Evil Insect God

Chapter 1437: Huge gain, unexpected discovery

All of you have to report back at this time. After all, now you have to count the list of losses. Of course, the most important thing is to avoid anyone from getting in, although I don't know how many spies are in it.

But this time after the statistics, most of the new ones are problematic, and the ones that appear again after the statistics are also problematic. I don't know what is the use of doing this, but everyone still has to come back, so Huo Hai did not deal with other things for the time being, but followed back to this place.

"Wow, so you are still alive." After seeing Huo Hai, Lian'er waved her arms happily, but what she said made Huo Hai depressed. This little girl is really speechless, forget it, this is called Not because of world affairs.

"Lian'er don't talk nonsense." Yinling knocked on Lian'er's head, and then smiled apologetically at Huo Hai.

At this time, Mu Amaru also saw Huo Hai in the distance. He wanted to rush up with an annoyed expression, but was held back by others, "Master Mu Amaranth, let's not go there anyway. They won't do anything anyway. If it were past, I would definitely not be able to talk about him at that time." Everyone gathered together, so naturally you can't do anything with other people casually.

However, they experienced Huo Hai's language offensive. They hadn't said it twice in a row. Instead, they had been said to be disgraced. Although this was also related to them, Mu Amaranth still resented Huo Hai.

"Huh, let him be proud of it for two more days." Then Mu Che turned and left here, simply looking out of the way, the statistics were very fast, and the statistics were jointly conducted by the major forces, which took less than 20 minutes. Everything is done.

Most people don’t need to rest like ordinary people at all. They just need to find a place to quietly recover their spiritual power. Of course, there are a few people who like to get into tents. This is also a highlight of their identity. Of course, people with real status have already built some buildings on the spot.

Some people are even so extravagant to put the finished building in the space ring. At this time, you can take it out and live in it. As expected, the spirits are much more convenient than ordinary people. Huo Hai finally saw it today.

"We are going to sleep, you are not allowed to come in." Before entering his tent, Lian'er stared at Huo Hai with wide eyes, as if looking at a pervert. Huo Hai was helpless, this girl was there in the end. Think of something.

Huo Hai shook his head, and then took out a tent. Of course, these tents were made using special methods. It is really not easy for ordinary people to see through. After entering the tent, Huo Hai did not relax. Today’s battle would not consume much money. Many, with Huo Hai's recovery ability, after the registration is completed, his spiritual power has been completely restored.

Huo Hai's figure flashed, and the whole person sank into the depths of the ground. The spirit formation was originally arranged in a very deep place, and Huo Hai still used special spirit formation hiding skills, otherwise it would have been discovered by the people above.

"Not bad, this time the battle gains are really great." Huo Hai quickly counted, his eyes narrowed, in his spirit circle, the bound soul Huo Hai can't count, just the light of the soul. , There are a full three hundred here.

If all the light of the soul is cleaned up and absorbed, one's mental power will reach a terrifying level, but to do this, I am afraid that you have to reach the peak of the spiritual sovereign. The strength is not enough, and the spiritual power itself There is also an upper limit. If this limit is exceeded, then mental power will in turn oppress the body.

Of course, if it is cleaned up, it is also very good to refining it into the next stage of the Star Soul Attraction. The Star Soul Attraction that is cast with the souls of the masters of the Spirit Venerable realm, I believe it can raise one's own body skills to one. To the point of horror.

However, the prerequisite is that I can keep up with my understanding of the spirit formation. Huo Hai’s understanding of the spirit formation has not yet filled his current star soul, or at most, has filled four of his own star soul. It's only three thirds.

Today, at least five or six hundred spiritual masters died. Of course, most of them are fierce beasts. The fierce beasts have no inner world. As long as they die, their souls will be captured. But the human masters are different. After they die, many They all retain their own inner world, and now they don't know where they are, these are no gains.

Even so, there are still more than 300 light of the soul. Huo Hai has no time to deal with it, so he can only speed up and go to seal one by one. In this way, he was busy most of the night. Before dawn, Huo Hai finally took this job. finished.

"I have to hurry up." Huo Hai felt the sky for a while, his figure accelerated, and went quietly towards Lanjiang Bay. Along the way, a powerful and depressed aura emerged in Huo Hai's perception.

Especially in the depths of the underground, Huo Hai also discovered several powerful beasts. The strongest one had the cultivation base of the Eleventh Heaven. Huo Hai was more careful and at the same time allowed himself to go deeper underground. If he was discovered, he would really be dead. It would take a lot of time to move forward quietly. It seemed that it would be impossible to go back before dawn.

Huo Hai probably calculated the position above, and it should become the main battlefield, so just below, as before, set up a spiritual formation for collecting souls, collecting souls, no one would say anything.

In this world, masters in the realm of spirits must completely smash the opponent’s soul and collect souls. No one would think that this is an evil thing. Of course, there are not many people who can really use the soul. Among the many spiritual masters present, there are probably no more than one hand that can really use the light of the soul.

After carefully arranging the spirit formation, Huo Hai did not go back, but immediately changed a place, and then continued to arrange it. In the end, Huo Hai set up the spirit formation in all the surrounding areas that might become battlefields.

It can be said that the entire area around Lanjiang Bay is within the control range of Huo Hai’s spirit array. If these souls did not die within the range of the spirit array, Huo Hai would have no choice. "Huh, even if it is discovered. , It doesn't matter."

These things do not have any killing effect on the beasts. After all, the beasts are dead. They will not seize the house. But for humans and spirit beasts, it is different. This is equivalent to blocking their hope of rebirth. After being discovered, At best, everyone would just suspect that this was a method used by the Dragon Traitors to deal with them, and would never have thought that this was made by Huo Hai.

The advantage of being able to perfectly hide one's own breath is great. When you are replaced by someone else, you will definitely not dare to do this kind of thing. The Qi Locking Technique that you cultivated at the beginning was not in vain, but at this time, it is still playing an important role.

Along the way, even at the bottom of the sea, Huo Hai has also set up a lot of spiritual formations, "The last place, hey, this feeling."

When Huo Hai planned to put the last place in the spiritual formation, he suddenly felt a little strange. This feeling seemed to be felt somewhere. After a long time, Huo Hai felt the origin of his eagerness, and finally remembered it.

"That's it, I said that there is a huge dragon hidden in the place where the bird does not shit. It turns out that there is a dragon vein here, and it is also a place where two dragon veins meet." The breath of the dragon vein is of great benefit to the dragons, the same The breath of the dragon clan also contributes to the improvement of the dragon veins. The relationship between the two can be said to be complementary.

However, Huo Hai did not move, because in front of him, Huo Hai also felt a very special aura of secret art. As long as he dared to move, he would definitely be discovered by the dragon, and he would be dead at that time.

The breath of the dragon clan faintly exudes, Huo Hai is very familiar with and adapted to this breath, but Huo Hai can feel this breath, as long as the other party moves, he definitely has no power to fight back.

Not to mention fighting back, it is a luxury to even want to escape. Huo Hai could not have been the opponent of the Twelve Heavens Master, let alone the Dragon Clan. "Forget it, wait a few days, this giant When the dragon is entangled, I should have a chance." Huo Hai sighed, but gave up, then Huo Hai cautiously began to back away.

In any case, today's harvest is really great, and only those souls are enough to make Huo Hai a worthwhile trip.

When Huo Hai came back here and walked out of the tent, Lian'er found out for the first time: "You big lazy pig, you didn't come out until noon, what are you doing inside."

Hearing Lian'er's words, Huo Hai gave a wry smile, unexpectedly it was noon, but looking around, Huo Hai slowly said: "It seems that there are still many people who haven't come out." Huo Hai opened his hands. .

Lian'er snorted coldly: "Hmph, those guys haven't recovered. Sister Yinling said that you recover very quickly." Lian'er's eyes widened, not knowing why, since the first time I saw Huo Hai, Lian'er likes to find Huo Hai's fault, perhaps, this has something to do with the girl who had teased this girl before, Huo Hai has nothing to say.

Anyway, there is still one day, this day is a day of rest, tomorrow the army will continue to advance, officially enter Lanjiang Bay, and the final decisive battle with the dragon traitor, Huo Hai shook his head, and the little girl talked.

At this moment, Huo Hai's eyes flashed, and then he returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. Huo Hai sat in front of the two of them, and then began to prepare food. It was a pleasure to eat.

At this time, Huo Hai's thoughts had already entered the inner space. In the inner space, Huo Hai had just received news that the silver beads and the small moths were about to complete their transformation, and the other death moths were not far from the completion of the transformation.

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