Evil Insect God

Chapter 1457: Trapped secret

Perhaps because of the collection of various materials, Huo Hai organized the things here very quickly. Although there were many things, it would not take long for the spirit worms to help him in the inner world.

In less than half a day, all the information has been sorted out, and all kinds of backups have been made. After the spirit worm has a high IQ and can freely control the power between the sky and the earth, it is really enough to help him in all aspects. Big one, after finishing packing things, Huo Hai took away all the books in the collection, and then wanted to destroy the stone sculptures here.

But when Huo Hai issued his sword aura, he found that his sword aura was blocked by a layer of strange and weird light. With this layer of light, his sword aura had no effect at all, and it was impossible to destroy it.

"Damn it, there is protection left by the Spirit Saint Master." Huo Hai's expression was a bit ugly, the value of this thing is too high, even Huo Hai is selfish, how can such a precious thing be left casually.

Maybe no one would leave their housekeeping skills in any place except when they left the inheritance. Huo Hai didn't want to, but after a long time, Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. As for the power to lower, since Lingsheng was unwilling, there was no way he could say, "Forget it, go out first." Obtaining these things, the gain is not small.

"What's the matter, why can't I get out." When Huo Hai came to the door, he suddenly found that a barrier completely intercepted him inside. There were all the power left by the Spirit Saint everywhere, and he couldn't leave at all.

Huo Hai tentatively explored his surroundings and found that there was no gap at all around him. It seemed that he was in a glass bottle and could not leave at all. Now, even Huo Hai became anxious. If he really could not leave, he would be I don't know how long it will take to reach the realm of Spiritual Saint here. You must know that your resources are not enough.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that a stone monument appeared next to the doorway, "What is this, why didn't I find it just now." It's normal for me to remember this.

Huo Hai clearly remembered that there was absolutely no such thing before, and he couldn't get out anyway. Perhaps the way to get out was right here. Huo Hai settled down and slowly studied the words carved on the stone tablet.

This is a very old text, even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, few people know it. Anyway, it is definitely not something left over tens of thousands of years ago. Perhaps, the existence of the Spirit Fire Sect is longer than they thought. Many.

Huo Hai suddenly thought that when the Eight Sects were established, it seemed that it was tens of millions of years ago. Then the Spirit Fire Sect was probably destroyed at that time, tens of millions of years. This is really terrifying time. I don’t know. There are still many masters at that time, but the writing at that time is not very different from the present.

This kind of writing was not left over from that period at all, but rather an older kind of writing. The writing itself contained a kind of laws of heaven and earth. It is said that some writings in ancient times could be directly used as rune spirit formations.

Perhaps, this is the writing of ancient times. Huo Hai didn’t know this kind of writing originally, but after Huo Hai settled down, he found that he could understand gradually. The spiritual power was attracted and he was pulled onto the stone tablet. .

"That's the way it is, it's no wonder they use ancient characters, just to make people understand them." These characters themselves are a kind of rune, and things written in this type of writing, let alone Huo Hai Now, anyone can understand it, even some uncivilized spirit beasts, perhaps can understand the meaning of the above.

The meaning of this stone tablet is very simple. The people who can come here are the future descendants of the Spirit Fire Sect, but if you want to truly gain the approval of the Spirit Fire Sect, some conditions are naturally needed.

As a sect dominated by alchemy masters, the Spirit Fire Sect, the selection of descendants must naturally be considered from the alchemy aspect. This stone stele is the center of the entire secret realm and the only key to go out. Huo Hai wants to leave. You must practice the fire control method, and only after the Spirit Fire Sect's fire control method reaches a small level, can you be qualified to walk out of this hall.

This is the power left by the Spirit Saint master. Huo Hai is impossible to destroy. Fortunately, Huo Hai didn’t enter the secret realm through the gate. Otherwise, the trap at the secret realm gate would be touched. The entire secret realm is sealed.

If you don’t have the Eight Spirit Bats to bring you directly in, then it’s impossible to get out. This secret seal was created by the Spirit Fire Sect with all its strength. It is a restriction and a test. , Is even more a kind of protection, as long as the spiritual **** master does not do anything, no one can break this place, and can only stay quietly inside.

If you forcibly use power to attack, it will cause the entire secret realm to be completely shattered. Don't want to keep anything. If that's not the case, Huo Hai will be even more depressed. Fortunately, Huo Hai settled down and began to slowly practice the fire control method.

When Huo Hai entered here, a roar suddenly erupted from the distant Azure Palace: "Who is it that dares to kill my son, I will not rest with you." The voice was full of sadness and anger.

At this time, the news of Qingfeng’s death has been received by the people in the Azure Palace. However, due to the influence of Huo Hai’s last sword aura, the image is very vague. It is difficult to see who actually acted on Qingfeng, Huo Hai’s strength at the time , Many people have seen it, so I am afraid that no one thinks that Huo Hai is the murderer, only that Qingfeng's luck is bad.

On the other side, after a few days of chasing, a large group of people finally came to the top of the secret realm. "I said Fatty, are you really here? You are not looking for the wrong place, right? There is nothing here."

A fat man was holding a crystal ball with a serious face attentively, but because of the shape of his face, this expression still made people feel funny, "Shut up, don't talk, don't you see that I am busy."

The fat man adjusted the crystal ball while cautiously testing, "I have said that when the kid left, I left a tracking method on him. As long as the kid did not find out, I could easily find him within a year, unless he Able to leave the southeast area." When the others heard this, they suddenly closed their mouths.

This fat man is very famous, especially when it comes to tracking. No one in the room can compare to him, let alone the people present. Even in the southeast region, this fat man's tracking ability is top-notch.

If many spiritual saints do not rely on their cultivation to bully people, their tracking ability will not be comparable to him. In a blink of an eye, everyone has been in the air for most of the day: "I said Fatty, hurry up, we continue to waste time here. If you do, you have to let that kid run away. I said you won't be that kid's helper." The other people's expressions also turned a little weird.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, it turns out that this is the case, how come I can't find it? It turns out that the kid has entered a secret realm. Look, everyone, what I found."

The fat man danced and shouted loudly: "Underground, underground, there is a secret realm hundreds of kilometers away. It seems that this secret realm still has a man-made atmosphere. Maybe we have found an ancient relic this time."

Hearing this, all the people's eyes widened. The range of hundreds of miles is nothing to them. It's just that the earth has a strong ability to block perception, especially in places like the Heavenly Spiritual Realm. Most people instinctively ignore the ground below, and it is good to be able to perceive the range of kilometers underground.

But this time everyone worked together and deliberately searched, and quickly found out the secret realm, "Great, what are you waiting for, this time the harvest is getting bigger and bigger, if you can kill that kid in the secret realm, I see who can find out."

At this time, a guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey-gill yelled: "Haha, wait here, I'm going in." After speaking, the little man's hands turned into a shadow, like a gopher, and soon A hole was dug in the ground.

But when he disappeared, the ground seemed like no one had ever moved. It was very strange. This person might have the ability to burrow into the ground, "Huh, I run really fast, I don't know if he died fast." Huo Hai The combat power they had seen that day was not as good as the Tenth Heavenly Master, but compared to the Eighth Heavenly Master, I am afraid it would not be much worse.

Others glanced at each other, and a middle-aged man said: "Everyone, you all remember, before Huo Hai is not dead, you'd better restrain yourself and don't do anything to other people, otherwise you will be all enemies."

After that, this person seems to have dived into the water. Many people have the ability to dive into the earth and blend into the earth, but they can't perfectly hide their breath, so few people hide in the ground.

Even if there is no such ability, it is not a troublesome thing to mobilize the earth power between heaven, earth and nature to enter the underground. Soon, the whole ground becomes pits and bumps, and everyone is squeezing into the ground with the help of earth power. After a long time, everyone came to the secret realm entrance, and it was not very difficult to enter the secret realm.

Several people in the team attacked several times and quickly found the location of the door. These people entered the secret realm. No one noticed that after the first person entered, the entire secret realm was wrapped in a layer of power. Can't get in.

Huo Hai did not expect that he himself did not touch the spirit formation here, but was touched by the people who followed him. If he knew it, he didn't know what he would think. The person who had just entered the secret realm was excited at this time.

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