Evil Insect God

Chapter 1503: Qin Ying

Huo Hai shook his head. Unexpectedly, the audition was passed so easily. As long as the conditions are met, the threshold for this battle hall selection is really low, but Huo Hai also knows that this is just a selection threshold.

If you really want to join the battle hall, the threshold is very high. After each battle, you need to evaluate your own combat effectiveness, and then arrange your opponents according to the situation. It can be said that almost every time, they are evenly matched opponents, at least they are almost the same. That kind of winning ten games in a row without losing even once in the middle is very difficult.

It can be said that unless it is the kind of master whose combat power exceeds their own level, no one is absolutely sure that they can join the battle hall. Even now, many people who have joined the battle hall were lucky enough to enter.

The battle hall can be said to have gathered most of the elites under the spirit saints in the entire southern region. As long as the spirit saint masters do not take action, the overall strength of the battle hall surpasses any force in the southern area, including the fierce beasts.

The southern region has been at war with other regions many times, and almost every time it is led by the war hall. Many forces in other regions have been taught by the war hall. The war hall belongs to the Golden Tumen. This is also the surrounding area and One of the important reasons for the poor regional relations in the South, of course, Huo Hai is not worried about this selection.

There was hardly any rest. On the first day, Huo Hai had already been scheduled for a battle. Following the leadership of his attendants, Huo Hai quickly came to the top of the central arena. Anyone who didn't come would be regarded as abstaining and conceding defeat.

When Huo Hai came to the central arena, there was already a person on the opposite side. He was dressed in exquisite khaki armor. The figure of the future person will be perfectly set off. He has a strange wheatish skin, which looks healthy and full of wildness. Without a helmet, the exquisite face of the visitor unreservedly revealed, and his eyes were powerful and gleaming like a sword.

"In this competition, one party is our famous Miss Qin Ying, who has won six games in a row so far. I don't think I need to introduce too much. Everyone should already be very familiar with her, okay, okay, Let me introduce more. Ms. Qin Ying is good at boxing and claw skills. In close combat, speed is the priority. She was born in the Falcon Sect, and her cultivation is the pinnacle of the Spirit. Even if everyone is not making trouble, he will explain it again.

After the explanation, the commentator pointed to Huo Hai next to him and said: "This is a newcomer who came to our arena. It is said that he was not originally from our southern region, but everyone who joins the battle hall is the same."

There was a laugh below. Indeed, if you can't accept the rules of the southern region, who will join the battle hall. As for spies, don't think about it. The battle hall is not a good place to spy on intelligence. Almost everything here is transparent.

"Well, the cultivation base of this silver-carrying player is also the twelfth heaven of spirits. I don't know if it has reached the peak. The weapon is a long sword, and the spiritual power is the star attribute. The silver player's first match, so I don't know." While mobilizing the emotions of everyone below, the commentator displayed his own humorous style.

"Now, I think everyone already knows about the two of them. I announced that everyone can place bets. Oh, no, this is not my job. I should announce that the competition begins." After the commentary, he ran off.

At the same time, the surrounding defensive circle was completely opened. Because of the last sentence of the commentator, the surrounding people laughed and thought of the bet here. Of course, the bet is only a small matter. It is the real big thing to be able to see the master fighting. .

Huo Hai saw the woman in front of him who looked full of wildness but had a very delicate temperament, and felt a little helpless in his heart, "You are not my opponent, so let's give up." Huo Hai really can't bring up the mood and one. Such a delicate woman did it, the key is that this is not the enemy, if it is the enemy, Huo Hai is absolutely merciless.

I have to say that wherever a beauty goes, she is privileged. I am afraid that no one who has no grievances or enmity does not like to violent things.

"What are you talking about, are you looking down on me? Humph, you men are always so self-righteous. I repeat my rules. If you want me to be obedient, you must beat me first." Qin Ying's voice was crisp Like the oriole.

I can't believe that such a voice would appear on a man who looks like a female man. If it weren't for this armor, and if it weren't for this kind of armor, change a dress to match this voice, Qin Ying in front of me would definitely look like a pretty lady.

Forget it, the color of this body's skin may have been deliberately made. No wonder I always feel something wrong. At this time, there is no chance for Huo Hai to continue thinking. Because the test started, Qin Ying was the first time The attack has already been launched, the footsteps are very special, as if dancing in the clouds, the trajectory is so elusive.

Almost instantly, Qin Ying was within ten meters of Huo Hai on this not-so-large ring, and then Qin Ying shot without hesitation, punched with his right hand, and the surrounding air was instantly torn. broken.

Huo Hai was a little helpless, but he also clenched his fist and punched it out. With an explosion, Huo Hai felt a huge force coming from his fist and he involuntarily retreated quickly. Three steps later.

After this, Huo Hai finally put away the unbearable in his heart. The people in front of him seemed to be tender, but in fact the strength was really good. Being able to win six games in a row in this selection is enough to show that Qin Ying’s combat effectiveness is not small. Hai had already noticed that this Qin Ying had probably practiced some body refining war spirit art, otherwise the power would never be so great.

Even if Huo Hai hadn't intensively cultivated the Body Refining War Spirit Art, but because of his perfect foundation and his personality relationship, general body refining masters of the same level would not be much stronger than himself in terms of physical strength.

Under this move, she stepped back three steps, while Qin Ying only stepped back two steps, indicating that Qin Ying's physical strength is definitely not below Huo Hai, and the sharp spiritual power also shows that Qin Ying's spiritual power Very pure and aggressive.

"Huh, there really are two things, no wonder you dare to speak wildly, if you only have such a few tricks, you will lose today, show your weapon." Qin Ying did not continue to attack, but stared at Huo Hai closely.

Huo Hai spread his hands and said, "If you have the ability to show me the weapon, I will use it when the time comes." Qin Ying's strength is good and his foundation is solid, but in Huo Hai's view, it is still far from enough. The Falcons may be a first-class or even super-class sect, but compared with the top sect, it is not enough, not to mention the monster Huo Hai.

Qin Ying raised her eyebrows: "Hmph, if that's the case, then I will hit you." In Qin Ying's view, this is simply an insult to herself. When I met such a person before, which one was not the one who was beaten by himself. .

Even the top sect of Jintumen masters, few people can persist in the face of their own fast break, but since changing their outfits, they have rarely encountered such self-righteous people.

The next moment, Qin Ying turned into a yellow lightning, and came to Huo Hai's side almost instantly, punching with his right hand and claws in his left hand, like an eagle claw, sharp to the ultimate spiritual blessing, like a hand Huo Hai is a bit suspicious of a steel knife, if he is caught by these hands, how much meat will be left on his body.

Qin Ying is not without weapons. The weapon is the pair of special gloves, which can be used as gloves and can also increase the power of claw skills. The quality is higher than the long sword in his hand. Has reached the extreme.

The original artifact was originally forged in the Heavenly Soul Realm. It is not easy to be polished by oneself all the way to the twelfth rank. However, in the face of such a speed as a phantom attack, Huo Hai still has no sword. intend.

Under Huo Hai’s application, the movement of stars and battles has already been applied to his own combat skills. Even if he shot the position, he often played according to the position of the spirit formation. The speed was fast and unpredictable, and he wanted to use speed to suppress Huo at close range. Hai, this is simply impossible. With a fast body, Huo Haijin can attack and retreat and defend.

The shot speed is fast, even faster than Qin Ying's fast attack. Almost every punch Qin Ying is able to do is firmly blocked by Huo Hai. He taps his fingers from time to time. The sword energy attached to it makes Qin Ying feel a burst of energy. Crisis can only be avoided.

"That's great, isn't this person really from our southern region? Could there be people with such high fighting skills in other regions." The people below are all masters who have experienced many battles, and their eyesight is naturally extraordinary.

I think that Qin Ying's offensive can hardly be blocked by a few people, not to mention such a heavy lifting. Looking at Huo Hai's appearance, it seems that he has not used his full strength. When did such a master appear.

They are very familiar with the Falcon Sect. The close attack speed of this Falcon Sect can be said to be one of the fastest sects in the entire southern region. With this speed, Qin Yingke in the first six battles was easy. If it weren't for some of his own characteristics, plus being a woman, Qin Ying would have already joined the battle hall.

"Yeah, where is the monster that popped up? Miss Qin Ying is going to be dangerous now. I have never seen anyone who can suppress the Falcon Sect master so much at the shooting speed." Shi also looked incredible.

The more the fight went on, the more shocked Qin Ying was. The people in front of him were really terrifying, and he could feel that Huo Hai was still keeping his hands. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid he would have failed long ago, not to mention other things. , Even if his horrible sword aura is urged, I am afraid that it is not easy for him to fight, and may even be easily killed.

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