wu Sheyun did it.

The rumors have been completely set off, and the rest is not as troublesome as Huo Hai. Huo Hai, who has succeeded and retired, didn’t care about that much at all. He watched the rumors spread and waited until these rumors were really spread out in a prairie fire. When it opened, when no one could suppress it, Huo Hai quietly left here. In any case, his cultivation is the most important thing.

This time, it was just Huo Hai’s counterattack against the Wu Family. It’s okay if you don’t know about it. If you know it, it’s troublesome. At that time, not only the Wu Family, but also the Ghost Medicine Sect will see him uncomfortable. .

In order to be safer, it’s best to hide in the dark. The next thing is that you don’t need to control yourself. Besides, Huo Hai can’t control it even if he wants to. So Huo Hai turned and left. The most important thing now is Explore some places similar to mineral veins, and strive to find more spiritual essence as soon as possible to improve your cultivation.

There is also the problem of the broken air stone that has to be solved. In the next few years, I will still be busy. It seems that I am really a natural toil. Huo Hai looked at the map while heading to the southeast area again. .

As for the ghost medicine sect behind it, it was completely boiling at this time, magic repair, this is a taboo, if there are a lot of magic repairs in the ghost medicine sect, I am afraid that the other eight sects may also directly intervene in this matter.

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