Evil Insect God

Chapter 1431: Spirit Worm News

Before they knew it, the two had already walked a large circle around the giant tree. Most of the area had already been walked. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly saw a very special stall, because this stall was selling spirit insects.

"Hey, I didn't expect someone else to sell spirit worms." Huo Hai stepped forward and found that most of the spirit worms here did not reach the sky level. In fact, it is impossible to reach the sky level, not the spirit worm itself. Even in terms of cultivation level, after reaching the spiritual deity, the spiritual worm will have a fighting power that is not inferior to the normal spiritual deity, and its IQ will increase.

How can ordinary people catch such a powerful spirit insect? Even if it is an insect spirit master, it is not easy to catch these spirit insects that can be used for battle. The venerable spirit insects on the booth are all special goods.

For example, the natural combat power is not strong enough, or there is no fighting awareness, and even some clever worms whose cultivation bases have broken through but their minds have not changed. Among the worms, there are very many who have not become smarter as their cultivation bases improve.

"You said these spirit worms, although their cultivation bases have not reached the realm of spirits, most of them can still be used as materials for heavenly alchemy refining tools. I heard that some spirit formation materials were also obtained from these spirit worms." Yinling looked at these spirit insects and did not show too much disgust. After all, they were transformed into plants, and they were close to nature.

Of course, if it is a pest, I believe that Yinling will be more disgusting than ordinary people. Huo Hai took a closer look and found that most of the worms on this are actually sold as materials. also the same.

Most of them are suitable for alchemy, and a few are used for other things. There are also a few spirit worms that can reach heavenly quality. Unfortunately, the combat power is not strong enough. It is not what Huo Hai needs at all, and the special abilities are not very good. Strong.

"Don’t look at it. Really valuable elder worms are not so easy to catch. Even if they are caught, most of them are sold to those worm spiritualists for use. There are actually many worm spiritualists on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, but they are polarized. It's too serious. It is conceivable that a worm spirit master who does not have a respectable spirit worm has a fighting power, so those good spirit worms are very valuable.

Really good things are sent to the auction, or simply sent to the major gates, so there are only chicken ribs here. Yinling is worried that Huo Hai will buy these useless things again, so she reminded.

Huo Hai nodded, not interested, because even if it was Huo Hai, the purchases needed to be useful to him. The sky-level spirit worms here would have nothing to make Huo Hai's eye. I can make use of it. I believe other insect spiritists will not be too bad. I can't keep these things for nothing, but it's useless.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in these spirit worms, but I am more interested in the spirit worms themselves." At this point, Huo Hai slowly walked forward and saw the people coming, and there was no stall owner. look up.

This stall is a spiritual master in itself, and among so many people selling items, the cultivation level is very high.

Huo Hai didn’t care: “The spirit worms here don’t have what I need, but I would like to ask, do you know where some of them have very special abilities and are very powerful? Level, it's okay if you have a special ability." Huo Hai finally made the stall owner raise his head.

"Yes, what do you need? As long as the price is right, I can sell it to you even if it's news." This person really has a lot of information about spirit worms. Hearing this, Huo Hai finally let go of his heart.

Being able to find spirit worms does not mean that they can be caught. Some of them that they think are useless, or they can't catch them at all, are all in this. Many spirit worms in the realm of spirits are very powerful.

"No problem, as long as the spirit worm is suitable, I will bid, and we can sign the contract first." Huo Hai directly agreed, and Yin Ling next to him touched his head again. This guy is really weird. I really don't understand. The guy always buys some weird things to do. In the data, Huo Hai doesn't seem to be a dude.

"The things I have here are all clearly marked, so let's be a news of a spirit worm under the spirits, ten thousand spirit crystals, news of a spirit worm in the realm of spirits, and a spirit." After hearing the words, Huo Hai thought. Thinking, nodded and agreed.

At this time, the stall owner's face looked pretty good. Selling spirit worms here is actually not very profitable. The spirit worms were originally collected by him with great pains, but the general spirit worms really don't have a price.

"There is a venerable spirit worm that can swallow the soul, and it can grow by swallowing the soul, what do you think."

When Huo Hai heard the words, he immediately shook his head: "I don't need this kind of spirit worm." Huo Hai is not without spirit worms that can devour souls, his own soul eater is fine, but this thing is too limited. Huo Hai never thought about training. If he really wants to cultivate, wouldn't his own Soul Eater be enough? The stall owner didn't have any special feelings.

After thinking about it, the stall owner said again: "I once saw a beetle with a very strong defense. It is almost impossible to injure it at the same level. I don't know how you feel about this beetle."

The carapace was hard, and Huo Hai's eyes flashed a hint of doubt. Could he have his own Star Gu even harder? It seems to be of no use. When he thought of this, Huo Hai shook his head, and the stall owner didn't realize it was strange.

After all, even people who need spirit worms can’t want everything. The news of this beetle was originally intended to be sold to a worm spiritist. The person in front of him is not a worm spiritist at all, otherwise, The expert next to the giant wooden door, getting some information about the worms that the worm spiritualist needs, is actually not that difficult.

The stall owner said again: "There is also a kind of spirit worm that can display spirit formations. In the use of spirit formations, it is even higher than many spirit formations. It is a very good array material, but it has reached the level. It’s a respectable class."

Hearing this, Huo Hai immediately asked: "I don't know how this spirit worm uses the spirit array."

Knowing that there is a play, the stall owner quickly said: "This kind of spirit worm seems to have directly engraved the spiritual formation into the crystal nucleus on its own body. It is born with the potential to become a spiritual master, but at the beginning, what kind of spiritual formation is depicted, Only this kind of spirit formation and variants can be used. Although other spirit formations can be used, they are more troublesome than ordinary spirit formations."

"It is said that if this kind of spirit insect can be subdued, it is the best to assist in the arrangement of the spirit formation. However, there are a few insect spiritists who have studied the spirit formation. I think this kind of spirit insect is only useful for some large forces. ."

Huo Hai is very satisfied with this. He doesn't care whether it is useful to the big forces. The spirit worms that can deploy and use spirit formations are not so easy to find, and there is no spirit worm in his hand that can overlap with his ability. .

If that’s the case, then just get it and take a look. Even if it’s not of much use, it won’t be wasted. I’m not an ordinary worm spiritist. "Very good, it’s this kind of worm. I need this kind of worm. Information, but I hope that after you sell it to me, you don’t do it yourself, and don’t tell anyone else the information."

Under Huo Hai's gaze, the stall owner naturally nodded and agreed: "No problem, my credibility is still reliable." After doing business here for so many years, credibility is of course no problem.

But in the end, the two still signed a contract. The contract stipulated that this matter should not be told to anyone, nor could he intervene. Then Huo Hai gave this person a spirit and bought the news.

Huo Hai didn’t even look at it, and put the message scroll directly into his inner space. “Although I discovered this, I don’t know if anyone else has discovered it. If someone else discovered it by themselves, you can’t complain. Me." The stall owner said solemnly, and Huo Hai immediately said that there was no problem at all.

"As long as you didn't say it yourself, okay, now you can tell me, what special spirit worms are there." Those who can do spirit worm business have some spirit worm news that they can't deal with. This is also very normal. .

But what makes Huo Hai depressed is that basically none of the spirit worms mentioned later is very useful to Huo Hai. Huo Hai does not know that for many spirit worms who are fighting, the stall owner did not say to Huo Hai at all. come out.

Although these spirit insects have no way, he wants to sell the information to the insect spiritists. Only in the hands of the insect spiritists can they sell them at a very high price. In his eyes, Huo Hai is not an insect spiritist, and I have already discussed the price, one message for one spirit, and the stall owner thinks that there is no benefit, so he didn't say it.

Before he knew it, Huo Hai had lost a lot of information about the powerful main battle spirit insects. After a long time, Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he couldn't get more of what he needed here, so he just got up and left. Just fine.

Yinling saw that the two of them had finally finished talking, and then she stepped forward and took Huo Hai to continue wandering, but they did not go long before a group of people came over. Seeing these people, Huo Hai and Yinling wrinkled at the same time. Frowned.

"The disgusting person is here, really." Yinling muttered dissatisfiedly, not worrying about being heard.

Huo Hai felt strange: "Do you hate this guy very much." Huo Hai didn't expect Yinling to react this way, because Huo Hai also knew this person, and this person was the Mu Amaranth who attacked him last time.

"Of course I know, the famous genius of the giant wooden door is also a famous dude, and the personality is very annoying."

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