Evil Insect God

Chapter 1508: task

Seeing the visitor, Huo Hai immediately got up and smiled and said: "But my task is here." Although it is not a waste of time here, it does not match Huo Hai's hope. In the battle hall, you can't just fight.

What Huo Hai is considering now is to rely on the battle against the masters to ascend to the spiritual sage realm as soon as possible. Then, even if he wants to go back, there should be no danger. At least, after reaching the spiritual sage realm, facing Gao Even if the level of Lingsheng can't be beaten, there is still a little hope of escape, maybe it is.

The gap between each level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm is already huge, and the gap between each level of the Spiritual Saint will definitely be even greater.

The visitor didn’t know what Huo Hai was thinking, and he quickly bowed respectfully and saluted: "My lord, I am taking you to the hall of the battle hall. Please come with me." With Huo Hai’s cultivation base and combat power, he will naturally be affected. Courtesy of others.

In the southern region, especially in the battle hall, strength is a pass. People with strength often have many privileges. However, the attendants dare not make any assertions about the battle hall. Huo Hai also knows this. No one is embarrassed: "Okay, then I will go." Huo Hai nodded and walked out of the room directly.

The attendants hurriedly followed, and then led the way behind. This was a formal task. It would be impossible without an attendant to lead the way. The two soon arrived at the battle hall, which was the magnificent hall above the mountain that Huo Hai had seen.

The grand hall is extraordinary, but when you enter it, it feels a little rudimentary. There is no splendor, no decorations, not to mention the things used to show identity and status.

In the entire hall of the battle hall, there is only one high platform at the head. This is where the deacons of the battle hall usually handle their official duties. As soon as Huo Hai arrived, someone immediately began to say hello: "Hey, Lord Huaiyin, this time Our mission is really to be with the adults." Huo Hai was taken aback, then turned his head and saw that there were three people in front of him.

These three people are also masters at the peak of the three spirits, but they don’t know what these people are doing here. Huo Hai blinked and saw an acquaintance. The Qin Ying who came here for the first time was also here. .

"Huh." Qin Ying noticed Huo Hai's gaze, snorted coldly, and then turned her head. Huo Hai took a closer look and found that Qin Ying's exposed skin seemed to have changed again. It got darker once I saw it.

"Sure enough, it seems that hiding your identity in the south is not a weird thing, but the method is more special." That day Huo Hai felt that Qin Ying's skin had some problems, and today it is finally confirmed. The color is absolutely false, if it weren't for Huo Hai's strong perception and careful observation, it would really be invisible.

I just don’t know if Qin Ying’s face is true or not, Huo Hai is already a little uncertain, even Huo Hai himself wears a helmet all day long, at least until now, no one has seen Huo Hai’s face. .

Huo Hai also knows the other two. They are the two famous people here in Zhantang. One of them is a man with a very ordinary appearance. He belongs to the kind that cannot be found in the crowd. The name of this man is Gale. The name itself is also very common.

However, his strength is not ordinary, he can stand out among the twelve heavenly masters, and his combat power is conceivable. Huo Hai has seen gale blows before, and a long sword can easily tear the gale. It may be named because of this. The sword energy is far less powerful than his own, but the speed of the sword technique itself is much faster than his own, which should also be caused by a special war spirit art.

It was Gale who had just said hello. Gale had already become a member of the battle hall just after Huo Hai arrived here. Unexpectedly, after waiting for more than half a year, Gale finally waited for his mission.

It seemed that it was not easy for him to wait for his task within two months. The other was a woman with scales and a veil on her face, so she couldn't see what she looked like.

However, judging from the graceful posture, I am afraid that it is not much worse than Qin Ying. This person's name is Feixu, and his weapon is a rare long whip, and this long whip is hundreds of meters long, and every time it is swung At the time, the sky is full of black shadows, and most people can't even get close to them. People with insufficient strength can't use such a long whip flexibly.

Even if he uses the long whip to release his spiritual power, Venerable Feixu's attack distance is still far longer than that of other weapon users. Huo Hai has seen Feixu's hands many times, and even Huo Hai feels more difficult.

About four months ago, Feixu joined the battle hall, and now he has been waiting. Although there are rumors that Feixu and Liefeng are husband and wife, there is no definite evidence, but they do live normally. When we are together, we often go in and out of couples, and the demeanor is very close and natural, even if it is not a couple, no one believes it.

These two men also appeared here at the same time for this mission. It seems that the mission this time is not as simple as I imagined, but that's good, anyway, Huo Hai originally came here to find a master to fight.

"It turned out to be you guys, are we doing the task together this time." Since we came here together, of course we did it together. This was a common occurrence in the past, and everyone is not surprised.

It’s just that the masters who have reached the twelfth heaven still have to form a team, so such a task is very dangerous. It is very likely that there will be no less masters in the quest. The task of the battle hall is called a combat task. , That is to say, fighting is indispensable, if other means are used, it is easy to cause your own mission to fail.

At this time, the sub-temple master on the stage spoke up. The sub-temple master was the old man who served as the referee that day. He was a spiritual master in the sub-temple. As the battle hall sub-temple, wouldn’t it be true if he didn’t even have a spiritual master? No face.

"Very well, everyone has arrived. Now I will tell you about the mission this time. Originally, such a mission is very difficult. I don’t feel relieved when I hand it over to others. I still want to wait for more members of the peak. Let you go, but now?" The old man took a look at Huo Hai, and the others immediately understood what was going on.

Huo Hai's appearance on that day was too eye-catching. In the realm of Spiritual Venerable, as long as there were no monsters at the same level as Huo Hai, it was impossible to resist Huo Hai. Such a dangerous task was just the most suitable for Huo Hai.

As for the others, they just follow as an assistant. The main task is to protect themselves. Qin Ying glanced at Huo Hai, snorted in dissatisfaction, and put his head aside again. This behavior made Huo Hai a wry smile.

The sub-temple master didn’t care either, and then threw out four scrolls. The scrolls flew in front of the four people. Huo Hai took the scrolls in his hands and opened them. “This is your mission. If there is no problem, go. Finish it." After speaking, the old man lowered his head and continued to deal with his own affairs, ignoring these people.

After Huo Hai opened the scroll, he naturally saw the task written on it: "Mysterious Tortoise, what is this, why I have never heard of it." The task stated that I would destroy a mysterious fire tortoise in a place, Huo Hai had some questions. .

Qin Ying gave a white glance: "I really don't see it. The mysterious fire tortoise is a branch of the four elephant tortoises. Don't even think about seeing the four elephant tortoises. Those things are too terrifying. I'm afraid it's not easy."

Many beasts are divided into two branches, fierce beasts and spirit beasts. At the same time, most of the two branches are impassable by water and fire. With Qin Ying’s explanation, Huo Hai slowly understood that this mysterious fire turtle is actually A mutated beast of tortoise.

Of course, this kind of beast is fire-attribute, strong in defense, and not weak in attack. Among the beasts in the southern region, its status is not low. Similarly, because of the special nature of turtles, these turtles are relatively lazy. Therefore, it is difficult to see these things unless there is a big battle, but even so, these mysterious fire tortoises are still the enemy of humans in the southern region.

"The four elephant tortoises are extremely fierce. There have been many conflicts in our southern region, and many people have died in the hands of these four elephant tortoises. The strength of this group should be relatively weak, and there is no spiritual saint level mysterious. Tortoise."

If there are Spiritual Saint Profound Tortoises, this task cannot be handed over to them, and besides finding a master who is far superior to oneself during the task, it is impossible for the people in the battle hall to take the initiative to die, but can return and pass the news to the battle hall.

Afterwards, Zhantang will decide whether to redistribute tasks based on their performance or whether they have been completed. Zhantang is actually a relatively loose organization. As long as no major events happen, members are very free, otherwise If so, such a tricky matter has long been solved by other members of the battle hall.

Gale also nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah, the mysterious fire tortoise is indeed very troublesome. The defenses of these fierce tortoise beasts are too strong. If you were not there, we would have to give up such a task." Their attack , It is difficult to break the defense of this thing.

In the same level, almost no creatures have stronger defenses than turtles, even if this mysterious fire tortoise is good at flame attributes. Huo Hai finally knows why they have to wait until they break through and think about it for so long. Set the task, but that's okay, the more you fight Huo Hai, the more you like it now, time is everything.

"I want to try this task, I don't know what you mean." Zhantang's task can be given up, but once you give up, you can wait until the next one and don't know when it will be.

Gale and Piaoxu looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "We want to see it too. It is really unwilling not to fight."

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