Evil Insect God

Chapter 1480: Weird Spirit Emperor

When Huo Hai appeared in the sky above the sacred mountain, many people had already rushed out from the barrier below, especially twelve of them, all covered in gold, like big light bulbs.

Huo Hai frowned. How could the power aura in these people seem to have been seen somewhere? It was obviously the power of the sun, but the way to absorb the combination was so strange. The most important thing was the crystal nucleus in these twelve people. , Gave Huo Hai a very strange aura, very illusory, as if it could dissipate at any time.

Huo Hai didn't know what was going on, but he didn't ask much, even if he asked these people, he wouldn't say, "Hehe, it's another way to quickly improve the cultivation level, it's really hard for these people. "

Huo Hai has already seen that this is a means to improve his own cultivation level in a short period of time. Although the cultivation level has been improved, it must be flawed. Needless to say, he wants to break through to the Spiritual Venerable. I am afraid not. How could it be possible.

"Sinner, I dare to offend the sacred mountain and heavy land, now I will kneel down and confess, the true God Ohichi can forgive your sins." A golden guy at the head yelled at Huo Hai with a serious face. It doesn't feel strange, but it seems to be taken for granted, even other normal spirit emperors feel this way.

Huo Hai's mouth twitched slightly, these guys are really funny, "Are you all such idiots? I hit your door, and you are still talking nonsense here." These people are really fanatical gods.

"Sinner, you are so obsessed, and if you don't look back, God will punish you, and you will be crushed to pieces."

Huo Hai frowned: "It's actually a spiritual power. No wonder these people can develop so many believers so easily." Just following this guy's words, a scorching and holy spiritual power swept over, trying to erode Huo Hai the spirit of.

This thing is nothing to Huo Hai, but if it is someone whose cultivation base is worse than theirs, and the spiritual power is not as good, it is easy to be corroded. This ability to develop believers is simply more domineering than the original Blood God Sect did. Danger, such forces must not be left behind. If they are allowed to develop, they still don’t know what they will develop into.

"Hmph, I haven't seen God Punishment, but I have seen Heaven Punishment. Why don't you let me see it." Huo Hai's eyes were full of disdain. The power that came down.

The power is very powerful in nature, but Huo Hai can stop it. As for the divine punishment, Huo Hai is really disdainful. Even the spirit and **** called the god, it is impossible to let the believer use his own power, that is completely myth.

"Sinner, don't repent, Dahijin will not tolerate such a blasphemer and purify him." When the people around heard this, they suddenly burst out with a loud roar, his expression was very feverish, as if he was about to burn. The same, and at this moment, all people actually attract a little power from the sun, and the power of the human spirit is really strong.

In the next moment, the overwhelming attack had already hit Huo Hai. Everyone acted mercilessly, and they all went all out. Huo Hai didn’t care about other people’s attacks, and sent a barrier to block it. .

Huo Hai was observing the attacks from the twelve luminous people in the middle. What made Huo Hai feel strange was that these people could actually communicate directly with the power of the sun, and the sunlight seemed to be gathered by these people.

The brightness around these people was obviously much higher than that around the others. The twelve people pointed their palms at Huo Hai, a group of hot spiritual power gathered in their hands, and then formed a ball of light and hit Huo Hai. , After hitting on Huo Hai's barrier, there was not even a ripple splashing, after all, the difference in strength between the two parties was really too great.

There are also a few condensing bright spiritual power, directly forming a beam of light, constantly attacking Huo Hai, the attack can barely form a continuous attack, but these few people are really the same as Grandpa said, there is no way at all.

It seems that it is just condensing spiritual power and then instinctively displaying it. There is no skill at all. The cohesion of this light ball has a very loose center, and there is no core, and it is completely unable to exert its own power.

If it weren’t for the fact that this power is too pure, I’m afraid the power that these people emit is not as strong as the attacks from those who are far inferior to them. Huo Hai would understand a little bit without looking at other methods. Human power is definitely promoted in a short time by relying on external objects, rather than through hard work.

It's just that where exactly this pure power was obtained, Huo Hai didn't know why, he always felt that this power was very familiar, and where he had seen it before, Huo Hai really couldn't understand.

"Everyone, work harder, that guy has no power to resist. This is our tribute to the true God of Ohichi. After victory, we can definitely get the true God's favor." A luminous man in the center yelled loudly, and his eyes became more and more feverish. .

The people around really broke out with stronger fighting power, but this fighting power is really nothing to Huo Hai. At this moment, Huo Hai is still considering the source of this power. It is a pity that Huo Hai I have seen too many sun attribute powers, and I never remembered where it came from. It was really scratching my head.

The spiritual power of the spirit emperor's realm is different from that of the spiritual master. They need to refining the power of heaven and earth to recover. Therefore, the recovery speed of the spiritual power of the general spirit emperor cannot be compared with the consumption speed, and the long-term battle durability is not good.

Especially these people attacked with all their strength, without any restraint. Soon there was a spirit emperor who exhausted all his spiritual power and could no longer keep attacking. As this person stopped, more and more people stopped. .

It’s not that Huo Hai can see the fanatical eyes of these people. As long as their spiritual power recovers a little, these people will continue to attack, but without spiritual power, there is no way. Only the middle twelve are still attacking. Personally, Huo Hai slowly discovered at this time that the spiritual power of these twelve people didn't seem to come from themselves.

After observing for a while, Huo Hai slowly understood: "So, it seems that their spiritual power has something to do with the spiritual formation below." Huo Hai gradually discovered that the spiritual formation will send out spiritual power to supplement these from time to time. People.

In other words, if these people want to maintain a strong attack and continuous spiritual power, they can't leave this so-called sacred mountain too far. No wonder these people have such a big advantage, but they still haven't directly attacked the major forces.

It seems that they are not only afraid of Xiaokui, the spiritual master, but more importantly, after leaving here, these people don't have a lot of spiritual power to use. They just don't know how strong they can stay after leaving here. Combat power, after watching for such a long time, Huo Hai was sure that he couldn't see more.

Simply, Huo Hai didn't want to continue playing with these guys. He smiled slightly, and Huo Hai's whole body was shocked, and the surrounding attacks were all shaken by Huo Hai, "It seems that you only have this ability."

Looking around, Huo Hai went on to say: "If this is the case, then I will deal with you all. I have been out for such a long time, and I should worry about my family members when I go back late." Huo Hai's voice made everyone feel unhappy. cool.

"No, it’s the Spirit Venerable. Let’s go back to the God’s mask. The true God will protect us." They have no choice but to deal with the Spirit Venerable, but the protective layer formed by the spiritual formation is what they call God. The mask is still good. Xiaokui didn't break the spirit array, and it was able to explain the problem.

In the eyes of these fanatics, the power of the gods is not something that mortals can resist. As long as they are in it, they will never be hurt at all. A group of people are very fast, and they have entered it in a blink of an eye.

Huo Hai didn't care at all. Instead, he focused on this spiritual formation. The main purpose of this time was to study this spiritual formation, so that these people can arrange it so easily, but it can resist the spiritual masters. Huo Hai was very interested in the spirit formation, but when he looked at it, Huo Hai frowned.

"This is something, why is it so rubbish?" Huo Hai observed the trajectory of the spiritual formation, and he became more disgusted and disdainful in his heart. This is not a high-level spiritual formation at all, on the contrary, it is very rough.

The difference is that the material of this spirit array is very advanced, and I am afraid that very special things are used. A pure force can still reach a very strong height under the operation of this garbage spirit array, I am afraid that the general triple heaven Ling Zun, it is difficult to easily break this layer of protection, after seeing this spiritual formation, Huo Hai's heart is full of disappointment.

However, to be able to obtain such high-level materials for the arrangement of spiritual formations, in the eyes of ordinary people, I am afraid that it is no different from true gods. Let alone ordinary people, even many low-level spiritual masters actually regard those masters as gods. .

All the people huddled in the divine light mask as head-shrinking turtles, and some others looked at Huo Hai arrogantly through the protective layer, and even continued to yell at them. Huo Hai was observing the spiritual formation just now, so I didn’t bother to care about these people. Now that these people have become more arrogant, the anger in Huo Hai's heart has also burst out. These guys really do not live or die.

Regardless of whether this thing has something to do with gods or not, it is not fun to dare to provoke a spiritual master.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. A bunch of mindless ants dare to yell at me. It seems that I just behaved a bit too temperamentally." Huo Hai said as he fell from the air.

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