Evil Insect God

Chapter 1478: The way forward

There are so many gains as much as you pay. Everyone is silent. Basically few of the masters who are trained normally can pass the test of the body-refining three-spiritual array, even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

On the contrary, many of those who can pass the test are guys like Huo Hai who have dared to work hard since he was a child. As for Huo Hai who lived very comfortably when he was a child, but still dared to work hard and succeed, this is really too few, almost unique, but Everyone has seen the results, and basically there will be no bottlenecks in the practice along the way.

Of course, there are other reasons for this, but the foundation laid by the Body Refining Three Spirit Array absolutely occupies an important side. Is the Body Refining Three Spirit Array really having such a powerful effect? ​​Everyone feels extremely strange.

"Don't think so much. The body-refining three-spiritual formation is not so easy to practice. I have a spiritual formation here, which is specially used to test personal qualifications. If the qualifications are sufficient and I have perseverance, I can still pass it."

Huo Hai took out a spirit formation, and the people around him suddenly became excited. Seeing this scene, Huo Hai was also a little helpless. This thing is not only his own patent, in fact, all major sects in the heavenly spirit domain have it, but, this Things are only able to test their qualifications, and many people who are qualified to pass the Three Spiritual Array of Body Refining are actually detected.

But if you really want to pass, it’s not so easy. The kind of pain, it’s very likely that you will completely collapse before you pass. Most of the cultivating body three spirit formations are children, they can How much perseverance.

If you practice forcibly, you will basically die one by one. Since ancient times, the body-refining three-spiritual array can pass all of them, and there are not many that can pass with twice the strength of the medicine. I am afraid that Huo Hai is the only one.

You must know that the body-refining three-spiritual array is very special. Even if it is the reincarnation of a heavenly master, it cannot be practiced. It must be used by people who have just started to practice and have not broken through the realm of the spiritual body, but this test is not without benefits, at least For those who meet the conditions, the first body-refining spirit array can still pass, and the second one is rarely successful.

Among the top forces, very few of the three spiritual formations have successfully practiced, and there are not many in the entire history, but there are still a few people who have passed two, and in fact, there is no shortage of people who have passed one.

"Well, this body-refining three-spiritual formation is not so easy to cultivate. Even the top sects are the same. Most of the spiritual formations they cultivate are improved spiritual formations. I also have one here, which happens to be usable."

The spirit formations improved through the body refining three spirit formations are not as dangerous as the original spirit formations, but the effect is not so good. Generally, the top sects use such spirit formations. They have laid a very good foundation since childhood. In order to continuously improve step by step, Huo Hai let the six-winged array butterfly cooperate with him, and it took a long time to comprehend such a spiritual array.

The foundation of this kind of spiritual formation does not have the terrifying effect of the three-spiritual formation of body refining, but as long as there are no mistakes, the foundation for reaching the realm of spirits is still very secure.

A trace of excitement flashed in Huo Feng's eyes. This is the real treasure of the family. The detection spirit circle can only benefit a few people, and this can benefit the entire family. This is the future and foundation of the family. .

Taking things seriously, Huo Feng looked at Huo Hai and said, "Xiao Hai, tell us about the Heavenly Spirit Realm. To enter the Heavenly Spirit Realm, we must also make some preparations." Others finally turned their attention back.

Huo Hai did not hesitate: "The Heavenly Spiritual Realm is very large. If the Heavenly Spiritual Realm is a continent, then the Heavenly Soul Realm is just a small island near the mainland, not a very big island." Huo Hai's first sentence The words shook everyone, although everyone had a certain amount of preparation, but who would have thought that the area of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm would be so large.

The area is larger, the natural population and resources are also very scary, and more masters are trained.

Huo Hai did not hesitate, and continued: "The origin of the heavens and the earth is manifested in the heavenly spirit realm. It is easy to feel and the space is also very stable. If a senior master does not have space attributes, he can't even travel through the space. Scale destruction is not easy either."

While thinking about it, Huo Hai spoke out some of his own experiences and insights. Although Huo Hai did not say how many dangers he encountered along the way, everyone knew how much he had heard from Huo Hai.

Especially after hearing that Huo Hai had offended some people at the Ghost Medicine Gate and the Giant Wooden Gate, everyone in the family looked a little unsightly. Before entering the Heavenly Spirit Realm, they caused such a big trouble. If they were eyeing on, then the family would be sad, but for Huo Hai, they couldn't say anything and could only let it go.

"Well, don't interrupt, there shouldn't be a big problem. If these people really want to come to us, can that barrier be able to stop it." Huo Feng said, everyone else closed their mouths. Huo Feng was right.

That layer of barrier can block the communication between the spirits, but the spirit saints can easily penetrate, these forces that Huo Hai has offended, there are many spirit saints, besides, in the eyes of these people, except for Huo Hai, the entire Huo family is not counted. What?

Huo Hai shook his head and ignored these people. Anyway, these people Huo Hai never looked down upon him: "Grandpa, there are many source spirit treasures and source spirit stones in the heavenly realm, at least not for us. No matter what, you can use it casually in the future, but one thing must be remembered. Although the origin of heaven and earth is very clear, don't follow the path of pseudo-spirituality."

They don’t know what the pseudo-spiritual sovereign is, and Huo Hai didn’t sell it, and quickly explained, “These news are only known to the top sects, and the general sects rarely know it, in order to prevent the birth of the pseudo-spiritual master. , The major forces will not publicize it at all, so you know it, and remember not to talk casually in the future, if it leaks from us, I am afraid that the major forces will not let us go." Huo Hai looked serious. The account of these things.

Huo Feng nodded: "Don't worry, we know how to measure, but we didn't expect the harm of the pseudo-spirited person to be so great."

Hearing what Huo Feng said, Huo Hai was very satisfied, at least his grandfather would not be confused by these things in front of him, "This time I have got a lot of good things again, and the family can use them in the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

After that, Huo Hai began to take out. First of all, it was still a large amount of material. Although Huo Hai had been shocked many times, this time it was still very shocked. There were a large number of spiritual beasts and corpses of spirit beasts.

So many materials, all of them are of honorable level, which makes people feel shocked. A large part of them were secretly hidden by Huo Hai during the Dragon Slaying Battle. Of course, some really high-level prone to disasters. Huo Hai didn't take out the goods, for example, the materials on the Void Ray and the Dragon Race were like this.

Then, Huo Hai continued to take out, a large number of heaven-level source spirit stones, especially the lower-level source spirit stones, Huo Hai’s hands piled up like a hill. As for those high-level source spirit stones, Huo Hai was even more so. Collected a lot.

It is now piled up in the family hall, directly occupying a large area, Huo Feng hurriedly greeted the other elders to start carrying them, and soon the disciples who had been waiting outside began to go in and out to carry these treasures.

There are relatively few heavenly source spirit treasures, because Huo Hai has not specifically collected them, but because he has hunted many fierce beasts before and there are many strange things, Huo Hai still produced a lot of shocking things. .

After these things, they are the classics of the major sects, but the parts before the spirits, Huo Hai simply don't look at them, these are free to toss them on their own, as for the part of the spirits, there is no spirits in the family. , No one can practice, only Xiaokui can choose some useful exercises for him.

"These are the spiritual formations and alchemy techniques I summarized, and I think they are of great use to you." Huo Hai took out the things he summarized without hesitation. Anyway, these things have no certain ability. Can't understand.

Besides, Huo Hai believed that people in the family would not be so short-sighted to give away people everywhere. Seeing this, Huo Feng became excited again. The things Huo Hai summarized by himself are much more precious than the treasures he collected.

After taking out a lot of things, Huo Hai completely cleared his inner space, and suddenly noticed other treasures.

Huo Hai waved out an emerald green stick, and then threw it to Yun'er: "Yun'er, don't say I didn't bring you a gift. This thing is the heart of the tree left by the Saint-level giant tree. The surge is very large, and as a tool for training, at least it can be used to the peak of the holy rank without changing weapons." Huo Hai threw it over.

Yun'er happily caught it. In fact, when she first took it out, Yun'er could already feel the surging vitality in it. She could feel the effect on herself, not to mention, but she didn't expect that this thing is a holy thing. That's it.

Many other people around looked at Yun'er with envy or even jealousy, but it was a pity that Huo Hai was there, and no one dared to **** it. They didn’t even dare to say a word of extra. For so many years, everyone is not an idiot, naturally. It has long been felt that Huo Hai didn't care about the family that had acted. Had it not been for Huo Feng and others, Huo Hai would have left.

"And this, this is the defense secret wood spirit body of the giant wooden door Mu Family, you can practice it, this is very suitable for you, and in the future, before you have enough strength, you must not show it in front of others at will."

Huo Hai said to Yun'er with a serious face, this thing is really too important for the giant wooden door.

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