Evil Insect God

Chapter 1458: Retreat

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"Oh my God, this is indeed a secret realm, and it is still an ancient relic." Seeing the surrounding buildings, all the people's faces were overjoyed. No matter what this time, the gain is definitely not small.

"I feel the breath of the spirits exuding here, everyone be careful, it is hard to guarantee that this is not a trap that Huo Hai deliberately set for us." Everyone did not separate, but went straight to the position of the front hall. Everyone knows that the best things in general are naturally left in the largest buildings, followed by the most secretive ones.

In any case, this hall is the most magnificent, so no one wants to let it go. But when a group of people came to the door, they suddenly found that the main hall was wrapped in a force, and they could not enter it anyway.

"There is no way, give up, this power is left by the spirit saint. Perhaps, the way to open the barrier of the hall can be found in other surrounding buildings." An old man who is good at spirit formations looked at it, and shook his head helplessly to indicate no Method.

The headed eighth heaven master said with a calm face: "If this is the case, then everyone should be divided into teams and go to other buildings. This way you can't see what you are getting, and you can avoid some disputes." Almost everyone will rush to **** the treasures that can be seen, and even die for it.

As long as there is no evidence of the treasures I heard, no matter how precious, I will think about it. As for those that are hidden, no one will deliberately search for them. This is the case now.

Everyone knows that other people may get good things, but as long as no one says anything, then naturally there will be no disputes. After all, there may be gains, but there may also be no. The people present are not simple characters.

This time, none of those who dared to attack Huo Hai were below the Fourth Heaven of the Spirit Venerable. Soon, everyone dispersed and moved towards the surroundings. But it didn't take long for these people to regret it.

Because Huo Hai has opened the center, the protection system here has been activated naturally. No matter if you enter any building, when you move something inside, you will be immediately blocked by a force, so don't even think of it. And this power is very familiar to everyone, it is left by the masters of the spiritual holy realm, and they cannot break it.

"How could this happen? Could it be a trap here." In the end, only the five remaining people finally found something wrong. After all the people entered the building, they did not come out. In some buildings, they cannot even enter the interior.

At this time, no matter how idiot everyone is, they know that something is wrong. "What do we do?" a young man asked anxiously. The strongest person on the scene is only a Sixth Heavenly Woman.

All people, at this time, are looking forward to the strongest cultivation base. The woman thought for a while, and finally said: "We can't enter these buildings. I don't know what dangers are inside. Let's look for them outside to see if there is any way to release them. If it doesn't work, everyone will come back. , Signal when you encounter danger."

Now I can only do this, everyone nodded and then dispersed. But although they are scattered, everyone is not very far away. They did not forget that they were tracking Huo Hai to come here.

Huo Hai's strength, no one would be an opponent if he encountered it alone. They are relatively close to each other, and once they are in danger, they can be rescued immediately, which is safer. Unfortunately, they didn't know that even Huo Hai was trapped.

Staying in the hall, Horheim silently condensed his own flames, and then blended his spiritual power into it bit by bit. This is the unique flame control secret of the Spirit Fire Sect, even without a name. But in terms of flame control, I am afraid that there is not much in the Heavenly Spirit Realm that can compare with this. Poor Huo Hai is not an elixir, but he is forced to practice this.

This place was originally prepared for the elixir. In the eyes of the Spirit Fire Sect, if it is not the elixir, or even the fire attribute, it is not qualified to leave here. As long as you come in, you will be trapped and die in it.

After that, just wait for other people to continue to come here. After all the people inside have died clean, the whole spirit array will naturally return to its original state. A faint flame gradually appeared around the main hall, slowly burning.

Among these flames, there seemed to be a very special power, and Huo Hai could feel that his spiritual power was being eroded and consumed bit by bit. Although this speed is not very fast, it has been consumed all the time. Huo Hai calculated it, even if he didn't use any power, he would probably be consumed in a hundred years.

Although the spiritual master has an unlimited life span, it is not immortal. The spiritual master's inner world law is not perfect, or even completely mastered at all. Therefore, when one's own spiritual power is in a silent state for a long time and cannot be used.

Then the spiritual power's nourishment for one's soul and body will gradually lose its effect. It's not a short time. As time increases, the soul and the **** will slowly collapse, and the inner world that will eventually be left will be swallowed by the power of heaven and earth.

Only if you become a spiritual saint and understand your own laws, the laws will not be destroyed, then you will not die even if you are trapped anywhere. This kind of special erosion ability is specially prepared for the spiritual master like Huo Hai.

Huo Hai was a bit grateful, but fortunately, he recovered very quickly, and he also had a lot of spirit crystals. Even if there has been no way to leave this place, Huo Hai is sure to survive here for thousands of years. However, thousands of years are too long, and Huo Hai will not allow himself to stay here for too long, so he must leave here as soon as possible.

The method of controlling fire is very easy to practice. Because Huo Hai's fire had been swallowed by the source at the beginning, it became a kind of natural ability of his own. This is equivalent to Huo Hai's own fire attribute, and it is from the source.

This ability is better than many people with fire attributes in controlling flames. It's just that Huo Hai always likes to use swords and has his own spirit insects, so Flame doesn't use it much.

But not using it does not mean it won't. There are a lot of alchemy, and various strange alchemy techniques are often studied. Huo Hai's control of the flame itself has reached a high level. The mental power far surpassed the others, and now he began to practice this flame control method, and the progress was quite fast. Huo Hai also knows that what is called haste is not enough.

Therefore, every day, Huo Hai would only spend most of the day to practice the flame control method, and it would have no effect after a long time. It is impossible for Huo Hai to reach the standard for leaving before the soul power is integrated.

In the rest of the time, Huo Hai once again began to study the Spirit Array, or some other things. Even in his free time, Huo Hai would take out some elixir in the inner space and try to refine it. Huo Hai, who entered this crazy cultivation state, did not feel the passage of time at all. If you can't stand loneliness, how can you be qualified to cultivate to this point.

It’s not uncommon for a year of practice before. After Huo Hai settled down, all aspects began to advance by leaps and bounds, especially the various studies that had been behind for a long time before, and calm down would naturally improve it.

Even the Ziyundan sold before, Huo Hai has refined the remaining materials thoroughly. After leaving here, you can find a chance to deal with it, and now Huo Hai dare not think about it.

Time flew by, and Huo Hai himself did not expect that five years had passed since his own practice this time. For other spiritual masters, five years is nothing at all. But in Huo Hai's view, five years is already a long time. In five years, Huo Hai has integrated other swordsmanship and created a set of his own unique sword skills.

Of course, these are nothing. Huo Hai's spiritual formation comprehension is even more brilliant. After digesting those spiritual formations obtained from the six-winged butterfly, Huo Hai's spiritual formation level has risen by a large margin, and he has been able to keep up with his own cultivation base.

And his speed has once again improved a lot. If he faced Venerable Qingfeng again, Huo Hai was sure that the other party would not be able to keep up with him at all, because the spirit circle of Huo Hai above the Star Soul Guide had expanded more than three times.

After five years of practice, Huo Hai's own nine-layer starlight finally merged successfully for the first time. After the nine layers of starlight were completely integrated, the overlap became the second layer of starlight defense. Although it has become a layer, the toughness is much smaller, but its own strength has been greatly improved. If this continues, his defensive battle spirit art will definitely not be too weak.

It's just that if one's own cultivation base does not improve, he might not be able to condense the second layer of starlight defense. In five years, although there has not been a battle, after such a long period of time there is still a lot of training and research, and Huo Hai's own sixth-layer law aura has gradually reached its extreme. Today, it has truly reached its peak state.

Huo Hai knew that as long as he was willing, he could naturally break through immediately. Huo Hai didn't want to waste time either. The reason why he stayed here for five years was not because Huo Hai had been unable to go out. In fact, Huo Hai's fire control skills have already reached the standard.

Staying here is because Huo Hai wants to retreat for a good practice. He hasn't practiced in retreat for so long, so he can't continue like this. Anyway, the light on the outside, although it sealed itself inside, it was actually a kind of protection. It's not that the spiritual saints above the seventh heaven are doing it, and it is impossible to affect the self inside.

Now that the requirements have been met, then start practicing. Huo Hai sat down quietly, took out the spiritual marrow, and began to slowly absorb it, another star core shattered, a new star lit up, and this time the consumption was even greater.

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