Evil Insect God

Chapter 1425: Weird ruins

Not to mention that Wu Sheyun, a ghost medicine door, was showing off everywhere with Wu Sheyun, Huo Hai was still rushing all the way to the southeast area, but on the way, Huo Hai also went to find some dangerous places that he could cope with.

The vast majority of these dangerous places are useless, not to say that they are really useless, but they are of no use to Huo Hai. A few mineral veins are rarely able to find the spiritual essence. Huo Hai’s cultivation base is still unable to find those high. The mineral veins of the level spirits are piled up, so the spiritual marrow that can be obtained is very small. After this journey, Huo Hai finally obtained only a dozen spiritual marrows.

Such a small amount of spirit is really not enough, but Huo Hai doesn't care, because the data he collected at the beginning was recorded in the southeast region. Huo Hai found it all the way, naturally he couldn't touch too many good places. .

When he sneaked across the border again, Huo Hai finally entered the southeast area again. When he arrived, Huo Hai felt more familiar than the eastern area. At least, he didn't offend the giant wooden gate here.

A Mu Amaranth didn't know where it was until now, but he definitely couldn't find himself. Huo Hai didn't think Mu Amaranth would die with him. The two of them were just a little conflict between competing for treasure.

Pulling out the map, Huo Hai checked the atlas in his hand and compared it while flipping it, "It's too vague, maybe it's here." Huo Hai frowned. This treasure map was found in the border ruins. It is certainly not easy to collect such a powerful relic. Huo Hai's cultivation base was not enough and there were many things, so he didn't go.

Now it's different. Huo Hai now has time, and the contract has been cleaned up. The cultivation base has reached the peak of the fifth heaven, and he can't break through for the time being, but going to this kind of relic should be safer than before.

It is a pity that because the age is too old, Huo Hai is not a person who studies history and geography, so he won't be able to figure it out after checking the atlas for a while.

After a comparison, Huo Hai finally determined that the three places are most likely to match the map in his hand. If that is the case, then go to the nearest direction first. Huo Hai has found his goal. After flying away quickly, Huo Hai's flight route was not a straight line, but he also went to some locations on the road where the information was originally found.

Searching all the way is not without any benefit: "Not bad, the information these adventurers get is really not simple." It has to be said that there are still many masters among casual cultivators and adventurers.

After searching for five places along the way, Huo Hai finally found a vein under the forest guarded by more than a dozen spirit beasts. The vein itself is not very large, but the quality of the vein is very high.

The veins are full of spirit crystals, there is no one below the spirit crystal. This is the largest spirit stone vein that Huo Hai has seen, but this vein is still too small. After Huo Hai secretly mined the vein, he found it. The quintessence of about five thousand yuan, only a part of the quintessence that he had consumed some time ago, was not enough.

Look at your own spirit worms. They are all crystal swallowing giants. As they continue to devour the spirit marrow, at this time the faster-increasing spirit worms, Xiaojin and Xiaodie Xiaoyun, have slowly risen to the level of the fifth heaven.

The other spirit insects are a little worse, but they are also approaching this height. Only Xiaoshui is the slowest, just reaching the fourth heaven. Of course, if we talk about the overall combat effectiveness, Xiaoshui is also the strongest spirit in Huo Hai’s hands. insect.

It's just a pity that Xiaoshui is not as effective as other spirit worms with unilateral strengthening. Soon, Huo Hai came to the first similar location. After two days of exploration, Huo Hai finally turned over here. Come again, but unfortunately, in the end, Huo Hai didn't find anything, "Hey, really, it doesn't seem to be here anymore."

Huo Hai took out the map, and then rushed towards the next location. The road was still the same as before. The route was twisty. Even if someone saw it, he never knew where Huo Hai was going, but this time Huo Hai’s Luck is not so good.

Along the way, Huo Hai only collected a hundred pieces of spiritual essence. Huo Hai didn't dare to break in in some very dangerous places, otherwise his life would be in danger. Huo Hai stopped only a few days later.

"Is this the second location? It doesn't seem to be the same." Huo Hai looked at the triangular mountain range below with a strange expression. The triangular mountain range recorded on the map is really unique. The sea is even harder to find. Mountains on three sides surround the middle. This kind of terrain is rare.

The spiritual power was released, and Huo Hai swept across the mountains, and found everything here very clearly, even some ordinary mountains, not even ground veins, and the surrounding auras were not too rich.

There is not even a beast in the realm of Spirit Emperor. The strongest is only in the realm of Spirit Emperor. As for those transformed spirit beasts, none of them are willing to live in such a place. It seems too barren. .

The most is in the mountains, Huo Hai saw many intricate caves, but on the surface, these caves are nothing more than limestone caves. If they are placed here in the previous life, they are spectacles, but if they are placed here, they are nothing. , The Heavenly Spiritual Realm is so big, and there are so many special spectacles.

However, out of precaution, Huo Hai released the Star Gu and asked the Star Gu to search back and forth in the cave. Who knows what is in this cave, maybe it's not easy here.

"Hey, what's going on." Huo Hai said to himself, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. When Huo Hai stopped again, he had already appeared in the cave, "Okay. Strange cave."

Huo Hai tried the surrounding caves, and was surprised to find that these inconspicuous-looking stones became harder as they went inside, and even Huo Hai could not leave any traces without any effort. Just now, Star Gu gave himself After I sent a message, I found a very strange place here. Huo Hai entered all the way and quickly arrived at his destination.

At a glance, there is a very strange hole here. The reason why it is said to be weird is because this hole actually leads straight up and down, and even if Huo Hai is in front of him, he has not noticed it at all.

This place seems really strange, and I can make myself aware of it. When other people pass by here, naturally they won’t care about this kind of place. If it weren’t for Star Gu inadvertently discovering something wrong here, Huo Hai might just To be missed.

"Regardless of whether this is a relic marked on the map, it should be explored." Inside the cave, there are no low-level spirit beasts inhabited, let alone powerful spirit beasts. Huo Hai summoned the Star Gus back. Then he slowly descended from this cave carefully, and the seven layers of starlight were fully deployed, defending the surroundings with all his strength.

What makes Huo Hai feel strange is that he descended all the way, and actually dropped tens of thousands of meters, but still did not encounter any attack, his own perception was greatly suppressed in such a place, and he could not feel anything.

Had it not been for Huo Hai not to feel the slightest breath of spiritual formations around him, I really can’t believe it. This place was formed naturally. Perhaps it was a bold person. Although Huo Hai didn’t know how long he would go down, he was a little flustered. No, a master who can cultivate to the realm of Spiritual Venerable, if he doesn't even have this concentration, it would be too unbearable.

When it was about 20,000 meters down, Huo Hai suddenly felt his eyes light up, and then the suppression of his perception was much smaller, and he could feel the range of a hundred meters around him.

Looking outside, the surrounding area was red, "Where is this place, secret realm?" Huo Hai is a little strange, after all, he descended into it through the passage, and I don't know if this place is secret realm.

But faintly, Huo Hai felt that this place should be a secret realm, because Huo Hai slightly felt that the laws here seemed to be somewhat different from the outside world. The only things that could be different from the laws of the whole world were these secret realms. Of course, perhaps it was. Because the secret realm here has long communicated with heaven and earth, although the laws are different, the difference is not big.

In the surrounding ground and void, red flames burned. Many flames rose into the air. If I didn’t look carefully, I thought it was some fire clouds. The temperature of the flames was not very high, but Huo Hai could feel a scorching heat. .

It seems that the law of this secret realm has something to do with flames, but I don’t know what the treasure map records this place, what exactly is going to tell myself, Huo Hai slowly flies forward while being alert to the lava below. , Because Huo Hai didn't know what was in the lava that could not be sensed, and now he could only use his eyes to see.

I don't know how long it has passed, Huo Hai suddenly felt a scorching heat, and a fire cloud in the air did not know when it had deformed and turned into a huge thing that looked like a tiger or a lion.

However, Huo Hai is certain that this thing is definitely not a spirit beast, nor is it a fierce beast. It is a special creature produced by the laws here. If this special monster can be transformed into shape successfully under special circumstances, then It will become a special type of spirit beast like the Dragon and Phoenix tribes, but unfortunately, there is basically no such opportunity here.

The monster looked at Huo Hai, opened his mouth, and spit out a flame. The scorching flame could already feel the heat before he got close to Huo Hai. The attack of this thing was definitely of the Spiritual Sovereign level.

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