Evil Insect God

Chapter 1444: Gambling

"Mu Amaranth, don't go too far." Just after Mu Amar's words, Yin Ling ran out from the side. Although Yin Ling was injured at this time, she did not go to rest, but waited here for Huo Hai. .

In order to protect himself, Huo Hai had always stayed next to him. This delayed the collection, not to mention that Mu Mu had so many people around him, which was really unfair.

If the corpse is intact, Mu Amaran might only be able to pick up a little scale blood or something, but now the evil dragon corpse has exploded. Who knows how much they can get, thinking of this, Yin Ling's heart is full Guilt and anger, if it wasn't for himself, Huo Hai might have more time to collect materials.

Mu Che snorted coldly: "It's too much, I'm not too much. This is a gambling agreement we signed. If he is afraid, he can just admit that he has lost." Mu Che squinted his eyes, his eyes full of disdain.

But at the same time, Mu Che was very shocked. Why this kid is still alive? Before, he sent several teams to hunt Huo Hai, but in the end, these teams were somewhat damaged or even lost.

There are two other teams, all of which disappeared, but Huo Hai appeared in front of him intact at this time. It seemed that there was no injury at all. What the **** is going on, no matter what Huo Hai has, in short At this time, Mu Che was also very shocked and resentful, if Huo Hai died directly, how could there be so many things.

The more Yinling protects Huo Hai, the more Mu Amaranth hates Huo Hai, "Huh, this bad guy is not a good thing, and I have never seen him reason." Lian'er made no secret of it. Despised.

In the heart of the little girl, it doesn’t matter how she speaks ill of Huo Hai, but others can’t. If others dare to speak ill of Huo Hai, Lian'er will feel very uncomfortable. Mu Shu looked at Lian'er, but there was nothing. Said that the identity of this girl is not worse than that of herself, and Lian'er is also a princess-level figure in the giant wooden door, he dare not provoke it casually.

This little girl's popularity in the sect is much better than herself, and she is more favored in the family than herself. If you offend this girl, although there is no major problem, you still have to suffer some sins in the end.

"Hmph, I won't tell you so much, Huo Hai, if you plan to fulfill the bet, don't let me underestimate you."

Huo Hai sneered: "Okay, my gambling is still good. Now that the gambling agreement has been confirmed, then naturally it must be carried out to the end." Huo Hai did not show weakness at all, he did not think he would lose to this guy.

Mu Mu hurriedly said: "Very well, since you fulfilled the bet, then we will come to compare it, let you see my harvest this time." Mu Mu waved his hand, and there were several doglegs behind him. The big box was lifted up, and the box opened, and a strong breath came out from it. This breath was definitely left on the dragon clan.

After the box is opened, not only the people at the giant wooden door, but also many people watching the excitement around are also watching here. Many people want to sell or buy some materials from the dragon clan. The best transaction object is naturally the giant wooden door. .

"Dragon claw is a dragon claw. I didn't expect Mu Amaranth to get such a treasure." Seeing this dragon claw, everyone's eyes lit up. In such a fierce battle, it is not easy to **** the dragon claw. .

"How about it, do you intend to surrender?" Mu Cheng smiled. Although this is not a complete dragon claw, it is also half a dragon claw. Except for the dragon ball and dragon horn, there is not much on the evil dragon that can compete with the dragon. Compared to the value of claws.

"Mu Amaranth, you are too shameless. I have seen this dragon claw before. It seems to have been snatched by Kihara. This is not a trophy you got." Seeing this half of the dragon claw, Yinling immediately Speaking loudly, Mu Chen's face immediately became ugly when he heard this, and the people around him looked at Mu Chen, and their eyes gradually became strange.

Mu Che yelled, "Shut up all of you. You don't have to pick up the spoils. It's the same if you **** it from someone else." There is nothing wrong with these words, but when they heard this, many people's expressions It's even stranger.

Even Lian'er was full of disdain: "Huh, do you mean that you have just reached the strength of the sixth heaven and can beat the cultivation base of the eleventh heaven of Kihara, or you have twelve heavens under your team Master." Mu Amaranth's ability is not yet qualified to let people over ten heavens work for him, even if he is a member of the clan, he won't be so messed up.

Mu Mu's face changed rapidly, and the ridicule and discussion around him became louder and louder, "I, of course, I won by other methods. There is no rule that I can only use force to grab it."

This is obviously arguing. The people around can’t tell what is going on with Mu Amaranth, but at this time, no one dares to say anything. Whoever makes the family a child of the giant wooden gate family, who dares to offend him casually? .

Mu Amaranth stared at Huo Hai with red eyes: "Boy, don't you want to fulfill the gambling contract? Don’t be too much. As long as the value of what you can bring out is compared with this dragon claw, then even if I lose, I don’t need to look at other gains. "In fact, apart from this dragon claw, I am afraid that they have not gained much. Most of this dragon claw was lent to him by the guy named Kihara.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Hehe, this is what you said." After that, Huo Hai waved his hand and directly took out a red and black claw, "It's a dragon claw, how could it be a dragon claw." The people around immediately His eyes widened.

The dragon claw that Huo Hai took out was intact, and there was a large piece of flesh attached to the root. Needless to say, there were some scales on it. Seeing this dragon claw, Mu Xuan could not roar in his heart, but what could he do? Do it.

There is no backing behind Huo Hai. It can only be said that Huo Hai’s luck is so complete that he has obtained a dragon claw, so complete, and no one has discovered it. Otherwise, Huo Hai’s cultivation base would have been long ago by others. Killed, the shock on the faces of the surrounding people gradually turned towards greed. Huo Hai's casual cultivation can't be compared with Mu Amaranth.

Many high-level spirits have decided at this time that as long as Huo Hai leaves here, they will immediately do it. Not to mention the other, it is this dragon claw. No matter it is used for alchemy, the value is equivalent to holy-level material. .

As soon as Huo Hai's eyes rolled, he knew that taking out this thing would cause others to be greedy. Originally, Huo Hai thought that if Amaranthus did not gain much, he could directly suppress it with a few scales and a little blood. , Now it seems to be impossible.

Huo Hai did not hesitate, suddenly took out a big wooden barrel, then opened it, the smell of blood emanated, most of the barrel of dragon blood appeared in front of everyone, "Don't say I bully you, I have other gains here, this It's a bucket of dragon blood, I think everyone knows it." Most of the dragon's blood is scattered in the ocean, and it is not easy to collect it.

There are not many in the entire coalition that can collect so much dragon blood. This thing is used to refine the alchemy array and is a very high-level material, and there are even many other uses. Huo Hai doesn't seem to be stimulating enough.

With a wave of his hand, a lot of scales and a box of evil dragon meat, even some hairs, etc., all appeared here, so many things, even the master of the peak of the spirits looked jealous.

Noting the increasingly greedy eyes of everyone around him, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "I swear, this is all the dragon materials on my body, and now I don’t have any hidden personalities." Huo Hai seemed to show off, but in fact only Huo Hai knew that he didn't have any on him, but the more valuable ones were on Xiaoshui's side.

Suddenly, Huo Hai's conversation changed: "These things are of no use to me, so I entrust these things to Miss Yinling at the giant wooden door to help sell them. I don't need other things, just the spirit."

Huo Hai's words suddenly changed the complexion of the people around him. They finally knew why Huo Hai would swear for no reason. It turned out that he was going to tell everyone that he had no materials on his body, and these materials were placed in the giant wooden door.

In order to maintain their dignity, the giant wooden door will not swallow these things, and the treasures on Huo Hai have been transferred, and other people will naturally lose the value of working on Huo Hai. What if they can be killed, Huo Hai There was nothing valuable on his body anymore, Huo Hai also noticed the faces of other people, and smiled secretly in his heart.

If these people could see the things in their inner space, they would not think so. Their inner space level was originally very high, and it is impossible for ordinary spirits to see through it. After all, their own inner space was established too early. Up.

Now, as long as Huo Hai conceals a little bit, even the low-level spiritual saints in this inner space may not be able to see through it. Otherwise, how dare Huo Hai appear here in a big way? The most important thing is that there is still another advantage now, no Few people know that without the Dragon Ball and another dragon horn, Huo Hai has vowed at this time that he has no dragon materials on his body.

In this way, no matter how much other people suspect, it is impossible to suspect Huo Hai's body. These people bite the dog casually. In short, he is safe. When he noticed the faces of other people, Huo Hai sighed in secret.

Speaking of it, there is no absolute strength, even the ability to protect himself. This feeling is really uncomfortable. Huo Hai has become more determined at this time to work hard to improve his own cultivation. He has never been more determined than now. .

At this time, Mu Cheng's expression was very ugly. He never thought that Huo Hai could actually come up with something of such a high value. Why was this guy's luck so good? Why didn't he have such luck.

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