Evil Insect God

Chapter 1430: Pseudo-spirit

For ordinary things, no matter how precious they are, Huo Hai will not take it seriously. In Huo Hai's eyes, only the treasures that are useful to him and can be transformed into their own combat effectiveness are trash.

Along the way, Huo Hai just took a look and didn’t buy anything. After a long time, the people around seemed to gradually lose patience, so they stopped coming to Huo Hai’s side, "You really are, so much. You don't buy good things, you just want to buy some useless things." Yinling looked at Huo Hai speechlessly, this guy is really weird.

You know, even for the spirits like Yinling, who came from a giant wooden door, their spirits are very precious things, and their spirits will never exceed twenty. Otherwise, their cultivation bases are not Go crazy.

The reason why Huo Hai can easily obtain so many spirits along the way is because Huo Hai's perception is strong, and he can also use the various abilities of spirit worms, such as directly sneaking into the ground, and even his own breath can be perfect. hide.

If you change to someone else, you don’t have so many special methods, it’s easy to conflict with the beasts. If you want to mine the possible mineral veins, you must first clean up all the beasts nearby. The spiritual essence of the Heavenly Spirit Continent is far more precious than Huo Hai imagined that it was even higher. Those who were able to take out a lot of spiritual essence at hand had very powerful backing behind them.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "These things are of no use to me. Of course I am not interested. If something is useful to me, it will be different." Huo Hai continued to walk forward as he said.

This wooden house is a public wooden house, and there are only a few in the entire Giant Wood City. Most of the wooden houses are directly owned by major forces. They are used for business for a long time. The things here are more complicated. Unfortunately, there is no need for Huo Hai. .

Yin Ling rolled her eyelids: "Huh, but you still have some brains. The pure flame essence is used to exchange the **** water. This thing is really not that suitable for the children of the real big power." Hearing this, Huo Hai looked strange.

"How can it be inappropriate? Isn't this thing very compatible with the law of fire attributes between heaven and earth? Even if you can't comprehend the law of flame and directly communicate with heaven and earth, isn't it easy to become a pseudo-spirit." Huo Hai is a little strange, pseudo-spirit Although it can't be compared with the real spirits, it's also the spirits. As long as the level goes up, then the cultivation level is definitely not bad.

Yinling's eyes widened, and then helplessly said: "I have forgotten that you are a casual cultivator. It seems that you don't know the biggest difference between the pseudo-spiritual and the spiritual-spirited. That's right, pseudo-spiritual. It’s really easy to cultivate, and there are many, but do you know why the orthodox spirits have always been dominant? Not because the top sects are real spirits, nor is it because the orthodox spirits reject pseudo-spirits. Respect, but because of the hidden dangers of the pseudo-spirit."

These are no secrets to the people of the big sect, but they are different to Huo Hai's casual cultivators. The vast majority of people simply don't know how much harm the pseudo-spirit can actually be.

Listening to Yinling's words, Huo Hai's brows gradually frowned: "You mean, there is only one law for every kind of law between heaven and earth, but each paragraph can only make one person understand the integration, is that what it means."

Yinling nodded and said, "Yes, if you want to understand the laws of heaven and earth, you have to integrate them into yourself. Once you are integrated, you can use the power of heaven and earth to fight, but no matter who merges this law, other No one can continue to realize that this will be the biggest obstacle for the pseudo-spiritual deity to break through. The pseudo-spiritual deities of the same attribute are basically natural enemies."

Huo Hai really didn't expect that this pseudo-spiritual statue still had such a big flaw. Originally, Huo Hai thought that the pseudo-spiritual statue just took a shortcut and caused itself to be imperfect, so poor combat effectiveness made people dislike it.

It seems that this is not the case at all. Huo Hai had heard before that becoming a pseudo-spiritual sovereign can easily reach the peak of the spiritual **** by practicing along the way, but he will be controlled by the world and cannot surpass the world at all. Huo Hai didn’t think so. So, after all, since ancient times, it has not been heard that anyone can transcend the world, and whether or not it can transcend is nothing to most people.

But now Huo Hai finally understands that the law between heaven and earth is like a bunch of combined tools. Each pseudo-spirit can only integrate and use the part that others have not understood.

When you are in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, you may not be able to see it, because at that time, everyone didn't really master the law, just constantly comprehending, but when you reach the realm of Spiritual Sage, then you need to truly integrate into your body.

If this section of the law that oneself needs to merge is comprehended or merged by other heavenly masters, then it will become an obstacle to oneself, and either give up to continue to improve, or can only completely kill the opponent.

And when you kill the opponent, you must break the inner world in the opponent's body and release the law completely. In this way, you can continue to comprehend and continue to improve. All the pseudo-spiritual deities, after reaching a certain level, The same families are enemies to each other, and only by eliminating them can they truly continue to improve.

"In fact, there are very few false spirits who can reach the realm of spirit gods, because of this reason." Yinling said with a weird face, as long as she becomes a false spirit, she will embark on a path of no return, not requiring killing. Others will be killed by others. To integrate the laws of heaven and earth to become spiritual gods, there are many laws that need to be integrated.

Therefore, it is necessary to kill a large part of the pseudo-spiritual deities who have practiced the same laws before they can rise to this point step by step. The problem is that as long as some pseudo-spiritual deities and pseudo-spiritual saints hide in hiding, there is no way to find them.

Therefore, since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who can become spiritual gods by virtue of the laws of heaven and earth, and their combat power is still very poor. Therefore, the pseudo-spiritual deity is not only rejected by the orthodox spiritual deity, as long as it is not a person with special circumstances, after knowing these news , I am full of disdain for the pseudo-spiritual deities from the bottom of their hearts. There are indeed many pseudo-spiritual deities, the most among all the spiritual deities.

However, after reaching the spiritual saints, the proportion of the pseudo-spiritual saints will be far less than the previous gap. If the spiritual gods are included, there are not many at all. Because the high-end combat power is insufficient, the status of the pseudo-spiritual saints is of course not. high.

"According to your statement, wouldn't these pseudo-spiritual venerables be able to reach the level of spiritual gods?" Huo Hai said in a puzzled manner. There are so many pseudo-spiritual venerations now, and some people continue to become pseudo-spiritual venerations.

Although these people cannot directly integrate the laws of heaven and earth, their existence is an obstacle in itself, and it is a lock in the power of the laws. Those who want to become spiritual gods have no ability to kill them all.

Yinling shook his head and said, "This is true under normal circumstances, but there are always some exceptions. Some special laws of heaven and earth allow many people to understand fusion at the same time. For example, people who practice negative forces such as devil qi and evil qi, this is The law of negative power is different from the orthodox law. It is full of chaos. Because it is chaotic, it is also chaotic to practice."

Yinling's words were a bit awkward, but Huo Hai still understood what was going on. These chaotic and twisted laws themselves did not have the order of normal laws at all. It is precisely because of this that many people can practice at the same time.

"These special laws are actually not so perfect in fusion and comprehension, and they cannot fully exert the true power of the laws, but the power they can gather can make up for this, and these negative forces are too harmful to living things, such as demons. Zong, there are at least several spirit gods inside, all masters of demon qi cultivation."

Huo Hai still knows about the Demon Sect. One of the two sects is very powerful. It is a special sect composed entirely of demon spirit masters. All the people in the sect are demon cultivators, and those who cultivate are also demon energy.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Demon Sect that the Demon Spiritist still has not been completely extinct, and still occupies a place on the Heavenly Spirit Continent. The Demon Sect is powerful, and the demon energy is very corrosive to normal spiritual power, even if it is the sky. Both the tower and the beast league were not willing to provoke them at will, so everyone just united and confined them in an area.

Huo Hai nodded. Everything has a ray of life. Even the power of fusion of heaven and earth can reach its peak. Therefore, it is rumored that the law of fusion of heaven and earth can never be detached. It should be aimed at these special spiritual masters.

"I didn't expect the pseudo-spiritual sovereign to have such a great harm. I didn't know these things at all." Huo Hai's eyes flashed with depression. When the family came over, Huo Hai planned to let those talents come. People who are not very good become pseudo-spiritual deities, and now it seems that it is really very dangerous that he thought at the beginning.

Upon hearing the words, Yinling also nodded and said: "Yes, the harm is indeed very great, but in order to leave a way for more people, it is also to restrict the high-end pseudo-spiritual deities and pseudo-spiritual saints, so these news are all It didn't spread out."

This is a method used by the various top sects. No matter how harmful the practice of the pseudo-spiritual sects is, their cultivation speed is indeed very fast. If there are not many pseudo-spiritus in the world, then the number of pseudo-spiritual gods in the future There will be a lot of them, and orthodox spiritualists will be easily suppressed by them. This is not in the interests of the top powers.

It is not easy for these top powers to exist for such a long time. Huo Hai knew a little bit in his heart. It seems that for his own status and interests, these top sects are not so fair on the surface.

"Well, what do we think so much, anyway, we are not a pseudo-spiritual." Yinling smiled suddenly, and then walked forward, Huo Hai thought about it, since he is not, then what else is good worried.

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