Evil Insect God

Chapter 1436: Collect in chaos

After laying down the spirit formation, Huo Hai secretly appeared in other places. His figure flashed, and Huo Hai appeared beside an ape of the second heavenly spirit with his aura hidden.

This is a huge white ape with strong physical strength. What he is best at is melee attacks. It just happened to knock out a single-heavy spirit venerable with a punch. When Huo Hai appeared beside the white ape, the white ape was completely absent. Realizing that when the long sword in Huo Hai's hand was pierced, at this time, although the white ape wanted to dodge, he could no longer do it.

Huo Hai's speed is much faster than this white ape. The long sword in his hand instantly stabs, and it has already submerged behind the white ape. What the long sword pierced is exactly the heart of the white ape at this time. Location, the heart was broken, and the white ape died naturally.

Fierce beasts are different from spirit beasts and humans. Fierce beasts do not have an inner world. In other words, the entire body of the fierce beast is its own inner world. Therefore, the strength of the fierce beast is very strong, regardless of the fierce beast.

Every fierce beast has extremely terrifying physical strength, but the body of the fierce beast is also very important. Once the body is damaged, it is very difficult to recover, and some important organs are destroyed, such as the heart. Yes, then this fierce beast will also die on the spot. After the death of humans and spirit beasts, they can seize their houses and be reborn.

But the fierce beast is different. When the fierce beast is dead, it is dead. Except for the very useful corpse and crystal nucleus, it will leave nothing. After killing the white ape, Huo Hai quickly waved his hand and earned it to his own. In the inner space.

Looking around, Huo Hai found that his actions did not attract anyone's attention. After all, at this time, the death of one or two spirits on the battlefield was nothing at all. The real main force did not even act.

In the face of other four and five-level spirits, as long as they acted, it would be earth-shattering. Huo Hai’s sneak attack method of fighting was really unobtrusive. Huo Hai quickly determined his next goal. His figure flashed, secretly. 'S approached the past, and with Huo Hai's movements, one after another fierce beasts died in Huo Hai's hands, and Huo Hai did not show any mercy.

Gradually, because Huo Hai killed a large number of beasts, it slowly attracted the attention of some people. When Huo Hai had just killed a beast, the three men in black had already hidden their breath and moved towards Huo Hai. Come closer.

If it weren’t for Huo Hai’s strong mental perception, he would really not be able to spot these three people. At this time, Huo Hai’s aura was only the triple heaven, so although there were many fierce beasts killed on the road, none of them were of too high level. .

At this time, it’s better to leave the limelight to others, "Boy, you got too much stuff, let’s spit it out." When the three men in black got close to a certain distance, they suddenly said With a loud roar and a flash of figure, he attacked from three different directions at the same time. The battlefield is too big, who would notice anything in this place.

Huo Hai sneered at this moment, and there was no panic on his face. The three guys were nothing more than the people of the Triple Heaven, and they were also pseudo-spiritual veterans. Could they consider themselves as pseudo-spiritual veterans.

The hiding ability of the three men in black is good, but the speed and attack are completely incomparable to Huo Hai. Originally, in this battle, these loose repairs did not sign an agreement. They can attack other people at will, and other people can also attack. They, unlike those of the big forces, had already signed contracts, and they were not allowed to attack each other before slaying dragons.

Seeing that the daggers of the three people had been pierced over, and felt the surroundings, Huo Hai sneered, "You are the ones who are dying. You dare to come to me for trouble. I really don't know how to live or die."

Huo Hai snorted disdainfully, and the whole person turned into a streamer. The three men in black did not expect that the speed of each other would be so fast. Even they couldn't react to this speed and attacked many people. The man in black instantly knew that he had kicked the iron plate, and the three of them simultaneously wielded the daggers in their hands, using the defensive war spirit technique to quickly retreat.

People in black who are good at sneak attacking other people are naturally very good at saving their lives. Unfortunately, the enemies they encountered this time exceeded them by too many. Before Huo Haijian was allowed to attack, the long sword in his hand had been pierced.

The hand wielding the dagger was completely unable to block Huo Hai’s long sword. From the gap, Huo Hai easily pierced the chest of a man in black. The sharp sword aura could not be resisted by their defense. The sword aura flashed. And entering, instantly pierced into the inner world of the man in black, only the triple heaven, the inner world was very weak, and it had been pierced with a single sword.

The figure of Huo Hai flashed past, and in a blink of an eye, three people were killed at the same time. The inner world was destroyed, and the body was too late to clean up. Huo Hai could only take it into the inner space and wait for time to deal with it.

"Want to leave, it is really whimsical." Feeling the constantly shaking souls of the three people, Huo Hai's eyes are full of disdain. There is no time to deal with it now, and Huo Hai simply ignores it. The souls of the three people have sunk before they leave. Down the ground.

The spirit array set up by Huo Hai in the underground space was used to restrain and collect souls. Unless they died, the inner world remained intact. In that case, with the help of the inner world, the soul can be completely protected. Then they leave here in an instant, once the inner world is destroyed, their souls don't even want to escape, they will only be attracted by the spirit formation.

Taking advantage of this chaos, Huo Hai went all the way into it, and with the last sneak attack, Huo Hai was more cautious, trying to avoid attracting the attention of others. During the battle, Huo Hai also saw some acquaintances.

Take Mu Amaranth, for example, the Mu Amaranth who fought at this time did not let other people protect it at all. Instead, he rushed into the battlefield with his sword and staff, and even fought against the fierce beasts. Someone stronger than himself.

He is truly a genius of the giant wooden gate. Even if there is a backing behind it and it can be famous for the giant wooden gate, this wood amaranth has its own strengths, and may not have a very good personality, but in terms of the attitude towards combat, this wood amaranth is indeed a qualified one. Spiritist, it's no wonder that Huo Hai could feel Mu Amaranth's fighting skills were superb when he was fighting with him that day.

Mu Amaranth should have gone through a lot of battles in ordinary times, and the experience is quite rich. Unfortunately, although Mu Amaranth is genius, it is difficult to leapfrog challenges, especially when facing these fierce beasts, it is impossible without using the body. Do it.

From Yinling’s mouth, Huo Hai already knew that Mu Amaranth’s body was actually a giant wood. No wonder the family was one of the best in the giant wooden door. Huo Hai fought all the way, and it didn’t take long before he saw Yinling and Lian'er. personal.

The fighting power of these two people is not very strong, but at this time, there is no too powerful beast. Under the entanglement of the silver bell, most of the beasts will basically be restrained, and there is no way to move. The next moment, pity He has controlled those plant puppets to besiege, and it is easy to kill one after another fierce beast, and the harvest is good.

In the center of the battlefield, none of the masters above the seventh heaven could do it. Perhaps they would only intervene when they encounter danger at the same door. This battle is just a method used by dragon traitors to consume low-end strength.

At the same time, this is also a strategy used by the dragon traitor to test the strength of the people who came to kill themselves this time. If you waste your power on dealing with these things, it will be too wasteful. There are not many masters of beasts. But the number of low-level fierce beasts is very scary, fierce beasts are fierce beasts, although the heavenly beasts are not bad in IQ.

But when faced with such a killing, the spirits of the fierce beasts were gradually affected, "Roar...kill these **** humans and spirit beasts." A huge tiger roared, and layers of sound waves vibrated.

The few spirits who hadn't noticed were immediately set in the air by the sound waves, and the next moment other fierce beasts rushed up, tearing these people to pieces, let alone the inner world, even their souls were scattered on the spot.

Huo Hai sighed for waste, and at the same time approached the white tiger cautiously from the ground, "Four Heavens cultivation base, this coat of fur is really good." Huo Hai muttered in his heart, and the next moment he broke ground, in Bai Hugang When he wanted to rush up, he had been pierced by the long sword from below, the sword qi exploded, and the internal organs in his body were severely wounded.

Huo Hai did not wait for the other beasts to react, nor did he want people to see his actions. He immediately sank to the ground. As soon as the giant tiger died, Huo Hai took it away, and then left here silently. .

Because Huo Hai hides better, even if he is a master of the Twelve Heavens, it is difficult to find Huo Hai’s traces, let alone recognize Huo Hai’s identity. This battle lasted for three days. , Three days is nothing to the Spirit Venerable. Within three days, the entire valley was finally completely emptied, and the remaining fierce beasts had been evacuated.

In these three days, Huo Hai has already killed more than twenty fierce beasts in the realm of Spiritual Venerable. The beasts of Spiritual Venerable are not so easy to kill. Most of them are gathered together, even Huo Hai There is no chance for a sneak attack.

Human masters died more frequently, but most of them were casual cultivators who came with them. The first battle was already so tragic, and many casual cultivators had a vague retreat at this time, especially those who were not strong enough. Many of the casual cultivators of the realm have already left with their trophies, and some people secretly followed behind.

"Everyone is coming back, we take a day off, and we will attack the day after tomorrow." A voice came out at this moment.

The fierce beast has retreated, and the three consecutive days of fighting have exhausted everyone. Hearing this voice, no matter how far away, everyone quickly began to retreat. Only this time is the safe time.

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