Evil Insect God

Chapter 1500: assimilate into

The war ended soon after the two-headed dragon beast escaped. Although many people died, everyone had been prepared for this chaotic border location, so no one was too sad.

To be able to die in such a battle is an honor for them, and even many people are still envious, especially those who are too seriously injured to continue fighting, they are even more envious. These people are probably very It has not been possible to return to the battlefield for a long time. Because many people like to fight in the southern region, there are a lot of various healing items here.

Not to mention the pill to restore internal injuries and external injuries. Even the pill to restore physical disabilities is easier to find here than elsewhere, but if the injury is too serious, some people will still be unable to continue fighting.

"Great, this time we have killed so many dragon beasts. When we look back, we put the heads of these dragon beasts on the tower. Our newly built city can be called Dragon Slaying City." The general suddenly laughed. Sounded.

The high-levels of other cities were also full of joy at this time, as if they didn't care about the escape of the two-headed dragon beast. No one knew about this thing. Since it has already appeared, it is not so easy to attack in the future. , The frontier humans and spirit beasts are not without masters, but this time because they attacked an unimportant city, they did not pay attention.

"Yeah, with the title of Dragon Slaying City, there will definitely be more enthusiastic brothers coming to us in the future. We must build the city into the largest city in the border area." A spiritual master shouted loudly.

Everyone echoed. Although everyone knows that it is impossible, there is not only one so-called Dragon Slaying City. There are many border areas. In fact, as long as you have defeated a dragon beast army once, you have hunted a certain number. Dragon beast, then these cities can be named as Dragon Slaying City, it is not too difficult.

It's just that although these dragon slaying cities are definitely large cities in the end, some will be destroyed under the attack of beasts. These are glory for humans and spirit beasts, and shame for dragon beasts.

Dragon beasts are different from other fierce beasts. Although they belong to their own after the dragon beasts are hunted, the skulls need to be preserved after the heads of the dragon beasts are processed. These skulls will be collected by the city.

Eventually, in the fortress city, there will be a high tower for special exhibitions. The skulls of these dragon beasts are displayed here. The more these dragon beast skulls, the more they can prove the city's strength and glory.

Similarly, such an exhibition can also attract more people who come to border cities to join. As the number of fighters increases, the strength of the city will naturally increase. Although these dragon and beast skulls are rare materials, The border location is more in line with everyone's interests. Just looking at it will give you a sense of glory.

Even those who have killed dragon beasts usually put their headless dragon beast bones at home as long as it is not a special matter. This is also a symbol of strength and glory.

Or hanging the skin of the dragon beast on the wall is the same. If the dragon beast is hunted in cooperation, then one person will get a share. As for those who have the dragon beast skull at home, it is certainly not when the dragon beast is attacking the city. Kill the dragon beast, these people hunted the dragon beast when they were alone outside the city. Such people are usually more valued.

As Huo Hai listened to the people below, he gradually understood these things. The impact of this battle on these people in this city was extremely huge. Even though the city had been destroyed, everyone didn't care at all.

"Listen, everyone, start to rebuild the fortress immediately. It must be rebuilt within three days. Otherwise, if the beast comes and we have no place to rest, I will ask you." These people are not only fighters, but also construction workers.

These people in the border fortresses often do these things, so they are very skilled. They only need to smooth the big stones, without even looking for other materials. Finally, a special spiritualist will fuse these stones. There is no problem at all. The battlefield It was quickly swept away, and everyone finally set their sights on Huo Hai.

"This brother, he has good skills. I really want to thank you this time." If there is no Huo Hai, let alone victory in this battle, it is not certain that they will survive how many people will eventually be wiped out. Is a normal thing.

Huo Hai bowed his hand and said: "It's just a matter of effort. Anyone who sees this situation will help." This is also true. In the southern region, if you see a well-matched opponent, everyone will be itchy. If you see someone fighting People who are strong enough to bully the weak will also stop them. People in the southern region advocate fighting, but they don't like bullying.

Obviously, the way these people think is completely different from that of Huo Hai, but there is basically no problem with normal communication, "This brother, this is not a place to talk, why don't we go down, just have a meal."

Celebrating victory with the flesh and blood of the enemy is a tradition for border fortresses. After every victory in a war, as long as the enemy is a fierce beast, the entire city will eat the flesh of a fierce beast.

Regardless of whether it is needed or not, it doesn’t matter how it tastes. In short, it’s an enemy that I hunted, which is exciting. This tradition has been passed down for years. There is also such a tradition.

"Then it's better to be respectful." Huo Hai originally wanted to integrate into these people, and then get a good understanding of some of the conditions in the southern region. Now it just fits Huo Hai's meaning. Seeing Huo Hai is so bold, and there is nothing in it. She said that the people around him became happier. Is such a person a real man?

What Huo Hai didn’t know was that just now, two figures on a mountain in the distance were looking at this place, “How about it, you can feel it too.” One of the men gave Huo Hai a gloomy look. Direction.

But neither of them stared at Huo Hai, because staring at a master is easy to be noticed. The woman next to him also nodded: "Yes, it's the breath of the dragon, but this person is obviously not the dragon, just now. It seems that it's not just the secret method as simple as that." In the fireball that Huo Hai just released, they clearly felt a breath of dragon clan.

"I'm very familiar with this breath, it must be that guy. I chased and killed for a long time, and I was injured by him. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it." If Huo Hai were here, he would be very surprised.

Because these two people also have a strong dragon atmosphere. Although they are very cryptic, they are extremely pure. These two people are definitely not humans, but dragons. Speaking of which, there are so many dragons and beasts in the southern region, and dragons often come here. It is also very normal to come, not to mention other things, the dragons themselves are actually a very aggressive race.

The woman suddenly said: "If this is the case, then this person should be the one who participated in the dragon slaying in the southeast region at the beginning, and the breath, this person may have gained a lot of benefits, what do you plan to do."

The man’s face was even more gloomy: "That guy is my enemy. According to the truth, he is equivalent to helping me. I should not deal with him. But he used materials from our Dragon tribe. Such a person cannot Let it go."

After a pause, the man finally said: "Well, let this news tell the guy's friends and parents, as for how they are, then it doesn't matter to me." The man's gloomy face suddenly smiled, but smiled. It was fleeting, if you hadn't been watching it all the time, you wouldn't be able to find this weird smile.

The woman gave a white glance: "Hmph, I think you want to avenge his family, who doesn't know. After you find this person, his family will definitely give him revenge. This person can get so many benefits, and it must not be simple. ,By the time……"

Although the Dragon Clan is very short-handed, it is impossible to be completely unreasonable, especially when facing large forces. Besides, there are always some Dragon Clan members secretly hunted and killed, but in the end no one can find out.

Dragon clan is also a race, not a god. Many clan members die for a long time and no one knows. If a dragon clan member takes the initiative to trouble other people and is eventually killed by someone, then even if it is a dragon clan, I’m afraid to deal with it. You have to be careful about these things. If someone else has a powerful force behind it, the Dragon Clan is not easy to handle.

"In short, these things are all your speculations. All I have to do is to pass on the news. I don't want any leakage of this matter." The man glanced at the woman and his tone was extremely cold.

"Okay, okay, you really are, why don't you trust them so much, they have given you to you in this life, you are still like this, huh, stop being stern, or I will help you this time." Woman He glanced at the white man, his tone suddenly became extremely charming, and at this time, the face of the dragon man gradually eased.

"I didn't say to blame you. Let's go now. It won't be good if someone finds out after a long time." The number of dragon clan members who died in the southern region is the most. People here often don't care about anything in order to fight. If you want to use the identity of the dragon to save your life, it will even have a counter-effect here, and it is easy to be regarded as a threat.

Once such a powerful creature as the dragon is exposed, it will definitely attract countless people who come to challenge it.

The two figures turned and left, and disappeared in a flash. At this moment, Huo Hai didn't know that, in order to hide his other means, he exposed the aura of the dragon, and it was not a good thing to be stared at by the dragon.

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