Evil Insect God

Chapter 1501: Battle hall

Following the strongest person in the city, that is, the city’s lord, slowly fell to the ground. Speaking of which, the southern region is too strong because of the militant winds. Generally speaking, the controllers everywhere are the most powerful ones. There are almost no exceptions.

Because in the southern region, if you want to become a leader of a force, you must first have the strength to suppress everyone. If a member is dissatisfied with the leader, he can directly challenge him. Once he can win, he can become a new leader. Not only that, but also The previous leader would still be convinced, unless the challenger used some obscure means.

Of course, as an orthodox master from the southern region, it is generally impossible to use these methods when challenging. Therefore, the strongest person in this city is naturally the city lord of this city, which is indisputable.

"Brother, you can call me Violent Tiger, what is your name, brother." Just when it fell to the ground, Violent Tiger couldn't wait to introduce himself. In this border city, the so-called city lord has no real power, everyone is just temporary Put it together.

Huo Hai did not salute, and said directly: "It turns out to be Brother Tiger, you can call me Huaiyin." Huo Hai thought for a while, and used a fake name he had used before. I know that it is definitely not a real name, but a nickname. In fact, in the southern region, almost everyone has a nickname, and nicknames are used more than names.

"Huaiyin, what a weird name, brother, I'm not talking about you, okay, let's not say so much anymore. Come on, come and sit down." Tiger felt a little embarrassed.

Huo Hai didn’t care, anyway, it’s just a pseudonym. This name himself was used in the Molian domain, and was not even used in the Heavenly Soul domain, so these people wanted to explore their identity from the name. It's impossible to do it. Huo Hai is not in a very good situation now, and he doesn't want to expose himself casually at any time.

Huo Hai followed these people and sat in front of a temporary table. At this time, all the other spiritual masters in the city were also gathered together. There were no walls and roofs around, and everyone did not hate things. Emoji.

Obviously, these people are usually like this. It seems that they have already been used to it. "Brother, we don’t have any good things in our hands. We hope to forgive us for any negligence. It happens that this time we have won a battle. Let's celebrate with the meat of these fierce beasts. This is a festival unique to our border fortress." The Tiger seemed a little hesitant.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "It's okay, I want to feel the festive atmosphere here too, Brother Tiger, depending on your appearance, it seems that there is something you want to ask, but please say it's okay." Can't hesitate.

The Tiger seemed to be relieved, lowered his voice and said, "Brother, it's not that I have any thoughts. I saw that my brother's fighting power is far superior to that double-headed dragon. I don't know if my brother came from the battle hall." Also stared at Huo Hai.

Huo Hai shook his head: "No, Zai Xia is not from Zhantang. I am ashamed to say that Xia Xia was originally not from the southern region, but because he offended some people, he came to the southern region." Everyone heard this. There is no rejection, if there were no previous help from Huo Hai, these people would be a little uncomfortable knowing Huo Hai's identity at this time.

Because the wind of martial arts in the southern region is too strong, it often fights with people, causing the southern region and any other surrounding areas to be unfriendly, whether it is people from other forces who come here or they go to other forces.

Often the first thing is to find an opponent to play a match, regardless of the occasion, even the people of the Golden Tumen, because of their personalities, people in the southern region are still somewhat repellent from outsiders.

However, Huo Hai's performance is more to their appetite, and he has helped them before, otherwise these people don't know what will happen, "Excuse me, what is this battle hall, can you tell me if it is convenient." Hai asked in a low voice, he had already seen that this battle hall seemed to have a high status in the southern region, at least for these people.

"It turns out that my brother is not from our southern region, so let me talk about it. Actually, the battle hall is an organization within our southern region, mainly established by the Jintumen. The battle hall is not a sect, just an organization. That's it."

The Tiger slowly explained to Huo Hai, and other people added a sentence from time to time. Huo Hai gradually learned about the news of Zhantang. To be precise, Zhantang is an organization similar to a mercenary union, but this organization does not There is no task and direct relationship.

Anyone can join the battle hall as long as they have extremely long combat power. However, to join the battle hall, they must at least reach the realm of the spirit emperor. If this level is not reached, the battle hall will not include people at all. Zhantang, then in each selection, you have to defeat ten people who are equivalent to your own cultivation level, otherwise you are not eligible to join."

Not to mention the Lingzun, even if the Lingsheng wants to join, he must abide by this rule and defeat ten in a row. This proves that his fighting ability is strong to a certain extent. Everyone who joins the battle hall has a fighting power far beyond himself. grade.

Huo Hai nodded, the selection of this battle hall is really strict, "Then, what are the benefits of joining the battle hall."

When the tiger heard the words, his eyes brightened: "The benefits, of course, are benefits, that is, you can fight as much as you want. Every member of the battle hall has a label that represents combat effectiveness. People with the same combat effectiveness can fight at any time, as long as they don’t cause death. Disabled, even if you are going to challenge other sects and seeing the hallmarks of the battle hall, these sects will regard them as guests of honor and go all out."

It turned out to be used for fighting. Hearing these things, Huohai was a little disappointed, and it was too small for him.

"Hey, if it weren’t for the spiritual saints who could barely improve by fighting, I’m afraid there would be a lot of spiritual saints in the battle hall. The battle hall often hosts contests. As long as they perform well, they will have good rewards. of."

The violent tiger paused, and then whispered: "Brother, I just heard that you have offended people. I suggest you join the battle hall. I recommend it in my name. You don't know that the battle hall organization is loose, but But they are very united. Once someone finds trouble with the members of the battle hall, as long as the other party does not take care of it, then others will not let the troublemaker go."

Suddenly, Tiger Tiger smiled: "Of course, you still have to decide whether you want to go, but if you want to go, you must let me recommend it. As long as your grades are good, brother, it will be good for me. ."

This person is frank. Huo Hai is not very tempted by the previous conditions, but the last one is different. For a long time, Huo Hai’s enemies have been very many, and now he has more and more enemies. The stronger.

If you want to live a better life, it is best to find a backer. Huo Hai does not want to join other sects, so Zhantang is the best choice. At least in the southern area, with the help of Zhantang , I am afraid that no one dares to blatantly trouble themselves, and the people of the Azure Palace and the giant wooden gate should be somewhat restrained in front of the battle hall.

"Thank you, I have decided. I want to join the battle hall. I don't know when the selection of the battle hall will start."

Violent Tiger waved his hand: "There are so many rules, the battle hall selection can be done at any time, as long as you participate in the selection day you can join, but you must win ten games in a row, and if one fails, you must start again."

While talking, Tiger Tiger quickly wrote a letter of recommendation to Huo Hai. The letter of recommendation is very simple. It is just a symbol of qualification. In fact, even if there is no recommendation letter, there is probably nothing to participate in the selection. Too big a problem.

"I don't know if an outsider like me is against the rules." Huo Hai asked cautiously. After all, the battle hall was formed by the Golden Tumen, which is responsible for the entire southern region. If it is too casual, wouldn't it be easy to be caught People infiltrate.

"What's the inconvenience. Although there are all masters in the battle hall, at most they come out to be respectable. They have no real power. Besides, the battle hall is only relatively united. They will help each other solve some problems. In fact, If the trouble is too big, or if you take the initiative to bully, no one will help, and there will be no trouble at all."

Hearing this, Huo Hai understood roughly. It seemed that he understood some problems. This battle hall was just used to find a place for these energetic people to vent their energy and fight, no matter where they came from. There will be no impact.

Violent Tiger handed the envelope to Huo Hai, and then said again: "In fact, it is not at all unrelated. People who are truly famous in the battle hall can join the Jintumen. Although it is only the periphery, brother, you are an outsider. If the people in the battle hall are not in the southern region within three generations, no matter how good their performance is, they will not be able to join the Jintumen."

After all, Jintumen is a powerful sect in charge of the entire southern region. It is not easy to join it. It seems to be more convenient to join the periphery of Jintumen. As long as there is strength, everyone has this opportunity, but in fact it is more strict. .

People who are not from the southern region will not accept the Golden Tumen at all. In this way, the Golden Tumen can also prevent spies from other forces from infiltrating. You must know that some guys with brains and muscles can easily be provoked by others. Go crazy, you can do anything, if you don't manage them well, I'm afraid the southern region will already be in chaos.

"Don't say it, the meat of the fierce beast is ready, come here, brother, as a thank you, I toast you a glass." At the time of speaking, the meat of the fierce beast was ready to be brought up, and a big carnival began at this time. prelude.

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