Evil Insect God

Chapter 1471: In the mist

Before coming to the area covered by the fog of the addiction, Huo Hai approached cautiously, although the soul fixation orb was already on his body, and it was still a soul fixation orb produced by this mist, he should have a strong ability to restrain these mists.

However, it was the first time that Huo Hai encountered this horrible psychic fog, so he was more careful and approached cautiously. When he approached a certain area, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the fog was within 100 meters from his center. Suddenly it was dispelled, no, it was not dispelled, but like a glass cover, squeezed it out.

"Sure enough, what the rumors said is correct. The Soul Orb is able to restrain the soul-eating mist." Huo Hai slowly walked into it, alert to all possible changes in his heart, and it didn't take long before Huo Hai entered the mist.

"Hey, I didn't expect that even with the protection of the Soul Orb, it would not be able to completely offset this power. Without a certain strength, it would be really difficult to enter it." Huo Hai could clearly feel that there was a very special power around him.

This power is very similar to the characteristics of the psychic fog, and it also directly affects the human spirit, but this power is relatively weak, and it does not have the terrible erosion power of the psychic fog, such a large area of ​​the psychic fog, in It seemed to Huo Hai that as long as he had the Soul Orb, even a master Lingdi could survive in it for a long time.

If it weren't for some accidents, there would be no problem with surviving here for a spiritual master like himself.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to release his perception at all. What Huo Hai could see clearly was only within a hundred meters in front of him. If Huo Hai dared to release his perception, this fascination mist would definitely erode in.

Fortunately, Huo Hai’s cultivation base is relatively strong. With just a little bit of his own spiritual power and a little light, he can see everything around him clearly. People with inadequate xinxing come to such a pure and dark place, I am afraid that it will not take long for the soul to collapse , Huo Hai proceeded cautiously all the way, here is the inside of the obsessive mist, a barren mountain, but in any case, Huo Hai still dare not take it lightly, this special place often breeds some very strange creatures.

Huo Hai didn't know much about the fog of God addiction. Had he not seen it in the special records of a sect, Huo Hai didn't know this kind of thing. I believe most people don't know what the fog of God addiction is.

At best, they can only feel that this thing is dangerous. Otherwise, such a large area of ​​psychic fog would have attracted the attention of the major forces. Looking at the current situation, no one paid attention to it.

"Strange, doesn't it mean that soul-fixing beads will appear in the fog of psychic addiction? There is no one at all." Even a very small mass of psychic fog can produce soul-fixing beads, such a large fog of psychic fog, Huo Hai I searched all the way, but I didn't find a Soul Orb. What was going on? Could it be that someone came in to collect these things before.

Huo Hai didn't know, but continued to walk inside, "Hey, what is this, it seems to have something to do with mental power. If it is refined into a pill, it might be useful for mental power." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw it. A weird little grass.

There is no normal plant that can grow in the fog of the psychic, not to mention the spiritual power contained in it, even if it contains the power of the law, Huo Hai will not feel strange, and most of the plants here are related to the spirit.

This grass is completely dark, and there is no need for the sun in such a place, so the black itself is a kind of protection. To Huo Hai’s surprise, the grass seems to be able to absorb the surrounding psychic fog and use it to maintain his own life. Even the fog of the addiction can be swallowed, this kind of thing must be studied carefully, if you can use the fog of the addiction, even better.

Such a large area of ​​addictive fog, if it can be made into any weapon, its power is absolutely extraordinary.

No matter how much it is now, let's hurry up and look inside. Huo Hai looked all the way, it was still a desolate, and only a few special plants were found on the road, which was taken away by Huo Hai.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt the change ahead, "Could it be that there are other people here." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the space where the soul bead had just opened hit another space.

There is no fluctuation in itself. In the case of not being able to use perception, if Huo Hai hadn't just seen it, he would have really ignored it. In such a short time, this space had already left, and the other party had not found himself.

With this discovery, Huo Hai moved forward quickly, and the moment he was in contact with the opponent’s special space, Huo Hai adjusted his speed so that his safety space was tightly attached to the opponent, leaving only a small amount of space. With the help of this gap, Huo Hai can always keep up with the other party. He can't use perception. Huo Hai can only judge by his own eyesight and feelings.

Always keep a speed close, no matter where the opponent moves, always use the situation to keep up with it, and at the same time protect yourself from being discovered by the opponent. In such a place, Huo Hai still doesn't know what will happen.

If it caused the large-scale fluctuations in the surrounding god-seeking fog, there would definitely be no end to it. At that time, I am afraid that even my soul fixation orb would not be able to protect myself from any harm.

Following this goal all the way, Huo Hai didn’t know how long he had been with him. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of Huo Hai’s eyes. He was really uncomfortable when he changed to an ordinary person. Huo Hai was taken aback and quickly stepped back, "Is it discovered? "Huo Hai was a little puzzled, but even if he was discovered, he didn't need to emit such a strong light, he was threatening himself.

After waiting for a while, Huo Hai cautiously approached it again, and suddenly found the light ahead again. This time Huo Hai did not step back, but carefully maintained this state.

After a long time, Huo Hai discovered something wrong, because Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the light in front of him did not seem to be emitted by someone. He approached cautiously towards the front. The hole in front of Huo Hai became bigger and bigger, and the light was getting bigger and bigger. bright.

Finally, Huo Hai discovered that there was not someone shining ahead, but a large special area. “I didn’t expect that there would be a normal living space in this place.” In Huo Hai’s eyes, this place is like a paradise. The same, of course, only outside the world, without Taoyuan, the living environment here is really not good.

The light that Huo Hai saw was emitted from a spar the size of a human head on the ground in the middle. Looking below, it seemed to be a vein of spirit stone. The power of the vein of spirit stone was continuously absorbed into the spar.

It is precisely because of the support of this force that this spar emits light. Although the light is not very strong, it can illuminate this area. There are some creatures living in it, but it is not human.

Not even spirit beasts. These special beasts have undergone huge mutations. Although their eyes can still be used, they have deteriorated very badly, their skin is pitch black, and even their claws have deteriorated very badly.

These things, which don’t seem to be cows or deer, are completely grazing for a living, and the food they eat is the special plants produced here. These beasts don’t know why, so Huo Hai feels there is a kind of danger, why on earth. , To be able to make these special creatures pose a threat to yourself, you must know that you are a master of spirits.

At this moment, another special monster came back here. Huo Hai discovered that this monster actually had a soul-fixing orb in its mouth. After slowly entering here, he walked to a high platform and put the soul-fixing orb down. Then walked aside.

This is to go out for food. Huo Hai finally noticed this high platform at this time. On the high platform, there are dozens of fixed soul beads. The number of fixed soul beads is more than this monster group. You know, the whole monster The total number of the ethnic group is only so many two dozen, and it may perish in a slight change.

"What, these things are very toxic, you want it." Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a wave of fluctuations in his spirit. It turned out that it was the little blonde who had sent the message. Huo Hai understood it for a moment.

It's no wonder that these only beast-level things can bring a sense of threat to oneself, probably because of environmental relations, coupled with eating the special plants here all day, causing a very strange toxin in the body mutation.

Because this toxin evolved from the fog of God addiction, it naturally poses a great threat to myself. If it is poisoned, God knows what will happen. These fogs are very special, even Xiaoyun, a special creature that can control all kinds of fog. , There was no way to deal with this kind of fog, and he didn't even dare to blend into it. No matter what, since Xiao Jin needed it, then he would take it away.

The Heavenly Spirit Continent did not have any awareness of environmental protection, and Huo Hai did not want to leave these things behind. Although these things were very threatening, they were all beasts after all. When Huo Hai's heart moved, he was imprisoned.

He threw it into his own inner space and let Xiaojin slowly toss, but looking at Xiaojin's appearance, it seemed that even Xiaojin didn't dare to absorb the toxins on this thing at will. After all these monsters were caught, Huo Hai began to observe. around.

There is no mist entering this place at all. Huo Hai quickly figured out that it was probably because of the large number of Soul Orbs here, and I don’t know how these monsters were collected. They were able to collect so many, I am afraid that most of the entire fog The soul fixation beads had fallen into the hands of these monsters at this time, so they could support such a space.

The next moment, Huo Hai discovered the hollow stone: "I really didn't expect that such a place would produce such a strange hollow stone, and it will glow." Huo Hai has determined that this luminous spar is undoubtedly the hollow stone. .

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