Evil Insect God

Chapter 1426: Difficult monster

Seeing this flame spit out, Huo Hai didn't feel much, after all, although this kind of attack was strong, it still couldn't threaten Huo Hai, and there was almost no reaction, letting the flame hit him.

"Bang" The outermost layer of the seven-layer defensive barrier vibrated, and then canceled the flames. "There was no breakthrough at even one layer. It seems that there is only the ability of the pseudo-spiritual sovereign." Huo Hai felt it, and quickly Determined the true strength of this flame monster, "Look now, how strong this thing itself is." Holheim said silently.

The flame monster also seemed to feel very strange, because he had never seen an alien creature that could block his attack. Some creatures that came here accidentally before, even the surrounding flame temperature could not resist.

But the one in front of him actually blocked his own fireball. The next moment, the flame monster became violent, because a sword aura had been emitted from Huo Hai's hand, the sword aura flashed past, and instantly pierced the flame monster.

The flame monster that was attacked went crazy immediately, opened his mouth, and flames continued to condense. Unfortunately, no matter how condensed this attack, that is, the increase in volume, the intensity is exactly the same as before. , These monsters are all unique creatures formed by the laws here, their power has been determined, and it is impossible to become stronger."

This is a very special creature, but it is not unique to this place. Huo Hai has heard of it in other places before. These special creatures formed by the laws of heaven and earth through special environments are in this state.

This kind of creature is a pseudo-spirit by nature, but the combat power they can exert is fixed, and their attacks cannot be strengthened or even weakened. How powerful they are, it is the same with every attack.

The most is just to increase the amount, the intensity will not change, but there is also an advantage, that is, as long as you stay in a place that suits you, the power of these things is endless and the spiritual power of the spiritualist will be exhausted. Unless the world is destroyed, these things will never be consumed cleanly, which is very difficult.

Since the intensity remains the same, Huo Hai doesn't worry anymore, letting the attack fall on him, anyway he can't break through his seven-layer defense, let alone the seventh layer, even the first layer can't break through.

At this time, Huo Hai is constantly releasing attack and temptation, one is the star sword aura, the other is the star line, and then there is the starlight condensed by the simple star movement, one after another, falling on this monster. .

This monster formed by flames has no weakness in its body. No matter where it is attacked, it will not be weakened. Even Huo Hai has a headache at this time. Facing an immortal monster, I am afraid that no one can stand it. But with the attack, Huo Hai gradually seemed to have some discoveries, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became more solemn.

"Sure enough, as recorded in the book, these monsters all have a core. As long as they hit the core, this thing is dead." Huo Hai discovered that the core of this monster seems to be able to move at will.

After attacking again and again, the opponent placed the core in the safest place, so it was not hit. Therefore, if you want to kill this monster, the best way is to smash it into pieces. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately moved, and with a light movement of his fingers, a large amount of sword energy quickly smashed the entire body of the monster.

At this moment, Huo Hai finally saw the core of the monster, which was also a fiery red flame. If you didn’t look closely, you couldn’t see it. The flame kept flickering, glowing like a spar. Huo Hai could see it at a glance. Made a difference.

"I want to resurrect, it's really whimsical." Huo Hai snorted coldly, and before the monster recovered, the sword aura hit this special flame, but it did not produce a very powerful penetrating power.

On the contrary, a force directly knocked this group of special flames into the air. After that, Huo Hai's left hand moved slightly, and some lines of stars were drawn into a group of special spiritual formations in the air, as if by instinct, Huo Hai easily moved this A ball of flame was completely sealed, and with a movement in his heart, the sealed flame had been pulled down in front of Huo Hai.

The flame was still struggling, and there was a group of naturally formed consciousness inside. This thing had no soul, only its own consciousness. The flame was the carrier, and Huo Hai didn't care so much, a miniature Soul Slashing Art was directly released.

The Soul Slashing Art can not only harm the soul, but at certain times it also has a strong damage to these soulless consciousness bodies. After the consciousness is easily erased, the flames finally quieted down.

"Yes, it's not bad. The flames naturally generated between heaven and earth are indeed pure." Huo Hai felt this flame. This flame has no special abilities, but it is the purest flame. If it is used as a source of spirit treasure , It is definitely a heavenly quality, and even a quality that is very close to the middle grade among the heavenly ranks, which is very rare.

Even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, there are not a lot of Heavenly Origin Spiritual Treasures. Huo Hai found it for the first time. He was naturally very happy. Anyway, if he finds something, then move on. He still doesn’t know what's ahead .

I don’t know how long it has passed. Huo Hai came along and encountered two monsters again. The more he moved inside, the stronger the strength of these monsters, and the higher the level of the flame essence he obtained. The last time he got it, unexpectedly It has reached the high-grade quality of the heavenly rank, and the price of this level of source spirit spirit treasure in the heavenly spirit domain is definitely not low.

At least in the east and southeast regions, Huo Hai hasn’t heard of anyone possessing a heavenly high-quality source spirit treasure, “This is Chiyan lotus seed, ground fire grass, Mingyang flower...” Suddenly, Huo Hai Noticed the surrounding plants.

What surprised Huo Hai was that in this environment, there were a lot of precious fire-attribute elixir, which were not easy to find outside, and some elixir could even reach the level of the twelfth rank.

And there are some elixirs that Huo Hai has never heard of in the outside world, and I don’t know what they are useful for. No matter what, I will collect them first. They will always be available in the future. Thinking of this, Huo Hai suddenly changes Become a madman who gathers medicines and constantly collects the spirit medicines around him. There are too many resources produced in this kind of place.

But what makes Huo Hai feel strange is that this very strange ruin is not a circle or a square, but a long strip. The more you go to the front, the stronger the flame power and the good things you get. The more.

Huo Hai collects medicine all the way. When he sees those flame monsters, Huo Hai will not easily let it go. As long as he can deal with them, Huo Hai will directly kill them, leaving none of them. These flame essences, take Going outside is a good treasure, many things can't be bought with spirit stones at all, but need to be exchanged with treasures.

Before I knew it, Huo Hai had gone deep and didn’t know how far. At this time, Huo Hai became more and more careful, because the further he went, the more pressure Huo Hai could feel, and he didn’t know what was going on here. What a monster.

Suddenly, Huo Hai stopped. At this time, the temperature of the surrounding flames was already terrifying. Even if it was the temperature here, the general lower-level spirit emperor would not be able to stand it here, let alone those who could not. Up.

Huo Hai doesn’t care about the temperature here, because the more extreme the environment, the more special things can be produced. The temperature here has not reached the point where Huo Hai can’t stand it, but what makes Huo Hai feel dangerous is , A strange cloud and mist in front of him exudes an aura that makes Huo Hai extremely frightened. This thing is not an ordinary cloud and mist.

I have seen a lot on Huo Hai Road. This kind of cloud and mist is actually the flame monster I encountered along the way, "Damn it, I actually have the strength of the Nine Heavens." Huo Hai felt it, and his eyes were full of depression.

He had already encountered an eight-layer monster before. Huo Hai used sneak attacks, relying on the opponent's lack of defense, so that he could cut it open in a short time, and then sealed the fire inside.

Even so, Huo Hai was seriously injured by the monster's mortal counterattack, and he finally recovered. If he faced the monster of Nine Heavens, Huo Hai believed that even if he was a sneak attack, it would be difficult for him to be this. If something’s opponent is not careful, even Huo Hai might have to die here. This is not Huo Hai’s own random thinking.

Looking at the medicinal materials on the ground, looking at the distance, feeling the higher and higher temperature in the distance, not knowing how far ahead is, Huo Hai finally sighed helplessly: "Hey, it seems that I can only wait for future repairs. Come here again for promotion."

Huo Hai understands that with such a powerful monster, he doesn't want to pass it now, but fortunately, no one else here knows about it, and if there is no accident, no one will notice this place. When the cultivation base is strengthened in the future, come here again. Just watch it.

After these days of constant fighting, Huo Hai feels that his fifth-level law aura is becoming more and more complete. Sure enough, he is still the fastest to improve in the battle. If he can continue like this, he will have the ability without much time. Breaking through to the next level, the reason why it is so fast, of course, has something to do with the Star Cliff.

The more I got to the present, the more Huo Hai felt that the Star Stone Wall was of great help to him. I really didn't know what this Star Stone Wall was, and how did the predecessors of the Star Sect find it.

Forget it, since you can’t move forward, then just step back. Huo Hai is not afraid of difficulties, but he is not the kind of idiot who only knows to go forward and find death without any problems. Went back.

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