Evil Insect God

Chapter 1467: Light and dark

Recommend a new book "The Crescent Moon", not bad.

With a move in his heart, Star Gu King Xiaoxing had already appeared beside Huo Hai, "Although your spirit worm is powerful, it won't have any effect on me." Seeing this spirit worm, Venerable Yanghuo's face was also a little solemn.

There are a lot of news and rumors about Huo Hai, but he really didn’t know that Huo Hai was actually a worm spiritist. With Huo Hai’s combat power that can leapfrog and challenge, even a war spiritist is very strange. They originally thought Huo Hai Not a normal war spiritist, but now, he discovered that Huo Hai can control spirit worms, which is really weird.

As we all know, apart from the worm spirit master, almost no one can control the spirit worms. Even if someone uses special means to control the spirit worms flexibly, generally speaking, they only control one or two that are not very strong.

There are at least a dozen spirit worms that Huo Hai has just taken out, and each of them is in the realm of Spirit Venerable. Venerable Yanghuo is a bit grateful. Huo Hai does not seem to have high-level insect control secret methods, otherwise he can Not so comfortable.

With so many high-level spirit worms, now Huo Hai’s strength, I am afraid that few people in the realm of Spirit Venerable can compare, even Venerable Yanghuo himself, can only rely on his own special abilities to barely be invincible. Just the ground.

"Huh, it's not clear whether you will win or lose." Huo Hai said coldly, and then began to release his spiritual power. Just now Huo Hai has used various techniques and the spiritual worms have also displayed them, but no matter what abilities, Even the mental power, hypnotic power, and even Huo Hai's own Soul Slashing Art and the power of cursing were all useless and completely irresistible.

As long as the level of power cannot be compared with the opponent, it will definitely be transformed perfectly. Venerable Yanghuo has reached the peak of the spiritual sovereign, which is higher than his power level, unless he reaches the realm of spiritual sage.

This kind of ability is simply crushing for people whose cultivation base is not as good as their own. Fortunately, this kind of ability can only defend but not attack, otherwise he can definitely be the king in the realm of Spiritual Venerable. Even now, I am afraid that no one can. ratio.

These people with special defensive abilities are really difficult to fight against. Under the guidance of Huo Hai, with Xiaoxing as the center, the Star Gus constantly release the spiritual power in their bodies through the insect king. These spiritual powers have just been released to the outside world. , It was absorbed cleanly by the entire Bright Realm, and then quickly assimilated, especially when Huo Hai contributed to the situation.

"Your Excellency, don't waste your power anymore. You are useless like this." Yang Huo said in a low voice, looking at Huo Hai helplessly. If his abilities could be broken so easily, there would be nothing good. Proud of it.

What surprised Yang Huo was that Huo Hai’s spiritual power was so terrifying. You must know that if you want to fill your light realm power in a short period of time, you need at least ten peak spiritual masters’ body spiritual power. .

Huo Hai alone and his own spirit worms can actually have so much spiritual power. This is really terrifying. In less than half an hour, the entire light field was finally completely filled, but at this time, Huo Hai suddenly frowned again, because he found that things seemed different from what he had imagined.

"How could it be like this." Huo Hai was a little puzzled. In Huo Hai's impression, no matter what it is, there are limits, but this domain is obviously full of bright spiritual power, but there is still no sign of fragmentation.

Yang Huo spread out his hands: "I said long ago that there are no flaws in this field except for not being able to do it, so please don't waste your energy. Let me take you back. I will find a way to get you out in the future. "

Although Ziyangmen is not an opponent of the giant wooden door, he still believes that the giant wooden door should give Ziyangmen some face. The strength of the Ziyangmen is not as simple as it seems, and the world is not as simple as external rumors. .

Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and he finally discovered the problem. It turned out that after the light power was filled, the excess power would be repelled bit by bit. This domain would automatically adjust its own power intensity, too little. Will absorb, too much will be released, and always keep the power in the domain complete, the defense is naturally very terrifying.

When the power is filled, even if the Lingsheng master wants to break this domain, I am afraid that it will take a little effort, not because the level is not enough, but the power gathered at this time is really too much and terrifying.

Is it really impossible to leave here today? Huo Hai widened his eyes and looked at the entire field. The power of light was surging like the ocean. If this power could be used, he would definitely die or not.

The sun fire at the center of power does not feel at all. It just can’t be done. The huge ball of light is in the air, and the brightness is stronger than the sun in the sky. The light power is too strong and it will cause serious damage to the entire barren mountain. The area is even more barren, and many places are directly burnt, and the places that originally lacked creatures have become dead.

"Your Excellency, I think you'd better not move around. I can guarantee that you will never break my defense. The light force is not the strongest defensive force, but it is one of the most restorative forces. "

The original defensive ability of the light attribute is good, coupled with the powerful recovery ability, if used well, sometimes it is even stronger than the defense of the earth attribute power. Such a field is really not easy to break. The light attribute has already been reached. Extreme, this kind of extreme power is really rare. Wait, Extreme, Huo Hai suddenly thought of something.

"Hmph, I have another way. If this method is unsuccessful, then I will wait here obediently." Huo Hai, who had already wanted to give up, suddenly thought that he still had a special ability that he didn't use.

"Then please make your move." Venerable Yanghuo is full of confidence in his domain. As long as he doesn't reach the realm of spiritual sage, don't even think about breaking it, unless Huo Hai has scrolls and other items left by a holy master. Will Huo Hai have it?

Huo Hai doesn't care so much. Just now he suddenly remembered the solar eclipse secret method he had obtained in the Scorching Sun Sect. This thing is completely a taste for Huo Hai. Huo Hai can't even cultivate, but now in this environment, it seems that he can barely use it. Once, Huo Hai flew to the front, anyway, Yang Huo had no attack ability now, and Huo Hai was not worried.

With both hands stretched out, Huo Hai easily stretched his hands into the domain. The star spiritual power on the surface of the body immediately began to be continuously decomposed. Huo Hai could feel that this decomposition power is very terrifying, which is a manifestation of the polar sun attribute. .

The light attribute was originally overbearing and abnormal. Where there is light, no other attributes are allowed to exist. Huo Hai directly ignored this terrifying consumption, and at the same time began to slowly move his hands, he was trying to master this power. .

"Your Excellency, don't waste your efforts, this power can't even be controlled by me, let alone your Excellency." This is true, Yang Huo can feel that Huo Hai is trying to control his own power, does he think Using one's own strength to deal with oneself is really whimsical, and Yang Huo wants to persuade Huo Hai to give up this behavior.

But at this time, Huo Hai didn't seem to hear it at all. He continued to stroke his hands. With Huo Hai's movements, although the surrounding light attribute power had been eroding, with Huo Hai's movements, it began to fluctuate.

"Sure enough, as I thought, you can't control this force, so I can influence it." Huo Hai said to himself, the other party can't control it, and then it is possible to do it by himself, otherwise Huo Hai will do everything. Can't do it.

Yang Huo nodded: "Yes, it can affect. I can't control this power, so it's similar to the spiritual power without a master, but what can you do? Although you can affect the local flow of this power , But the overall power is still protecting me.” This is the fundamental principle. This light power was born for protection.

The corner of Huo Hai's mouth slightly ticked: "Indeed, this light power is to protect you, so it is impossible to use light power to deal with you, but what about dark spiritual power..." Huo Hai continued to stroke his arm.

"Dark spiritual power, are you kidding me, here is full of light spiritual power, it has reached the extreme, how can there be dark power, light and darkness are always incompatible with each other, where there is light, There will be darkness."

Huo Hai’s smile became stronger and stronger at this time: “I don’t think so. Light and darkness are unity of opposites. Although they are incompatible with each other, they are inseparable. Without light, there would be no darkness. If there is no darkness, , It is also impossible for light to exist. Under the extreme conditions, light and darkness can be transformed into each other."

Huo Hai's theory is very strange, but it is not that no one has mentioned it, "So, you want to transform it into dark spiritual power. Although this kind of thing has been successful, it is under special circumstances. "

He didn't believe that Huo Hai's power level was not as good as his own, and he could transform his own light power. At this time, Yang Huo was still looking at Huo Hai in his spare time, wanting to see what Huo Hai had to rely on.

As Huo Hai's hands continue to stroke, at this time a piece of light power nearby has been stirred by Huo Hai, and Huo Hai's spiritual power in his body has been continuously consumed. By now, nearly half of it has been consumed. With Huo Hai's spiritual strength, It was not easy to be able to consume half of it. Huo Hai also knew that he was short of time and had no time to waste.

I just spoke, on the one hand because I was not ready, on the other hand, I was also strengthening my conviction.

After all, what Huo Hai cultivates is the spiritual power of stars, and he has a certain understanding of the attribute of light. Huo Hai just looked at the solar eclipse secret method roughly, and it is not easy to display it without research.

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