Evil Insect God

Chapter 1481: Deja vu

Huo Hai, who was slowly falling, touched the gleaming golden barrier with his palm lightly. From the very beginning, Huo Hai had understood transparently, except for the pure power contained in it, nothing else.

Even with this relatively pure power, it is far worse than Huo Hai's own spiritual power, and the gap in the measurement is even greater, but the people below Huo Hai's movements obviously don't know what they are doing.

"Haha, look at that guy. He actually tried to smash our divine mask with such a small amount of effort. The last time the spirit statue came, it was useless. Is this guy an idiot, haha..." A group of people looked at Huo. Hai's movements laughed loudly. These guys thought that they would not be attacked at all when they were in the divine light shield.

But then these people couldn't laugh anymore, because Huo Hai's hand fell on the divine light cover, without a trace of firework, but just like this, a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the divine light cover.

Like a piece of broken glass, the cracks continued to expand, and soon penetrated the entire divine light cover, "How is this possible, what method did he use, is it true that the true **** no longer cares about us."

Seeing this scene, everyone panicked. If it weren’t for the divine light at this time, many people would have fled. These fanatical believers would break the so-called truth that they insisted on. People's hearts will become very fragile, and in their eyes, this layer of divine light is the unbreakable defense given by the gods.

"Shut up, how can you understand the favor of the true God." The leader of the twelve luminous men suddenly shouted, and then looked at each other, and the twelve men flew to the high platform. .

On the high platform, there are a total of twelve positions, each of which has a light group. Ten people tacitly come to the light group they represent, and at the same time mobilize their spiritual power to continuously inject the light group to control it.

At the foot, a golden spiritual circle brilliance flowed, and then gathered into a very complicated formation. A powerful aura slowly diffused out of the formation. At this time, the divine light cover was already spreading all over Huo Hai’s hands. The crack, "click" sounded like a thunder, and the entire divine light cover was completely shattered.

At the same time, explosions occurred directly in many places above the mountain, and the explosion was not very strong. This was the result of Huo Hai's control. These locations were all important nodes of the spiritual formation, and they were now crushed and crushed by Huo Hai.

"Strange, what is this." When the divine light mask shattered, Huo Hai finally saw what was in the middle, a light ball in front of each of the twelve people, but there was a piece of golden metal in the light ball.

The metal is shining and exudes an incomparably rich light power. This power from the sun is extremely pure. Huo Hai looks at this strange-shaped metal, not knowing why, there is always a feeling of deja vu, as if he has seen it somewhere. , However, Huo Hai was sure that he had never seen this strange ore.

"Wait, this, is it a polar sun stone? It looks like it really is." Although it is hazy, after a long time, Huo Hai finally determined that this thing is indeed a polar sun stone. It seems that today's harvest Is it not bad?

Aurora Stone is not an ordinary thing, but a holy material. It is impossible to encounter twelve Aurora Stones of this size. Huo Hai said that he was not happy. The Aurora Stone was born by absorbing the power of the sun. A very special ore produced.

After absorbing the power of the sun, it will become very pure through the transformation of the polar sun stone, especially for the manufacture of items related to the power of the sun. The value is very high. Although this thing is not used by Huo Hai, But it is good to exchange things. Venerable Yanghuo is a master at cultivating the spiritual power of the sun. This thing is very consistent.

"The blasphemer, if you don't repent, the divine punishment will come." Just as Huo Hai was thinking about the problem, the twelve gleaming guys were already ready, yelling at Huo Hai in the sky, removing Huo Hai from contemplation. Woke up.

Huo Hai glanced at these people, his eyes full of disdain: "I really want to see the divine punishment, why don't you let me see how it is." Huo Hai already knew what the divine punishment of these people was. It's just this polar sun stone.

The polar sun stone can absorb the power of the sun and store it. I don’t know what they think, and they actually guided this power out, and I don’t know what method they used to integrate this power into itself, it is with the help of With the power of this extreme sun stone, these twelve people can reach the cultivation base of Lingdi above the seventh level all the way.

If it weren’t for this, the cultivation level of these people would be conceivable, and it would definitely not be too high. Just now, these people actually used the last spiritual formation to trigger all the power in the Sunstone. .

Huo Hai didn't worry, as long as the Sun Stone was placed in the sun, it would be able to continuously gather and restore the power contained in it, and just guide the power in it, it would not harm the Sun Stone at all.

"Blasphemer, this is what you found yourself, everyone, take the divine punishment." Although these people were also very reluctant, they still made the final move. As the handprints were printed, all the polar sun powers were released. come out.

Huge power gathered in the air, and finally an illusory figure condensed in the spirit formation. The figure became more and more obvious. The golden yellow figure seemed to be a warrior covered in armor slowly emerged, and an upright and majestic force erupted. All those who were shrouded in this power knelt down involuntarily and shouted the name of the true **** of the sun.

Especially the people nearby, including the masters of the spirit emperor, also knelt down and continued to worship. Huo Hai saw this scene and shook his head involuntarily. These guys really don't know what to say about them. .

"Forget it, anyway, they are all brainwashed idiots. Rather than keep them, it's better to kill them."

At this moment, the golden armored giant has taken shape, "True **** of the sun, your power is so great, your brilliance shines on the world, you are the sun, purifying all evil in the world..." twelve luminous men shouted loudly.

With their voices, the last armored giant suddenly became active, clenched his fist, and punched Huo Hai.

"Kill the heretics, kill the blasphemer..." The people below saw this angry punch and suddenly yelled into the air. With such a great power and such terrifying pressure, everyone believes in this blasphemy. The gods will never survive. Only this kind of power can be called the power of the gods. When the people below saw this scene, they suddenly became even more enthusiastic.

"Look, he was so frightened by the power of the true **** that he didn't even dare to move." There was another roar, and the people below were even more fanatical.

Huo Hai turned a blind eye to this. He didn't dare to move, but didn't need to move. "No wonder these people would regard this power as the power of God. If it weren't for me to come back, this power is indeed Unstoppable."

Huo Hai squinted his eyes, feeling the blow of this golden armor giant. The power of this blow actually reached the blow of the Spirit Venerable Five Heavenly Master, if the blow had been directed at Xiao Kui. , Xiaokui definitely don't want to survive.

But now it is Huo Hai, this kind of attack is really not enough, Huo Hai is the eleventh heaven of Lingzun, and even when it was the fifth heaven, Huo Hai is not afraid of this kind of attack.

Not to mention that Huo Hai himself can leapfrog the challenge, but this power itself is pure, but no one controls it, and the use of power is extremely different. Such an attack is not seen in Huo Hai’s eyes, and finally his fist is near. Huo At this time, Hai slowly raised his arms. Of course, it just felt slow. In fact, the speed of both sides was still very fast.

Two disproportionate hands, one large and one small, met in the air. Huo Hai’s palm was lightly attached to the huge fist. The fist that originally had terrifying power suddenly stopped. This feeling was very strange. .

Below, the cheers of the people who saw this scene suddenly stopped. They did not expect that the power of the gods in their hearts would be blocked by one person. Could it be that this person is also a god.

Many people begin to panic in their hearts, especially those who believe in gods, when they face other gods in their hearts, they are also extremely vulnerable, because they believe that mortals like them will never be the opponents of gods, and the golden giants The light weakened little by little, and under Huo Hai's control, the power gradually dissipated.

This is the power of the noble rank, and it has reached the fifth heaven of the spirit noble. If it is allowed to explode, everything around it will be completely destroyed. This is not the heavenly spirit domain, and the space of heaven and earth is not that stable.

This burst of power is enough to completely wipe out a large part of the Heavenly Soul Region from this world. Huo Hai, who has regarded the Heavenly Soul Region as his back garden, is not allowed to have any power to cause damage to the Heavenly Soul Region, and it is still this way. Uncontrolled power.

I don’t know how long it has passed. The golden giant dimmed to the limit in Huo Hai’s hands. Finally, the entire golden giant turned into a ball of light, and then disappeared like this, leaving nothing, "No, impossible, how could it be possible? In this way, how can the power of the Sun God be blocked by a mortal." The first thing that can't stand it is the twelve leaders.

However, as the power in the Extreme Sun Stone was almost exhausted, the light on the twelve leaders also dimmed. At this time, the spiritual power of a few of them dissipated very seriously, and even the realm of the spirit emperor was almost unable to maintain.

This is the hazard of using external force. External force is not your own strength. When the force dissipates, it will become like this.

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