Evil Insect God

Chapter 1489: Falling flowers

While the scroll was being unfolded, Qingyun far away in the Azure Palace also found it, a bowl of water in front of it was constantly shaking, rippling circles, and at the same time, it seemed that Qingyun felt something, and quickly shot a few Mudra.

A bronze mirror was placed next to the big bowl. After a series of handprints of Qingyun were printed, it slowly glowed with a blue light. Then, the surface of the whole bronze mirror also waved a circle of ripples, and then the bronze mirror slowly began to become transparent. , A picture appeared inside, these pictures are exactly the pictures of Huo Hai fighting with the captain of his third team at this time.

"Huh, I didn't expect this kid's strength to increase to this point. I really don't know what methods were used, but after using those methods, this kid will be completely abolished in this life." For Huo Hai, Qing Yun was full of disdain.

Qing Yun frowned and said, "Could it be that the murderer behind him is going to give up this kid? Does this kid not know, or was tampered with? If that happens, it will be in trouble."

Now Qingyun’s most annoying thing is not whether he can catch Huo Hai. In his opinion, as long as Huo Hai has not reached the realm of spiritual sage, he should not even want to escape when facing his three teams, even those experts specially trained in the sect. Before reaching Lingsheng, even a small team could not fight against it. Now Huo Hai's performance is beyond his imagination.

Being able to use the strength of the eleventh heaven to fight against the dead soldiers of the twelfth heaven peak, this kind of combat power is very surprised even Qingyun saw it, if Huo Hai had this kind of strength at the beginning, then Qingfeng is really likely to be dead. In his hands.

It is a pity that no matter how you look at it, Huo Hai didn't have that kind of strength at the beginning, so there must be other people behind him.

From the beginning of the battle, it has entered a feverish degree. These people are not exactly dead men. After all, they are all spirits. As spiritual masters, they naturally have their own treatment, but they have all accepted it at the beginning. The dead man trained.

There are even some people who have simply transitioned from the team of dead soldiers, without further potential, but their own strength can be used to the extreme, fighting skills only for victory, let them face other special training in Azure Palace The genius of, below the same level can still easily kill the opponent, this is their combat effectiveness.

But today, facing a monster like Huo Hai, his strength is one level higher than the opponent, and he is still not the opponent of the opponent. As a dead man, generally speaking, he only cultivates one or two methods to cultivate it to the peak.

This is the case for the person in front of him. Except for a little bit of cultivation of his own body technique, all that is left is his own fine thorn sword technique. The entire sword technique has only one trick, that is, thorn, or there is no trick at all.

But every time the whirlwind spikes sent out, the destructive power is very powerful. Huo Hai tried it. Even if he reached the second level of starlight defense, only a few attacks would destroy one level. Fortunately, the seventh level defense would not survive. Rest, otherwise the people around will attack together, Huo Hai is really not sure to fight them head-on.

At this moment, as Huo Hai's opponent, the third captain's heart was not as calm as on the surface. Where was the monster that ran out? The fighting power was so powerful that Huo Hai hadn't used too many methods.

In addition to their own swordsmanship, there is only a body technique that they cannot understand. As for the many other methods mentioned in the intelligence, they have not seen Huo Haishi at all. If it is not that there is a problem with the intelligence, it is Huo Hai. Did not use all his strength.

Seeing this, the first team leader finally couldn't help it, "All of you go together, don't give him a chance." After speaking, the others did not even think about it, and attacked directly towards Huo Hai without any help. Ashamed of more bullying and less, and the various weapons used by these people are so diverse that they work together perfectly.

These people are mainly war spirit masters, a few are mainly magic spirit masters, there are no other types of spiritual masters, and most of them practice the use of weapons, such as piercing swords, machetes, and Holding two shields in front of them.

Some people use bows and arrows, some use flying knives, melee and long-range attack and defense, etc. There are a lot of them. This is simply a complete team. No, not one, but three teams. So many people rushed to Huo Hai. Feel the pressure for the first time.

"Hmph, if you want to bully the less, then just see who is more." Huo Hai snorted coldly. At this moment, although his spirit worms have not kept up with his own cultivation level, most of them have already It has reached the level of the Nineth Heaven, a few even reached the tenth Heaven, and a large number of Star Gus are at the edge of the Nine Heaven and Tenth Heaven at this time.

Huo Hai released a full five hundred Star Gus at once, and launched an attack on the surroundings. The reason why they did not release all of them was because Huo Hai was not sure to leave them all behind, and from the very beginning, Huo Hai felt it Someone is watching.

"Damn, this kid is actually a worm spiritist, did my son really die in his hands that day." The blue clouds that were watching this scene in the distance suddenly turned blood red, and there was no mention of Huo Hai in any information. It's an insect spiritist, but can control so many spirit insects. If it is not an insect spiritist, no one would believe it.

The most important thing is that the breath of these spirit insects controlled by Huo Hai is really terrifying. Qingyun in the distance can't feel the breath, but from the performance of these spirit insects, we also know that these spirit insects are probably all spirits. Respectful state, and the level is not low.

If there were such a large number of high-level spirit insects that day, Qingfeng is definitely not the opponent of this kid. Star Gu condenses space power, or forms a weapon shape to rush up, or shoots directly in the sky, more in number, and space power It's very difficult and weird in itself, and almost instantly, the battle has completely turned over.

The victorious balance gradually tilted towards Huo Hai, and at the same time Huo Hai began to press down on these people. In this way, without Huo Hai using other special methods, it would not take long to kill all these people.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky: "Use the falling flower to brush the face array, and kill this kid with all your strength." It was an old voice, but the voice came from the surrounding barriers.

"No wonder I always feel that someone is peeping. It seems that there is a problem with the scroll and the surrounding barriers." And this voice just sounded, everyone around closed their hands at the same time, even if it seemed that they could attack Huo Hai in the next moment. Yes, and quickly took the weapons back, and the three teams formed a strange formation in three directions.

Then everyone besides holding their own weapons, there is also a continuously rotating small ball above their heads. With the injection of spiritual power, the small ball slowly rotates. Huo Hai can see at a glance that this thing is a formation. Device.

"Who was talking just now? You are really obedient. Could it be that the person's watchdog is not a success." No one is talking around. Huo Hai knows that these people are similar to the real dead men. Asking them is like playing the piano.

"Old guy, listening to your voice knows that the old one is about to lose his teeth, you should be the Qingyun, why, your son went crazy when he died, and there is something to bite me." Unfortunately, there is still no response. Huo Hai didn't know that Qingyun could only see the scene here, but couldn't hear the words here. This was the limit of this special item.

Huo Hai asked himself for a lack of interest, and simply stopped to see what these people wanted to do, knowing that when these people set up the spiritual formation, it is not so easy to crack it.

Just now, the Star Gus have already started to test, but unfortunately there is a layer of spiritual protection around these people's formations. Star Gu's ability will really be unable to break through for a while, but after this time and a half, the spiritual formation has been fully opened.

As a breeze blew, suddenly all the people disappeared strangely, "This is an illusion, no, no, this is definitely not an illusion." Huo Hai did not feel the slightest fluctuation in mental power, which can only explain these people. At this time, it gradually merged into the wind with the help of spiritual power, not really becoming the wind, but giving people the feeling of wind.

The next moment, a huge flower bone flower appeared, and then two more. The flowers grew and bloomed slowly. Huo Hai didn't know what it was. It looked a bit like a peony, but the flowers felt more spectacular.

Before Huo Hai could think about it, the surrounding wind blew up. Although the wind was not very strong, Huo Hai always felt cold in his body. With a move in his heart, the Five Hundred Star Gu has returned to his side. .

Now that five hundred star Gus have been exposed, they are exposed. Anyway, those people don't know that they actually have five thousand star Gus. As soon as Star Gu returned to Huo Hai's side, the battle formation was fully operational. It was not a battle formation, but a combination of three battle formations. These people usually cooperated tacitly, and now the whole battle formation is running without any delay.

"Unexpectedly, you dead men also know how Feng Huaxueyue, this battle formation is good, but do you really understand the mood of this battle formation." With Huo Hai's understanding of the spirit formation, he has seen something after watching it for a while. .

This kind of battle formation is not easy to comprehend the artistic conception, only relying on the strength of the battle formation itself can only play up to 70% to 80%, but because of the strength of the people in the formation, this 70% to 80% is already very scary.

These dead men still didn’t say a word, running the spirit formation with all their strength. As the wind became more and more violent, a petal of petals suddenly fell down, and as the wind continued to blow, after crossing a wonderful trajectory, facing Huo Hai Struck.

Huo Hai's eyes lit up: "Well, let me see how powerful your Falling Flower Array is." Huo Hai snorted coldly, the sword energy on the long sword was surging, and the Star Gu in front of him was already Get out of the way.

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