Evil Insect God

Chapter 1487: Law fragments

The weird environment is always prone to produce some weird things, so many strange creatures can be produced here, it is enough to explain the special place here, you know, this place is just a secret world.

Along the way, there are hundreds of monsters just killed by myself, not to mention those I didn't see. The monsters here are in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign as long as they are born. Even if they reach their limit, they are only one It's just a creature in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, but anyway, it is not simple to be a creature that is born with the Spiritual Venerable cultivation.

Especially this kind of special creatures, there are so many. Unfortunately, these creatures have never produced their own wisdom, have not really transformed into real creatures, and condensed their own flesh and blood.

Otherwise, in Huo Hai’s eyes, these monsters are qualified to become races like Phoenix and Dragons. After all, only Phoenix and Dragons are special creature races that are born with powers above the spiritual state. .

Huo Hai cautiously walked to the deepest place. The more he went inside, the more Huo Hai could feel the aura of the law here is very strong. This aura of the law is very similar to the law of heaven and earth, but there are some differences. Huo Hai didn't quite understand, but one thing was clear, that is, the laws and auras here are all flame attributes.

Before he knew it, Huo Hai had reached the deepest point. When he reached this point, there was no way forward. What appeared in front of Huo Hai was a huge square burning with flames, but the flames here were not connected together.

The flames form fireballs one after another, flying in the air constantly. Of course, most of them are relatively quiet. The flames continue to float and condense, forming strands of special auras in the air. These auras drift into the distance and will A group of fire clouds are formed, and these fire clouds are constantly scattered, and even absorb each other.

"That's the way it turns out, it turns out that the fire cloud here is actually formed in this way. No wonder it is a senior creature when it is born."

Huo Hai finally understood. Although I don't know why, these fireballs will have the aura of the law of fire, but the flames formed by these laws, the special aura that burns out condenses the fire cloud, and the fire cloud itself has the aura of the law of fire.

For these monsters to take shape, they must completely use these flame laws auras for their own use. Therefore, they are honorable when they are born. There is no one with poor strength, but the flame monsters here cannot attack each other.

After all, everyone is of the same origin. No matter what kind of attack, these monsters will not cause any harm to each other. I just don’t know if those powerful flame monsters are formed by the fusion of these monsters. Huo Hai feels that these monsters want Natural growth, it is almost difficult to grow to the peak of the dignity, this is not an easy task.

Moreover, the source of the law aura here is too chaotic, and it is even more impossible to improve. These monsters do not have their own thoughts, and the law aura is chaotic, so it is almost impossible for these monsters to truly master the law.

If he can't master the law, even if he can continue to improve, he won't reach the realm of Spirit Sage, how could Huo Hai feel uneasy, and in this place, it seems that no flame monster can enter, otherwise it will be broken down by the law aura here.

Huo Hai cautiously came to the side of a fireball. After that, he waved his hand and grabbed the fireball in his hand. The fireball did not resist at all. Let Huo Hai catch it, and Huo Hai’s own spiritual power slowly consumed the flames. After it was completely dispersed, Huo Hai couldn't help but a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes. At this time, there was a small fiery red bead in his hand.

And among the beads, there are still some small fragments, these line segments exude a strong atmosphere of law, "Rules fragments, how can there be such things as law fragments here." Huo Hai's eyes widened, his face full of incredible.

The fragments of the law can only be formed after the condensed and manifested laws are fragmented. Generally speaking, to truly manifest the law, at least the cultivation level of the spiritual **** realm is required. However, the death of the spiritual **** will even cause the inner world to be destroyed. Absorbed by the origin of heaven and earth, naturally nothing will be left behind. Only the laws of the origin of heaven and earth can leave behind.

Because of some special circumstances, the law of the origin of heaven and earth will condense fragments in certain places, which has no effect on the heaven and earth itself, and once these things are formed, they are fragments of the law.

The effect of law fragments is very powerful, directly used to make weapons, then the weapon is born with the power of the law of heaven and earth, this special weapon does not need its own spiritual fit, and anyone can use it directly when it is in hand. , Even if an ordinary person gets it, he can perform a terrorist attack that threatens the spiritual master.

In the eyes of many people, this thing is simply a divine weapon. If it is used to refine a pill, it can produce a pill that is of great benefit to oneself. It is a pity that this pill is too advanced and is not something that Huo Hai is qualified to touch.

The treasures that can be seen by the spirit gods, the refined pill is naturally used by the spirit gods, but these are not the biggest effects of the law fragments. The law fragments are used to make objects and pill, which is simply a violent thing.

As fragments of the law of flame, people can comprehend the law of flame easily. To become a pseudo-spiritual deity is almost a matter of smooth flow. If you don’t want to be a pseudo-spiritual deity, it is also very useful to use these fragments to comprehend your own flame law. It's easy, if there is the help of the fragments of the law, it is easy to increase the spiritual master.

Even the spiritual masters or even the masters of the spiritual holy realm can use the appropriate fragments of the law to help them deepen their comprehension and increase their cultivation speed. If this thing is taken back, a group of spiritual masters will soon appear in the family.

Especially Fang Biya, who originally cultivated the power of fire, had a natural advantage when condensing the law of ice flame. No wonder he always felt that the things inside were useful to Bi Ya and the others. That was how it turned out.

Although Huo Hai had not entered it at the beginning, he felt the law aura in secret. Huo Hai might not pay attention, but his subconscious was different from his subjective consciousness. At that time, Huo Hai had already had some potential thinking.

If the law contained in the fragments of the law is sufficient, it will be of great help even to the spiritual god. Of course, there is also help to the spiritual god, but the help is too small, no matter how much, since I have encountered this Naturally, Huo Hai wouldn't let it go easily. When he moved his figure, another flame was caught by Huo Hai.

The flame shell was crushed, and the two law fragments were put together by Huo Hai. The next moment, the law fragments were attracted to each other, and finally gradually merged, and the law power contained therein began to quickly converge and fuse together.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Sure enough, as I thought, these law fragments come from the same origin and can be merged." This mystery gave Huo Hai too many surprises, and Huo Hai didn't care so much, he quickly began to collect fragments and merge. These fragments have no thoughts, and naturally there will be no sense of crisis, and Huo Hai collects them without any resistance.

With the collection of the fragments of the law of flames, Huo Hai felt that his understanding of the fire of stars was getting higher and higher. Invisible, it seemed that the comprehension of various fire control secrets had also improved a lot.

During the process of collecting alchemy skills, it gradually improved a bit. This flame law fragment has great benefits for the flame practitioners. Unfortunately, it does not reach the realm of the spirit emperor, and it does not even have the qualifications to comprehend it.

With Huo Hai’s actions, more and more debris was collected and fused together. Huo Hai spent a whole day collecting all the debris on the entire square. At this time, except for the flames on the ground of the square, No trace of flame can be seen, "This is the reason why the fragments of the law of heaven and earth are condensed." Huo Hai muttered to himself and looked at the ground.

The flame on the ground itself contained no weak aura of law, but there were no fragments of the law of flame in it. In Huo Hai's view, it was really not easy to be able to breed such a large fragment.

Looking at the ball in his hand, the fragmented ball had reached the size of a fist at this time, and the law in it was still not so complete, but Huo Hai knew that the law of flame in it had reached the level of a spirit god.

Although, it's just achievable, the value of this thing is too high, even if it is a spiritual god, if there is a power behind him, I am afraid he will not hesitate to **** it. Huo Hai does not know whether those top sects are like this. But even if they have, they will still put them down to **** them.

You know, with this thing, you can continuously cultivate a large number of flame attribute spirits for your own forces, and even these spirits relying on this fragment to achieve spiritual sages are not difficult, as long as there is no problem with the foundation.

Those spiritual saints with flame attributes can also experience this fragment and gradually reach the spiritual gods step by step. Although the possibility of achieving spiritual gods is very small, it is always possible. What methods are there? It is easier to comprehend the law than to directly put the law in front of you, but it is a pity that you can't use this thing.

Huo Hai's own law is a combination of the abilities of some spirit insects and the law of stars. If it is a fragment of the law of stars, it will have a great effect on him, and the fragments of the law of flames are really useless.

It seems that this thing can only be brought back to Fang Biya, and within a period of time, it is best not to let others know that Huo Hai installed it in a space ring, and then put the space ring into the inner space. After that, it was covered with spirit marrow and spirit crystal, so that it would be guaranteed that it would basically not be discovered by anyone.

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