Evil Insect God

Chapter 1435: ambush

Mu A held the guard who was about to get angry. Huo Hai didn’t feel angry at all when he said that. In his eyes, the master of the tenth heaven is a bad guy, even a person of the twelfth heaven. Some subordinates only.

"We don't need to talk to this kind of people, let's go, I want to see how hard this kid can talk about, his strength, and whether his mouth is hard." I couldn't talk twice about Huo Hai, Mu Amaranth also knew that he might be inferior to the other in terms of the advantage of his tongue. In that case, he didn't want to find something uncomfortable on his own.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, the strong are respected. The real thing to compare at the end is still strength, no strength, no matter how much you say, there will be no good ending in the end. Other people think so, so cold He turned and left with a snort.

But just leave. Huo Hai also despises these people. Although Huo Hai rarely quarrels with people, he is also a person from the era of the information explosion. It is really irresponsible to argue with himself. .

No one in this world has ever studied how to quarrel with people. Turning around, Huo Hai continued to joking and laughing with this little girl at the giant wooden gate, no matter what other people thought. This girl seemed to have never seen the world. He was very curious about everything in the outside world, so Huo Hai was also happy, and he was fine to tease this little girl.

Time has passed very quickly, especially for the spiritual masters. In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed. At this time, the area leading to the front of Lanjiang Bay has increased by not knowing how many people, even the spiritual masters. Venerable master, there were more than two thousand people who came this time, and it was the first time that Huo Hai saw so many spirits gathered together.

Looking at the expressions of other people, the people of the big family seem to not care at all. They see this situation a lot, but for Huo Hai, it is really spectacular. At this time, the people here are not just spiritual. Respect.

These days, many people who are lucky enough to take advantage have come, and there are at least tens of thousands of spirit emperors in front of them, and even those who think they have better luck have come. These people are really good. Not afraid of death.

At this time, a voice came from the front: "Everyone is ready to move forward. This time we are going to slay the dragon. First, we must deal with the dragon's subordinates. Everyone should be careful and set off." After that, with an order, the team Start walking inside, although everyone is cautious, but because the cultivation base is not weak, so the speed is definitely not slow.

"Huh, isn't it just some of the Dragon Clan's subordinates? I don't think I'm as strong as I am." A spirit emperor said disdainfully, because at this time he had already sensed that some powerful beast auras were exuding in the mountains ahead.

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you feel it? There are still many fierce beasts in the realm of spirits, I think we should be more careful." This is more cautious. A cautious person may not be the best, but it is definitely alive. The longest group of people.

The person who just spoke was full of disdain: "Don’t worry, this dragon is hidden in Lanjiang Bay, so aquatic beasts are the strongest. These terrestrial beasts are not good at all, and I never thought about getting some dragons. As long as the things on my body can follow the big troops and get a little heavenly material, I will be satisfied. If it is possible, it would be better to break through the spirits."

Many people have this idea, Dragons, even people of the same level, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to be an opponent of the Dragons, let alone this 12th-tier dragon, the strength is not at all they dare. Thought.

A group of people flew forward in a mess. Only the powerful people would organize their own teams. No one else organized them, and no one paid any attention to them. The powerful people wanted these people to die here. As for themselves, they simply Can't find a master who can convince the masses, casual cultivating is casual cultivating, and it has always been a mess of loose sand.

Even if a small number of casual repairs can form a team, it is just a messy squad, and it is simply a difference from large forces. Huo Hai is also one of these mobs at this time. There is no way, who can make his own strength poor.

The more he feels this feeling of powerlessness, the more determined Huo Hai's heart is to improve his own strength. Only when his own strength is improved, will he not have this feeling of powerlessness in the future, but now? Just bear it.

Huo Hai followed a large number of people all the way to the front, and the aura in front became more and more obvious. This small mountain range in the middle was obviously where the Dragon Race was going to stop them this time. Perhaps this Dragon Traitor also Realized that he was not an opponent of so many people at all, but it was a pity that it was difficult for the dragon masters to leave this place at this time.

There are so many spirit saints staring at this dragon clan because it was too late to get the news, and now being watched by many spirit saints, there is no way to escape. Maybe if this battle can survive, this dragon clan still has a chance to escape.

After all, some of the secret techniques of the Dragon Clan are also very special. Those Spirit Saints can control them here for a period of time without their own hands, but they cannot control them permanently, or they may not be able to kill them in the end. Maybe there will be Lingsheng doing it. After all, the traitor of the Dragon Race is rare. It is too difficult to find one.

The group of people rushed forward violently, and they were about to face each other, but at this moment, something happened suddenly, and breaths suddenly erupted on the cliffs on both sides that seemed to be inconspicuous.

"Ah... **** it, there is an ambush here." For the first time, a large number of attacks have already fallen towards the crowd, which is also mixed with attacks from a lot of beasts in the spiritual realm, which is only the first attack. , The spirit emperors who came to slay dragons suffered heavy losses, especially those who would attack on a large scale, it was not simple.

On the contrary, the Allied Spiritual Venerables, each caring about themselves at this time, set their own defenses strictly. There was no one to take care of the Sanxiu Spirit Emperors. A huge white bird flew through the sky and countless feathers fell.

Where the feathers fell, all the people who were touched began to rot in the first place. These feathers were obviously highly poisonous.

On the ground, a large area of ​​ground thorns suddenly rose up. People who were flying low were caught off guard. They were pierced a lot on the spot. Then the ground thorns exploded, and a large area of ​​the spirit emperor was basically destroyed. Empty.

"Assholes, these fierce beasts will actually lie in wait, killing these **** to avenge the dead brothers." A loud roar sounded in the crowd, and then people's morale and murderous spirit began to rise, but few people noticed the one who just spoke. Man himself did not rush up, but quickly retreated to the crowd seeking protection.

In the face of the sudden attack, although the coalition suffered heavy losses, the counterattack speed was also very fast. Although the attack that had just arrived was terrifying, but the masters of the realm of Spiritual Sovereignty have not been killed or injured.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. The flying bird just now was a fierce beast above the tenth heaven. After attacking, he had already left here. The powerful fierce beast that had just sent out a ground thorn did not know where it was at this time.

Because after an attack, this breath of control of the earth has disappeared without a trace. It seems that these two fierce beasts are the top masters under the giant dragon. It is impossible for him to let these two fierce beasts suffer from others here in vain. He died under the siege. At this time, the fierce beasts around, even the most powerful, were only as high as four or five heavens.

Huo Hai's heart suddenly moved, and then the voice transmission said: "Be careful yourself, I will look elsewhere." Then, the starlight under Huo Hai's feet flashed, and the whole person disappeared here, passing by, and killing a few A fierce beast.

Yinling and the other woman are not weak in their own strength, and they are also people of the giant wooden door. Naturally, the people around the giant wooden door will not watch the two people get injured, so Huo Hai left at this time, but was not worried at all.

"Huh, why is this guy like this? He left when he encountered an attack. It is really annoying to leave the two of us here to deal with it." The woman at the giant wooden door looked at the direction Huo Hai was leaving with annoyance, her eyes full of resentment.

Yinling smiled and said, "Well, that guy has too many secrets, maybe there are some secrets that I don't want people to see. Besides, we won't be in danger here." During this time, Yinling told Huo. Hai also understood a little bit, but the more he understood, the more he discovered that there were too many secrets in Huo Hai's body.

"Senior Sister Yinling is true. What's so good about that person, and so mysterious. I really don't know what Senior Sister you like about him." The next girl looked at Yinling with a strange expression, her eyes flashing. Weird light.

Yinling patted her head fiercely: "Pity, you little girl, you still say bad things about your sister. Okay, let's be careful. This is the battlefield. Don't be distracted." Yinling suddenly pulled. Lian'er avoided an attack.

At this time, Lian'er finally realized that this is not a place to laugh. She herself is only the Spiritual Respect of the Triple Heaven. Among all the Spiritual Respect, although it can not be said to be the bottom, it is also the lowest one, two people. Facing the attacks of these fierce beasts, one also needs to be cautious, lest being injured by the fierce beasts, in many cases it is impossible to even counterattack.

At this time, Huo Hai, after leaving the two people, quickly left the sight of everyone, and then suddenly sank into the ground. There are many masters who can control the ground to attack, but not many can blend into the ground.

Huo Hai doesn’t value the materials on these fierce beasts at all, so Huo Hai hides underneath at this time and has no idea of ​​secretly gaining loot. Of course, if possible, Huo Hai will take away a few corpses. Huo Hai released his star line with all his strength at this time, forming a huge spiritual formation below the battlefield. This was Huo Hai's main purpose.

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