Evil Insect God

Chapter 1442: Will count

At this moment, the battlefield was already full of chaos. Most of the spirits' attention was on the Lanjiang Bay area, they were constantly robbing things, and no one would pay attention to this place.

With a flash of electric light in the air, a man with white hair and white eyes appeared in the air. This white hair and white eyes are exactly the same as the silver bell. They look very good, but the expressions of the two people and the mutual alertness show that These two people didn't go along at all. When they saw this person, even Lian'er's face became unsightly.

"Yinlei, I didn't expect that you would actually do something with me. This is not the first time."

The person here was Yinlei, and Yinlei said indifferently: "I don't want to, after all, you have no value, but should the things on you be handed over? If you don't, I can only give you a happy Up."

Yin Lei had no old thoughts in his mind at this time. What he wanted to do was to improve himself quickly. Without strength, even a Huo Hai could not fight against it. This was really uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had nailed a nail in his heart. .

"Hmph, Yin Lei, don't be wishful thinking, I leave things in a safe place, they are not on my body at all, even if I die, you can't get them. Under the protection of the giant wooden door, you are just like a spiritual master. , I don't have this ability yet." Yinling's whole body flashed fluorescently, which was a sign of Yinling's hands, and even her hair was floating.

Yinlei snorted coldly: "Hmph, don’t think I don’t know, that thing was penetrated into your body by your mother a long time ago. With your ability, you can only fuse, and you can’t take it out at all. It's not fusion."

If Yinling merges the origins, I am afraid that under the rapid advancement of her cultivation base, she will soon enter the Spirit Saint, which is not something that Yin Lei Venerable can fight against, but Yinling does not want to move at all. What Yinling wants is, wait until After you reach the spiritual sage, you can merge, so that you can quickly rise to a high level in the spiritual sage realm.

Hearing Yin Lei's words, although Yin Ling didn't say anything, Yin Lei Zun still saw something: "It seems that I'm right. As long as you kill you, you can indeed get things." Yin Lei Zun immediately started.

The whole body turned into a ball of lightning, and it struck Yinling. Almost at the same time, Yinling's whole body changed for a while, revealing the body of the silver tree. The thin silver-white lines spread rapidly, and directed at the lightning. Away.

"Don't hurt Senior Sister." Lian'er yelled in dissatisfaction, and stretched out her hands. The surrounding plant puppets rushed towards the Silver Thunder Venerable. Unfortunately, the Silver Thunder Venerable turned into lightning at this time. The physical attack basically had no effect. Moreover, the speed of the Silver Thunder Venerable was not something that these puppets could keep up. Almost the next moment, the lightning of the Silver Thunder Venerable had already hit Yin Ling's body.

The silver light tree trembled endlessly, and the silver bell, which maintained its body state, involuntarily made a painful sound.

The battle here will not cause much reaction at all, because there are too many spirits here. Compared with the fluctuations in the battle of Lanjiang Bay, the fluctuations here are really nothing. Lanjiang Bay is even the peak. The spirits were fighting.

After Huo Hai finished everything, he didn't just give up, but released his Star Gu, and forced his way through the ground directly. As a spirit worm, it is difficult for others to pay attention to walk through the ground, especially at this time. .

Although the Star Gus don’t have inner space, they are spatial attributes. It’s okay to store some things temporarily. Huo Hai didn’t dare to take things out of Xiao Shui within a short time, so he could only let Star Gus continue to collect them. Otherwise, When the time comes, if the gambling contract is lost, it will be no good, the Star Gu spreads out, and Huo Hai simply goes to Yinling directly.

However, when Huo Hai arrived, he saw a group of thunder and lightning attacking the Silver Light Tree and Lian'er. Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Yin Lei Zun, it really came." Huo Hai's heart came out. Share killing intent.

Just about to start, Huo Hai stopped suddenly: "No, you can't be impulsive. This is an opportunity. Now Silver Thunder Venerable doesn't know that I am here." Huo Hai suddenly realized that maybe he could kill Yin here. Lei Zun.

Otherwise, at Huo Hai’s current speed, it would be difficult for Silver Thunder Venerable to escape. I finally found such an opportunity, but I can’t give up casually. If Silver Thunder Venerable is alive, it will have a real impact on him. It's too big, Huo Hai himself is not afraid, but who knows what this guy will do, Yin Lei Zun sometimes seems to be a lunatic.

"Asshole, why isn't that big bad guy coming." In a short period of battle, Lian'er, who has not enough combat experience, has already lost more than half of the puppets. Except for these puppets, Lian'er has basically no fighting power.

And because of the lack of experience, the loss of spiritual power in the body was not small, but it did not cause too much trouble to the Silver Thunder Venerable. During the entire battle, Lian'er was basically about to become a dispensable existence.

"Why, you are waiting for that kid Huo Hai, huh, but I deliberately waited until he left before I did it. That kid should still be snatching materials right now. The value of the dragon clan's things is really not low, and there is that gamble. "Yin Lei Zun's news is very well-informed, and he knows so many things, no wonder he dared to do it.

Yinling's heart was also full of helplessness and sorrow at this time. Yinlei was right. Huo Hai must be fighting ahead for the bet. The battle fluctuations in that place were too strong to feel the changes here. Is it true today? To die here.

Yinling felt cold. Even if she died today, she couldn't make Yinlei feel better. Yinling had decided that at the last moment, even if she tried to burn the entire inner world, she must completely destroy the original power left by her mother. , Yin Lei definitely can't get any benefit, Yin Lei doesn't know that Yin Ling has the ability to destroy this origin.

"I'm really obsessed, don't worry, I will leave your soul to reincarnate you, now, let me die." Yin Lei roared, the lightning of the whole body was completely condensed, and the huge amount of lightning was integrated into Among the silver wheels.

The silver light wheel shined brightly, this blow had exceeded the limit that the Sixth Heaven Spiritual Venerable could perform. If this fell, Yinling would definitely not survive, and Yinling was already ready to burn the inner world.

"Good opportunity." At this moment, Huo Hai's eyes lit up, because Yin Lei Zun completely shrank his whole body, which finally gave him a chance to kill him, otherwise there would be a little thunder and lightning outside, Yin Lei Zun It is possible to transfer the main body, the next moment, Huo Hai's heart moved, Jiulong Strangulation has been released, and three dragon shadows broke ground.

Before it fell on the Silver Light Tree, the Silver Thunder Venerable noticed the three dragon shadows. Unfortunately, because the distance was too close, and the attention was focused on Yin Ling's body just now, Silver Thunder Venerable had no chance to dodge. Instead, it was entangled.

"Bang" the three dragon shadows formed a spherical barrier. The silver light wheel hit the barrier fiercely, splashing a little bit of ripples, and Huo Hai sneered: "Now it is a strangulation barrier formed by three dragon shadows, how could you possibly damage."

Huo Hai did not rely on the power of the earth, but directly blasted the ground to pieces and flew out. Seeing Huo Hai suddenly appeared, everyone's expressions were completely different. Yinling and Lian'er were delighted and excited, and Yinling at this time Lei was frightened. The last time was so similar to the present, Huo Hai also used this method to almost kill himself.

"Damn it, didn't you go to **** the materials from the dragon race." The Silver Thunder Venerable hit the barrier desperately, but with little effect. The Silver Light Wheel's level is very high, but the Silver Thunder Venerable himself is very weak and can't use his power at all. .

Huo Hai's movements were not slow at all, and he came to the vicinity of the light ball in an instant: "Silver Thunder, I will guard you in the next morning. Of course the Dragon Race materials you said will be snatched from the next, but I still think it's safer to destroy you first. "

With that, Huo Hai did not wait for Silver Thunder to speak more, and a thick scroll appeared in his hand. Because of the cover of the sleeves, no one around could see the difference between this scroll. This scroll is the one whose power can reach the tenth heaven attack. One.

With a move in Huo Hai's heart, the scroll has been completely aroused, and then the huge star sword aura began to take shape, and then continued to condense. A terrifying sword aura condensed in Huo Hai’s hand, and Huo Hai’s long sword quickly pierced into the sword aura. Their own sword qi continued to blend in, anyway, they were all the same, and when they were superimposed on each other, their strength rose to a terrifying level.

The huge sword aura gathered together, and it had reached the one-stroke power of the tenth heaven peak master. At this time, this aura finally caught the attention of some people around, but it was just a glance, it is not important here.

Huo Haike didn't care if anyone else noticed this, the moment the sword energy in his hand formed, he stabled directly at the ball of light, "Yin Lei Zun, let Zai Xia end you today." Wu Family has been looking for himself. The trouble of, but now the Wu family himself is in trouble, only one Silver Thunder Venerable is still unwilling, and Huo Hai has long wanted to get rid of him.

The sword aura blended into the light ball, quickly diffused, and quickly filled the entire light ball. This time, because the three dragon shadows formed a light ball, the silver light wheel did not smash the light ball into a crack like last time. .

The whole body of the Silver Thunder Venerable is now in the ball of light, and Huo Hai’s sword aura is constantly tempered and baptized. Even with the protection of the Silver Light Wheel, the lightning body of the Silver Thunder Venerable is still declining, and finally dissipates bit by bit. Without a trace, I don't know how long it has passed until the sword energy in Huo Hai's hand was completely exhausted, at this time Huo Hai finally stopped.

Huo Hai could feel that just now under his sword aura, an inner world was completely shattered by himself, and a group of light of the soul was also evaporated by himself. By now, Silver Thunder Venerable was finally dead and clean.

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