Evil Insect God

Chapter 1433: bet

Not to mention whether this alchemy furnace is useful or not, but the quality is very high. The most important thing is that this is Mu Amaranth's initiative to bet. Huo Hai has already taken it out now. If Mu Amaranth does not accept it, then there is nothing. The face went down.

"Why, disciple of the dignified giant wooden door big family, wouldn't you even be unable to take such a bet? If that's the case, then you are really..." Huo Hai made no secret of the contempt.

The silver bell next to him suddenly laughed: "Hehe, yeah, yeah, Master Mu Amaranth, what you want has already been taken out, what do you plan to use as a bet, if not, then there is no way. "If the two parties are not equal, Huo Hai has the right not to accept this gambling. Yinling doesn't want Huo Hai to take this gambling.

Mu Aran’s face changed a few times. It’s not that he has good things in his hands, but it’s very difficult to compare with this thing. Even the weird sword stick that he got from the ruins last time is not as good as this alchemy. furnace.

Who could have imagined that among all the items last time, the highest-level one would actually be such an alchemy furnace. No matter how you look at that relic, it doesn't look like an alchemy master left it, but a battle-based sect.

Besides, I still need to use the sword stick in my hand. I don’t need to adjust this thing myself. I just need to adapt to it. It’s a holy quality weapon. If I take it out for nothing, Mu Amaranth is a little bit reluctant. , Someone next to him seemed to see Mu Cheng's hesitation, and the young man who had just delivered the letter suddenly said a few words.

Following these words, Mu Amaranth suddenly laughed: "Very well, I take this bet. I will use this, the giant wood wooden heart." Mu Amaranth waved his hand, and turned a whole body of emerald green like jasper over two meters. The tall wooden stick was taken out.

Seeing this thing, Yin Ling's eyes flashed with surprise, "How about, this thing is enough, it can be used as a tool embryo, and it can also be polished to the peak of the holy level. This is produced by giant trees, and there are no other sects. "

Yinling quickly turned to Huo Hai’s transmission: "This thing is indeed very valuable, and its symbolic meaning is even more extraordinary. Only after the death of the giant tree will such a tree core be left, and the entire giant wooden door is not much." While explaining quickly, Huo Hai understood what it was. Speaking of giant trees, in fact, the giant wood city under his feet was a giant wood.

Giant trees are not the name of a certain kind of plant, but a collective term for those huge plants. Most of these huge plants are some fierce beasts, but their temperament is relatively mild, but some of them are spirit beasts that can be transformed.

It is said that the giant wooden gate is called this name because the founder is a metamorphic giant tree. The giant tree has a strong defense force and strong spiritual power. It is not something that ordinary people can resist. After these giant trees die, there is a certain chance that a tree will condense. The heart, the tree heart, is equivalent to the nucleus of the giant tree itself, the crystallization of the essence of the giant tree's body.

This thing is very valuable whether it is used as a source spirit treasure or directly used as a weapon, especially for wood-attribute masters. Using it as a staff can have an extraordinary effect on magical spirits and wizards.

The core of the tree in Mu Amaranth’s hand is exactly what was left after the death of a giant tree that reached the height of the holy level. It is only the core of the tree itself. It is used for tempering as an embryo, and it will eventually reach the peak quality of the holy level. Rare.

If it weren’t for the strong backing behind Mu Amaranth, how could this thing not fall into Mu Amar’s hands. Originally, Mu Amar planned to refine this thing into his own weapon, but later he got a sword stick. There is no need to change the weapon, so this thing has been on the body for a long time, but it is forgotten by the wood amaranth.

Although today's quality is not higher than that of its own alchemy furnace, no matter the ultimate potential or actual value, it is much more useful than the alchemy furnace. The most important thing is that the symbolic meaning of this thing is very different.

Holding this kind of wooden staff, when facing the person of the giant wooden door, it is easy to get the friendship of the giant wooden door. The giant wooden door rarely sends out the heart of the giant wooden tree. Other people can get very little, and use gambling to take it. It hasn't appeared many times in history. If it loses this time, it will definitely deal a big blow to Mu Amaranth.

Huo Hai smiled: "Very well, Lord Mu Amaranth is indeed a believer. The last time I got two treasures from the ruins, in addition to this alchemy furnace, there is also a kind of concentration technique. Before reaching the spiritual holy realm, he can continue It is not impossible to increase your mental power, even to the limit. I think you should know the value of this thing."

Huo Hai took out a scroll again and threw it in his hand: "I can't show you this thing, but if you don't believe it, I can swear." Neither of these two things has simple value.

"Huh, since it can only be used by the Spiritual Venerable, then it is a Venerable Item." This kind of special spiritual technique that can directly enhance mental power is of course very valuable. In fact, in Mu Aman's view, this thing is more useful than the alchemy furnace. too much.

As a plant form, many plant form people are not strong enough in spiritual power. This is a weakness, that is, the entire giant wooden door does not have a special secret method that can achieve this effect in the realm of the spirits. If it can be obtained, it is The overall meaning of the sect is definitely greater than that of the alchemy furnace, but Mu Amaranth will naturally not admit this.

As long as this thing is the venerable war spirit art, then his bet can be lowered. Otherwise, if Mu Chen took out all the things in his body today, it would be impossible to take today's bet.

Perhaps for other sects, especially for the spiritual immortal gates, this secret method does not have much effect, but this kind of thing has too much effect on their giant wooden doors. Abandoned.

After thinking about it, Mu Mu suddenly took out a booklet, “Wood Spirit Body Protection, this is our family’s top body protection secret method, but this is only the first volume, only the superior quality, I think the value of this thing should be enough for you Compared to his concentrating technique."

Seeing this thing, not only Yinling, but also other people were shocked. Even if there is only the respectable section, this thing is after all the top secret protection method of the Mu Amaranth family. You must know that the Mu Amaranth family is not Ordinary families, among the giant wooden gates, Mu Amaranth's family is one of the best, and the ancestors have several families in the pinnacle realm of spiritual saints.

Yinling immediately gave Huo Hai a voice transmission: "Huo Hai, this is the top secret protection method of the Mu Amaranth family. I think you still don't want to go on. If you win, you are likely to get into trouble."

The significance of this thing is really too high, but Mu Amaran alone can say, even if he really wins, I am afraid Huo Hai will not be so good by then, Mu A sneered and wanted to look at Huo Hai How to do.

As long as Huo Hai takes it next, no matter what, it will offend the family behind Mu Amaranth, but if it doesn’t, then it proves that Huo Hai voluntarily surrendered. Huo Hai has no such idea, even if it offends a powerful What can he do with his family? Only by going forward can he continuously improve his cultivation.

Huo Hai sneered: "Of course I can go on, but I don't know if your bet counts. If I win, can this thing really belong to me? I don't want to watch someone go wrong. Some people can let People can't believe it."

Mu Che’s originally proud expression suddenly froze, and then Mu Che said loudly, “I count, as long as you can win, things are yours. The credibility of our family cannot be stigmatized. If you don’t believe it, I can use the family’s Make a contract in name."

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "I'll swear it, I can swear it in the name of the family." Huo Hai doesn't believe that it will be so effective if it is just a contract. Not to mention that Mu Amaranth's future cultivation level can disperse the contract to a certain extent. Even if it was the family behind Mu Amaranth, Huo Hai didn't believe that they would have no way to deal with the contract.

Mu Che’s face changed, but unfortunately no one can shrink back at this time: "Okay, I will swear in the name of the family, as long as you are willing to accept this bet, then if you win, this thing will be yours, Mu Family absolutely does not. I will trouble you for this."

Both parties have agreed, and in the end, in the eyes of the surrounding people, they made a contract on the spot, and at the same time, even the oath has been made, "Huh, the day of slaying the dragon is about to begin. I will tell you where you are. Then you can go by yourself. , Don’t even have the qualifications to enter.” Mu Chen threw the letter over, then turned and left.

Huo Hai didn't feel regret at all in his heart. He was about to fix this thing. The Wood Spirit Body could not be used by himself, but Yun'er could use it. As long as the time comes, help Yun'er find a big tree that has reached the realm of Spiritual Venerable. Just do it.

Even as long as the potential is able to reach the realm of the Spiritual Venerable tree, after cultivating the wood spirit body, it will be the same as when facing the wood amaranth, no matter how attacked, it will not be able to break the defense, innately invincible.

When he fought Mu Amaranth, Huo Hai was already very envious of Mu Amaranth’s defensive ability, "You, how can you agree to such a bet, once this matter is announced, you will completely offend the Mu Family, even if they are Due to reputation and vows, I will not trouble you with this matter, and will use other excuses."

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "It's okay. If I can't beat them, I will try my best to improve my cultivation. One day I can beat them, but if this kind of good thing is missed, there will be no chance in the future." Huo Hai did not think about it. You will lose if you pass.

Wasn't that the way it was when fighting against the vast land empire? Now it seems to be a copy of the previous version. The difference is that at the beginning, I only had the realm of Lingshuai, but now I am a spiritual sovereign.

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