Evil Insect God

Chapter 1440: Tragic

"Damn, why are you attacking me?" After being attacked, others felt incredible for the first time. Some people were not strong enough and died on the spot under the front and back flanks.

There are also some people with good cultivation bases. Even if they were attacked, they were just injured and did not die. However, at this time, everyone looked at the people around them, and their eyes seemed to change. These people attacked themselves, so strange. As for the people of, who would dare to believe that at this moment, he could no longer care about so many evil dragons, and directly let himself be mixed into the crowd by his subordinates.

However, no one found that although these people did their work, they were all casual practitioners who were injured and killed. There was no master of the large forces. The people who came out of these forces were all gathered together and far away from the casual practitioners.

"Hmph, I've noticed your hand a long time ago, and we will do it too." The white-haired old man snorted coldly, and then gave the order.

From the beginning, in order to prevent people from evil dragons from getting into the crowd, although these big forces didn't say anything, they had taken precautions, and the reason they all got together and stayed away from casual cultivation was for this reason.

The loss just now was indeed not small, but it was all casual cultivators. It is better for these people to die. Later, there will be fewer people competing with themselves for the treasures of the dragon. As a dragon, the evil dragon is full of treasures. Others When the materials on the fierce beasts are added together, they are probably not comparable to the evil dragon. The evil dragon at the peak of the spirits has produced a lot of holy-level materials.

In the next moment, the masters of the major forces immediately launched attacks on these exposed spirit beasts. From the very beginning, these people have been hiding and did not launch them with all their strength. Now they are doing all-out, naturally extraordinary.

The powerful attacking war spirit art, coupled with various special methods, one by one scroll spar was thrown out, and even some one-time weapons exploded. The spirit beast masters who were originally mixed in the crowd were hit hard for the first time.

"These enemies just now are the people with evil dragons inserted among us, everyone is welcome." A voice sounded, everyone immediately understood what was going on, the battle became more intense, and the same became more chaotic, although everyone knew this. It's the enemy, but after all, under the canine teeth, many people are still carefully guarding the people around.

And amidst this chaos, many casual cultivators also started sneaking and petting the dog, and the battlefield became more and more chaotic, "Huh, it is really a mob, and can't get on the stage." Seeing this scene, the people in the big forces were full of dissatisfaction. .

These people only care about their own interests and don't care about everything else, but they didn't expect that in fact, they are almost the same, but everyone's interests are different. They don't like this little profit.

And at this time, the battle group of masters who have not reached the realm of the spirits are the most chaotic. Those who kill the beasts, **** materials, and even want to pick up some of the dead beasts of the spirits, all kinds of people. Both, for some treasures, it is very normal for these people to shoot each other, and many people have already died in their own hands.

If it weren't for the fact that too many people had come this time, far surpassing the fierce beasts gathered under the evil dragon, I am afraid that these people have already been defeated at this time. Even now, if this continues, the battlefield will probably collapse completely in no time.

However, whether these people collapse or not has no impact on the battle situation. The high spirits do not care at all. If they are happy, they will help out. If they are unhappy, there are even some spirits facing their own coalition masters. , The scene was really chaotic, and yes, who made the masters on the Heavenly Spirit Continent so strong that the army was completely useless.

When Huo Hai quietly returned, what he saw was such a chaotic scene. Because of the battle, the surrounding terrain had undergone tremendous changes. This was not a spiritual master fighting, but a group.

Almost every moment, there are spirits who are dying. Many spiritual masters have even killed their eyes. Perhaps, in the eyes of many spiritual masters, it doesn’t matter if they fail, as long as they can keep their own. The inner world will do.

If the inner world is still there, oneself can be reborn, and it will recover in a short time. Even if there is only one soul, I believe that with the help of my previous experience, I am afraid that I will be able to return to the spiritual state within a thousand years. Many people It can even recover faster, so the most feared of death on the battlefield are these heavenly masters, I really don't know what they are thinking.

There are also sky-level masters who are afraid of death and do not want to die, but on this kind of battlefield, these people who are afraid of death but have no combat effectiveness are often the fastest to die. After Huo Hai came out, he has killed several beasts. Or humans.

"It's really messy, I don't know what happened to the battlefield in Lanjiang Bay." Huo Hai once again shot a spirit-exalted fierce beast rushing towards him, and did not continue to entangle him, but his body shape Leaving here in a flash.

When approaching the central battlefield of Lanjiang Bay, Huo Hai had found the place where Yinling was, and did not rush forward. After all, Yinling has not encountered any danger at this time. It is good to hide in the dark. Within a piece of stone, Huo Hai looked towards the center battlefield. At this time, the evil dragon was already covered with scars.

Many scales and blood fell into the ground or scattered into the sea. Xiao Shui had already secretly started collecting dragon blood and evil dragon scales at this time, but Xiao Shui did not dare to do too much, otherwise it would be bad if he was discovered. Up.

These Lingzun Xiaoshui are not afraid, but the Lingsheng who is watching here is different at this time. The attack of the Lingsheng master is enough to crush Xiaoshui's crystal core on the spot, even if it is difficult to kill Xiaoshui, Huo Hai I don't want Xiao Shui to expose himself easily. This is his secret weapon, a super weird worm that can hardly be beaten by a hammer.

"Evil Dragon, die." By the fifth day of the battle, Evil Dragon and the many masters were already very tired. Fighting with all their strength for such a long time, even with the help of the pill, the consumption is not small.

The pill used to recover from the evil dragon was even more exhausted. As a traitor, he didn't carry too much pill on his body. Seeing the evil dragon was dying, looking like he was about to fail, the white-haired old man snorted coldly. Finally issued his own trick.

The white light condensed in the hand, and a huge blade was formed in between. As the old man waved his hand, the blade flashed away. At this moment, even the space was faintly cracked, and he could use the cultivation base of the spiritual realm to bring the heavenly spirit. A crack was cut in the space of the domain. It is conceivable that this old man's terrifying strength has always been the most hidden.

Seeing the blade attack, the evil dragon knew that he would never be able to avoid it, and he roared up to the sky, and the dragon energy all over his body broke out. In an instant, all the power remaining on his body was mobilized and did not attack the white-haired old man. .

Because the evil dragon knows that the strength of the person in front of him is not much worse than that of himself. Even if he tries his best, he can’t kill him. The evil dragon’s goal is the weakest among the people surrounding him who besieged him. With a wave of his paw, the attack speed was extremely fast this time, and the person who hadn't reacted to it was cut into pieces in the first place.

This claw directly beat his inner world into fly ashes, but unfortunately his soul escaped, but no one knew that his soul was not protected by the inner world, and would soon be attracted by the spiritual formation in the underground space. .

With a mouth open, a red flame spurted out from the mouth. Dragon's breath, this is the housekeeping skill of the dragon clan, and one of the most powerful abilities. The dragon's breath, which condenses all its remaining power, hits instantly. Another master.

Even if this person is a master of the Twelfth Heaven, facing a sudden blow, he still can't stop it. The short knife in his hand was scorched in the flames, and the flame fell on him, easily destroying the defensive barrier. The soul and the inner world were all burned to fly ash under the dragon's breath. This is the true strength of the dragon clan.

Among the same level, being besieged by five people at the same time, it is still possible to fight two, this is the master of the twelfth heaven.

When all this was done, the old man's knife light had also approached the evil dragon's body, and the knife light flashed by, directly hitting the evil dragon's wound. At this time, the scales on the evil dragon's body seemed to have little protection.

The wound was cut open, and the remaining scales and fur were also cut into shreds in the first place. An evil dragon, under this move, was cut in half on the spot, dragons and ordinary spirit beasts. But it's different, this thing is a strange form of heaven and earth.

Even if these dragons bred from their ancestors are still different from normal beasts, the inner world of the dragons is within the dragon ball, and the body is stronger than many beasts. If the body is crushed, the dragon ball will lose control and the dragon cannot Seizing the house, if the soul finds the dragon vein, it may be able to slowly conceive and eventually resurrect.

As for the Dragon Ball, at the moment of the dragon's death, it has nothing to do with the dragon itself. The dragon is powerful, but cannot be protected by the inner world after death. This is also a limitation of the laws of heaven and earth.

With a roar, the evil dragon that was beaten in two fell into the water. The three people who "boomed" the besieging dragon wanted to go up and **** it, but the three attacked the other two at the same time. Intercepted, but none of them caught up.

"Hurry up and help, otherwise we won't do it." Seeing their actions, the people who were resisting the four top masters of the evil dragon immediately expressed their dissatisfaction. There are four fierce beasts of the twelfth heaven. , If they continue to do this, they will also be angry. At that time, once they let go, the destruction that these fierce beasts can cause will be terrifying.

Upon hearing the words, the three looked at each other coldly, and then let the dragon corpse fall. They watched while rushing towards the other four fierce beasts of the twelfth layer, in a short time. Solve the battle within.

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