Evil Insect God

Chapter 1466: Bright field

"No need to look." The armored man stepped back for a while and didn't mean to attack. It seemed the same as what he said. He just wanted to hold Huo Hai, and didn't have the idea of ​​catching Huo Hai himself.

"This barrier is connected to my life. As long as I am not dead, this barrier will not be broken. At least, your strength is simply not enough." After such a long battle, he also understood Huo Hai's combat effectiveness. .

Not to mention Huo Hai’s current strength, it is impossible to break this barrier even if the combat power is increased several times. It can be said that as long as it is not a master hand in the spiritual holy realm, it is impossible to break this barrier before his death. Huo Hai tried several times. After playing, I found out that my sword energy couldn't even make a little fluctuation on it.

"You want to hold me in this way, even if you can catch me at the end, isn't it the credit of Wan Yaomen."

The armored man nodded and said, "It's okay. I've already talked to them. By then, I only need that one thing. It doesn't matter if the others are given to Wanyaomen." The armored man looked on his face for granted. .

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment: "That thing is so important to you. For this, you don't hesitate to give up most of the gains, and you also risk coming here. Looking at your barrier, I'm afraid it will consume a lot of money to use." Huo Hai It's not about the consumption of spiritual power, but about the consumption of resources. When this person just threw out these spars, Huo Hai could still see the distressed expression.

The armored man nodded and said, "Yes, it is very important. As long as I am not dead, you will not want to leave today."

Huo Hai sneered: "Then I will see if your strength is as strong as you said. Although I don't know what you are going to do, I won't let the people of the giant wooden door catch it." Huo Haike Don't want to compromise.

Being caught by the giant wooden door, he is definitely better than death. Besides, Huo Hai has no sympathy. Maybe there is something unspeakable about this armored man, but what does it have to do with him? If he is in his way, get rid of it. Up.

The poor man Huo Hai has seen a lot, and it doesn’t matter if he can help, but if he wants to hurt himself, Huo Hai has no such idea. The armored man looks at Huo Hai, his face remains unchanged, Huo Hai Neng can feel that this smile is from his sincerity. Many people who absorb the power of the sun seem to have this characteristic.

Without hearing what the armored man said, Huo Hai let out a cold snort, and finally launched an attack. The whole person seemed to be a phantom, flashed, and instantly he came to the armored man, the sword aura quickly issued, and he pierced the armored man.

It was just that after Huo Hai's huge sword aura was released, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that a 100-meter-sized pale golden orb appeared around the armored man. After his sword aura entered the orb, it quickly began to decompose.

This kind of decomposition is not the kind of depletion and collapse encountered by strong resistance, but from the legal level, it is completely unable to resist the irreversible decomposition, "What the **** is going on." Huo Hai's eyes are full of shock and doubts. I haven't encountered this phenomenon before, and the sword energy is quickly broken down, then slowly swallowed, and finally turned into a light force.

If Huo Hai hadn't been watching it all the time, I really didn't believe that his star power would be transformed into light attribute spiritual power. The most important thing is that the opponent hasn't moved. This ability is really terrifying. .

The armored man said in a leisurely manner: "This is my unique talent in the light realm. In my light realm, any power will be decomposed and transformed into light power, unless the opponent's power level is much higher than mine."

Hearing this, Huo Hai couldn't help frowning, his power level, to their level, said that he had understood and mastered the law, and his cultivation level was not as high as the other party, so his power level was definitely not as good as the other party. , No matter how much power he gave out, it was impossible to break this thing. At this time, the armored man was invincible.

"This field will continue to absorb the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth and the power of the sun, and transform it into my own power. My defense will become stronger and stronger. Although it is not as good as the surrounding barriers, it is not something you can break. ."

Huo Hai sneered: "I don't believe that there is such a perverted ability in this world. You said it is so strong. This power must have a big flaw. As long as I can find it, it will be your death."

As Huo Hai was constantly probing, the armor man didn’t care at all: “There is indeed a flaw, because this power is too strong, so I can only form it into a domain to protect myself. I can’t use this power, and even mobilize it. No, in the Light Realm, I cannot attack, but this is enough."

It doesn’t matter if you can’t attack. Now you’re not going to attack Huo Hai. On the contrary, you’re trapping Huo Hai here. The people at the Yaowangmen have already notified that he can come here in one day. At that time, Huo Hai could not escape. .

Even if he can't deal with it, after discovering Huo Hai’s difficulties, he can join forces to trap him here. As long as the Lingsheng masters make a move, Huo Hai has no ability to fight. Among the heavenly masters, it is absolutely necessary to overcome the big level challenge. impossible.

Huo Hai also knew that time was pressing at this time, but Huo Hai still did not want to give up. If he gave up, it meant that his life was not guaranteed. He never thought that a person of the Eleventh Heaven could bring such a great deal to him. Threat.

Huo Hai regretted that he underestimated the people of the world at this time. These special secret skills masters may not be as powerful as his own, but they can bring him a lot of trouble. Once these people cooperate with other masters, they may threaten him. It is really not easy for oneself to break the protection of this guy without using the hands of Lingsheng Gao.

Huo Hai regretted a bit at this time, why didn't he make a powerful scroll again? If he had made one, with his current strength, the power of the scroll would definitely be far superior to the normal spiritual peak master.

In that case, Huo Hai is sure to completely smash the entire barrier, but unfortunately it is too late now. Now it is impossible to make such a scroll within a day, and it will consume a lot of energy and spiritual power.

"Absorb the power of the sun, then at night, there is no sun at night." Huo Hai's heart suddenly moved.

The man in armor spread his hands out: "Many people have thought of this, but once my ability is deployed, it doesn't matter even at night. Don't forget that although there is no sun at night, the power left in the day is not exhausted. Besides, As long as you can absorb the power of heaven and earth to maintain the domain, you will never hurt me."

After a pause, the armored man said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done anything to you casually, but I really need that thing. As long as I get something, I will definitely rescue you if I have a chance. of."

Huo Hai could feel the sincerity of the armored man. He believed that in another place, the two could definitely become good friends. Unfortunately, it was not the case at this time. This guy was just a spiritual master. He had the ability to save himself.

Even if there is some power behind him, I believe he will not offend the giant wooden gate for his one, otherwise, something would have been in his hands long ago. Huo Hai's constant temptation, various abilities have been displayed one after another, and there is no barrier to deal with the periphery. The slightest effect, on the contrary, no matter where you attack, the ultimate power will be absorbed by the light field.

In this special area, there is a very strange power. Under this power, any power can be easily assimilated, and finally transformed into a light power. At this time, in the light field, light flickers, and even flames are burned.

With the accumulation of power, this power has become more and more terrifying. I have never seen such a tricky person. Since his debut, Huo Hai has encountered this kind of cultivation level for the first time, but he can do nothing. Guy.

This guy is simply a tortoise. Fortunately, he can't use this power. Otherwise, this power will reach its peak. Huo Hai is sure that he can't resist it. "Damn it, how can I break it." Huo Hai's mood slowly sank, and this armored man was really too difficult.

At this moment, the armored man said as if he was a idiot: "Yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name has not been used for a long time. Others call me Venerable Yanghuo. If you need help in the future, you can go to Ziyangmen to find me. ."

This Venerable Yanghuo really thought he was going to have it, but Huo Hai had never heard of what this Ziyang Gate was. Huo Hai had already known about the great forces in the Southeast and Eastern regions.

This Ziyang Gate, Huo Hai really doesn’t know, it shouldn’t be an unknown person who can cultivate such a monster. Perhaps, what kind of Hidden Sejong Gate is this Ziyang Gate? Although these Hidden Sejong Gates are powerful, they are usually very powerful. Few people know that only those large sects have a certain record and connection, and there is no need to think about such a casual cultivation as Huo Hai.

"You'd better give up, no matter how you attack, it will only help me accumulate strength." With Huo Hai's attack, this power is getting stronger and stronger, and the light power has almost filled half the size of the entire field.

With the increase of power, the defensive ability brought by the light domain is getting stronger and stronger, and even the strength of the surrounding barriers seems to be constantly improving. Now this situation, Huo Hai really does not know how to solve it. Hmph, since you can absorb it, I'll see how much you can absorb." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and began to lose weight.

No matter what, there is a limit. If you exceed this limit, you may be able to burst it. Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean that Huo Hai can't do it. Thinking of this, Huo Hai no longer attacks, but Stopped.

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