Evil Insect God

Chapter 1446: Harvest season

After the explanation, Huo Hai didn't wait for other people to react, and his body quickly accelerated to the extreme in a flash, and the people around him did not react for a while because Huo Hai's speed was too fast.

However, in the eyes of some masters above the Nine Heavens who are good at speed, although this speed is fast, it is not that they can't catch up. The few people who reacted secretly left. Some people did have the idea of ​​taking risks and killing Huo. The sea, and then leave the southeast region. This is what they most want to do. Even in other regions, everyone can survive.

But the moment Huo Hai left here, he didn't know how far he rushed out, and then quickly hid in a big mountain, and then blended into the ground, condensing the breath of the whole body, and at the same time, he continued to deepen down.

There is ground blocking, and Huo Hai is fully hiding himself, although his speed is a lot slower, but it is difficult to be found, even a master of the twelfth heaven, it is not easy to find Huo Hai.

By the time these people secretly tracked down here, Huo Hai had already left the ground. Even with special means, don’t even think about finding Huo Hai now. Of course, the premise is that those spiritual sages don’t do it. If these spiritual sages do it, then Huo Hai There was no way for the sea. Fortunately, in the eyes of these spiritual saints, the most important material was basically the most precious material in the dragon clan.

Perhaps, after killing this traitor, the Dragon Clan offered a reward. In short, all of this has nothing to do with him. You must know that the reward given by the Dragon Clan is definitely more precious and valuable than the evil dragon itself.

It didn't take long for a group of people to come here. Everyone looked at each other and didn't speak. They were just looking for Huo Hai silently. A few days later, when it was determined that Huo Hai really could not be found, these people left here with helplessness.

And after these days, most of the spirits who originally participated in the dragon slaying have left here, but there are still some spirits in this place. There are many missing things on the battlefield. Looking here is likely to find some value. Huo Hai did not show up for a very tall treasure. It would be bad if it was discovered, it would be very dangerous.

Under the earth, Huo Hai secretly found his original spiritual formation, which was full of souls at this time, "There are actually thousands of spiritual lights, and the spiritual lights at the level of the spiritual sovereign are enough for me to use."

There was a flash of light in Huo Hai’s eyes, no one knew that the biggest gain this time was him, Huo Hai walked forward, these spiritual lights immediately became excited, and Huo Hai could feel the anger of these spiritual lights curse.

But it doesn’t matter, there is only the light of the soul, without the help of the inner world. These guys are just masses of energy. They are nothing at all. Huo Hai is not in a hurry, taking the souls of these people out of the spiritual formation one by one, and then Start to seal, seal one, Huo Hai collects it into the inner space, and then continues.

After all these thousands of souls were taken away by the seal, Huo Hai let out a sigh of time, and then looked at the remaining souls, "It would be a shame if these souls were wasted. "

Huo Hai sighed. It is not just a pity. If so many souls are released at the same time, it is easy for people outside to find that something is wrong. If this is the case, then put it away and put it away for people at home.

Although it is not as perfect as his own level of Star Soul Attraction, but the number is about the same. There are many peak spirit emperors and spirit emperors who died here. Huo Hai forcibly twisted and fuse each of these souls together, and then sealed them for the time being. There was no time to deal with this, just wrapped a layer of spiritual formation seal with the star thread, and then took it away.

After smelting thousands of soul lights, I have no shortage of materials for practicing the concentrating technique in the realm of the spirits, and the star soul guide needed by the nobles, as long as the will in these souls is erased, I can condense at any time. come out.

At that time, the growth height of one's own shifting star exchange was definitely stronger. Using the venerable soul to create the star soul guide was enough for oneself to use the spiritual sage realm, and it was still the very high one among the spiritual sages. This is the moving star exchange. The power of fighting.

Huo Hai believes that among the same level, there are probably not many Shenfa and Lingling Jues that can compare with Moving Stars and Fighting. After finishing these things, Huo Hai did not go to Xiaoshui. At this time, there were too many masters in the water. No one was staring at the sea, so Huo Hai began to count the gains in his hands. This time, Huo Hai gained a lot.

Only the corpses left by the noble beasts and spirit beasts, Huo Hai calculated it, and there are almost two hundred. This huge wealth, even those spirits from the big powers, I am afraid there are not many. Can compare with yourself.

Especially fierce beasts, crystal nuclei are condensed in their bodies. These crystal nuclei can not only be used as source spirit treasures, even if they are directly used to refine weapons, they are very high-level materials, but it is a pity that Huo Hai is very good at refining The device is not very proficient.

Huo Hai has also gained a lot of space rings left by other masters, and even some things that fell in the inner space. This time Huo Hai has been sneaking around underground, and with the help of a large number of Star Gus, the harvest is really terrifying. , After this battle, only the spirit, Huo Hai harvested close to one thousand.

Not only the spirit, there are many other things, including some things that Huo Hai doesn’t know if there is any use. Similarly, some of the spirits of war have also arrived in Huo Hai’s hands, and there are also various battles used by the spirits of war. skill.

Even though there are dozens of more things like treasure maps in Huo Hai's hands, I really don’t know what happened to the people on the Spirit Continent this day, why they always like to make treasure maps. Moreover, they are all so ambiguous, Huo Hai can't distinguish the true and false of these things, and even these things record the level of location.

Simply, I don’t think about it so much for the time being. I will check it out when I encounter it. Such a large-scale battle and the death of so many spirits are usually invisible. This time, the loss of the spirits in the southeast area is not small. .

It seems that there is nothing on the whole, but for many forces, it is a very damaging thing. If these things are taken out and seen by others, Huo Hai knows that he will definitely not be good. End.

From the collections of these people, Huo Hai also found some dragon blood and dragon scales. Although not many, it was a peculiar harvest. I didn’t expect that he had just sent some out and immediately got another batch. , Huo Hai was a little bit dumbfounded, forget it, put it on his body, now the value of Huo Hai's body is too high.

If this is known to others, let alone the Spiritual Sovereign, Huo Hai suspects that even the Spiritual Sage will do it to himself, so in the days that follow, be careful and careful not to let people see everything in his inner space.

The concealment of the inner space must be strengthened. After finishing packing things quickly, Huo Hai did not take time off, because during this time, the silver beads that had just been transformed have already begun to help Huo Hai make some new generation of silver wires.

This has reached the level of tenacity of the silver thread made by Lingzun's five-layer silver beads. Huo Hai tried it, and even if he tore it with all his strength, he couldn't break a thread, and this thread was very important to the world. Li has very strong resistance and strength. With so many silver threads, Huo Hai didn't waste it, and used it the first time.

A ball of silver thread was entangled by Huo Hai on his soft armor made from the fur of the Void Ray. It looked bloated. Huo Hai was very satisfied with this: "Yes, it's not bad. The defensive power of this soft armor is better than The defense of my seven-layer starlight shield is stronger." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, and most people don't have such a good treatment.

With this layer of soft armor, Huo Hai believed that the attacks of the tenth heaven masters fell on it, and now it is only shocking him at most. It is simply impossible to break his soft armor defense.

By now, Huo Hai finally felt that he had a little sense of security. The next step was to improve his cultivation level. Huo Hai could break through at any time, but he was always waiting and didn't want to leave regrets.

As a perfectionist, Huo Hai has to achieve the most perfect degree whenever possible at every step. After this great battle, Huo Hai has a deeper understanding of his own laws. At this time, Huo Hai feels that his own laws have been enlightened. It is about to approach the extreme and perfection, that is, in these few days, it seems that within these two months, he will be able to break through to the sixth heaven.

These days, I've been busy underground all the time. Counting time, I have been underground for more than a month. Huo Hai let go of his perception and quietly surveyed his surroundings. There are still many people outside.

No, it should be said that it is more than before, but at this time, there is no spiritual master left. This is normal. Basically, the things the spiritual master needs are basically gone. It is a waste of time to continue to stay here.

Even people in the spirit emperor realm, at this time, I haven’t seen any of them here. The most sporadic one can see a few spirit emperors. Most of them are actually the spirit king and those who have not even reached the earth level. Many of the things left here are of great value to them, and for this, even many people desperately do not hesitate.

At this time, maybe it’s already safe. Thinking of this, Huo Hai wanted to call Xiao Shui back, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt the inner space shocked, closed his eyes, and the corners of Huo Hai’s mouth twitched. stand up.

"It seems that they have all been sold. The speed is really fast." It was the fruit of the communication in Huo Hai's body that made the vibration. After feeling the vibration of this fruit, Huo Hai knew that what Yinling had done for him had been done.

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