Evil Insect God

Chapter 1470: Exchange terms

Because this time it was Huo Hai who wanted to use it, and the most important thing was the Heavenly Soul Domain. The most important thing was that this soul fixation orb was in the hands of a child, and Huo Hai couldn't do it, at least with special methods.

"Hey, forget it, let's exchange it." Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. Anyway, the soul fixation beads must be obtained. See what this little guy needs, then give him something. , Anyway, in Huo Hai's opinion, it is impossible for this little guy to ask for something too precious, the strength and vision of the people here are not good.

Falling into the yard, Huo Hai immediately showed his figure: "Little guy, what's your name."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, the child looked back in confusion, but was not wary. Also, the environment here is relatively poor and life is not very good. People in such places are usually more united.

"My name is Yazi, who are you, big brother?" After looking at Huo Hai twice and confirming that Huo Hai had never seen him, Yazi asked out loud. As for the big brother, this can only be blamed on Huo Hai's tender face. .

After all, Huo Hai practiced very fast all the way, although he has not modified his appearance, but because of the early shaping time and the nourishment of so many years of spiritual power, Huo Hai looks very young. In addition to his taller body, he The appearance might even make people think that he was under eighteen years old, and Huo Hai couldn't help it.

But it didn't matter, Huo Hai still didn't think how old he was. Those people who usually cultivated at the same level as his own, except for those who had been reborn from the house, in terms of true age, there was no one younger than him.

"My name is Huo Hai, you can also call me Big Brother Huo." Huo Hai smiled slightly. Such a pure-hearted child is always so easy to accept. Fang nodded vigorously, indicating that he had remembered it. .

"Brother Huo, what are you doing at my house? My father went out hunting this morning, and he hasn't come back yet."

Yazi only talked about his father, and there was only Yazi in the family at this time. Huo Hai knew to some extent that I am afraid that Yazi's mother is no longer there. Although this kind of place is relatively peaceful, it is still very dangerous without strong support. It’s not uncommon to encounter some wild beasts coming to the house.

"Well, I came this time because I wanted the soul fixation pearl. I can exchange it with something. No matter what you want, I can give it to you." Huo Hai didn't mean to conceal it, and he should talk to the child directly. Better.

Seeing that what Huo Hai wanted was his own beads, Yazi suddenly hesitated. After all, although this thing was a bit dirty, it was the most beautiful thing in Yazi's hands. Speaking of which, Yazi was really reluctant.

"It must be, this is Yazi's birthday gift when he was three years old." Yazi was very reluctant, but at this time Huo Hai suddenly moved in his heart. Yazi said this was his birthday gift, so where did he get this thing.

The fog of God addiction is not something ordinary people can enter. Someone can actually enter it and take out the soul fixation beads. I am afraid they will not throw it to a child. This thing is not a useful thing for a child. It's not just a joke to be guilty of the crime, but I don't know what this thing is after looking at the teeth.

Huo Hai lowered his voice: "Is this Yazi's birthday gift? Who gave it to you? This thing seems to be only in the mist over there." It's so close to the misty mist, Huo Hai doesn't believe people here will I don't know what this thing is.

Yazi looked at the fog in the distance, and his eyes were wary: "When Grandpa was still alive, I heard Grandpa say that those black fog is not a good thing, but it seems that it will recede every hundred years and become very thin. At the beginning, my father found this bead when the fog retreated." The people here are also very curious about what is in the fog.

Anyway, there are no spirit beasts and fierce beasts in the mist. Even if they were there, they would have died long ago. Although it was a barren mountain, there were some very special plants growing, and many of these plants were very useful.

"Brother Huo needs this very much." Looking at the beads in his hands, Yazi became more reluctant, but his father taught himself that he must help when others have difficulties. This is how the people here can survive.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, it is very necessary. Just ask what Yazi wants. Don't worry, Brother Huo is not here, he is very strong." Yazi's eyes lit up, and then it dimmed. He didn't know. How strong is Huo Hai's true strength? In Yazi's heart, those strong in the town are the strongest.

It's just that these people, at best, are only the cultivation bases of the spirit generals or the spirit handsome. In front of Huo Hai, there is no difference from the ants. Generally speaking, it is impossible for a heavenly master to run to such a bird that does not shit. Place to come.

Fang lowered his head, frowned, and kept thinking. Just as Fang was about to say something, there was a loud noise outside, "Tooth, Fang is coming out, your father was bitten by a poisonous snake."

Hearing this, Fang's hand loosened, leaving the Soul Orb still on the ground, and ran out quickly. Huo Hai frowned and shook his head, but after thinking about it, he took the Soul Orb away. The figure flashed, remained invisible, and flew out with these people. If he saved Yazi's father's life, it would be a reward.

It's just that when Huo Hai sensed the person being carried back, he shook his head helplessly: "It's too late, it's useless."

I don't know if the creatures here have mutated. The poison of this poisonous snake is actually harmful to the spirit, but it is just an ordinary person with a low cultivation base. After such a long time, the soul has been eroded and disappeared.

The soul is gone, even if Huo Hai has the ability to reach the sky, he cannot be saved. Looking at the heartbroken look of Fang and the sorrowful expressions of those around him, Huo Hai shook his head and did not appear. Maybe everyone's life None of them are very good. Although I sympathize with Yazi, no one proposes to adopt him, and these people cannot be blamed.

He was another child without his parents, even more miserable than his two apprentices. Huo Hai quietly returned to Yazi's home, waiting for Yazi to return. This time, three days passed.

With the help of other people in the village, Yazi's father was finally buried. From this day on, Yazi also learned to be self-reliant. Overnight, Yazi seemed to have grown a lot. The next time he appeared in front of Huo Hai , He had already carried the bow and arrow that was completely disproportionate to him, which reminded Huo Hai of that little fellow Lin Yuan, which was the same at the beginning.

"Yazi, have you figured it out yet, what do you want?" Although he knew that Yazi was very sad at this time, Huo Hai still spoke out. In any case, Huo Hai still wanted to provide some help.

Seeing Huo Hai again, Fang bit his lip, and then a bright light burst into his eyes: "Brother Huo, are you really, really strong, stronger than the masters in the town."

Huo Hai let go of perception and felt the surrounding towns, and then said: "The generation of ants, no matter how many people like that, I can't kill them casually." Huo Hai said unceremoniously, these people even even There is no desire to do it.

Hearing this, Yazi's eyes became brighter, and then took a few steps, and suddenly knelt down in front of Huo Hai: "Master is here, please be worshipped by the disciple." Yazi suddenly bowed to Huo Hai. Huo Hai was stunned by this change, but he didn't stop it afterwards, and Huo Hai sat in front of him, accepting Yazi's bow.

"This soul-fixing orb is really not that easy to take." Huo Hai smiled bitterly. I don't know if there is such a restriction in the dark. If you want to get something, you have to pay a price. Get the soul-fixing orb, this kid in this life I will be responsible.

Huo Hai looked at Yazi and got up, and then said: "Why do you want to worship me as a teacher? If you want to learn something, I will teach you something. It doesn't need to be the case." The relationship between the two of them had already been worshipped. Changed.

Yazi said firmly with a face: "I want to be a strong man. My family will die in the mouth of beasts because they are not strong enough. I heard that those real strong men have already left us. I I have to become like them. Only by becoming strong enough can I protect myself and my family in the future."

This kid is righteous. Under Huo Hai's perception, he can naturally understand that what this tooth said is from the sincerity. Huo Hai likes such people, those duplicity guys, Huo Hai has no interest at all.

After a long time, Huo Hai nodded and said: "Well, that's the case, then you will be my disciple from now on. I still have some things to do here. When I finish, I will take you back." With this one Little guy, Huo Hai knows that he can't run around casually next, if he encounters danger, this guy can't take care of it.

"It's up to the master's orders." Yazi looked serious, and didn't know who had taught him these etiquettes.

Huo Hai did not leave immediately, but stayed here. After all, even if he wants to leave, he must first let Yazi have the ability to protect himself. With Huo Hai’s help, he spent a certain amount of resources on Yazi’s cultivation. The improvement is very fast.

The foundation is solid and there are no flaws. After all, this Yazi has a good talent and has never practiced. Huo Hai can play at will. After a month, Yazi has reached the realm of spiritual bones. I am afraid that few people in the entire village are his opponents. Huo After Hai confessed that he should not venture in, he left Yazi's home and flew into the mist.

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