Evil Insect God

Chapter 1443: Slaying the dragon is over

After Yin Lei Zun was wiped out, learning from the previous experience, Huo Hai directly collected the silver light wheel, and then quickly issued a star line to wrap it up, and then put it into the inner space after it was completely sealed.

Huo Hai himself felt that the Silver Lightning Venerable was dead and clean, but no one knew whether the Silver Lightning Wheel could be resurrected with this holy quality silver light wheel, but there was no thunder and lightning outside, the only thing there was this silver light. Round up.

Therefore, Huo Hai intends to take it back to study and refine it. If it is not possible, then wait until he reaches the spiritual saint. At that time, everything about the saint-level silver light wheel should not be able to hide in front of him. Yeah, Yin Ling didn't say anything about Huo Hai's taking away the silver light wheel, her figure flashed, and she was transformed into a human form again.

"Are you okay, are you injured?" Huo Hai fell from the air. At this time, Yinling's appearance was not very good, and her face was pale. The battle just now caused Yinling to suffer from serious injuries. I am afraid it will take a long time to recover. Up.

"Huh, why are you here now? Do you know that if you come later, Senior Sister will die." Lian'er glared at Huo Hai, the dissatisfaction in her eyes was very strong, Huo Hai smiled bitterly, this little girl really is I don't know anything.

Seeing Yinling’s funny gaze, Huo Hai had no choice but to explain to himself: "Pity, I’ve been here a long time ago, but I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to kill Silver Thunder Venerable. Don’t you know that that guy attacked Yin Ling? It is not the first time for Ling. If he does not die, Yinling will still be attacked sooner or later." Huo Hai is not afraid, but Yinling is not.

Even when I first saw Silver Thunder Venerable, Huo Hai was not a Silver Thunder Venerable opponent, but his speed was not comparable to Silver Thunder Venerable. Although Silver Thunder Venerable’s speed was later comparable to himself, his combat effectiveness was not good. Up.

Yinling took a pill and recovered a little at this time: "You don't care about us, hurry up and fight for the materials. If you lose to Mu Amaranth, that guy won't make you feel better."

Huo Hai nodded: "Okay, but you have to go to the giant wooden gate first to seek shelter, if you continue to stay on the battlefield, you can't." On the battlefield, others don't care which sect you came from. There are people who do not have a strong backing behind the species. Even though they are from the giant wooden door, some people dare to do it. Besides, many people don't know Yinling at all.

"Don't worry, we can go back by ourselves." Hearing this, Huo Hai felt around and found that there was indeed no master around that could threaten the two of them. He left here and soon reached the edge, where there was a giant wooden door. Team.

The overall strength of this team may not be very strong, but absolutely no one in the southeast region dared to do it casually. If such a team were really slaughtered, then the senior level of the giant wooden gate might not give up.

After watching the two of them leave, Huo Hai once again merged into the earth, but he had his own Star Gu to help him collect things, and his own Xiaodie in the middle of the transfer. Speaking of which, Huo Hai did not need to do it himself. Huo Hai is now What we have to do is not to fight for the things on the dragon clan, but to take away the corpses of some senior fierce beasts and masters.

The materials on the fierce beasts are very precious, and the value of the things on these dead people is not necessarily. The corpses of the transformed spirit beasts are not as precious as the corpses of the fierce beasts, but they can still be used as some materials.

"Hey, these guys are really lucky." Suddenly, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, because just now his Star Gu had actually grabbed an evil dragon's claws. You know, this way, the evil dragon's four claws were taken by himself. Two, if people know this, and don’t know how to be jealous, the value of this claw is very high.

It's just a pity that there is no way for the dragon horn. At this time, the dragon horn has fallen into the hands of the strongest twelve heavenly master on the field. This person was not injured in the previous battle and is still the strongest one. , No one can take things away from his hands at all, so Huo Hai can only do nothing about this thing.

There are also many people who have entered the sea, wanting to obtain some materials from the evil dragon from the sea. Unfortunately, under the cover of small water, these people can't find anything at all. The few who can find something will directly. Fight.

"Haha, this kid is the one that the young master wants to get rid of. It seems that our luck is really good." Suddenly, a few guys in green clothes appeared around Huo Hai, Huo Hai counted, there are five people in total, and The five of them were all spirits above the triple heaven, Mu Amaren didn't know Huo Hai's current cultivation base, and thought that Huo Hai was still a triple heaven.

For these people, Huo Hai was full of disdain, "I didn't expect that Mu Mu was so embarrassed. On the surface, he wanted to complete a gambling agreement with me, but secretly he would find someone to attack me." These people looked like Mu Mu had sent him. .

But even if Huo Hai's cultivation base hadn't improved, these people couldn't stop them, at best they could beat themselves. Now their cultivation base, these people are not their opponents at all, and Huo Hai can kill them anytime.

"Haha, boy, you know it's too late. As long as you die, then the bet will naturally be lost. Even if your soul escapes, but the bet cannot be completed and the bet cannot be exchanged, what will happen to your soul? "What else? Isn't it just being beaten back by the contract, and then directly crushed by the soul? This wood amaranth is more poisonous than I thought.

Even if he really took the inner world to bet Mu Amaranth, I am afraid that after redeeming the bet, his fate would not be too good. With only the inner world and soul, but no body, the combat power he exerts is really nothing.

Thinking of this, the murderous spirit in Huo Hai's heart began to emerge, "Really, it's a pity, it's not me who is going to die today, but you." Huo Hai's surprised a few people, and then all of them laughed.

"Hahahaha...Listen, this guy actually said that we are going to die, we...damn, what is this." At this moment, a few people suddenly discovered that some silk threads appeared in the void and tightly wound themselves When he got up, it was Yin Zhu that he was doing. The Yin Zhu hadn't been used by Huo Hai for a long time, so naturally he had to show it well.

At this time, the silver beads are transparent, and most people can’t see any traces at all. Moreover, the spider silk released by the silver beads at this time can directly stick to the void and use the space as a support point. Therefore, the powerful spider silk that appears out of thin air will all People are entangled.

The silver beads reappeared with the cultivation base of the fifth heavenly spirit, even if this spider silk is the nine heavenly spirit, it may be difficult to escape without using some special methods, let alone those who only cultivate wood attributes.

Huo Hai did not care about that much, but quickly released the star line, forming a powerful spiritual formation around them. These people are all people of the giant wooden door. Once killed, the giant wooden door will definitely know that Huo Hai does not have it. Backing, it's not good to cause trouble at that time, even if these people have no status, they are more important than themselves in the eyes of the giant wooden door.

The spirit formation was released, and the surrounding area was completely sealed by Huo Hai. Huo Hai smiled coldly: "Now the images after your death will not be transmitted." Huo Hai said indifferently, this thing himself had tried before. .

There is no strong power blessing. Don’t want to break through your spiritual circle. A few people struggle desperately, but under the entanglement of this kind of spider silk, there is no way at all. "I didn’t expect you to be an insect spiritualist. The sect knows that he will definitely not let you go, ah..." What else does this person want to say, Huo Hai has already pierced in.

The strongest here is only the Fourth Heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign. Huo Hai has no mercy for these people at all. He kills all of them on the spot with one sword and one sword. Seeing that the special aura on these people is destroyed. Block.

Huo Hai let out a long sigh. Although he was 80% sure to stop it just now, it was not all of them. Since it was stopped, then there is no need to worry about the others. Huo Hai has selectively cleaned up their things. Those may be special. The breath left, Huo Hai didn't move at all, and then disguised the wound, then scattered these people and still opened up.

In this kind of battlefield, who knows who these people will die in the hands of someone? Some of the beasts hidden here are constantly attacking humans and spirit beasts, especially those that have just been hidden from the realm of spirits. .

With the passage of time, the battle of slaying dragons gradually came to an end. The materials were either completely destroyed or taken away by someone unknown. Most of the materials fell into the hands of the top experts.

It’s just that the most precious thing was not left behind. Some people think that when the evil dragon blew himself up, he might have exploded his own dragon ball and dragon soul. Otherwise, these people would still not stop. The chaos continued for ten days before it slowly stopped. Even so, Lanjiang Bay was still exploring around people.

I don’t know how many good things are left everywhere. As for whether Lanjiang Bay is deformed, who cares about this? After a while, I’m afraid there will be many spirit kings and even people below the earth level Be attracted.

With the end of the battle, some people left here one after another, and some continued to fight on the road. Huo Hai was relatively safe because he had not attracted much attention since.

Seeing that everyone was beginning to retreat, Huo Hai didn’t want to stay here any more, so he walked towards the entrance of Lanjiang Bay. When he reached the entrance, Huo Hai saw Lian’er waving at him, Huo Hai slightly With a smile, it landed.

Who knows that at this moment, a nasty voice suddenly sounded: "Haha, isn't this Huo Hai, how about it, how much you have gained this time, but we have to verify it on the spot, let us see it."

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