Evil Insect God

Chapter 1477: Explain

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Don't be surprised, I did go to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but I'm back again. You may not know it. Very few people knew about this."

With that, Huo Hai explained the matter of the outer barrier, and even the relationship between the heaven and the earth and the heaven-level master, "Now it happens that the barrier between the heaven and the earth is weakened, and I have previously obtained a hollow stone. With this opportunity, I opened a passage with the broken stone, and there will be no restrictions on the communication between the two sides in the future."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, "Unexpectedly, the power of heaven and earth is so much stronger than we thought. I thought that when the spirit emperor arrived, he could barely escape from heaven and earth. Now I know that the spirit and **** cannot be detached."

"Father, these things have nothing to do with us. We don't have such abilities in the first place, so let's consider other things." Huo Kai heard Huo Feng's emotion and quickly reminded him.

Huo Feng nodded: "Yes, we may not even be able to reach the Spirit Venerable in this life, so we don't need to think about it, but this barrier is really unexpected. Fortunately, Xiao Kui didn't go to you before." Thought of this barrier. All the faces of people are unsightly. Who would have thought that there is such a big gap between the legend and the facts.

Ordinary spirits can't pass through at all. When most spirits of the eight major sects passed through this layer of passage, they died in it. They could resist the oppression of the power of the world, but they could not withstand this layer. The barrier is really sad.

At this time, everyone also knows why none of the people who went to the heavenly spirit realm can return. It is actually more troublesome to come from the heavenly spirit realm to the outer area. Without the cultivation base of the spiritual holy realm, it is impossible to break through this level. barrier.

After all, as far as the origin of heaven and earth is concerned, it will be more difficult for the heaven-level masters who died on the periphery to absorb the inner world. Therefore, the origin of heaven and earth does not want those masters to escape to the outer area casually. Unfortunately, the power of the origin of heaven and earth also has a limit, so big. A barrier can only intercept Lingzun, a master like Lingsheng, the origin of heaven and earth cannot stop.

Even something like the broken empty stone can open a passage, which is basically a loophole, but for the heavenly master, whether it is outside or inside, it is the same when it is dead, there is no difference.

On the contrary, if they die on the periphery, once the inner world is broken, it will not be easy for them to regain their homes to restore their original cultivation base. Compared with the heavenly spirit realm, the periphery has different resources and environments. too big.

"This time when I went to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I saw the Eight Sect Alliance, which was the former Eight Ancient Ancient Sects, but seven of them have been destroyed by me. The remaining Sky Star Sect is very close to us. , They have already controlled the passage, and everyone will be integrated into the Sky Star Sect in the future, but don't be afraid, they dare not do anything to you."

With that said, Huo Hai recounted the previous eight major sects. Anyway, these things could not be kept secret. Besides, the family members also know a lot about his contract issues. Hearing these words, Huo Feng slightly Frowned.

It has been a long time to rule the king and hegemony. In fact, no one wants to be pressed by a powerful force on his head.

Huo Hai seemed to have seen something, and quickly said: "The Sky Star Sect has twelve spirits, and this kind of strength can only control a small area in the periphery. For other internal forces, the Sky Star Sect is nothing at all. There are no powers that do not have the existence of a master of spirits, and they don't even have the right to speak in the heavenly spirit realm. There are at least a dozen top sects with spirits."

In fact, this is just a matter of fact. Whoever makes Huo Hai's level insufficient will not be able to touch these things at all. It is even more difficult for the spirit gods to improve every step. There are twelve heavens in total. If there is no huge spiritual **** base, what? A master is born.

Therefore, in Huo Hai’s heart, there must be a lot of spirit gods, but no one knows at all at ordinary times. Even Huo Hai doubts whether there are only a few top powers on the bright side, and whether there are even more powerful ones hidden in them. Secretly.

Forget it, these are not things I should consider anyway. Huo Hai just wants to tell his family some of his knowledge of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm on the bright side. In this way, when it comes to the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, everyone will not continue to maintain it. The arrogant posture, this posture is very terrible, and it will be troublesome if someone accidentally provokes someone.

Hearing Huo Hai's words, everyone's expressions began to change. Although no one wanted to let others press down, it was the instinct of every spiritual master to improve his cultivation. No matter what, everyone would not give up.

But who would have thought that the strength of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm would be so strong. At first, they thought that although the Heavenly Spiritual Realm was separated, it was probably larger than the Heavenly Soul Realm and had more masters. They even thought that the Spiritual Saint Not many.

Because in their opinion, the spirit gods are real gods and exist in deification. How could they appear in reality? Now that they know these news, everyone knows that what they think is too simple. Although the Huo family is big , But after arriving in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I am afraid I don't even have the qualifications to be a little shrimp, which is really uncomfortable.

But soon afterwards, Huo Feng returned to normal. The facts are facts and no one can change them. "Very well, we have further goals, and the future development potential will definitely be greater." Huo Feng is convinced of this.

When the others heard the words, they took a secret look at Huo Hai, and finally his face was full of confidence. Huo Hai was able to practice all the way in a place like the Heavenly Soul Realm and became a legend, and finally reached the Heavenly Spirit Realm, still able to continue all the way. Ascend, and even fully open the channel, Huo Hai’s potential, the entire Huo family is more confident than Huo Hai, they believe that Huo Hai will be able to continuously improve.

In the future, leading the Huo Family all the way up, and finally standing at the top of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, standing on the pinnacle of the entire Heavenly Spirit Continent, in their eyes this is absolutely achievable, and this kind of confidence makes Huo Hai a little inexplicable.

"Xiaohai, tell me how strong you are now, and how far is it compared to the senior level of the Sky Star Sect." Huo Feng can't believe that Huo Hai can surpass the already developed in such a short period of time. The Sky Star Sect for tens of thousands of years.

A hint of interest flashed in Huo Hai's eyes: "The strongest person of the Sky Star Sect is the Sect Master of the Sky Star Sect. It seems that he is about to break through to the fifth heaven of the Spirit Venerable. I don't know how long it will be. , The vast majority of them stayed in a heavy sky." Huo Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. After the past, they wouldn't be too sad.

In any case, the Huo family now has a master of Huo Hai, plus a small Kwai, how can it be a place? Earlier, I heard from Huo Hai that Xiao Kwai's combat effectiveness is still very high among the same level.

Huo Hai paused, and then said: "I, I just broke through to the Eleventh Heaven of the Spiritual Venerable not long ago, and we are very close to the Spirit Saint." Huo Hai's words caused chaos and Huo Feng, who was drinking water, took a sip Squirted out.

"What, Xiaohai, you just said that you have reached the eleventh heaven, is this true." Huo Hai's words are really terrifying, the eleventh heaven, this is not something that the Heavenly Star Sect can resist. Although you don't know very well about the spiritual masters, you are still relatively clear about cultivation.

The more advanced it is, the more difficult it is to raise a level. For so many years, Xiaokui has not improved at all. This is enough to explain the problem. Similarly, the higher the level, the larger the gap between each level. .

The Eleventh Heaven, don’t think everyone knows, Huo Hai can completely use his own aura, without even using hands, it is enough to crush the entire Sky Star Sect. If this is the past, do you need to worry about being bullied? I’m afraid the Huo family It will become the first family of the Sky Star Sect for the first time. This is the biggest advantage of having a top master.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, you have reached the eleventh heaven. You don't have to be surprised. As long as you don't encounter a bottleneck, you can improve quickly if you have enough resources, especially if you have a crystal core. Auxiliary situation."

Huo Hai quickly talked about some of the cultivation problems in the realm of Spiritual Venerable. Everyone finally knows how fast the breakthrough is without bottlenecks and enough resources, but even so, everyone is still very shocked. Huo Hai's breakthrough is too fast, right? .

How many star cores are there in this kid that made him shatter, and where did his spiritual essence get so much? The most important thing is, why Huo Hai has no big bottleneck? You know, they practiced this way. There are a lot of bottlenecks, large and small, and everyone knows that bottlenecks are the biggest obstacle that restricts people's cultivation.

In retrospect, Huo Hai seems to have not encountered any bottlenecks since practicing, "Xiaohai, how did you do it? It seems that you have never had any bottlenecks." Huo Kai suddenly asked strangely.

Huo Hai looked at the expressions of other people and knew that everyone was very interested in this, so he said, "This is the real reason why I let everyone lay the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the fewer the bottlenecks. Every step is A level of foundation."

Suddenly, Huo Hai lowered his voice: "I don’t have to hide it from you anymore. Everyone doesn’t know what method I used when I built the foundation. Let me tell you now. , It is the Body Refining Three Spirit Formation." Hearing this, many people stood up in surprise. Everyone knew how dangerous the Body Refining Three Spirit Formation was.

Even the Huo family had tried some fairly good disciples during their development, but few were able to pass the first body-refining spiritual circle, most of them died directly, and then no one dared to mess around casually.

Who would have thought that Huo Hai was so bold that he secretly practiced, but the result was scary enough.

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