Evil Insect God

Chapter 1445: Won

"Hey, wake up, wake up, even if you pretend to be stupid, you have to fulfill the contract first." Huo Hai patted Mu Amaranth in a daze. Of course, it is impossible for Huo Hai to get close to Mu Amaranth. People around him Nor will it be allowed.

However, Huo Hai did not go over at this time. Anyway, everyone was in a daze at this time. Huo Hai just condensed a group of spiritual power, but this kind of behavior is even more frightening. Just now, Huo Hai’s movements were not fast, but he Tuan's spiritual power has reached Mu Amaranth's side. If someone assassinates Mu Amaranth at this time, wouldn't it be easy to succeed.

The faces of the people who reacted suddenly changed, and they quickly surrounded Mu Amaranth, and then confined Huo Hai's condensed spiritual power, "What are you doing, do you want to attack the young master?" The person next to him asked with a serious face.

Other people around immediately dissipated the group of spiritual power that Huo Hai condensed at will. Originally, Huo Hai did not use much power. Naturally, the power of this group of spiritual power was not strong enough. Mu Mu's face changed uncertainly. He also recovered, and he didn't expect that he would be approached so easily, but at this time, it was these people who protected him that Mu Che resented.

Obviously, he was here to protect himself, but he was touched so easily by others. After he went back, he must replace all of these people, but at this time, Mu Amaranth had no other thoughts at all.

Because of this bet, Mu Amaranth completely lost. Looking at what Huo Hai took out, and then at the half of the dragon claw he took out, it seemed like a kind of irony. Can't wait to find a seam to drill in.

"Why, you don't want to repay the debt, but we have used both the contract and the oath. If the debt is repudiated, I will have no problem, but you." Huo Hai looked at Mu Mu with a malicious look. In fact Huo Hai didn't worry even if Mu Mu relied on his debts, but Mu Family wanted face, so he would naturally send things to himself.

However, once Mu Chen's contract and vows come into play, there will never be a good end. At least after the cultivation base, don't want to improve a little bit. At this time, Huo Hai is anxious to cheat him, and he will have fun at that time.

Mu Mu closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "How could my Mu family's children fall back on the bill? If you lose, you lose, and I will give you something." Mu Mu coldly snorted, putting an emerald green wooden stick and a scroll. Threw it over.

"This is the heart of the tree left by the giant tree of the holy grade. It is very complete. It can be used directly as a holy weapon embryo. The other scroll is the secret method of the wood spirit body protection. It only has the superior quality. You can check it. If you have any questions, I have to leave first." Mu Amaranth didn't want to be embarrassed by staying here, and stared at Huo Hai as soon as he collected his belongings.

Huo Hai slowly turned over the scroll in his hand, deliberately delaying time, but his eyes secretly looked at the people around him, "You really deserve to be a child from a big family. Regardless of his strength, he is really good at these things."

Huo Hai already knows why Mu Amaranth said this. The value of this thing is not low. The value of this Mu Xin is much stronger than the dragon claw in Huo Hai's hand. Compared to Dragon Horn, it will not. What a difference.

After all, this was left by the holy giant tree, and although that dragon horn was born in the dragon clan, the dragon clan itself only has the peak of the spiritual sovereign. The eyes of the people around have gradually become more greedy. Huo Hai knows that if he is now If you leave, these powerful masters will definitely do it yourself, so you don't have to think about it.

Huo Hai flipped through it for a while, and when Mu A's face was about to turn black, he closed the scroll slowly, "I've seen things, and there is basically no problem. Don't worry, this thing is the same as mine. If the physique is not harmonious, I will not practice."

Watching for so long without practicing, this is obviously trying to humiliate himself, Mu A's face is getting more and more ugly, and he can't wait to hit Huo Hai's face a few times now, "Huh, since there is no problem, then I will not accompany him. ."

Mu Amaranth breathed deeply, his chest ups and downs, one can imagine what Mu Amaranth was like at this time, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly said: "I said Mu Amaranth, don’t you? Forget your promise, this thing is handed over to me, but your family's words." Huo Hai raised the thing in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Naturally there will be no problems with the family, you can take it with ease." Mu A roared, he couldn't stay here anymore, his speed accelerated, and he left here in a blink of an eye. Hearing this, Huo Hai smiled.

He raised the thing in his hand, and then put it into his inner space with a smile on his face. When Mu Aran reacted, he would definitely understand what Huo Hai meant, but unfortunately, there was no chance at this time.

What Huo Hai and Mu Amaranth said is that the Mu Amaranth family will not trouble Huo Hai because of this matter, but the people around them do not think so. Such precious things are left in Huo Hai’s hands. Very dangerous, in their opinion, after this thing is delivered to Huo Hai, then Mu Amaranth's family will at least protect Huo Hai within a certain period of time.

So in other words, as long as the thing is still on Huo Hai, they don't dare to do anything. Even if they get this thing, they probably won't have life to enjoy it. This must have been set when they made the bet.

In particular, Huo Hai’s last action made the people around him frightened and hurriedly avoided their eyes. Only Yinling at the scene knew what Huo Hai’s gambling agreement with Mu Cheng was like. There was no such thing. One.

"This guy, really... there really is a means." Yinling doesn't know what she should say, but naturally she won't break Huo Hai at this time. As long as Huo Hai is given a certain amount of time to leave here, he won't be able to leave here. Someone can easily find Huo Hai's location, and Huo Hai's own combat effectiveness is not bad. Few people encountered can at least escape with this ability.

At this moment, a young man walked slowly. He had green hair and green eyes, and he looked exactly like Mu Amaranth, and even looked a little similar. The difference was that he had a calm spirit and a leadership style.

When the people around saw this person coming, they immediately closed their mouths. All eyes were focused on this person. The person who came without squinting, stared at Huo Hai tightly, and soon came to Huo Hai’s side. .

"You're Huo Hai, I heard my brother mentioned it before. By the way, I am Mu Amaranth's brother Mu Yuan. This time the bet counts you won. This is a matter for the two of you. My Mu family won't bother you. , But no matter how unbearable Mu Amaranth is, he is also my younger brother. My younger brother has been bullied. As an older brother, I can’t remain indifferent. I will let you go this time, and I will naturally come to ask for advice later."

After finishing speaking, Kihara turned around and left here. There was no opportunity for Huo Hai to speak at all. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. Although Kihara spoke very decently, he was domineering and arrogant in it, which made people unable to find the slightest problem. .

This guy is much more difficult to deal with than his no-brained brother. Also, this person said just now that he was Mu Yuan, and that half of the dragon claw was loaned to Mu Amaranth. It turns out that the two are brothers, and they are not capable of it. simple.

Yinling quietly walked to Huo Hai’s side, and whispered: “You have to be careful, that wood is different from wood amaranth. Not only does it have a stronger cultivation base, but it also likes to use various insidious methods. Don’t look at him on the surface. It's very upright, and actually uses a lot of secret methods." Yinling knows these things very well.

Lian'er next to him didn't understand at all, and looked at Yinling with a puzzled look. In Lian'er's heart, this Muyuan was much better than Muju, at least she had good senses in the sect.

Lian'er's reaction made Huo Hai's heart stunned. It seems that this Kihara is very good at disguising himself. Such an insidious hypocrite is much more difficult to deal with than a real villain like Mu Amaranth. Although it is said that a hypocrite still knows how to fame Do some good things.

"Okay, I see, Eleventh Heaven? Now I am not his opponent, but soon it will be different." Although Huo Hai was a little wary in his heart, it was impossible for him to fight back.

Such a hypocrite is indeed very dangerous, but Huo Hai knows that for these hypocrites, Huo Hai has a very obvious advantage, that is, this kind of person will hardly fight against himself in the first place, but will take advantage of each other. It’s safer to try this way, but it will leave you more time.

What Huo Hai lacks most now is time. As long as there is enough time, Huo Hai is confident that within a few years, he will be able to catch up with Muyuan in combat power. Then he won’t have to be afraid of him. If he can become a spiritual saint, Huo Hai can completely ignore this guy. .

The most important thing now is time. It seems that in the next period of time, I will hide and live like a mouse everywhere. I really haven't posted this day. There are a few people who can cause trouble with themselves.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai whispered: "I'll leave later. Look at the appearance of these people. If I continue to stay here, I am afraid that many people will take the risk. As for these things, you use that Just notify me of things." Huo Hai whispered, what he said was the fruit of the transmission, I believe Yinling knows.

"What, you really want to sell it. The value of this thing is very high." No matter who gets this kind of dragon claw, he won't want to sell it. The thing is in his own hands. That is very safe.

Huo Hai shook his head: "It's not the same. This thing is very precious in the eyes of others, but it doesn't matter in my hands. What I need now is the spiritual essence, a lot of spiritual essence, only enough spiritual essence, I can upgrade my cultivation base in the shortest time." Cultivation is the root of everything. As long as the cultivation base is up, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

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