Evil Insect God

Chapter 1494: Giant wooden puppet

Huo Hai had already seen Wei Han's move. It was not a force gathered together, but a collection of many forces, which meant that his sword energy could not offset it at all.

If you use sword aura, I am afraid that the final result will be mutual penetration, and this thing obviously does not rely on its own penetration power to attack. It contains surging life force. If this life force is contaminated on the body, it is easily absorbed. If you lose a part of your vitality, even if it is the Spirit Venerable, it will die if you consume too much vitality in a short time.

Fortunately, I have other means, otherwise it would be really troublesome today. With a move in Huo Hai's heart, a group of flames condensed in Huo Hai's hands. The fire of stars, this is a force that just controls the wood attribute.

Huo Hai seldom used it, so Wei Han felt a little strange when he saw this silver-white flame. According to the information, didn't Huo Hai say that he could control spirit worms? How could he suddenly use the flame.

Huo Hai didn't care so much. The flame formed quickly in his hands, and in a blink of an eye it became a big bird. The big bird is very agile. If it weren't for Huo Hai's creation, many people would think it was true.

The next moment the big bird flew out, and the emerald green light greeted the front. After a harsh sound, the green light was completely evaporated, and at this time the firebird still remained. Most of the flames were lowered, but the size was reduced a bit. This change made Wei Han feel hot on his face, and he was very troubled in face.

"Boy, you are actually able to block a casual blow of yourself, and you are considered a little capable. It seems that your reputation is not completely false, but next, I will let you see what is the real strength. "

After being defeated by someone’s attack, Wei Han didn’t think that Huo Hai was stronger than himself, because he felt that this was created by the flame’s restraint of the wood attribute. If that’s the case, he tried his best to take this person down and just show it. Own strength.

His hands quickly made handprints one by one, and the emerald green light formed two thin lines, linking the giant wooden puppet with Wei Han himself. Wei Han stayed on one of the giant wooden puppets and controlled the giant wooden puppet’s attack. One of the first clenched his fist, aimed at Huo Hai, and punched it in the front without fancy.

"Good coming." Huo Hai yelled, his left hand clenched his fist, without backing or dodge, instead he greeted him with a face-to-face punch. In mid-air, Huo Haiying faced the face which was so many times bigger than himself. Fist.

In the next moment, a violent wave of air spread around the giant wood fist, and a black shadow was directly shot into the ground, "Boy, dare to compare strength with the giant wood. I really don’t know who you learned from, follow me. Let's go."

Suddenly, the entire ground exploded, and Huo Hai ran out of the underground pit. Huo Hai was not good-looking at this time, his clothes almost turned into cloth strips, and his left hand was still trembling constantly, "It's really a huge wood, strength Sure enough, it is powerful." Huo Hai took a deep breath, just after a punch, Huo Hai has basically tested it out.

The power of this giant tree is not comparable to me. If it weren't for the last moment, I used this power to quickly retreat and channel the power into the ground, I am afraid that I have been injured at this time, even so, my left hand is also numb.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Huo Hai, Wei Han's expression changed again: "Damn boy, you dare to play with me, you really want to die." With a movement in his heart, the two giant trees clenched their fists and attacked Huo Hai frantically. .

The attack just now, Huo Hai was only to test the power of this giant tree. Huo Hai would continue to fight the giant tree hard when he was an idiot. With his footsteps, the movement of the star and the battle has been fully deployed, and Huo Hai dodges the giant tree’s fist in an instant. It was a sword swung out, "Sting..." The harsh sound erupted at the contact position of Huo Hai's long sword accompanied by sparks.

After a sword, Huo Hai left a deep wound on the giant wood’s fist, but such a wound is nothing to the giant wood’s size. Huo Hai doesn’t know if he has the giant wood’s skin. Break open.

Then a green light spread through the wound of the giant wood, and the wound healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. "The recovery ability is so terrifying. This is just a puppet. Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if it were a real giant wood."

Huo Hai was taken aback, and his figure flashed a few times quickly, avoiding the next attack from the giant tree. The giant tree claims to be almost invincible in close combat. Even if the earth giants with stronger strength and defense are better than them, they are still under this terrifying recovery ability. Will be consumed to death, has not seen before, today Huo Hai finally saw this kind of power, it is really terrifying.

After several attacks, the giant wood's attack method was like an anti-aircraft cannon hitting mosquitoes, and he couldn't catch the agile Huo Hai. At this moment, Wei Han suddenly changed his attack methods and allowed the two giant wooden puppets to attack naturally.

Every wave and stomach shakes the surrounding ground, as if an earthquake is set off. However, this natural attack is far less powerful than the one under Wei Han's control. This does not mean that Wei Han's attack weakened, on the contrary, it was more troublesome, because the giant tree was not only using his fists to attack.

Part of the root system has already dispersed, and with the continuous random beating of some branches and leaves, if Huo Hai is accidentally hit, he feels his whole body churning with blood, this thing is really not so easy to provoke.

This is just an ordinary giant wooden puppet, not a real spirit beast or a beast giant tree. If it is replaced with those with independent thinking, the attack may be more flexible and more dangerous. The two giant wooden puppets do not cooperate very well, because often I can see that some fibrous roots and branches will attack each other in mid-air, and I don't know if this is negligence.

As the battle progressed, Huo Hai gradually adapted to this attack rhythm. When he was hit, Huo Hai could completely offset this force and stabilize his body as long as he actively exploded his outer defense barrier. shape.

In this way, these branches and leaves would not be beaten to other places, causing continued attacks, but at this time, Wei Han also launched an attack. While controlling the giant tree attack, Wei Han did not have any attack ability.

The free left hand grasped the branch-shaped weapon in the hand, and constantly waved it, and the emerald green light groups continued to hit Huo Hai. These light groups were much more flexible and natural than the attacks of giant trees, and they would probably continue in the air. Huo Hai had no choice but to continuously release a large amount of flames, using fire control techniques to block these light groups.

Among the constantly waving branches and roots, there are some silver-white big flame birds and fire snakes, which are constantly flying back and forth in the air. Looking at the past from a distance, it is really a beautiful picture, but it is a pity that it contains incomparable danger. .

The aftermath of the battle between the two at this time has also destroyed a large area around. Those who fled before, if they were a little slower, may have died now. Firebirds and fire snakes are often hit by giant trees. After being completely broken up, flames often spread and burned along the branches and roots of the giant tree.

It is not a good thing to be burned by the fire of stars. Even if the giant tree is severely injured, Wei Han feels so distressed to see this scene. In his capacity, it is not easy to get two giant wooden puppets. .

If this continues, it seems that it is about to become a war of attrition. I don’t know when Huo Hai’s spiritual power will be exhausted, but if this continues, God knows how much Huo Hai’s flame will cause his puppet. damage.

Besides, this is at the border, close to the southern region. No one knows if any changes will be caused. Thinking of this, Wei Han is even more anxious. The branches in his hands are dancing faster and faster, as they continue to attack. Huo Hai fought over, and under his control, the attack speed of the two giant trees became faster and faster and more and more messy.

If it is a real giant tree, you can use various spiritual attack methods. After being made into a puppet, it is far behind. It is really not as good as Yun'er's control method. Huo Hai's eyes are full of disdain at this time. He has already attacked these attacks somewhat. The routine is figured out.

"Haha, didn't you think that the giant wooden door's methods are nothing more than this, if you don't have new methods, I'm not welcome." Gradually adapting to the routine, Huo Hai has rarely been hit, especially in the flames. After a part of the branches and roots, Huo Hai was more relaxed. If the thing in front of him was a giant tree, he would have been burnt to ashes.

"Boy, don't be proud. The method of my giant wooden door is not what you can imagine. To deal with you, this method is enough." Wei Han's face is very ugly. After who let him get two giant wooden puppets, he will Focus on this.

Almost all of his fighting ability lies in the two giant wooden puppets. Once the giant wooden puppet can't deal with the enemy, he has no means. In normal times, because of his identity, few people dare to confront him.

The result is that today, he has discovered his shortcomings. If Huo Hai has the skills to incarnate into a special existence, basically only a physical attack of the giant wooden puppet can not stop Huo Hai, there is no other means. At this time, Wei Han could only use the branches and roots of the giant tree to form a cage, covering Huo Hai in a war of attrition.

Anyway, since I have already started, no matter how great the loss is, I still have to leave Huo Hai behind. Otherwise, how I will be in the giant wooden gate in the future, I am not going to be laughed to death by others.

"It seems that you really don't have any means. If this is the case, then I will teach you a little lesson." Huo Hai still feels aggrieved in his heart. This person from the giant wooden gate, Huo Hai would not dare to kill casually. .

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