Evil Insect God

Chapter 1507: Win or lose

The sword light and sword energy were in a stalemate in mid-air, and no one gave way to each other. At this time, the two of them were still increasing their sword light and sword energy attack capabilities, because they were very condensed, instead of collapse and explosion.

The two of them are insisting at this time, and they can see who can persist to the end. In such a stalemate, although the sword light and sword energy are constantly oscillating, they are constantly being supplemented by two people, but they are still shrinking. The power of the strike is too great, far beyond the control of the two of them, so the strength is constantly weakening, which is very normal.

"It's really powerful. If I'm not mistaken, the power of these two men's moves is equivalent to 10% of the attack power of a master who just entered Lingsheng." Compared with Lingsheng, this is already very large. Glory.

Even if there is only 10% of the power of a new spiritual master, it is shocking. You must know that the spiritual master and the spiritual master are not at the same level. Under normal circumstances, no matter how many spiritual masters, no matter how much you use The method is not the opponent of Lingsheng.

The old man nodded: "Yes, although the control is not enough, and it is only a short burst, it is indeed comparable to the strength of the first-time spiritual sage. If it is a false spiritual sage, um, the weakest one. The words of the pseudo-spiritual saints may already be comparable to the power of 50%. With this trick, the two of them can be said to have no rivals among the spirits.

This lack of opponents is not invincible, but apart from people of their level, no spirits can fight against the two. Who would have thought that these two people would have such a breakthrough in the battle.

Of course, the breakthrough power in the battle seemed very normal again. The two men's cultivation level did not improve, but their realm and understanding have increased. I don't know how much, except for the only spiritual saint around the judges, everyone else is envious.

The sword light and sword aura is still in a stalemate, constantly shaking, and it will become like this under this blow. No one thought that even the two people who made the move did not expect that they would continue to inject themselves at this time. One minute passed quickly, and a minute of stalemate, the 100-meter-sized sword light sword energy had shrunk to about 20 meters.

Finally, the sword light and sword energy were ineffective, and the golden sword light suddenly exploded and collapsed. Under the influence of this sword, Huo Hai's sword energy that had reached its limit also collapsed and exploded.

Fragments of sword aura and blade light scattered, shaking the barrier continuously, and the people who managed the barrier were sweating. Fortunately, fortunately, I strengthened the barrier before. Otherwise, this time the attack, I am afraid the barrier will be complete. Shattered.

The two stopped at the same time and looked at each other with admiration: "Brother is really amazing. My knife is the first to shatter, so this time it's brother you won." Jin Dao's admiration was full of admiration, without any hypocrisy. And dissatisfaction.

Huo Hai shook his head: "I can't count it like that, because I am more special, and my body has a lot of spiritual power than ordinary people. Otherwise, I would have already lost. This time I will consume more spiritual power, so I should be considered as losing. "In the last blow, Huo Hai himself consumed more spiritual power than Jin Dao's whole body spiritual power combined.

Jin Dao shook his head and said, "You lose or lose. There is no excuse. Your spiritual power is strong. This is your talent. Am I still relying on Zongmen's Heavenly Swordsman? If I read correctly, brother, your swordsmanship. I should have realized it by myself."

The eyesight of the Golden Sword is not ordinary. When Huo Hai was preparing before, he could naturally see that Huo Hai used the spirit circle directly opposite. Although the Golden Sword did not specialize in the study of the spirit circle, he had a deep understanding of the sword technique. The spirit array used by the sea is obviously very imperfect, otherwise, the speed will definitely be faster and the power will be much stronger.

Huo Hai waved his hand and said: "No matter where I learned the Spirit of War Art, if I learned it, I learned it. If I am not mistaken, I am afraid that this trick will not be able to be used by someone else."

Although the Golden Sword's eyesight is extraordinary, Huo Hai is not bad. With the star stone wall and the level of understanding that he has not increased to, how could Huo Hai not feel the power of this sword? Other spirits do not have this realm, even if they are learning When it comes to this kind of war spirit art, don't even want to show it, the two looked at each other and admired each other more.

"We don't want to talk about this anymore. Anyway, I said before that as long as this move can be blocked, then you win, and you win, brother." The golden knife arched his hands, but there was no argument at this time. Meaning.

Huo Hai did the same. He didn't want to continue arguing, but he still said quickly: "You said this yourself, and I didn't agree. If you do it again, I may not be able to stop it." The sword just now, Huo Hai also only blessed his soul, and it would not be so easy to show it again, at least it would take a while.

Perhaps after research and practice in the future, Huo Hai can slowly improve such a sword, and even make it easy to use, but this is definitely not what can be done now, but the golden sword is different, and his sword can still be issued. of.

"Winning or losing is not that important, but losing is losing. Now I have exhausted spiritual power and no combat power. Even if I continue to fight, I can only admit defeat." The spiritual power of the golden sword is exhausted, and indeed there is no more fighting at this time. Power.

On the contrary, Huo Hai's spiritual power is strong, and the golden knife can still feel it. Even now, the spiritual power in Huo Hai's body is still more than half, and he is still recovering at a high speed. If he had not met such a master, Huo Hai At this time, fighting against a master of the same level, the spiritual power is almost inexhaustible, this is the advantage, it is not envious.

"Yes, winning or losing is not important, but how do we calculate the result of the battle now." Huo Hai pointed to the broken ring and reminded Jin Dao that at this time the two people were fighting for the opportunity to join the battle hall.

At this time, the barrier has been opened, and the old man among the referees slowly walked up: "The rules are dead, and people are alive. How can you be crushed to death by the rules? The combat effectiveness of the two of you is obvious to all, so I propose now. , You two have the qualifications to join the battle hall at the same time." The old man is the only spiritual saint here.

As soon as the old man came up, the two stopped arguing. They quickly bowed their hands and faced the Lingsheng. The two did not dare to neglect, even if the two were only one step away from the Lingsheng at this time, but as long as they did not achieve the Lingsheng, they could not. Ignore the Spiritual Saint.

Everyone in the audience cheered, and there was no objection at all. The people here were all passionate men. If they couldn't join the battle hall with such strength, none of them would have such qualifications.

"Very well, since everyone has no objections, then you two are both reserve members of our battle hall." The old man also threw the two badges directly to two people without going through other procedures. The badges are a sword and a sword. The images of cross-inserted stones represent the members of the Golden Tumen War Hall. These badges have very special spiritual formations that cannot be imitated at all.

"As long as a drop of blood is applied, this badge will only be used by you in the future. By the way, the golden knife will come with me later." The old man left, and then the golden knife nodded. He knew that he could not be here now. Stayed outside.

Looking back, the golden knife once again arched his hand at Huo Hai: "Brother, I have opened the way to the spiritual saint in this battle. The next time I see it, I will definitely reach the spiritual saint. I don't want to do it again. You haven't broken through when you see it."

Huo Hai nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, I have also found the way to Spirit Saint. It must be faster than you." The two looked at each other, and they could see the raging warfare in each other's eyes. The outcome of the first battle can only be compared later. Then the two looked at each other and smiled, and Jin Dao turned around and quickly left the place.

Huo Hai left the ring amidst the cheers of the people, and felt the inner world for a while, and the joy in his heart was even better. The last level of law has improved a lot. If there are a few more battles like this, Huo Hai Be sure to reach the peak.

With Huo Hai in a state where there is no bottleneck, as long as he reaches the peak, he will soon enter the realm of Spiritual Saint and return to his residence. Huo Hai began to slowly close his eyes to digest the gains of this battle. He didn't leave the battle hall because he himself was just a reserve member. Huo Hai only knew some time ago that winning ten games can only be considered as reserve.

As a member of the battle hall, they are naturally the elite among the elites. The masters required by the battle hall are not the kind of people who can only be aggressive in the arena and are poor on the battlefield. Therefore, to truly join the battle hall, there is still a task.

Only after completing this combat mission can he truly become an official member of the battle hall. Speaking of which, Huo Hai can get the badge before becoming a full member, which is already very special.

However, Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness has also fully won everyone’s approval. With such combat effectiveness, I believe that the combat mission is nothing more than a cutscene. Huo Hai is here now waiting for the combat mission to be issued. He can improve it even if he is idle. The sword he used before, with the help of the spirit array to strengthen the sword aura, is very suitable for him now.

When there is no way to quickly increase the cultivation base, it is also very good to use these methods to increase the combat effectiveness. With this technique, Huo Hai is sure to slowly reach its peak as his Star Soul Attracting improves.

As time passed day by day, Huo Hai’s spiritual formation was also perfected bit by bit under this situation. In a blink of an eye, two months passed like this. Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness was too strong, and Zhantang didn’t know it should be. What tasks are assigned.

Two months later, an attendant finally found Huo Hai again, Huo Hai smiled slightly, he knew that he finally ushered in his mission, as long as the mission is completed, then he can have a protective umbrella next.

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