Evil Insect God

Chapter 1482: The end of the religion

The group of people below were either crying up to the sky or grabbing the ground with their heads, and the rest was cursing at Huo Hai, as if the only way to vent the resentment in their hearts, but none of them escaped.

Under the collapse of their beliefs, these people didn’t even have the thought to escape, because in their opinion, this sacred mountain was the last place. Whether they could survive or not, what would happen in the end depended on how their true **** and Huo Hai decided. , Even the sacred mountain was breached, where else in the world could they go? These people think this way at this time.

Huo Hai’s ignored these people. It’s better if they don’t run. At this time, Star Gu is already surrounded by layers. As long as these people dare to escape, none of them will survive. These mad believers should all be destroyed. kill.

Huo Hai placed his gaze on the special formation in the middle, slowly falling from the air, and the luminous leader immediately blocked Huo Hai: "Professor, what do you want to do, even if you are strong, you can't touch the gods at will. Holy relic."

These people don’t know if they are fooling people more, they even believe it. Huo Hai can clearly see the enthusiasm in these people’s eyes, he can't help but curl his mouth, wave his hand, and the twelve guys are directly thrown at him. On the one hand, Huo Hai quickly walked to the side of this spirit formation, "It really is an extremely sun stone, but this spirit formation is really rough."

Huo Hai could see that the people here don't have any clever spiritual formations at all. They just use some rough spiritual formations to arouse the power in the Sunstone. This method of use is really violent.

Huo Hai feels more and more. This Extreme Sun Stone seems very familiar. Is it true that he has not seen it anywhere, "Sinner, hurry up and stop your movements, there are countless demons sealed under the spiritual formation, if you destroy this spiritual formation , These demons will be released." Seeing that Huo Hai was going to take apart the spirit formation, several people couldn't help it.

Then, the twelve leaders rushed towards Huo Hai, but unfortunately they had just released all their powers. At this time, these people had no strength at all. Although they were still the spirit emperors, they were about to fall out.

"I don't know how to live or die." Huo Hai snorted coldly. Seeing twelve people rushing over, waved a few sword auras, and directly penetrated the spiritual source of these people, their spiritual power dissipated, none of these people wanted to survive.

"Sinners, we, we are the people who are blessed by the gods. One day we will be resurrected and bring the punishment and punishment to the world." After insisting on saying a few words, the twelve luminous guys died on the spot. After that, the whole body was completely turned into a large spot of light and dissipated, and even the corpse was not left. It seemed very sacred.

"It turns out that the whole body is composed of light power, and even my own body has given up. No wonder I always feel weird." Huo Hai curled his mouth and saw the essence of these guys at a glance, and he was even more disdainful in his heart.

At this moment, the people around saw this scene, their eyes widened, like a mourning concubine, even the twelve divine envoys are dead, what can they do? At this time, everyone doesn’t even have the strength to clamor. Watching Huo Hai's movements helplessly.

Huo Hai did not destroy the spiritual formation, but followed the spiritual formation to explore below, "Huh, as expected, something has been sealed, these guys are really evil, a bunch of lunatics." Huo Hai looked down the spiritual formation, there is no inside. The souls of Shao were suppressed in it, and they don't know where they collected souls, but the number is quite large.

Among them, only a few souls were contaminated with demonic energy, and they were being smelted bit by bit under the power of light. Most of them were ordinary souls at all, not monsters at all. Then Huo Hai understood.

I am afraid that in the eyes of these people, as long as they don’t believe in their so-called true gods, they are all heretics, and those who oppose them are all monsters. Therefore, they use special methods to kill these people and retain their souls. Putting it here is called purification, but in fact, it is a torture to these souls.

Forget it, these things are of no use to him anyway, simply clean them up, Huo Hai waved his hand and directly destroyed those souls that were contaminated with the devilish energy, and waved away the rest. Whether it can continue to exist depends on them. Own it.

The spirit formation was also destroyed by Huo Hai. After that, the light ball shattered, and the polar sun stone inside finally appeared in front of Huo Hai. Huo Hai's eyes lit up. Without the barrier of the light ball, Huo Hai finally knew this pole. Where did Yang Shi meet?

With a move in my heart, the extremely sun stone quickly pieced it together, and actually spliced ​​it into a human shape, roughly a human shape, and many of them are missing. "It really is this thing. I didn't expect that it would be picked up and used." Huo Hai finally noticed that this thing was actually the puppet used by the ancestors of the Sun Scorching Sun Zong and the ancestors of the Yuehua Zong.

Who could have imagined that this puppet used a holy material, Polar Sunstone, which could absorb the power of the sun and store it, but for puppets, the research on the Scorching Sun Sect was not very deep and could only be used superficially.

Therefore, when the Saint Grade materials arrived in their hands, they became a puppet with only the strength of the second layer of the Spiritual Sovereign. After being finally detonated, most of the power was vented, but the damage to the Extreme Sun Stone was not great.

After these fragments were discovered, they actually led out the remaining polar sun attribute power, and the sun's power was continuously absorbed, and finally used, formed the current **** religion, Huo Hai even It has been affirmed that the so-called true gods they call are probably the original puppets. They are really ordinary fools.

The golden giant that had previously manifested was considered by them to be a true god, but that appearance was exactly the same as this puppet. Now Huo Hai finally understood what was going on.

"Hey, these guys are really crazy, but in this case, it's normal to say that you are immortal." Suddenly, Huo Hai discovered the special feature of this polar sun stone. It turned out that there is actually hidden inside the polar sun stone. A soul.

There are exactly twelve in each piece. These people actually used special means to completely integrate their souls into the Sunstone, and their bodies were abandoned. Their current bodies are just using the sun's power in the Sunstone. Recondensed, a pure energy body, this is the true face of the twelve messengers.

If you don't care about it, after a long time, the polar sun stone will continue to absorb the power of the sun, and eventually reach a certain level, these people can indeed use the power of the polar sun stone to resurrect and re-form their bodies.

Although I'm afraid I won't be able to be promoted to Spiritual Sovereign in my life, this kind of immortality is really good. These people can clearly come up with such a method, why would they be deceived by the sun **** they made up.

Huo Hai really didn't know what to say about this, but now that he found out, Huo Hai didn't want to keep them, "I will abolish your souls so as not to pollute the environment." Huo Hai said as he said. While integrating his mental power into the Extreme Sun Stone, the difference in soul power between the two is really too great, and there is no resistance at all.

Besides, their methods are relatively rough. Although the souls are integrated, they are not closely integrated. Huo Hai's spiritual power is shocked, and the souls of these people are shattered. Afterwards, the broken souls are dispersed and disappeared by the power of the Sunstone.

As soon as these twelve messengers died, the entire Sun God Sect was disintegrated. After collecting the Extreme Sun Stone, Huo Hai waved his hand. The Star Gus had already begun to move. Almost instantly, all the believers on the mountain were completely dead.

After I packed my things and looked at the sky, I actually had wasted nearly half a day here. I came here in the morning and it was almost noon. "Hehe, go back quickly, don’t make them worry, yes, still There is one thing." Huo Haigang wanted to go back, and suddenly remembered the matter of the sky cloud phenomenon, so he should simply go back to the Molian Domain first.

At Huo Hai’s current speed, he passed directly through the space, and a few minutes later, he came to the Cross Canyon. After replacing the sky cloud elephant with the Gu Beast that had been in the inner space, Huo Hai returned all the way to the boundless sea. Bi Ya and other talents just got up.

After that, Huo Hai didn’t have to deal with the matter. The twelve messengers were destroyed, and the masters of the gods were basically dead. Naturally, the counterattack of the Phoenix Catch and Huomen also started, with the original dominance of **** Style, at this time the enemy is all over the world, and the major forces have joined the team to wipe out the remaining forces after they heard the demise of the religion.

Even the people who have been infiltrated by the major forces have been found and killed one after another. If this continues, I am afraid that within a few days, the entire Great Sun Sect will completely become history, and there will be no recovery.

Huo Hai completely ignored this. At this time, Huo Hai was idle, and just took out his special fur and began to manufacture scrolls. With his current strength, manufacturing scrolls can directly reach the power of the twelve heavenly masters.

Huo Hai was drawing attentively. The special spiritual formation patterns were drawn on the scroll by Huo Hai, but when Huo Hai injected spiritual power, he suddenly discovered something wrong, "Hey, I didn't expect the limit of the material itself. It's still too big." Huo Hai discovered that now his ability to make reels has increased, but the reels themselves are not able to bear it.

Huo Hai can stack up two spirit formations at most, and if there are too many, it will directly destroy the scroll itself. Such an attack is far beyond the attack of the normal spirits, but it does not help Huo Hai, because Huo Hai can release it himself. .

Forget it, it's better to make it and put it at home to protect his family. Huo Hai sighed, and then continued to make these scrolls. The two were stacked together. Now they are powerful and it is not a waste of things.

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