Evil Insect God

Chapter 1447: Everything is set

Huo Hai didn't hesitate, left here directly, and then secretly sent a letter. Of course, the letter used a secret language, so that people would not see anything. This is also a common method most people use.

Huo Hai did not stay idle, but sneaked into the sea and called Xiao Shui back. Taking advantage of others' attention, Huo Hai secretly took out the Dragon Ball and Dragon Soul under the cover of Xiao Shui. , This was left by the real dragon. Although it was only a four-clawed dragon, the value of this thing was definitely the most precious thing in the evil dragon.

Huo Hai was not polite, and directly erased the will of the evil dragon in the dragon soul, and at the same time erased some of the will of the evil dragon in the dragon clan. Failure to erase these things would easily become a trouble in the future.

"Come out, you can finally continue to improve now." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and then summoned his own blood flame flood dragon. With this real dragon soul and dragon ball, his blood flame flood dragon potential will definitely be greatly increased. The promotion.

In the future, even if you rise all the way to the realm of Spiritual Saints, you won’t encounter too many bottlenecks. Now your own Blood Flame Flood Dragon is more and more like a special creature. The Blood Flame Flood Dragon just came out and saw Dragon Ball and The dragon soul's eyes widened. Before Huo Hai could say anything, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon rushed forward and swallowed both things in one bite.

After that, he returned to Huo Hai’s arm again, and Huo Hai could feel it. At this time, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon was constantly using its own blood flame power to corrode and refine the Dragon Ball Dragon Soul. Huo Hai helplessly shook his head and ignored it. .

This is also a kind of transformation. If you want to transform successfully, you don't know how long it will take. Huo Hai has a feeling that after the successful transformation of the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, perhaps his strength is stronger than his current self.

During this period of time, I don't know how much murderous aura and blood aura has been swallowed, and this **** flame flood dragon has risen to a terrifying level.

"Xiaoshui, you are really capable." Xiaoshui had already notified himself before, but when Huo Hai saw the harvest, his eyes widened. The harvest of Xiaoshui is really terrifying, let alone The dragon soul and dragon ball in the front, even the dragon horns and claws, have one, and there is one complete dragon tendon. I don't know when it was drawn out.

The dragon's meat does not have much effect, that is, it can increase the strength of the body if it is eaten, but Huo Hai does not want to use this method to improve, eating dragon meat to enhance the body will leave some special dragon breath on his body.

It doesn’t matter if you eat less. If you eat too much, it’s easy to attract the attention of the dragon. So Xiaoshui didn’t collect dragon meat deliberately from the beginning, and only a little bit, but it is a very powerful dragon blood. , I don’t know how much water has been collected.

Calculating the number, I’m afraid there are several barrels, which are several times more than what I took out before. As for the scales of the dragon clan, there are a lot of them. Such a large piece can be used to make armor. After a long time, Huo Hai took a deep breath. Although these things are of high value, they are not as valuable as Dragon Soul and Dragon Ball.

Therefore, Huo Hai was only shocked, and then returned to normal. With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai collected the things into the inner space, and then collected the small water. At this time, there was nothing Huo Hai needed.

Coming to the ground again, Huo Hai began to erase the will from the light of the soul he had previously received one by one. Huo Hai's mental power is very strong now, and it is not too difficult to erase the will from it. In one day, Huo Hai was able to erase dozens of them, and he should be able to complete this task in less than a month.

Two days later, Huo Hai had to stop, because the transmission fruit in his inner space shook again. Looking at the lines on the transmission fruit, Yinling should not be far away from him.

Huo Hai cleared up his mood and sneaked closer from the underground. Ten minutes later, Huo Hai saw Yinling, but at this time Yinling was wearing a black robe, and he couldn't see who it was from the surface at all, if not that familiar He really didn't know who it was, Huo Hai secretly spared a few laps around him, but he didn't notice the arrival of other masters.

Is this Yinling doing a good job of hiding yourself? Thinking of this, Huo Hai came out of the ground, then walked around the stone and appeared next to Yinling: "It's been a long time since I saw you. Your injury should be almost recovered from your appearance."

Hearing this, Yinling turned her head quickly and saw that it was Huo Hai. She breathed a sigh of relief: "You scared me to death, why there is no breath at all. No wonder you can avoid so many people's tracking. I am afraid that people would never think that you not only did not leave, but continued to stay here." Yinling looked at Huo Hai with admiration.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Everyone knows this, but there are a few people who can really do it. Huo Hai did not leave here, but carefully hid near Lanjiang Bay. How could other people find Huo Hai? It.

During this period of time, looking at Huo Hai’s appearance, I was very happy. Yinling threw a spatial ring towards Huo Hai: "Your dragon clan materials were eaten directly by the sect, but I have bargained with them. Long time."

It turned out that the giant wooden door also wanted it, but that’s right. Who made Yinling the giant wooden door’s person? This is called near the water tower to get the moon first. What moved Huo Hai was that this Yinling could actually bargain with the giant wooden door for himself. Looking at the space ring, the number of spirits actually reached 200,000, which is already a high price for the things I took out.

"Thank you, this is for you." Huo Hai transferred the 20,000 spiritual marrows into another spatial ring and threw it to Yinling. After getting the things, Yinling glanced, his face turned a little ugly.

"Huo Hai, what do you mean, I help you because I treat you as a friend, but I am not coveting you."

Huo Hai shook his head and said, "I know, I also treat you as a friend, so you can't let you help in vain. Selling these things is not small for you. The pressure and risk are not small. If there is no benefit at all, I will feel sorry. Besides, as a Friends, it's okay to help each other. Your cultivation level has improved. Can you continue to help if I have anything in the future."

Hearing this, Yinling thought for a while, and finally accepted the things. She has no backing behind her, and there are not many resources. With this batch of spirits, it should be enough to cultivate to the realm of Spiritual Sage. Not bad.

Yinling is different from Huo Hai. Huo Hai’s cultivation is a waste of resources, because Huo Hai pursues speed and perfection. He doesn’t care how much resources are wasted. These spirits are more than enough for ordinary people to cultivate to the realm of spiritual sage. .

Suddenly, Yinling thought of something: "You have to be careful. Kihara's secret actions are not small recently. This guy has been trying to find your location and is spreading rumors everywhere. If you are found by these guys, the consequences will be disastrous. "

When Muyuan made a move, it was completely different from Muju. Even if it was just a test, the news of Muyuan's release was enough to attract many masters. These masters are not something Huo Hai can deal with. Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Don't worry. Well, those guys can't help me." Although Huo Hai said so, the killing intent in his heart could not be contained.

"It's okay if you understand. No matter how you say, Mu Yuan is also one of the most gifted children of the Mu family. In the future, it is very likely to break through the spiritual sage and even reach a very high level among the spiritual sages, so the Mu family attaches great importance to him. "

Yinling's meaning is to let Huo Hai not be impulsive, and don't just retaliate against Muyuan, even if his cultivation level is improved in the future, otherwise, if the Mu Family is attracted to move out, it will be no different from offending the entire giant wooden door.

Once these large families go to war with a certain force, they will easily evolve into hostility to the entire sect, because they have too high a say in the sect and their various relationships are intertwined. Regardless of the strength of Kihara, it is very good. Compared to the Mu Family, Muyuan is nothing at all. Within the Mu Family, only Lingsheng can be considered a master.

"Well, I have not been out for a short time. I have to leave here as soon as possible. If it takes too long, it is very likely that they will find out. You should leave here as soon as possible. I have been here once. It is not safe anymore. "

After speaking, Yin Ling took a deep look at Huo Hai, and then turned to leave. Yin Lei Zun was already dead, and Huo Hai’s deal was over. It would not be easy for the two to meet in the future. What Yinling wanted to do now was to improve her cultivation level as soon as possible. Only in this way could she not become a burden when she saw Huo Hai in the future.

Huo Hai's cultivation speed was too fast. Yin Ling didn't want to lose the qualification to talk with Huo Haiping the next time she saw it. His figure flashed, and Yin Ling had turned into a silver-white brilliance and disappeared into the sky.

"It's true that you can't stay here for too long." After all, the giant wooden door has various tracking methods, and it is still possible to track Yinling. Within such a short period of time, the Star Gu released by Huo Hai has already felt it. Lingzun arrived nearby.

Moreover, the goals of these people are relatively clear. They are generally heading in this direction. Huo Hai knows, I am afraid that his position has been exposed now. You know, two hundred thousand spiritual essence, this is not a small number. If you know it, even the pinnacle spirit veteran may be unable to bear to do it on yourself, and you are not the opponent of these pinnacle spirit veterans.

This time Huo Hai didn't melt into the ground either, but directly expanded his speed. With his breath hidden, he used the fastest speed and left this place for a while. Those people who wanted to find themselves were simply dreaming.

The most urgent task at the moment is to find a safe place first, digest the gains this time, and after improving the strength, you can proceed to the next step. There are still many things waiting to be done by yourself.

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