Evil Insect God

Chapter 1493: The last block

Going to the south cautiously, the closer you are to the border to the south, the more cautious Huo Hai is. Huo Hai knows that the closer you are to the border, the fewer people there will be. On the contrary, the more masters.

Most of the borders are sites of fierce beasts, or simply some primitive landforms. Although they were just randomly divided at the beginning, no one wants to live here after all. These places have become suitable for adventurers over time. , The border between the two large areas is not a little bit small, but rather huge.

A few years ago, the barrier between heaven and earth was opened, and the whole heaven and earth have changed. The storm has not stopped up to now. There are many people who venture to the border, and they can see it almost everywhere.

Among these people, Huo Hai didn't know how many people had ideas about him. If they were discovered by these people, they would do it themselves. If they spread the news, it would be quite troublesome.

Especially at the border between the two regions, most of the places are not very dangerous. As long as they have the cultivation base of the Spirit King realm, they can mix here. Therefore, Huo Hai must be more careful. When he comes to the border, Huo Hai will Disguised himself.

With those people who only had a place level, they sneaked into the depths of the border secretly. This depth is only for these people themselves. After these people are unwilling to move on, Huo Hai will naturally find an excuse to leave the team. , At this time, Huo Hai was in a team of more than 20 people who had been put together improvised.

Because everyone is improvised, there is no contract or vow. Once you encounter a treasure, it is common to kill each other, so these people are also on guard for each other.

At this moment, a thin masked man ran over in front of him, "There are no dangerous beasts in front, but there are many light spots, and there may be some treasures." Hearing this, everyone stood up. Up.

At this time, everyone's eyes were more vigilant, and they were cautiously guarding against those around them who might do something to themselves.

"Since there may be treasures, then let's go and see." After finishing speaking, the strongest spirit emperor in the team quickly walked forward, and other people also went there, but at this time there were only some familiar talents. They will get closer, and the distance between them will be even more scattered. There is really no trust in this kind of temporary team.

Soon, Huo Hai followed these people and came to the front area. Looking around, there was a strange flash in Huo Hai's eyes: "What a curious sight, how could it be like this." There are indeed many light spots here, and The range is very large.

These light spots formed a round ball, which looked like pearls, exuding a bright green light, but what made Huo Hai do not understand is that Huo Hai clearly felt a sense of purity among these lights. This kind of spiritual power is not like the birthplace of the treasure at all, Huo Hai curiously stretched out his hand and took a ball over.

Many other people have already done this, but when Huo Hai touched these spheres, a sudden change occurred, and the green light ball in his hand suddenly burst into bright light, and then the whole burst spread out.

A large number of light spheres rushed towards Huo Hai. Before Huo Hai could react, these light spots gathered around Huo Hai and exploded. The explosion did not have the slightest power, but it had a very difficult force.

This power was entangled in Huo Hai's body. It had no effect on its own, but it couldn't be eliminated. Huo Hai felt it for a while. It might take several days for this power to clean it up by himself. People are overcast." At this time, Huo Hai still doesn't know where, he has been calculated by others, and this is basically a means to find himself.

"Boy, what exactly did you just do? Did you find something? Hurry up and say it." The people around immediately surrounded Huo Hai. As long as a word is not good, these people may launch an attack.

Huo Hai sneered: "A bunch of idiots, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad if you die here."

"What are you talking about, boy, you..." The leader of the team looked at Huo Hai angrily, but just wanted to do it, his eyes widened the next moment, and the others looked at the distance with incredible faces, and the sky slowly became dark. Come down.

In the distance, a giant tree with a height of one hundred meters traverses the sky. I don’t know when it appeared, and even the sun is blocked. "This, this is a giant tree, a giant tree in the realm of the spirits, not that only giant wooden doors can Do you have any, how come you are here."

Huo Hai was also observing this giant tree at this time. After a while, Huo Hai had discovered that this giant tree was obviously a puppet. Look at the gaps on the surface and the faintly shining light inside, even the entire tree body. There are many traces of runes and spiritual formations, and only the giant wood refined into a puppet can have this performance.

The aura emitted by this giant tree reached the realm of Lingzun's peak, and it was really not something to deal with. At the same time, a slightly smaller giant tree appeared out of thin air next to it, and the aura was no worse than the previous one.

At this time, Huo Hai slowly lifted into the air and asked loudly, "I don't know which of you is here, what else is looking for." The special mark on his body cannot be removed for a while, since the other party has found it. For himself, Huo Hai didn't have the need to continue hiding, but he didn't expect that this time it would be the man from the giant wooden door who did it himself.

Sure enough, a middle-aged man appeared on one of the giant trees at this time, and his aura reached the level of the twelfth heaven, "You are Huo Hai, I am the giant wooden gate Wei Han, and finally let me find you. ."

"Unexpectedly, that kid Muhara was right. You really planned to go to the southern region. If I wasn't prepared for it, I really let you run away." Wei Han looked at Huo Hai, his eyes flashed brightly.

At this moment, Huo Hai’s breath also slowly released, and the people below felt the terrifying pressure, and their faces suddenly became pale. At this time, no matter how idiot they were, they knew that this person was not easy, at least. A Spiritual Venerable, he used to dare to surround and threaten a Spiritual Venerable. It was really looking for death. The few people who reacted quickly have already ran towards the surrounding.

"It seems that you and I have no grievances and no grudges, and I don't know why your Excellency came back to find my trouble." The giant wooden door Mujia promised not to trouble himself. Huo Hai originally thought that this time there would be no problem as long as he was not discovered.

Who knows, the person with the giant wooden door actually did it. It is indeed the Mu family of the giant wooden door. The relationship network is complicated. It seems that from this guy, this matter was planned by Kihara. This Kihara is really troublesome.

"Hahahaha, of course we have no hatred, but I need a wand to increase my magic power. It just so happens that the giant wood in your hand is good. I can let you go if you hand it over. I and the Mu family are not all the same. "

It turned out to be for the tree heart. It’s no wonder that this thing is indeed very important to the people of the giant wooden door, especially this kind of person who can use the giant wood as a puppet, whether he is a magician or a wizard, he has it for Mu Xin. A big demand, but this thing is no longer in Huo Hai's hands, even in his own hands, Huo Hai can't hand it over.

"That said, this matter is your own idea, and it has nothing to do with the giant wooden door or the Mu family. In that case, you should still invite it back, but you yourself are not qualified to let me hand over the things."

Due to the giant wooden door, Huo Hai is currently afraid to kill the person in front of him at will, but it is absolutely impossible for this person to take things from him for nothing. Hearing what Huo Hai said, Wei Han actually Frozen for a moment.

Then Wei Han laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, you, you actually said that I am not qualified, boy, are you crazy? According to the outside world, you are very strong, you really think you are very strong, like you The casual cultivator will never be able to compare with our top sect disciples. Since you said I am not qualified, I will let you see my qualifications."

Wei Han felt very amused by what Huo Hai said. He had seen a lot of arrogant people, but when he heard of his origin, he would bow his head honestly. Huo Hai is like this. He is really the first Seen once.

You know, Wei Han has the capital to be proud. He himself has reached the peak of the Spiritual Venerable, plus two puppets in peak states, which is equivalent to three peaks of Spiritual Venerable, and it is not a normal peak. Under normal circumstances, as long as It's not Lingsheng who does it, he is not afraid of anyone alone. In Wei Han's view, Huo Hai is just a guy who is just trying to catch his reputation.

As for the matter of Huo Hai's pressure on the three teams at the beginning, how could Tianqing Palace talk about this kind of thing casually, at most they said that they had sent someone to arrest Huo Hai and failed, anyway, outsiders don't know what happened.

The result is that there are still many people who don’t believe in Huo Hai’s strength. On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, it’s always hard to be recognized as a casual cultivator, but in any case, Huo Hai said he was not qualified. , Wei Han feels that he has been provoked. People who dare to provoke him, Wei Han has never let go.

"Boy, let me regret it slowly. I will tell you compassionately how big the gap is between the geniuses of San Xiu and the top sect." Wei Han waved his hand and took out an emerald green branch with a band on it. There are many branches and leaves.

The branch flicked at Huo Hai, and a cloud of emerald green light pierced straight out. The light seemed to be very soft, but the speed was extremely fast. The attack released at random made Huo Hai feel a little threatened. This giant wooden door It's really not easy to come from, but fortunately, his injuries have almost recovered during this time, otherwise it's really hard to deal with.

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