Evil Insect God

Chapter 1485: Re-enter the southeast

Originally, Huo Hai did not want to enter the southeast, and Huo Hai himself could understand that after entering the southeast, the giant wooden gate Mu Family and the Tianqing Palace were looking for him. If the Qing Palace fully intervenes today, it will definitely be very troublesome.

Although Huo Hai has not yet reached the twelfth heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign, as long as the Spiritual Saint does not do anything, he will never do anything to him. The most important thing is that there are reasons why Huo Hai has to go to the southeast area. Under the control of the giant wooden gate, the environment is very suitable for the growth of elixir, except for the central area, only the southeast area has the largest number of elixir.

In order to find the elixir for refining the Heaven-removing Pill to improve his own laws in the future, Huo Hai can only go to the southeast area. Huo Hai is not familiar with other areas. If he rushes to find the elixir, I don’t know if I can find it or not. Will offend more people.

Besides, I am most familiar with the Southeast Region. To find the spirit, Huo Hai must also search from these places in the Southeast Region, especially some dangerous places that Huo Hai did not dare to enter. Now there is no need to waste time searching.

Huo Hai knows the place himself, and this trip will definitely be able to gain a lot of spiritual essence. Of course, if it is only for these two reasons, it will not allow Huo Hai to venture into the southeast area. There is another reason, that is, he found it at the beginning. The special relic of, this relic is full of flame power, at first his own power was not able to break into the end.

Although I don't know what is in the deepest part, Huo Hai knows that there are definitely precious treasures inside. Whether he can use it or not, he will find it out sooner or later. This is what Huo Hai will do sooner or later.

Huo Hai faintly felt that the things in it might not be of any use to him, but Bi Ya and the others had a great effect. No matter what, in order to make Fang Bi Ya and the others break through as soon as possible, they have more self-protection. Strength, just take a risk, Huo Hai is still very sure of his hidden ability, most people can never find himself.

Even in the Azure Palace, Huo Hai believes that under his Qi Locking Technique, the other party will never want to find himself, "Huh, I want to kill me, then I will see who died first." Huo Hai's heart flashed. Strong murderous spirit.

Now, Huo Hai has one of the biggest advantages, that is, the other party doesn't know how strong his cultivation is. If he still stays in the previous intelligence knowledge, Huo Hai believes that he can definitely leave the Southeast region with his things safely.

After figuring it out, Huo Hai headed towards the southeast area. Time is not a big deal to the spiritual masters, so as long as he doesn’t stay in it for a long time, it should be fine. It only took a few days for Huo Hai to Once again, he entered the southeast area, and this time, Huo Hai went quietly along the way, and did not disturb too many people.

Huo Hai has never entered the city on the road. As for the supplementary materials, not to mention that Huo Hai does not need it, but can be taken out of the inner space even if it is needed. "I don't know when we can break through again."

Huo Hai felt a bit of himself, the law aura is still a long way from reaching Consummation. During this time, he hasn't seen anything special, nor has he experienced difficult battles, so there is really too little improvement in natural cultivation.

If you have reached the realm of Spiritual Saint, why should you be so cautious? After a whole day, Huo Hai sneaked into a mountain forest. This mountain forest was one of the places Huo Hai wanted to investigate, but there are two ten heavens. The fierce beasts lived, so even though Huo Hai passed through here, he didn't dare to provoke these two fierce beasts at all.

Although the fierce beast will not dig out the veins, it will be attracted by the veins. This time, Huo Hai's cultivation base is higher, so his hiding ability has also increased a lot, "Huh, if I don't fight you, I just take things quietly. Up."

Huo Hai merged all the way into the underground. As his cultivation level improved, Huo Hai gradually did not need to use the abilities of earthworms. Soon, Huo Hai explored the area under the mountain forest clearly. At this time, Huo Hai's expression changed. Very excited, "What a big spiritual marrow vein, this is the real spiritual marrow vein. The luck this time is really good."

Among the huge mineral veins, a large number of spiritual crystals are wrapped in a lot of spiritual essence. Huo Hai surveyed roughly and found that there are at least 500,000 spiritual essences here. If only used by himself, so many spiritual essences are enough Up.

Even if he was sent home to train masters of the spirits in the future, Huo Hai believed that so many spirits could be used for a long time. If this kind of spirits veins were discovered by the giant wooden door, they would have been dug away. Fortunately, the people at the giant wooden door are not gods, and it is impossible to find any mineral veins. They also come out to look for them when they lack spiritual essence.

But when things got here, Huo Hai hesitated a little. All such large veins had to be excavated and collected. The movement was not small. I am afraid that the two fierce beasts above could not be allowed to do so. Huo Hai did not kill them at the beginning, and did not want to disturb others. people.

"It seems that these two fierce beasts are not allowed to die." Huo Hai shook his head, and then slowly approached from the ground. The two fierce beasts looked like geckos enlarged countless times, and were lying on the ground sleeping at this time.

There are many fierce beasts with similar shapes around, and they seem to be the same race, but apart from these two, even if the others are the strongest, they are only the Spiritual Venerable Four Heavens. They are not afraid at all. Huo Hai’s Spirit Worms are short. It was impossible to deal with these two big ones within time, but there was no problem dealing with the others. Soon, Huo Hai completed the arrangement.

With a quick swipe of the long sword in his hand, the whole person rushed out from the ground. With Huo Hai’s current strength, this gecko could not have the slightest resistance. Huo Hai pierced the opponent’s head with a single sword and strangled it completely. broken.

"Humph, now even if your resilience is really comparable to that of a gecko, you can't live anymore." Huo Hai snorted coldly, and his free left hand sent out a sword aura at the same time. The sword aura flashed and penetrated the other gecko. .

Then Huo Hai stepped back, avoiding the powerful gas cluster emitted by the gecko, and then rushed up. After just a few strokes, the seriously injured gecko was already dead, and at this time, the other beasts around him had died in a large number of stars. Gu's hands.

"Very well, hurry up and dig. Now you have the spirit worms to use." Those spirit worms who hadn't kept up at the beginning can finally improve quickly by devouring a large amount of spirit worms. For so long, their spirit worms have no spirit. Using the marrow, Huo Hai was also a little guilty. The more loyal these spirit worms were, the more Huo Hai blamed himself.

Now that he has the spirit to make up for it, how could Huo Hai be unhappy? When Huo Hai started his hand, the Azure Palace in the south also changed. A large bowl of clear water placed in front of an old man suddenly shook. .

This big bowl is not an ordinary bowl, but a secret method of the Azure Palace. At the beginning, the Azure Palace finally obtained a disposable stone to store the breath of Huohai from the giant wooden door, and then used the secret technology. , Finally made such a big bowl, within a large area, as long as the breath of Huo Hai is sensed, the approximate location will be marked.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at the big bowl in front of him. His eyes suddenly became red: "Boy, finally let me find you. Breeze my son, and my father will avenge you." The old man was murderous.

After a long time, the old man recovered his murderous aura and said loudly: "Give my order, all the secret guards number one, two and three will set off for me to find that kid Huo Hai." Hearing this, the other people next to him suddenly sighed. , But didn't say anything.

Every elder of the Azure Palace has a secret guard of his own. This secret guard is the strongest strength in their hands. Among them, the pinnacle is not without it. It is a pity that these people are used by the Azure Palace. Trained by special means, although these people have a very high level of cultivation, the chance of breaking through the spiritual saint is infinitely close to zero.

As one of the most powerful elders in the Azure Palace, the three secret guard teams in Qingyun's hands are very powerful. I didn't expect that all of them were sent out this time. These three teams took action. It can be said that as long as the opponent is not Lingsheng, then it's dead.

But think about Qingyun's son Qingfeng, the genius master of Tianqing Palace, such behavior is very normal.

"Hey, Qingyun, let's be sorry, Qingfeng is definitely not the kid who has the ability to kill."

Qingyun turned his head and said, "I know, but this matter must have something to do with that kid. I just want to catch that kid and figure out who is doing it. Don't worry, if the opponent's strength is really too strong, I will definitely not The Tianqing Palace will be implicated." Hearing Qingyun's words, the people around him breathed a sigh of relief and sighed heavier.

After receiving the order, the three teams set off from the Azure Palace as soon as possible. All the people along the way didn't say a word, as if they were a team of robots. Obviously, these people are not dead men.

The secret method of Azure Palace can only determine the approximate location of Huo Hai. It is not so easy to determine it completely. When a group of people find the veins processed by Huo Hai, there is only one incomplete vein and a large number of them. Dead body.

The corpse of the Spirit Venerable Beast was taken away by Huo Hai a long time ago, and the other corpses, with Huo Hai’s current identity and status, really look down upon him, "I found it, it is indeed the breath of the target. It should be heading southwest Now, let's hurry up." Soon, with the help of the secret technique, these people roughly determined the direction Huo Hai had left and continued to track it up.

How did Huo Hai know that, because he came to the southeast area and did his hands for the first time, he completely exposed his whereabouts. There are too many secrets in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and Huo Hai is not known or blamed.

Because he found such a big spiritual marrow vein at one time, Huo Hai didn't want to continue to search for it. Simply because the spiritual marrow was enough, he quickly went to explore the secret realm. After completion, Huo Haike would leave here all the way.

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