Evil Insect God

Chapter 1486: Deep in secret

Following the road in his memory, Huo Hai flew quickly at low altitude. Even if he had been trapped for more than sixty years, Huo Hai's memory was still very clear. The stronger the strength, the more terrifying his memory.

Whatever he never forgets has already become the past tense. Now Huo Hai doesn’t know how strong his memory is, as if no matter how long it has passed, as long as he has seen things, he can recall it at any time. At that time, it seemed as if it had become a computer, Huo Hai flew fast all the way, and three small teams were hanging far behind him.

Two days later, without disturbing anyone on the road, Huo Hai once again returned to the sky above the triangular mountain range, "I have finally returned, I don't know what I can get this time." Huo Hai was a little excited.

Not to mention other things, it is to fight against the flame monsters inside. It is also a good thing to speed up the growth of your own laws and auras. If you can reach the realm of spiritual sage one day earlier, your situation will be better. A spiritual sage, generally not Someone provokes casually.

The cave below is really weird. Huo Hai still released the Star Gu first and explored everywhere, but he had the approximate location of the target. Soon Huo Hai found the entrance to the secret realm and came quietly to the entrance. Star Gu retracted, "You go back and devour the spiritual marrow to improve your strength, you don't need you here." Huo Hai did not intend to ask the spiritual worm to help.

Passing through the passage alone, the passage here is still so weird. Huo Hai's perception is very severely restricted and has not been able to spread out at all. After coming out from under the passage, Huo Hai once again returned to this secret realm.

The secret realm is the same as before, surrounded by flame attribute power, and there are fiery red clouds floating in the sky, slowly passing through the void, those flame monsters are formed by the mutation of the clouds here.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't come back for decades, and a new monster has formed here. How can it be so fast." Even if it is active cultivation, it is not so easy to reach the Spiritual Venerable, but just now Huo Hai discovered that this place appeared again. A new monster was created. As soon as this monster appeared, it was definitely in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, although at first it only had the strength of the Pseudo Spiritual Venerable.

Huo Hai didn't even pay attention. His figure flashed past. The flame monster didn't even deform. Huo Hai took out the flame core in his body. After that, the entire flame cloud quickly dispersed, and finally dissipated invisible.

Huo Hai ignored it, and continued to move inside. Along the way, he once again killed the three flame monsters that had just formed, and then he came to the place where he stopped last time, "I stopped here last time. Don't be afraid."

Feeling the terrifying aura in the sky not far away, Huo Hai's heart was full of sneers at this time, and he did not hide the sneak attack. The whole person rose into the sky, and the flame cloud that felt Huo Hai's breath immediately changed, and the entire cloud was twisted. It quickly became a monster like a crane, but the wings of this crane were small and looked very strange.

This thing was originally a cloud of flames, no matter what its shape was, there was no problem in flying, but Huo Hai didn't know what was going on with this thing, and where he saw it.

Without a specific image, these things are probably not easy to change according to their appearances, no matter how many, now that the battle has begun, Huo Hai's attention is focused on his opponent.

The sword qi was released by Huo Hai for the first time, and at the same time, he also displayed his own star fire. It was derived from the fire control method learned at the beginning. Huo Hai’s star fire quickly transformed in the air and became Some silver-white firebirds, under the control of Huo Hai, these firebirds look like real birds, but they are more flexible than birds.

The sword energy smashed the fire monster’s attack apart, and these fire birds took advantage of this opportunity to quickly rush up, and instantly attached to the flame monster’s body, the flames of the whole body were released, and the flames of the monster were quickly broken up. Come.

The next moment, before the monster could continue to do it, the flames all over his body had quickly collapsed. Two different flames were put together, and the resulting conflict was very important. Huo Hai also took advantage of this opportunity to control a firebird and a wing. The red flame core flew out, and the flame core was already sealed by Huo Hai.

"Sure enough, it has reached the top quality of the heavenly rank, and it is still the top item among the top grades. I don't know if there is anything better here." Huo Hai smiled slightly and put away the flame core.

The heavenly high-grade source spirit spirit treasure has reached its peak, even in the heavenly spirit realm, the value is very high, higher level, Huo Hai has never heard of it, because in history, there has never been such a Things, forget it, it has nothing to do with him anyway, Huo Hai's origin has already taken shape, even if he sees good things, he can't change it.

As we continue to walk inside, there are more and more flame monsters on the road. Sometimes, they even appear in groups. Fortunately, the environment here is very special. No matter how you fight, the aftermath will not spread too far.

Otherwise, Huo Hai could not help but feel a little chill when he thought of these things rushing forward. After that, Huo Hai fought and rested every day. Before he knew it, half a month had passed, and Huo Hai didn't know how far he had advanced.

This kind of slender secret realm is rarely seen in the first place, and it can grow to this extent, and it is unique, "Hey, I don't know how far this channel can reach the end." Huo Hai sighed helplessly, but felt it. After experiencing his inner world, Huo Hai felt that his efforts had not been in vain, at least his spiritual growth of the law was still very good.

With the aura of the 11th level of his own law, under Huo Hai's constant high-intensity battles, he has been constantly improving his comprehension, and now he has completed most of it.

It's just a pity that as Huo Hai becomes more and more familiar with these flame monsters, the next battle will help him less and less. Huo Hai also knows that if you want to understand the aura of the law, you can't do it casually. .

This is only the realm of Spiritual Sovereign. When you reach the realm of Spiritual Sage, it is basically impossible to rely on battle to improve quickly. Forget it, now consider so much what to do, continue fighting, Huo Hai rests After it was over, he continued to move forward, "Hey, it is actually a monster in the peak realm of the Spiritual Venerable. I hope that there will be no one in the realm of Spiritual Sage."

If a monster of the Spiritual Saint realm appeared, Huo Hai could only retreat. He knew that as long as he was at the Spirit Saint level, no matter how bad at fighting, no matter how flawed he was, he could not deal with it.

There is no level at all between the two. There is a world of difference between the spiritual saint and the spiritual master. The power of a spiritual saint can easily break through the power of the spiritual master. If you take it seriously, the spiritual master cannot resist it anyway. .

Facing the monster at the peak of the twelve heavens, Huo Hai still did not flinch. If even this flame monster without special skills would sneak attack even if it is evenly matched, then when facing a real master, he still has hands-on. Courage? In a relatively safe environment, Huo Hai still hopes to use his own power to fight.

No matter how strong his sneak attack ability is, no matter how terrifying his spirit worms are, Huo Hai still feels that his own power is the most practical, and this is the power that will never be lost due to various restrictions.

Charged uprightly, Huo Hai is still the same as before, using the two powers of sword aura and star fire to fight. Under Huo Hai's control, although the opponent is the pinnacle of the spirit, he has been pressed and beaten by Huo Hai. .

A few minutes later, he completely figured out the opponent's routine and forced the flame monster to Huo Hai who was in desperate situation. He suddenly exploded his sword energy completely, exploding the opponent's flame core, and then quickly exploded it. Sealed up, took a deep breath, Huo Hai proceeded cautiously, I don't know how much danger there is.

This flame core is still a source spirit treasure that is close to the peak of the heavenly top grade. It seems that the level reaches the limit here, but the advantage is that if used as the material itself, the flame essence has barely reached the holy quality. Knowing that there are not many things in Huo Hai's hands that can reach the Saint Grade quality, just a few.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that Lingzun is the limit of this secret realm." Huo Hai deepened quickly, and he was about to reach the final area in a blink of an eye. Huo Hai felt this way, and he couldn't tell why.

Although there were still flame monsters on the road, and even in some cases, Huo Hai could still see the peak of Spiritual Venerable monsters appearing in groups, but there had been no signs of Spirit Saint realm monsters, which made Huo Hai relieved a lot.

During this period of time, Huo Hai had calculated the fire monsters he killed by himself. There were already more than two hundred. It's a pity that Huo Hai hadn’t gained anything except the flame core. If so much If the Spirit Venerable Beast allowed himself to kill, the materials he harvested could already be piled up into a hill.

Forget it, go deeper, and you will be able to reach the deepest point not far away. Huo Hai advances more carefully. When encountering the three or five groups of the peak monsters, it is really not easy to defeat the frontal battle. Huo Hai himself must be careful. Calculation.

However, such a battle made Huo Hai feel passionate, and his own laws and auras faintly increased again. After killing a team like this again, Huo Hai suddenly felt the surrounding environment change.

"This is... a clear breath of law. Is this the core? What is this place?" Huo Hai was taken aback, looking around and found that there was no fire cloud in front of him.

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