Evil Insect God

Chapter 1504: Lien Chan

After fighting for a few minutes, Huo Hai has already seen Qin Ying's routine clearly. Qin Ying's attack routine is actually very simple, but it's fast, but it doesn't break fast. Huo Hai understands.

However, if the speed cannot completely surpass the enemy, this statement has no practical value. This close combat method is actually the most spiritual-saving combat method. This combat method can make people persist for a long time without spiritual power. Exhausted, it seems that people in the southern region are all developing in this direction, and there are few other types.

But this also has a shortcoming, that is, it does not have a strong offensive ability. Those special combat skills suddenly burst out a large amount of spiritual power of its own. Although it seems that there is no technology to speak of, it is very powerful.

Huo Hai is certain that if there is really no special means, most people in the southern region will have no way to defend themselves against people who are more defensive than their own attacks. Fortunately, attacks like swords have high attack power.

"Are you still reluctant to admit defeat." After seeing all the routines and making sure that the other party has no new attack skills, Huo Hai quickly said while resisting, but Qin Ying has completely fallen into his own attack rhythm at this time. If you don't say anything, I don't care about it completely, "If you don't speak, then I'm not welcome." Huo Hai knew that it wouldn't work if you didn't do it.

Qin Ying still didn't mean to answer at all. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and the speed of his hands instantly increased a lot. This change made Qin Ying completely unresponsive. He quickly made two sword auras with both hands and lightly hit Qin. Ying's arm.

Moreover, what Huo Hai hit was exactly the position of the joints. There was no armor protection here, and the power of a blow was not very strong, but after all, it was very fragile here. With the explosion of sword energy, Qin Ying felt his hands numb.

With the flow of spiritual power, Qin Ying wanted to quickly repair his injury, but at this time, Huo Hai had already launched an offensive, leaving Qin Ying no chance to react at all. He quickly pointed out his fingers, a silver-white sword aura Huo Hai's fingers spread out in the center, and then he drove into it along the unprotected gaps in the armor.

Under Huo Hai’s control, the sword aura broke out in Qin Ying’s body instantly. With the explosion of the sword aura, Qin Ying's whole body was weak, and then Huo Hai punched Qin Ying in the abdomen, knocking him away. Get out.

Qin Ying lay on the ground, her eyes fixed on Huo Hai, and after struggling for a long time, she finally stood up, "In this game, the Huaiyin player won, and Huaiyin won once from now on. Miss Qin Ying's winning streak was cleared. ."

Seeing this scene, there is no need for anyone else to say that the referee on the stage has already spoken. The southern region is not another region. Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. No one will make excuses, let alone the selection of the battle hall. Now, everyone knew that if Huo Hai directly attacked, even if he wanted to kill Qin Ying, there would be no problem.

People are dead, and any other methods are useless. In their eyes, there is only victory or defeat. The secret method that cannot be displayed before failure is no different. At this time, Qin Ying also slowly stood up.

"Huaiyin, I remember you. I lost this time, and I will never lose to you next time." Qin Ying can also put it down. If he fails, he fails. The next time he wins back, No disapproval.

After taking a deep look at Huo Hai, Qin Ying turned and left the ring. Huo Hai helplessly spread his hands and left the ring. He did not leave this place. Huo Hai would stay near the branch hall of the battle hall and wait. After he left, the winning streak won't be recorded, it will only be regarded as an abstention at that time, Huo Hai can only hope that a few more masters will let him fight.

I don't know if it was because Huo Hai's combat effectiveness was too high. For the next half a month, Huo Hai didn't receive a battle. In addition to practice and research, he could only come out to see other people's battles.

However, every time Qin Ying saw Huo Hai, she would snorted dissatisfiedly, but when Huo Hai looked at other places, she could often feel Qin Ying’s gaze. What did she think in her heart? It's unclear or not, forget it, anyway, Huo Hai didn't plan to have too deep communication with this person, just do whatever she wants.

After half a month, Huo Hai finally received another battle. The master of this battle was a man who used double knives. His body was smaller than that of women. Perhaps it was because of his body shape. He was fast and attacked. The speed is also very fast.

He cuts quickly with both hands. Although his speed is slower than Qin Ying's, his attack power is stronger. It seems that this person's origin is not simple, but unfortunately, Huo Hai doesn't care about his attack or his speed. Will block the opponent's attack.

Huo Hai’s battle is not just for victory, but also for watching the opponent’s power usage methods, and at the same time giving himself some inspiration and pressure, so that his laws and auras can grow faster since reaching the twelfth heaven. , Huo Hai felt that he was getting closer and closer to Lingsheng, and there was no bottleneck in the middle.

An easy battle, but because of the opponent’s strength, Huo Hai still gained a lot. He went back and digested it slowly. In just three days, Huo Hai ushered in another battle, one after another, soon after half a year. It has passed.

In half a year, Huo Hai has fought a total of nine battles, three of which were actually women. This southern region is really a rich place for women. Even women, they still like to use various melee techniques, and their combat effectiveness is not good. low.

Most women use their own agility and speed to win with skills. Although there are no obvious strengths and weaknesses in fighting between men and women after reaching the realm of Spiritual Venerable, these women generally start to practice from a low level. Because of habit, I still don't like to compete with men for strength, and prefer to fight for skills.

But there are exceptions. For example, in the last game, Huo Hai saw a woman with arms thicker than the waist of a normal person. He didn't know what kind of spirit beast it was. In the normal competition, the spirit beast would not use it. Ontology fighting.

This person uses two huge hammers. The hammers are bigger than ordinary people. Every time they attack, the power is extremely terrifying. The special spiritual power is full of explosiveness. No matter what target is hit, it will directly explode. .

The hard ground of the arena has become pitted because of this person’s attack. With this intensity of attack, Huo Hai found that his ninth-layer second starlight was difficult to completely resist. You must know that he can break through his own defense, Huo Hai I haven't seen it for a long time, and such a special way of fighting has made Huo Hai very interested.

This battle lasted for more than an hour, and Huo Hai used his speed to get close instantly, and then with a long sword jump, he drove the opponent's hammers all the way and won the victory, but the opponent didn't say a word. Turned around and left.

After this battle, Huo Hai did not find an opponent for a whole month. On this day, an attendant finally found Huo Hai again, "Everyone, you know about both sides of the game, okay, okay, let me say more. This silver bearer is proficient in swordsmanship and is very fast. He has not used other methods so far. Every battle is easy."

The commentator pointed to the other side: "Here is our Venerable Golden Sword. Like the silver player, he has won nine games in a row. Venerable Golden Sword comes from Jintumen. I think everyone already understands it. "

After a pause, the narrator said loudly: "So today, the two are destined to have only one person who can win. The victorious person can join the battle hall and become a member of the battle hall. The person who loses can only start to accumulate again, I don’t know. Who can stay this time? Please wait and see. Now I announce that the fight can begin."

As the narrator finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience. Huo Hai was already very famous in the battle of the past six months. He was able to easily defeat the masters all the way, and Huo Hai's combat effectiveness has been recognized by everyone.

But no one thought that this time someone from the Golden Tumen would participate in the battle selection here. This battle suddenly became confusing, "You said, who can win this battle."

"That's just to say, of course it is a master of the Golden Tumen. Who doesn't know that the master of the Golden Tumen has the most brilliant fighting skills, and the Venerable Golden Sword's knife skills are extremely tricky. I think the opponent is probably within ten moves. Will be defeated."

Another person said with a dissatisfaction: "Who said that, I don’t think it’s that simple. Didn’t you see the previous battle? Huaiyin has always been very relaxed. Those people are not ordinary, even Venerable Golden Sword and those People fighting may not be so easy. This time I think it is probably the Silver Venerable to be better."

In the southern region, even if you are facing a master at Jintumen, everyone is respected because of their strength. Even if the status in Jintumen is not strong, not many people will appreciate it. This is the southern region. Features.

"What are you talking about, dare you dare to gamble with me? If Venerable Golden Sword wins this game, you will give me your treasured wine." The person who just spoke and the person in front of him obviously knew each other. , Otherwise I wouldn’t say that.

"Okay, just gamble. If the silver-carrying monk wins, you will give me your dragon animal leather glove." Sparks flickered between the two staring at each other, and they hadn't fought on the stage yet. I'm about to do it first. Not only are the people around me not annoying, but they are still booing, and it seems that the fight is more in line with their ideas.

However, the two people did not do it after all. The two people who knew each other did it a lot. The difference between the cultivation bases of the two of them was not big at all. On the stage, the atmosphere had gradually begun to become dignified, and the two breaths continued to entangle in the air. .

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