Evil Insect God

Chapter 1441: snatch

With the addition of three masters, these fierce beasts are naturally not opponents. After just a few moves, these fierce beasts have fallen into the disadvantage, and if this goes on, they will probably die in the hands of these people in a short time.

It’s a pity that the attention of these seven people at this time is basically on the evil dragon corpse in the water. If it weren’t for these twelve-tiered fierce beasts to pose a huge threat to them, I’m afraid they have already left here. Start to snatch, it can be said that the fierce beasts below the tenth heaven have little effect on them.

The fierce beasts that fall into the wind are different. Although these fierce beasts are wise, they cannot be less fierce. Especially when facing death, these fierce beasts dare to work harder than dragons. Even more.

With a loud roar, a fierce hedgehog-like beast completely exploded all the power of his body on the spot. The terrifying power was condensed into the spikes on its body, and the spikes on its body instantly hit its opponents.

Not only does it condense the earth to become spikes, even if it is a spike on the body, there is no one left at this time. You must know that this kind of attack that directly damages itself is very powerful, but the cost is also not small. This attack is still I don't know how many years it will take to survive, and it will take him to return to his peak state. It was too late for a master of the twelfth heaven in front of him to react.

The other three powerful fierce beasts next to each other started desperately at the same time, "No, be careful that they dying to counterattack." At this time, everyone finally realized something was wrong. Unfortunately, this fierce beast was desperately fast and decisive.

Except for the later two slower reactions, the first two fierce beasts started to do it. Under the burst of power, they immediately killed their opponents, but the killing was not clean, leaving the inner world and souls to escape. That's it.

It’s already very difficult for the spirit masters who have reached the twelfth heaven to kill at the same level. They don’t have the powerful explosive ability of the dragons, so it’s good to be able to fight them. Unfortunately, these things are fierce after all. The beast, after death, there is no possibility of rebirth by seizing the house, even if it is the dragon clan, there is still a little possibility.

In one burst, the remaining seven masters of the twelfth heavenly spirits died on the spot. The two souls merged into the inner world and disappeared instantly without a trace. If they were caught before recovery, Not a good thing.

Without a body, it would be good for these twelfth heavenly masters to be able to display the fighting power of the nine heavenly spirits, and the rest were uncomfortable. Except for two that were not injured, the other three were fighting just now. The injuries were not minor.

At this moment, an aura of violent extremes suddenly erupted in the distance. It turned out that his master was dead and four spirit beasts of the twelfth heaven were desperately desperate. The spirits of the other eleventh and tenth heavens The beasts also started desperately, and they also knew that although there were a lot of them, they would die here sooner or later without top masters.

As fierce beasts, there are not many who are afraid of death. It is normal for the fierce beasts to fight hard before they die. Therefore, the coalition forces, whether they are casual cultivators or masters of major forces, face this wave. The impact loss was very heavy.

Many people died instantly, and even their souls were not preserved. Some of the world’s power was shattered and their souls could only be taken away by the spirit circle set up by Huo Hai in advance. Huo Hai, who was fighting with a six-layered beast, It was also affected.

I don’t know why, most fierce beasts have desperate means. This may have something to do with the characteristics of fierce beasts. Humans and spirit beasts rarely have such a means of burning their whole body spiritual power instantly. Under the explosion of the beast, the terrifying shock wave formed by a piece of air in the sky actually made Huo Hai not have time to react.

With a single blow, his seven layers of starlight suddenly shattered six layers, and the last impact force knocked Huo Hai far away, and the fierce beast after the full body strength exploded, actually still had the strength to escape.

Huo Hai didn't react in time at this time. This thing actually didn't know where it went. It seems that after desperately attacking, these fierce beasts will die, or they want to wait until they have a chance. Take revenge.

In short, under the violent blow of the fierce beasts, the coalition forces were only the masters of the spirits, and they lost several hundred in an instant. In addition to the previous losses, this time it was only the masters of the spirits of the coalition. Thousands of people have been killed, you know, these are thousands of spirits, not Chinese cabbage, this kind of loss is enough to shock countless people.

"Damn it, it seems that I can only do it in advance." Huo Hai snorted coldly. When the dragon corpse fell into the water before, Huo Hai had already ordered Xiao Shui to secretly start dividing, and the dragon ball and dragon soul he needed most were already Was taken away.

Even the claws of the giant dragon and the two dragon horns were taken away by Huo Hai. There were some furs and scales on the body of the evil dragon, which were also taken away by Xiao Shui, just to not excessively stimulate other people. , Xiao Shui has been very careful.

Seeing that all the high-level fierce beasts were almost killed and wounded at this time, Huo Hai knew that these people would definitely focus on the dragon corpse in the next moment. Sure enough, several people looked at each other without doing too much entanglement. , And at the same time rushed towards Lanjiang Bay, even if Lanjiang Bay had turned red at this time, they could not stop them.

"Xiaoshui, do it." Huo Hai gave an order in his heart. Xiaoshui immediately injected a large amount of spiritual power combined with the compression of water into the evil dragon's corpse according to Huo Hai's order. Then, the water exploded and the evil dragon's corpse It was thrown out, but because of the angle, no one found that the evil dragon was missing some parts.

The next moment, a violent force radiated from the evil dragon's corpse, and a huge explosion sounded. The explosion of spiritual power released by the small water that had condensed the power for such a long time was extraordinary.

"Damn it, this evil dragon will destroy the body even if it dies." They thought it was done by the evil dragon. After all, so many people at the scene wanted to **** the evil dragon's corpse materials, and no one would be so violent.

It’s right to think about it. This evil dragon knew he was going to die. As long as he had spare energy, he would naturally destroy his body. Even if he died, the evil dragon didn’t want to make others cheap. Just now, the evil dragon was beaten into two pieces. He didn't die completely, but no one knew that when the evil dragon fell into the water, the little fruit broke its hand, and the evil dragon that wanted to destroy itself was already dead.

Now, the explosion of the evil dragon's corpse has been delayed for a while, but Huo Hai didn't completely destroy the evil dragon's corpse. It was that easy to expose himself. Although the explosion was terrifying, the evil dragon's corpse was just turned into fragments.

A large piece of dragon blood dragon scales, mixed with the flesh and bones of the evil dragon, scattered in all directions. In a blink of an eye, it was as if it was raining, and you could see it everywhere. Seeing this scene, the people around suddenly stunned and then went crazy. Up.

"Come on, don't let others grab it." As the first person started, the others immediately ignored the others. If the evil dragon's body is intact, they can only see if there are any scales and dragon blood that can be robbed. , But it was different now. The evil dragon's body exploded, and all the scales and blood were everywhere. Wouldn't it be a pity if such a good opportunity to pick up a bargain was let go.

Who would have thought that in the end, this kind of situation would actually happen, even if you get a little dragon blood and then swallow it and refine it, your potential and physique will increase by a large part, and you will even have a chance to break through to the Spirit Venerable.

For those spirits, whether it is used to refine the pill or eat it directly, there are also great benefits. The spirit emperors and spirit emperors who basically don't have much chance can finally pick up the bargain at this time.

Several masters of the tenth heaven and above of the Spiritual Venerable saw this scene, and they felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten flies. Who could have imagined that things would turn out to be like this. Everyone quickly moved to take away some relatively large tissues, and then began. Swept around.

"Don't go, hand over the dragon horns." Dragon horns and dragon **** are the most valuable parts of a dragon. The only one I saw was a dragon horn that was blown up. At this time, it was a master of the eleventh heaven by a spiritual master. Snatching away, the other people are not blind, so they can naturally see that the two people next to each other ignored other treasures and rushed up on the spot.

From the moment these two men acted, a large-scale melee had begun and could not be suppressed.

In the distance of the battlefield, the silver bell that had just turned back into a human shape, his face was a bit ugly. In this battle, the silver bell was consumed a little bit, and at the same time, it suffered a certain amount of trauma when it suffered the backlash of the fierce beast.

Lian'er was well protected and didn't suffer the slightest injury, but at this time Lian'er's face was even more ugly than Yinling, "Why, how could this be? Everyone is crazy." I have never seen this before. Lian'er, after seeing the chaos and fighting, I didn't know what to say. It was obviously here to kill the beast, so why did they fight themselves.

And looking at their appearance, they are even crazier than they were when they first killed the beasts. Just now, the two of them were attacked. If they hadn't cultivated well and the two were still on the periphery, they probably wouldn't It feels so good.

Yinling's eyes narrowed and her tone was very cold: "Hmph, don't worry about these people, these people are crazy, they can do anything for profit, let's go quickly." Just taking advantage of the chaos, Yinling is not No harvest, a few corpses were taken away, and a few drops of dragon blood and a few dragon fragments were taken away. If you don't go now, it will be difficult to go later.

Lian'er nodded, she was really uncomfortable with this chaotic battlefield, she had wanted to leave since just now.

"Yinling, where do you want to go? The old friend finally met once. It's too unkind to leave like this." Suddenly, a voice erratic, heard this voice, Yinling's His face suddenly changed.

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