Evil Insect God

Chapter 1502: External selection

After a celebration banquet, Huo Hai waited at the border for three days. In three days, Huo Hai also saw how these people built their border fortresses. A group of masters quarried the surrounding stones and smoothed them.

Afterwards, these stones were like building blocks. They began to pile up in the trenches dug out at the beginning, and soon a city outline was piled up. Even if it was their own residence, it was basically the same. In the end, someone who was proficient in soil properties The Lingzun of Ling hands, condenses all the stones directly into one, and a fortress is established.

Not to mention it is a great fortress specially used for defense or attack. Even if there are no more delicate things, it is only in the southern region where there are a lot of soil attribute masters, so that such a fortress can be established so easily.

Among the other major forces, in fact, the number of masters with the earth attribute is very small. As we all know, the earth attribute defense is strong, but the attack and speed are insufficient. Unless it is those who like close combat, they are inherently weak.

The most important thing is that when the strength is relatively weak, the strength can only be guaranteed to be increased on the ground, but once you reach the Spirit Emperor, everyone will fly. When the earth attribute masters in the Spirit Emperor realm face other masters, they are absolutely absolute. This situation can only be relieved slightly after reaching the realm of Lingdi.

Except for the extremely strong martial arts in the southern region, coupled with the influence of the earth giants in the Golden Tumen, there are not many soil attribute masters in other regions. Huo Hai has also made a very profound understanding of the situation in the entire southern region within these three days. Understanding.

The borders of the southern region are where madmen gather. As long as these people fight, they can ignore their lives. If there are such people in relatively stable areas inside, most of them will come to the border. The beasts on the border were also forced to here. Coming.

But even so, there are still a lot of beasts in the southern region, far more than several times in other regions. There are a large number of dragons and beasts. High-level dragon beasts and beasts form a force and human spirit beasts. In confrontation, even the Golden Tumen would not dare to force some relatively powerful forces too much, so as not to cause major consequences.

Compared with the frontier, the interior of the southern region is actually relatively peaceful. The only places where there is perennial battle are the borders of human spirit beasts and fierce beast forces. These battlefields are basically unstoppable.

Some of the most passionate people have been attracted to the battlefield. Although the rest often like to fight, they are not so crazy, let alone so desperate. Compared with other areas, there is actually not much difference here.

Huo Hai finally felt relieved. If he entered the southern region for three days and had to fight at both ends, even Huo Hai would not be able to stand it. There must be enough time to digest the proceeds of the battle, and continuous fighting will cause another kind of waste.

After three days, Huo Hai finally left the border and walked all the way towards the interior of the southern region. When he arrived here, Huo Hai was relieved a lot. At least no people from the southeast region would follow here. Great guarantee.

The so-called battle hall selection area, there are mainly more than a dozen, but the number is not very large. The largest one is in the center of the southern area, which is near the Jintumen station. It is said that Lingsheng wants to join the battle hall. Come here for selection. As for Lingzun, there are not so many requirements. Anyway, it can be anywhere.

After two days of rushing, Huo Hai finally came to the selection location closest to the eastern border. "Sure enough, as the tiger said, the selection here is really casual." Huo Hai looked down and said silently in his heart. .

Huo Hai has changed his outfit at this time. Huo Hai randomly found a good armor from the previous trophies and wore it directly on his body. Of course, this armor is of no use to Huo Hai .

It's just that there is an extra helmet on Huo Hai's head at this time, which wraps up most of his face. After a little modification below, no one can find Huo Hai’s identity from the face. As for the breath, Huo Hai is really real. Don't worry, he won't stay in one place for too long. No matter where he is, he will leave quickly after doing it.

Of course, the battle hall is different. No one dares to make trouble in the battle hall. The battle hall is a direct organization of the Jintumen. Once trouble is caused in the battle hall area, it will be inaccessible to the Jintumen, which is different from the other eight. .

Huo Hai has already understood that the madness of Jintumen is beyond the imagination of others. In the past, the Southeastern region seemed to have offended Jintumen because of certain things. As a result, the fighting lunatics of Jintumen did not care about the eight-door agreement. The two sects are still in a bad relationship with the two sects.

Had it not been for this incident, Huo Hai would not be so relieved in the battle hall area at this time. Huo Hai quickly fell, and a mountain peak suddenly appeared on a large plain. This mountain peak is not like it. It is naturally formed.

"It's such a big handwriting, it's really the golden earth gate where the soil attribute masters gather." Huo Hai observed what was going on with this mountain. If it was not carried from other places, it would be here directly. made.

To do this kind of thing, I am afraid that only the earth giant is the most convenient. Let Huo Hai destroy a mountain. With his current strength, he can still do it, but it is not Huo Hai who can do it to carry such a large mountain. When it arrives, above the mountain peak is a hall with extraordinary momentum. Above the hall is written the word "Zhantang", and a tragic breath is condensed on the two words.

There are many arenas and competition squares nearby, and there are many people around, but most people do not come here to select, but to watch. No one is forbidden to watch here, and there are even huge gambling games.

This is why, after Huo Hai came here, no one stopped Huo Hai at all. However, in the battle hall in the distance, only members of the battle hall can enter. It is said that there are many fighting skills and spirits. Secrets, even weapons, but to obtain these things, you usually need something special.

Huo Hai couldn't inquire about these. There were many people fighting on every ring around him. There was no defensive spirit circle around the ring. If the people around were injured, he could only be regarded as insufficient.

The rough style here can be seen from this. Only the most central square is surrounded by defensive spirit formations. However, this place is dedicated to the battle of the spiritual masters. After all, the aftermath of the battle of the spiritual masters is too strong, if not With a little protection, I am afraid that no one below the Spiritual Venerable will dare to approach, and they will simply die one by one.

Besides, Lingzun is also a heaven-level master. For heaven-level masters, people everywhere will give enough respect. Huo Hai looked at the battles of those around him and found that his fighting skills were very skillful and he had obviously experienced battles.

It's a pity that Huo Hai looked all the way, and he was almost in close combat, so after watching it for a while, he felt that he had no interest. He walked all the way to a place close to the peak of Zhantang, and there was also a hall below.

Huo Hai walked directly into it, and no one came to stop him. There were many staff members who were busy inside, and many others were applying to join the battle hall. Huo Hai didn’t care. He waited for a while and soon it was his turn. I, hand in my envelope, Huo Hai said indifferently: "I'm here to apply to join the battle hall. This is a recommendation letter from the border brothers."

Seeing this, the attendant’s eyes brightened, and the letter of recommendation proves that he must meet the conditions. This kind of person with a letter of recommendation is usually very likely to join the battle hall. Unlike others, the probability of others being eliminated is very high. .

"Your Excellency, please come with me. Although you have a letter of recommendation, we treat everyone equally here. You still have to participate in the audition." Huo Hai nodded without showing dissatisfaction.

In fact, before coming here, Violent Tiger had already told himself. Back then, Violent Tiger also wanted to join the battle hall, but his fighting ability was a little weaker, and he was never able to do so. In fact, the border fortress area, Almost all people in the spirit emperor realm and above have applied to join the battle hall, and many people have been here for more than a hundred years.

The audition was very easy. The first thing to do was to ask Huo Hai what weapon he was using. Huo Hai only showed his long sword. During the subsequent battle, although there was no clear stipulation that he could only use the weapon he had revealed.

But once other weapons are used, it will also give other people a bad impression. If you rashly use hidden weapons or other despicable means, Zhantang will never want such a person, "Here is to test your cultivation and Where the spiritual strength is strong, please come by yourself." Soon, the attendant took Huo Hai to the final test.

The first place is to test the cultivation level. Huo Hai put his hand on a spar, the color of the spar changed rapidly, and finally in the dazzling light, the person in charge said loudly: "The peak of the twelfth heaven, Eligible to join."

Without the cultivation base of the spiritual emperor, it is inconsistent. Then Huo Hai put his hand on another crystal ball that had just been taken out. This time after a while, the crystal ball emitted a burst of light. At this time, the person in charge said loudly: "Spiritual cohesion reaches the standard, you can participate in the selection of the temple." After that, the visitor quickly recorded Huo Hai's name inquiry.

"It turns out that the test was the purity of spiritual power." Huo Hai nodded secretly. Many masters who directly used special methods to spawn had enough cultivation bases, but the purity of spiritual power was not enough. The combat power of such a person can be imagined. .

The battle hall is a place where fighting elites gather, and such a person battle hall will never be allowed to exist.

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