Evil Insect God

Chapter 1490: Against

The petal speed is not very fast, but the strength contained in it is very pure. Huo Hai sent out a sword aura, and this casual sword did not break the petals. Huo Hai issued a sword aura again, which offset it.

"The power of this petal can actually be comparable to the sword aura I made with all my strength. It is really extraordinary." Huo Hai's eyes revealed surprise. This is the first time he has encountered a sword aura that can strike with his full strength in the same level. Bi's attack is not that there is no, but Huo Hai has never seen it before, this time he finally encountered it.

Even if these people are using the power of the battle formation, it still shows that Huo Hai's own strength has not exceeded the limit of the spiritual sovereign. It seems that he will have to work harder to improve in the future, but now Huo Hai has no time to consider these.

As the first petal was destroyed, more and more petals fell from the flower, and the flowers continued to bloom, with new petals growing and blooming in the middle, growing along a special path, and old petals falling.

Afterwards, these petals drifted away with the breeze, but no matter how they drifted away, no petals collided in the air. Instead, in the process of drifting, they eventually gathered in front of Huo Hai and attacked Huo Hai. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. , The long sword in his hand flicked, and he fully used the star sword energy to shatter the petals one by one.

"It's not going to work like this, these people don't have any consumption at all." Huo Hai observes the surroundings. The surrounding battle formations are formed on the basis of formations, which are more troublesome than the battle formations formed by people themselves, but they are also more powerful.

Most of the spiritual power used by these people is gathered from the battle formation. After the battle formation is transformed, they are more powerful than the spiritual power used by them themselves. Their own spiritual power is just a primer, and it is not consumed.

If he keeps on doing it like this, Huo Hai doesn’t know how long he can hold on, but he must be the one who can’t hold on in the end. Although Huo Hai also knows that someone is observing himself behind the scenes and doesn’t want to expose too much, but sometimes, Otherwise, it is not easy to be exposed, without any means, don't want to go out today.

Moreover, Huo Hai didn't know if the blue cloud behind him had already rushed here. If the delay here is too long and the Spirit Sage master arrives in person, then things will be in trouble. If this is the case, then fight it.

"Defensively, the butterfly array cooperates with me." Huo Hai gave an order in his heart, and no longer continued to resist the petals. The five hundred star Gus around him had surrounded Huo Hai in the middle, and the space barrier was fully deployed to form a layer of defense.

The petals hit the barrier, but it was a pity that they were firmly resisted. After all, there were 500 Star Gus, each of which was not as good as the normal spirits, but the spiritual power in the body was not bad at all. The spiritual power of the spiritual worms of the spirit-sovereign level is exhausted, this is simply a dream, at least these people outside can not do it in a short time even if they rely on battle formation.

If it wasn't for these people when they formed a battle formation, there was a layer of spiritual protection around them, and just these five hundred Star Gu rushed up, I am afraid it would be enough for these people to be in a hurry, and there might be a lot of death and injury.

Star Gu protected Huo Hai in the middle, and the six-winged formation butterfly suddenly appeared beside Huo Hai. The three large wings flapped, and the spiritual formation suddenly spread out under Huo Hai’s feet. It was the celestial moving spirit array portrayed by Zhendie himself. Huo Hai was in the center of the spirit array at this time, and his spiritual power was released. With the blessing and help of the spirit array, his power continued to increase.

His hands quickly made handprints. With Huo Hai's movements, the stars in the inner world were shining brightly, and the stars in it began to shine. It should have been daytime, and the stars in the sky were not visible at all, but now it is different.

After being triggered by Huo Hai’s celestial movement, some bright spots appeared strangely in the sky. These bright spots continued to flow, the brilliance spread rapidly, and there were more and more bright spots around. If there are people who understand the stars, they will see that these are exactly the same. The location of the stars.

"Damn it, why does this kid still have this kind of spirit worm, and what is going on with this spirit formation." In the Azure Palace, the old man Qingyun patted the table, his eyes were full of anger, Huo Hai's appearance was too far from him. Unexpectedly, I don't know what happened, Huo Hai actually used so many weird methods, can these methods be learned by one person.

Such a person must not be allowed to grow up. Qing Yun has already confirmed that even if Qing Feng was not beheaded by Huo Hai himself, it is definitely related to Huo Hai. If this kid can't be caught, he just kills.

At this time in the middle of the battlefield, Huo Hai and the Six-winged Array Butterfly united to bless the spiritual formation. Within a moment of protection from the Star Gu, the power of the Spirit Formation had been increased to the extreme. Without the Star Gu, he really couldn’t do it. at this point.

"Very good, let you see today, how is my spell." With Huo Hai's last handprint, Star Movement was finally launched under Huo Hai's control, and the stars in the sky suddenly burst out with a strong light, and then Countless silver-white **** of light fell from the air, and "boom" it was the sound of the light **** hitting the barrier.

Originally, Huo Hai wanted to use the star movement to break the barrier, but what Huo Hai did not expect was that this barrier was not a complete defense type. The star ball passed through the barrier and was weakened by the barrier, but it still fell down. .

Of course, after passing through the barrier, because of the light ball, the barrier is constantly shaking and weakening a lot. If you continue to attack like this, it will take longer to break the barrier, but you can use the stars to fight. .

Huo Haixin moved at will, and the second wave of spiritual power lightballs then shifted their direction. There was another "boom". These lightballs once again penetrated this breeze barrier, but this time the landing point was not a casual landing. Instead, it aimed at the flowers formed by the three battle formations. The violent explosion broke out at the moment the light ball fell, and the horrible fluctuations continued to spread.

The people around also felt bad, and quickly controlled the battle formation to change. Only a part of the surrounding battle formation petals remained and continued to attack Huo Hai, while most of the others attacked towards the starlight ball in the sky.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Now it's up to who we consume energy." With the help of the stars, coupled with the help of his own spirit formation, without the precise control of the attack method, Huo Hai himself is not expensive, so he can insist on it. Long time.

In addition to Huo Hai’s own recovery ability, perhaps the consumption has not yet recovered fast. Huo Hai can’t believe how long these people can hold on. The power of the stars directly falling from the sky is extraordinary, even if it is weakened by the barrier. But the impact is still huge, and every ball of light needs a few petals to offset it.

Using the ball of light in a lot of time here, Huo Hai believes that he will quickly destroy the three battle formations. In the end, Huo Hai does not care whether these people are alive or dead. As long as he can leave, he has not forgotten that these people are. Who.

"They weren't complete dead men. It's really interesting." If they were really dead men, they probably wouldn't resist with all their strength without the command of the master behind them. At that time, there won't be many petals to resist, and only a lot of attacks.

Judging from the way they are now, it seems that they are still very sorry for their lives. It shows that although these people look like dead men, they are still a lot worse. Real dead men, how can they care about their lives? In this way, the collision in the space, the huge pressure, makes the space burst into waves, it seems that the space may be torn apart at any time.

However, Huo Hai knew that it would be impossible to shred the space without real mastering the power of the law in the heavenly spirit realm. The space of the heavenly spirit realm is full of the power of the law of heaven and earth. If it is so easily torn apart, it would not be regarded as a heavenly spirit realm. .

"Why, don't you plan to give up?" Huo Hai snorted coldly and said loudly. At this time, Huo Hai is not afraid if his Star Gu does not protect himself. The remaining petals cannot break through his defense at all.

Even if he could break the defense layer by layer, his own defense rebirth speed was faster than their attack speed. Huo Hai didn't want to expose his defense too strong, so he was still letting Star Gu protect himself. However, when Star Gu started his hand, Huo Hai was carefully controlling, not allowing Star Gu to expose too much of his strength.

To show the enemy's weakness, at least let these people and the people behind them look down upon themselves, so that when they are discovered in the future, they can be more relaxed. As for attacking, now in order to leave early, they can't care so much.

Fortunately, Huo Hai hasn’t felt the signs of danger. This shows that the Spirit Saint shouldn’t come, at least in a short time. Otherwise, Huo Hai will probably use all means to escape. Up.

"Trash is a bunch of trash. It usually feeds you, but it is useless at the critical moment." Seeing the three teams that were almost impossible to resist being suppressed by Huo Hai alone, even Qing Yun was angry and the other people around. Seeing this scene, they were thoughtful. They still knew how strong Qingyun's three teams were.

"This kid can suppress the three teams with his own strength, and his combat ability is really strong, especially his methods are even better, Qingyun, let your team catch this kid." An elder next to him immediately reminded.

Qingyun glanced and said nothing, but continued to watch the battle in the field. When the people around saw it, he sighed, hoping that Qingyun could make the right choice. Qingyun valued his son Qingfeng, but After all, Qingfeng is dead, so it would be unwise for Zongmen to give up an opportunity to improve his strength for a dead person.

Time passed slowly, and things did not go for the better. Everyone gradually discovered that under Huo Hai’s suppression, the three teams seemed to be more and more unable to hold on, and even the petals that attacked Huo Hai were getting more and more. less.

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