Evil Insect God

Chapter 1434: Orchid Bay

Throwing things to Huo Hai, Mu Amaranth consciously had no face and continued to stay here, so he turned around and left. Huo Hai didn't care. While talking to Yin Ling, he read the letters in his hand.

"Lanjiang Bay, half a month later, time is really tight." Huo Hai quickly learned the destination this time, but he didn't expect that the traitor of the Dragon race would hide in such a place. Lanjiang Bay is not well known. It’s an inland lake that isn’t too big. Of course, it’s not too big for a master of the Spiritual Venerable Realm.

For others, this is a vast sea, several times larger than the vast sea in the Heavenly Soul Region, and in terms of location, it is located at the border of the southeast region and the south region, close to the outer border.

This place is not a good place for hiding in any way. For such noble creatures of the dragon clan, even if they rebel and leave the group, they won't find such a broken place.

It’s really hard to find people from the Dragon Clan. They can also be found in such a place. As for those spiritual saints, if they haven’t confirmed the existence of the Dragon Clan, how could they organize the hunting by hand, let alone the Dragon Clan, they I must have known this matter. The giant wooden gate is going to slay the dragon. It is impossible not to notify the dragon clan. This is to avoid misunderstanding.

Now that the Dragon Race didn't say anything, it proved that the Dragon Race was indeed a traitor of the Dragon Race. It was so far away and there was no teleportation array with giant wooden doors.

As a result, I didn't have so much time to prepare. No wonder that Mu Amaranth would use this thing to compare with himself. Mu Amaranth belongs to a large wooden door family, so Mu Amaranth's family must have been prepared long ago.

Fortunately, when I just entered into a gambling agreement with Mu Amaranth, I have an extra heart. In the end, what I fight is not the final personal gain, but the personal gain from the dragon family with his own strength. In this way, it can at least suppress it. As for the other methods, Huo Hai didn't want to give up the materials on this dragon.

"Okay, time is tight, so you can stay here first, it's safer here." Huo Hai doesn't plan to go on shopping anymore. It's not good to waste time. Huo Hai was about to leave, and Yinling immediately followed Go up.

"Wait, I will go too. If Yinlei knows the news this time, he will definitely go there too. I must take revenge." Yinling pouted and followed, seeing Yinling look like this, Huo Hai suddenly became a little funny.

"How could Silver Thunder Venerable know about this? This time the matter was planned by the Spiritual Saints, I think Silver Thunder Venerable is not qualified to know about it." Huo Hai said, but Yin Ling is determined to Following up, Huo Hai was also a little moved at this time. He knew that Yinling was to prevent him from being attacked by Amaranth. No matter what, it was for his own sake.

Forget it, since Yinling insists on following, let her go, "Then let's hurry up, don't waste time." Huo Hai finally agreed, and a smile finally appeared on Yinling's face. .

The speed of the two was very fast, but because of Huo Hai's reasons, Yin Ling couldn't use the giant wooden gate's teleportation array with Huo Hai, and the two could only walk all the way south through the teleportation array of the large city.

It took eight full days. On the ninth day, the two came out of a teleportation formation in a big city, and finally approached their destination. "There is Lanjiang Bay. We will pass quickly. We actually met on the way. So many people." Huo Hai and Yinling frowned at this time, not knowing who did it, they actually announced the news.

If this is the case, it is very likely that Silver Thunder Venerable will actually receive news. Although it is far from the Eastern Region, if Silver Thunder Venerable comes, things will become more troublesome. Not to mention Silver Thunder Venerable, others will also A lot.

Along the way, I can see some spiritual masters running towards here, even those who have a great spiritual respect, there are many people who want to try their luck, many people do not even condense the light of the soul, is this coming to die .

These Huo Hai would not pay attention. The two of them were very fast, and in less than half an hour, they came to the vicinity of Lanjiang Bay. No matter what, Lanjiang Bay was also a large inland lake. At this time, the breath of killing continued. Ascended, "Senior Sister Yinling, come here soon, we are ready to attack Lanjiang Bay." Suddenly, a young woman shouted to this side.

This person should also be from the giant wooden gate. Upon hearing this, Yinling immediately said: "Let's go there too, in a short time we may not find the traitor of the Dragon Race." With that, Yinling took Huo Hai towards the front. Fly away.

Huo Hai didn't hesitate either. It wasn't that there were only people from the giant wooden gate and one sect, but a lot of masters gathered in front of them, and casual cultivators accounted for a large part of them. Huo Hai still did not feel the breath of Silver Thunder Venerable. , But I'm not sure if Yin Lei Zun was hiding in it, Huo Hai at this time was not taken seriously by others.

Even though Huo Hai has already revealed his aura, the mere five heavenly spirits are really nothing. You must know the people who participated in the dragon slaying this time, even the twelfth heavenly spirits masters, can be seen here. To five or six.

There are other masters who don't know where they are hiding, or some masters who haven't arrived yet. Huo Hai and Yinling's strengths are, at best, a little self-preservation. Not many people will care.

"Sister, look, this is indeed the place where the Dragon Traitor hides, but here is not only the Dragon Traitor. That guy has recruited a lot of fierce beasts here, so we must clean up these beasts and fierce beasts before we can enter. "Following this person's fingers, Huo Hai looked into the distance, and there were indeed many fierce beasts here.

As for the number of spirit beasts, this is not certain. Maybe there are some spirit beasts hidden in the crowd. From time to time in the air, a few half-transformed bird spirit beasts can be seen flying by.

These things are in the realm of the Spirit King and will not attract everyone's attention, but this has already shown that their arrival, the Dragon Race traitor knows, and a strong and cryptic aura emerges further away.

Needless to say, there must be a lot of ferocious beasts in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign hidden ahead, but it is a pity that this dragon traitor has not reached the realm of Spiritual Sage. Otherwise, I am afraid that even if the Spiritual Sage arrives today, it may not be able to kill them on the spot. , And it is precisely because of this that there are no spiritual masters under this dragon clan at all, and at most there is only the twelfth heaven.

"If you say that, this time the news is likely to be released by the Dragon Clan himself, then is it possible that he has already left." Huo Hai frowned, and suddenly asked, because it is very likely. .

The dragons are not idiots. On the contrary, they are very smart and disrupt the situation. Many casual cultivators are likely to destroy the siege of the major forces. Sometimes, the more people, the better. Besides, this way he can also avoid The less-transformed spirit beast hides in the crowd. It is also very useful to make trouble when it is critical. Other spirit saints should not do this kind of thing.

The little girl looked at Huo Hai with a strange expression, then looked at Yinling, and then lowered her head and said, "It seems to be true. I heard the ancestor say that the leaked news this time seems to have been made by the Dragon themselves. I did not expect you to You can see it too."

It seems that Huo Hai can see some clues and is very upset. To know that she is a master of giant wooden doors, she can see everything at the beginning, even just now, she still has a lot of questions that she hasn't figured out.

"Puff" Yinling suddenly smiled, covering her mouth, "Little girl, you're flat now, I said you have to think more about it, you see, anyone is smarter than you." Huo Hai said. The child became a random person. This kind of address made Huo Hai a little bit dumbfounded. Forget it, just just do it, it doesn't matter anyway.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly came over: "Boy, I didn't expect you to dare to come here. I thought you dare not come. Even if you do, today is your death date. You never Want to beat me."

The person here is Mu Amaranth. Mu Amaranth is carrying a lot of people at this time. He is indeed a son of a big family. There are so many people around at any time. If these people work together this time, Mu Amaranth is really possible to get a lot of things.

This time, in order to be able to beat Huo Hai, Mu Amaru even had a master of the tenth heavenly spirit around him. As for the higher people, generally speaking, the status is different, and the tenth heaven and above will have a high impact. Ability is not something he can call casually. Even if a spiritual saint is a master for the Mu Family, how can he be a bodyguard casually.

"This is what I want to say, you are so weak, don't rush forward when you see the dragon clan, otherwise it will be bad if you are killed by the dragon clan. I think it is more suitable for you to let others help." Huo Hai's tone is very strange.

This made many people around secretly covering their mouths and laughing, but Mu Mu's complexion was so ugly. This was obviously ironic. Although he wanted to say a few hard things, he was caught by the person next to him. He really rushed forward when he encountered the dragon, but the consequences were very serious, and he might be taken care of by this dragon traitor.

"Your Excellency is too much in charge. It seems that our giant wooden door has nothing to do with you. You only need to remember the gambling agreement." Next to Mu Amaranth, the tenth heavenly goddess walked over, and at the same time his own The breath was released towards Huo Hai.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "I'm talking to your master, what do you say to the next person." Huo Hai's words made this person's complexion drastically changed. Although these words are true, for a tenth heavenly spiritual sovereign, It is still a huge insult.

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