Evil Insect God

Chapter 1479: Dainichi

Yun'er was excited to put her things away, and then he hugged Huo Hai's neck and kissed directly, making Huo Hai's face full of helplessness. This girl originally thought she had grown up, but she didn't expect it to be like this for so many years.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai continued to take things outside, "These are some maps I have recorded before. They are all spirit crystal veins, and there are a lot of spirit crystals inside. If there are not enough spirit crystals in the family, you can mine."

What Huo Hai took out was the one he had detected before. It was a very accurate one. Even some of the spiritual ones were cleaned up by Huo Hai himself. At least now, the family should not lack spiritual crystals. As for the spiritual There is no spiritual master in the family, so there is no such thing as marrow. Even if it is left behind, it will easily become the target of others.

"By the way, the nine-fold starlight and other spirit arts that I have perfected are placed in the Sky Star Sect. After someone in the family reaches the Spiritual Venerable, they can go there to check them." Huo Hai did not leave these things temporarily.

Even if it is left, it will not be used, and it is easy to be targeted by others, so it is better to put it inside the Sky Star Sect.

"These are some of the classics I got in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. You must keep them away so that no one can find them. These are the materials I obtained." Huo Hai kept moving, constantly taking things outside. .

Most of the classics were obtained in the Spirit Fire Sect, the core Huo Hai still did not take out, because it was easy to be targeted by others, now Huo Hai only needs to help the family lay a good foundation, as for the rest, please feel free to grandpa and Father and the others tossed, even if the family was tossed down, Huo Hai would not care at all as long as they were okay.

As for the materials, most of them are some ore and elixir that Huo Hai doesn't use. Many of the low-level pill that Huo Hai previously refined by himself, many of them were refined while studying alchemy techniques by himself while trapped.

With this batch of medicinal pills, the family needn't worry about the medicinal pills for a long time. "These are the latest silver threads I made. If they are made into soft armor, the quality can reach the honorable level. Your cultivation is not enough now. Remember to be careful."

What Huo Hai said is to let them pay attention to themselves, don’t use it indiscriminately, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of others. This is made of silver beads after the breakthrough. In Huo Hai’s heart, this silver bead is still specially made for manufacturing. The silver worms made of silver wire, when fighting head-on, the silver beads were so bad that Huo Hai couldn't use it at all.

However, silver beads are very powerful when it comes to making silver wire materials. As long as there are silver beads, there is basically no need to worry about the defensive soft armor of a force. This is also an advantage, although Huo Hai does not take it seriously.

With so many exalted materials, I don’t know how long it will take to use them. Although Fang Biya and the others have reached the eighth level of the spiritual emperor, they still don’t know how long it will take to break through to the spiritual emperor. Everyone has just condensed more than two thousand star cores. It seems that in the future for the family to practice quickly, more spiritual essence is needed.

It would be too wasteful to break the crystal core in the early stage, so it is the best and fastest to use the spiritual marrow directly in the early stage. It seems that after a period of time, I will be busy again. The spiritual marrow is really not easy. obtain.

Huo Hai took things outside the same way. The family members were both happy and worried. Fortunately, the family's heritage could be continuously improved, but what was worrying was that these things would not be available in a short time.

Even if they exchanged things with people, they couldn't do it. They didn't have enough strength, but they took out precious items. This was looking for death. At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, and then A wave of spiritual power fluctuated, "What's the matter, how can anyone dare to attack the vast sea." Huo Hai was a little confused.

It was clear that someone was attacking here just now, and it was cleaned up by the Sea Anemone clan. Hearing this, the people around looked at each other and their faces were a little ugly, but Huo Hai wanted to ask, and no one would hide it.

"It's not that big Sun God Sect." Huo Feng snorted, then he said, Huo Hai's expression was taken aback, he really didn't expect that so many things happened after he left. I don't know when, no Knowing who founded a great day **** sect, after that, I don't know why, many masters of the big day **** sect appeared.

In particular, the twelve spirit emperors were miraculously ascending to the level of cultivation, and they soon reached the seventh heaven. After that, these people gathered a lot of masters, and they have been spreading the so-called Great Sun Sect faith and continuously expanding. .

Later, there was a conflict with the Phoenix Catch and the Huo family, and many other forces were also implicated in it. The subsequent battles have not ended, but most of them are still attacking by the Great Sun Sect, because they have too many members outside. Up.

"Didn't you clean them up? Xiaokui's shot at these people shouldn't be a big deal." Huo Hai believes that although this kind of strength is also good, it is far worse than the Feng Catch faction, even if it is. Fang Biya and the others, I am afraid they will not be afraid of these people, let alone Xiao Kui, Xiao Kui is a spiritual master.

Huo Feng shook his head helplessly: "If only the power of the Great Sun God Sect is nothing at all, we can easily destroy it, but this Great Sun God Sect does not know where to get a spiritual formation. This spiritual circle is too strong."

The headquarters of the Great Sun Sect is built on the top of a high mountain, and at the same time a strange spirit formation is arranged. The defensive barrier produced by the spirit formation has no offensive ability, but has a strong defensive ability. This kind of defense is very stable, even if it is Xiaokui This Spiritual Venerable cannot destroy it. It is precisely because of this that the Great Sun God Sect is so arrogant.

Moreover, Dainichi Sect has also used this matter to develop its own beliefs. Now there are a large number of believers under its command. Anyone who has a relationship with religion is very troublesome and is prone to lunatics.

These lunatics have even appeared in many forces. The assimilated god-sect lunatics are actively attacking the major forces headed by the Huo Family and the Catch Feng faction, and even the headquarters of the two families have been attacked.

"Hmph, these people don't know where they got the power, they actually claim that all others are demons. They are people who come to purify this world. I think they just want to control the entire Celestial Soul Realm. It's really annoying. The fly." The strength of these people is really hard to recognize, but the barrier is so strange.

Even the twelve spirit emperor masters who didn't know how to appear, actually didn't look like the real spirit emperor. Every time they appeared, they seemed to be forcibly improved by some method, and their fighting skills were in a mess.

However, the power of these people seems to be continuous, and they can always drag other masters to death. For this reason, although the Great Sun Sect currently only has more than 20 spirit emperors, their influence exceeds the original Scorching Sun Sect. .

Hearing these words, Huo Hai's eyes lit up, "You mean, do they have a very special spirit formation? That's great, I like these things." Seeing the strange spirit formation, Huo Hai has one. Huo Feng paused for an urge to study it carefully, and looked at Huo Hai, not knowing what to say.

My grandson's thoughts are always so unreasonable. Didn't he still talk about the Great Sun God Sect just now, but that's right, Huo Hai's cultivation base is really terrifying, and what Xiaokui can't solve, Huo Hai is not necessarily.

If you can get Huo Hai to help clean up this big sun, it’s a godsend, it’s a good thing. In fact, for the stability of your rear, you don’t need Huo Hai to do it. After the people in the Sky Star Sect know it, they will also clean it up. Clean.

Not to mention other things, Huo Hai is sure that if the Phoenix Catch Sect cannot be attached to the Sky Star Sect in the future, I am afraid that their life will not be easy. Forget it, take care of so many things on their own, "I will go to the Great Sun God Sect later. Take a look at the headquarters, yes, my sky cloud phenomenon is still there, I plan to take it away for an experiment." Huo Hai suddenly remembered his own mutant sky cloud image.

"Well, it's still there, but in Cross Canyon, if you want to go, take another emperor-level fierce beast over there. It can't be guarded there." By now, a mutated sky cloud phenomenon is nothing more. .

Huo Hai wanted it, and Huo Feng would not force it to stay. Huo Hai nodded and continued to clean up his inner space. After Huo Hai had almost cleaned things up, he left and did not go to the university immediately. The Japanese God Sect, but took his wife back to his room, as for the rest of the matter, it is not enough for outsiders.

Early the next morning, Huo Hai came out of the room and immediately felt refreshed. Even his spirit was much better, and he did not say goodbye to others. Huo Hai's figure flashed and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The Fuyun Island.

In the Celestial Soul Realm, Huo Hai can easily pass through space, so just a moment later, Huo Hai came to a high mountain. The name of this high mountain was unknown before, but it is now called the Great Sun Mountain.

"Huh, the gods, really a bunch of gods, today I will let you know that you have to pay a price to be a gods." Huo Hai sneered with disdain, and then flew forward, across the distance, Huo Hai It gathered a force of heaven and earth, and then hit it out. When this force did not reach the peak, it was suddenly blocked by a golden light.

This layer of light is spherical and envelops the entire mountain. From a distance, it really smells of the sun.

Huo Hai's actions quickly attracted the attention of the great Japanese **** cult masters inside the Shenshan Mountain. You must know that since Xiaokui started his hands, no one has come to the Shenshan Mountain to make trouble. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again.

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